Sunday, October 06, 2013

Palin on the attack again. This time she does not take aim at the President, or even Democrats however, THIS time she throws her rhetorical bombs at the Grand Old Party itself.

This showed up a little late last night in my e-mail inbox.

It is another Breitbart article, which purports to have interviewed Palin about an article that appeared earlier in the Daily Beast.

Here are the pertinent portions:

Palin told Breitbart News that these establishment financiers cannot relate to the average American worker and are throwing a "fit" because Wall Street knows they are in a whole new ballgame where their influence is diminishing. 

Palin was responding to an article by David Freilander in Thursday's Daily Beast in which prominent Republican establishment financiers showed disdain for the conservative grassroots while being unable to identify exactly what a "precinct captain" is. 

Palin, who started her political career on the local level as an outsider before eventually challenging the GOP establishment in Alaska to become governor, said that the "GOP high roller machine can’t win elections with their cash anymore." 

"If they could, all the money they threw at Romney would have paid off," Palin said, referring to Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney's inability to galvanize the blue-collar conservative base during the 2012 presidential election. "It’s the average American – the grassroots Tea Party patriot with enthusiasm and boots on the ground – who wins elections": So I say call these guys out and expose the fact that they no longer control any conservative movement because they’re not the voice of the people. See, some of these Wall Street guys basically want to use the GOP for three things: They want low taxes for themselves; they want lots of cheap foreign labor (aka blanket amnesty); and they want to be safe (though most won’t send their own kids to fight our wars, they don’t want anyone blowing up buildings in Manhattan; so they’re all for sending our sons and daughters to whatever foreign hell hole beckons to make sure the bad guys stay off our soil)." 

Palin, the avatar of the Tea Party movement whom the Republican establishment has tried to eviscerate and whose endorsement former South Carolina Senator Jim DeMint (R) said had the most influence in Republican primaries, was not finished excoriating the establishment financiers who were berating the Tea Party: 

"Ask yourself if most of them really care about America’s industrial base or can even relate to the American worker and our values. The particular fat cats who are so often used as anonymous sources to trash the grassroots see this latest Tea Party effort to keep essential government open as just a distraction. They’re throwing a bit of a fit because this is a whole new, needed ballgame where their money can’t buy elections anymore."

You may have picked up on the fact that these answers seem a little too coherent for Palin, which means they undoubtedly sent her the questions, and then received a ghostwritten response by e-mail.

In the article which seems to have angered those over at the defunct, and possibly Palin's ghostwriter as well, it claims that during this meeting between wealthy Republican donors and Rep. Greg Walden, chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee, the donors did not understand what a "precinct captain" was, however it is not their lack of knowledge concerning political ground tactics that so angered the Right Wing, and the Grizzled Mama.

It is this:

It is unlikely that the gilded power brokers in the Republican Party are likely to join their local county political club any time soon, but as the stock market wobbles amid the government shutdown and the continued demand for an Obamacare delay, a number of GOP donors are wondering if it is time for a little outside counter-pressure to sap the Tea Party of some of its energy. To be clear, none are considering joining the Democrats, and they find plenty of fault with President Obama and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. The deficit, taxes, and regulation remain top concerns. But several top GOP donors say figuring out a way to “break the fever”—as Obama once put it—or at least keep their fellow party members from damaging the economy any further has become Topic A in their social set.

Essentially the gist of the Daily Beast's article is that GOP donors are tiered of watching the Republican party get dragged around by their nutsack by a bunch of poorly educated idiots, who seem determined to destroy the country in the name of insane ideological viewpoints.  

And speaking of poorly educated idiots, this was the final word from Palin, or her ghostwriter, on the article: 

Palin told Breitbart News that "the day the GOP machine abandons the grassroots patriot – the heart and soul of the party who actually gets people elected – is the day the GOP elephant is extinct." 

"This keeps up and I’m not sticking around to watch it happen," Palin said. 

Yeah, well as we know "sticking around" is not exactly a Sarah Palin strong point.

However I can only imagine the huge sigh of relief that will come from the Republican party once this ill manner, out of control, parasite finally detaches from them and swims off to cause havoc under the banner of somebody elses's political organization.

If you thought John Boehner was drinking celebratory cocktails before....

