Friday, October 11, 2013

Conservative columnist and Fox News contributor Charles Krauthammer asks of Ted Cruz, "Where is he now?"

Courtesy of Politico:  

Conservative columnist Charles Krauthammer continued his criticism of Sen. Ted Cruz on Thursday, asking, “Where is he now?” 

“How exactly was he going to achieve abolition of Obamacare? Explain that to me. Has he ever explained it? And where is he now?” Krauthammer said on “The Laura Ingraham Show.” 

Krauthammer, who has previously hit Cruz (R-Texas) on the strategy of shutdown to defund Obamacare, included Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) in his questioning and said the two went home to “have lunch.” 

“I mean his sidekick, Sen. [Mike] Lee said, ‘Oh, we’re past Obamacare. We moved on.’ These are the generals who lead people into the Battle of [the] Little Bighorn and then go home and have lunch and leave the troops out there? Where are they? Where are the generals? What’s their strategy to get abolition of Obamacare?” Krauthammer said. 

Krauthammer did emphasize while he is on the ideological side of repealing Obamacare, there was no strategy laid out by Cruz. “I argued [to repeal Obamacare] in ’09 and ’10. 

I argued it every week in my writing, on television … all of us were in the trenches. Cruz arrives on the scene and pretends he’s just begun the fight against Obamacare,” Krauthammer said. 

He continued, “I’ve been calling this the ‘kamikaze brigade’… ‘the suicide caucus.’ I’m all for charging the barricades, but you’ve got to show me how to penetrate them. … And people are saying Republicans are in retreat. They’re not in retreat, there never was a way to abolish Obamacare now,” Krauthammer said. 

Once again I rarely agree with Krauthammer on anything, but he is certainly dead on in this instance. 

However what I think Krauthammer is missing is that Cruz could NOT care less about "the troops" he left on the field. Everything he does is all ABOUT Ted Cruz, all FOR Ted Cruz, and is only meant to BENEFIT Ted Cruz.

Cruz sees himself as leading his own contingent of troops who are only minimally connected to the Republican party, and if the party is not okay with that he probably believes he can launch a coup and take control of the Republican party.

Hmm, I wonder if they well popcorn in bulk?


  1. Anonymous6:37 AM

    He is yammering on and on at the Family Values Summit. Last I saw, he was idealizing small town America of the past.

    1. Anonymous7:34 AM

      And then he started getting heckled by immigration rights demonstrators. It was beautiful. Right on cue the idiotic "Values" Voters started their favorite chant,"USA" "USA".

      Same gang I suppose that will be heading to that South Jersey raceway tomorrow to hear Palin screech against the black Senate candidate. Maybe they can hitch a ride from the utter morons - ten of them, not a thousand - who are currently riding their trucks around the Beltway to defend the Constitution and arrest the President.

      The Baggers are once again in a rout situation. But IM'ers we know they seem to always come back, like the vampires they are. so onward...

      Go Baldy go! Let New Jersey have a good long look tomorrow at you and your revolting sidekick Mark Levin! And please bring the Toad. He will need to fend off the drooling old geezers over at the Sea o Pee who are making to plans to convoy to see you in the flesh.

  2. Anonymous6:40 AM

    where is Ted Cruz? indeed.
    where is the original Snooki? does anyone ever talk about her any more?
    where is paris hilton?
    where is rah-rah palin?
    and why is Krauthammer mad at Cruz for stealing his Obamacare thunder?
    nothing makes sense anymore.

    1. Anonymous3:19 PM

      where is the original Snooki? does anyone ever talk about her any more?

      If you mean Nicole Elizabeth "Snooki" Polizzi, she appears to be doing all right. She's starring in Snooki & Jwoww—third season due to premiere on the 22nd of this month—competing in DWTS—scored 24 this week—and generally keeping busy.

  3. When I saw Ted Cruz lecturing Dianne Feinstein at a gun hearing (she fought back brilliantly), I knew something was very wrong with him. I’m sure he isn’t academically stupid like some I could name, but he’s a nerd’s nerd who lives in his own bubble and doesn’t play well with others. I’m glad his own party is slapping him down; he has no business leading other people.

  4. Anonymous6:51 AM

    The reloaders and battle cries and 'never retreat' Obamacare Defund troops was all along school bully kids bullying at recess, and when the bell rings, they're herded back into the classroom of non-thought.

    Krauthammer is right on this one.

  5. Anonymous6:51 AM

    What is that header photo? Yikes!!

  6. Anonymous7:07 AM

    And where is Chris Christie? The Republican with 60% approval rating was snubbed from the Values Voters Summit. Instead they bring on the LOSER Cruz. They'd rather have a no-solutions, all hype guy just because Christie said something positive about the President of the United States.

    And they wonder why they are losing?

  7. Ted lunches on poutine and ropa vieja. He is not one of us.

    1. Anonymous3:34 PM

      Ted lunches on poutine and ropa vieja. He is not one of us.

      Umm… Cruz was born in Calgary, not Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu.

  8. Sharon7:19 AM

    I know It is not politically correct but....doesn't he look like a weasel? When you hear his fellow college mates describe his personality even at that age, it isn't a far stretch to what we see now. He is the proverbial snake oil salesman, he absolutely loves to hear himself speak and what better profession for him? Electing a black man was like the perfect brought out the worst we have to offer, those ignorant religious bigots quietly simmering their hate for the rest of us. What a perfect time for this egomaniac to emerge as their leader, promoted endlessly by Faux (the GOP QVC) and our media. It is kinda funny watching the old guard whining about the monster which they created turn on them. Cruz, Lee and Palin....teabagger dream team!

    1. Anonymous7:47 AM

      Yes indeed!

    2. Anonymous8:14 AM

      I think he looks like Joe Mcarthy.

    3. Anonymous8:30 AM

      He also has the same ego and hubris as McCarthy.

    4. Anonymous8:38 AM

      Like Joe McCarthy and Liberace's love child.

    5. Anonymous9:24 AM

      He looks like the guy who carried the pro wrestler the Undertaker urn. (Paul Blair or something like that. May he rest in peace and I don't mean to insult him. His was an act but Cruz is the real thing.)

  9. Last night, Lawrence O'Donnell did a terrific takedown of Rafael and his brainless groupie, Mike Lee, who he refers to as the lowest IQ, and lowest political IQ, in the Senate. (Louie Gohmert holds that title in the House.)

  10. Anonymous7:22 AM

    So have we heard a plan from Krautie that is other than "die faster" this either?

  11. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Cruz at the Values Voters gathering dissed our Vice President, saying that just by saying "Biden" makes people laugh derisively. Such respect toward our Nation, eh? Cruz would react differently if the V.P. was a republican

    1. Anonymous9:34 AM

      I have enormous respect for Vice President Biden. He is absolutely perfect in this role and his wife has been a superb "Mrs. Vice President" as well. I can't remember ever seeing Dick Cheney's wife at any national event at all and I don't have any idea what she looks like or what her first name is.

    2. Anonymous6:36 PM

      Beaglemom - Mrs. Biden, along with the First Lady, have done so much for members of the military and their families. They make a great team, and the VP has done a wonderful job of supporting the President.

  12. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Ted Cruz and Sarah Palin are true American heroes
    For leading the fight against Obamacare
    Take back our country

    1. Anonymous8:03 AM

      Pay attention Bristol. Yer Ma is on to the war on Christmas now.

    2. Anonymous8:59 AM

      And here is what I will say to you...

    3. Anonymous9:13 AM

      "Take back our country"

      We the people are in the process of doing just that, thank you.

    4. Well, look who woke up from his coma. You're still losing, moron.

      We are not letting traitorous people like you steal this country.

    5. hedgewytch9:26 AM

      The delusion is strong....

    6. Anonymous10:10 AM

      Take back our country? What does that really mean? Take it back from "the black man" who was elected twice by the majority?? Take it back from our democratically elected President who has funded the budget at Republican levels? Even thats not enough to prevent certain low-intelligence, ignorant house reps to endorse economic harm. The very people who scream small government and no more taxes are actually WASTING tax dollars and tarnishing our global reputation. The tea party has cost this country money, jobs and slowed economic progress. WAKE UP!! OPEN YOUR EYES!! The people you stand behind are hurting this country for no reason.
      Take back our country? Take back our country all right!! Take it back from the ignorant ideologues who have done nothing but obstruct democracy! Cost taxpayers money and weakened our standing in the global economy.
      America isn't about YOU!!!! It's about all of us! Wrap your little pea brain around this concept!! Our nation sets the tone of global discourse. So when a small minority of people in our country scream louder than the average populace and say things that some people would be put in jail for in other countries, just count yourself lucky that only in America can you scream so loud WITHOUT jack booted thugs dragging you off in the night. Dumbass!!!

    7. Anonymous10:15 AM

      7:53 AM True American/Canadian Grifters with stupid ideas. How are your 3 kids, Briscow? How is your Baby, Willow? Are you still 'Auditioning' Trial Daddies for your Bastard Kids who have no Daddies? Is your 1/2 Brother Track in Rehab yet?

    8. Anita Winecooler7:22 PM

      "Look, Tripp! My Alphabits are spelling me a message, it says "OOOOOOOO"
      "Hey, MA, put down the Cheerio's"

      H/T to "Family Guy"

  13. Anonymous8:03 AM

    The Day the Mad Dogs Took Over the Republican Party

    It was a head-spinning day in Washington, yesterday was, as the story seemed to change from hour to hour in terms of who was proposing or accepting or refusing what and who seemed up and who seemed down. But through it all, one constant did not change and doesn’t seem likely to change: The Republicans are wrecking themselves.

    Indeed, historically so. This is one of those turning points in American political history, the kind you’ll tell your grandkids you were around to see: a once-respectable party that finally was eaten alive by the cultural rage it had so long used to its advantage but held in check in order to win elections. It was a long time coming and it’s a grand thing to watch, provided they don’t wreck the country along with themselves.

  14. Rolling Stone has an excellent article on the Teabaggers! Here's the link....

    1. Anonymous8:12 AM

      NBC/WSJ Pollster Peter Hart on @nbcnightlynews re: shutdown #'s: "These were jaw-dropping numbers. You see this once or twice in a lifetime"

      Republicans are even more screwed than you thought

      In case you're wondering just how epic the GOP's failures are, head below the fold as we take a closer look at at that NBC/WSJ poll yesterday that shattered GOP talking points and the political conventional wisdom.

      ...No one could've predicted that being unmitigated assholes would backfire. Actually, everyone did outside of their rightwing bubble. Indeed, the trendlines of the polling aggregates are unmistakable:

    2. Anonymous8:42 AM

      That's a bloody good read and very illuminating.

    3. Pat in MA8:47 AM

      ...No one could've predicted that being unmitigated assholes would backfire. Actually, everyone did outside of their rightwing bubble....

      EXACTLY. When I heard that these poll numbers sent shockwaves to members, spread like wildfire... where the hell do these congressman get their information? More evidence they're tied to their corporate puppet masters (pharma, insurance companies) and NOT their constituents.

      And they're shocked that the President is standing firm. He doesn't have to worry about his reelection, idiots! Midterms, midterms, midterms...

    4. Anonymous10:18 AM

      Let's see. Lost the LGBT community and at least half of the woman electorate in 2012. Pissed off the immigration/hispanic crowd. And the last demographic that maybe they could of held onto, the independents will jump ship now. I think even the more right than middle independents will crossover now too.

  15. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Obamacare Has Gotten More Popular Since The GOP Shut Down The Government To Defund It

    A faction of Tea Party Republicans led by Sen. Ted Cruz essentially forced a government shutdown to pressure Democrats to delay or defund the health reform law. But that dramatic move hasn’t done anything to convince Americans that Obamacare is a policy they should oppose. According to a new poll, Obamacare is actually gaining in popularity at the same time as the Republican Party has taken extreme measures to take a stand against it.

    A new NBC-Wall Street Journal poll finds that 38 percent of Americans say Obamacare is a good idea, which represents a 7-point jump from last month. It’s the third-highest popularity rating for Obamacare — which typically doesn’t poll well as a whole, even though Americans tend to support its individual provisions — since the health law was first enacted.

    The poll also finds that 50 percent of voters don’t want to eliminate funding for the health reform law, and the vast majority are opposed to tying Obamacare to the ongoing negotiations over the government shutdown. Just 23 percent of Americans say they want to continue the current shutdown to sabotage the health law.

    1. Pat in MA8:52 AM

      If they hadn't been so hell bent on defunding and destroying the law, they could have spent the last two weeks blasting the administration for not being ready with the roll out after 3 yrs prep. Instead, the government is fixing technical issues, more people are finding out they like Obamacare (duh) and everyone is pissed at the Republicans for the shutdown. Show these idiots the door in 2014...

  16. Anonymous8:07 AM

    And here is what I will say to you...

    1. Pat in MA8:52 AM

      LOL, so true.

    2. Anonymous9:01 AM

      Sorry, Gryphen, my friend, that was NOT meant for you, it was meant for the comment above:

      >>Ted Cruz and Sarah Palin are true American heroes
      For leading the fight against Obamacare
      Take back our country>>

    3. $carah Payme and Rafael are two of the best undercover operatives the Democrats have ever had.

  17. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Just as amusing as the Truckers Ride for the Constitution which has developed into a huge........nothing.
    A few bitter old bigots in trucks.

    1. Anonymous8:42 AM

      Some teabaggers riding around the Beltway paying for their own gas. Best demonstration ever!

    2. Anonymous10:01 AM

      Riding on roads maintained by taxes.

  18. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Ted has the Sarah curse upon him ... he is a goner.

  19. WA Skeptic12:22 PM

    Why doesn't someone post photos of this jackwad when he was at college and used to stroll the dorm corridors in his fancy bathrobe, trolling for girls? (Reference:

    Not sure if he had many bites.....

  20. Anonymous1:03 PM

    I have a question for all you constitution scholars out there:

    Is it possible the republican majority - along with the Koch-purchased Supreme Judges - to change the constitution to allow someone like Ted Cruz to run for President?

    Because - to me - that looks like where this is headed. Especially considering Scalia's push to allow big money to purchase elections.


    1. Leland6:34 PM

      Oz, the answer to your question is a flat NO!

      It takes a massive majority in BOTH houses of Congress and then it takes a huge majority of the states to agree!

  21. Anita Winecooler7:26 PM

    Uh Oh, Krautie vs Cruz.... the bitches have their claws out!!!!


  22. Anonymous7:59 PM

    I hate Ted Cruz and he is bizarre looking. I think he is half elf. He came from some other planet and I think Sarah Palin is his low IQ sister.


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