P.S. Another thing about this Breitbart article which caught my eye is that they get the name of the Daily Beast's journalist completely wrong. They refer to him as " David Freilander" when in fact his name is "David Freedlander." You know when your "journalism" is this sloppy, it is a little hard to give you any credibility.


  1. Anonymous6:42 AM

    This coming from a VP candidate who did not even know what the VP'S job was. This nutjob sexist Pimp's Wife should SHUT THE FUCK UP before the Republican Machine flushes her down the toilet of exposed skeletons. She is digging her own political grave, and we are waiting for the clown show. 'Wild Ride', Fake Pregnancy, Sex Trafficking, Criminal acts by her children, etc.

    1. Anonymous6:48 AM

      Grow up. Her children re not unlike every other and don't deserve your slander.

    2. Leland7:26 AM


      Anyone who assists or participates in the commission of a crime is also guilty.

    3. Anonymous7:33 AM

      Down Brissy . . .

      For you always reveal when the truth burns a bit .

    4. Anonymous8:08 AM

      The Hubris of this bitch? She must be so methed up megalomaniac she thinks somehow
      the Kocksuckers will make her queen or something and they are somehow Bigger than the GOP?
      She really is stupider than I thought....

    5. Anonymous8:08 AM

      STFU 6:48 - most TEENS are not drop outs, pregnant nor whores that lie for a living.

      That's a Palin blueprint and nobody elses.

    6. Anonymous8:21 AM

      Her children are not like others. They are parasites and don't contribute to society. My kids and relatives at Bristols age are in medical and law school. Not birthing babies and trying to be reality stars while pretending to work and living off their immoral worthless and treasonous parents.

    7. Anonymous9:15 AM

      You're right. They are nothing like mainstream America. They are drugged out, entitled assholes who have learned to walk on others and grift for a living. Furthermore, Idiot, the word is "libel." Go back to school. Never mind. You're incapable of learning.

    8. Anonymous9:39 AM

      6:48 AM Are you denying that Track committed Vandalism, used Oxycontin, and was forced to join the National Guard to avoid Jail? Are you denying that Bristol used drugs and alcohol with Dylan Kolvig prior to Tri-g's birth? Are you denying that Colony Girls Gang Member Willow and her gang vandalized a neighbor's house($20,000) but avoided jail because her Governor Mom rushed back from Hawaii to pull strings to keep her out of Jail? Sarah Palin's children are not like any of the kids in my neighborhood.

    9. Anonymous9:51 AM

      In my small town, a couple of post-high school graduates had children. One is studying to be a nurse; the other is a father who works in construction and gives all he can to his child.
      The other kids in my community went to colleges big and small, Harvard and Yale, and the local community college, and lots in-between. They're all trying, at the best of their abilities, to plan futures for themselves, their future families, and for society.
      No one's been arrested, one had a DUI, the rest have pretty much had a great time learning, partying, making friends, and looking toward the future.
      They are the majority of American teens, 6:48.

    10. Anonymous10:20 AM

      Keep it up 6:48 AM. As much as you trolls peruse sites (sorry for the big word) there's a slew of us calling you on your crap.

    11. Anonymous11:24 AM

      It's almost as if Sarah and Todd tried to keep the kids trashy and uneducated instead of allowing them to grow beyond the confines of their Valley Trash lifestyle. There are a lot of successful kids out here in the Valley; they go to school and come back doctors and lawyers, but there's also this base element of pregnant teens, dropouts and drug abusers and it seems that the Palins are more proud to be part of that demographic rather than strive to remove themselves from it. Out here, "trashy" is a lifestyle; there are plenty of absolute heathen white trash monsters that are living in half million dollar homes but they can't buy class and sophistication, nor can most of them figure out how to decorate these giant homes.

    12. Anonymous11:57 AM

      11:24 writes" There are a lot of successful kids out here in the Valley; they go to school and come back doctors

      yeah, I hope they are vetter docotrs than CBJ, who left and went to UW in Seattle, and then came back and chose to ruin her career and reputation by allowing Sarah Palin to USE her. So, you can apparently take smart people out of Wasilla to educate them, but then they come back and do stupid shit, influenced by their churches!

    13. Anonymous12:02 PM

      My daughter was married before she had her family. She is still married to the father of her children. My kid finished college, work, they don't do drugs and they never vandalized property. And they don't need to run a blog for attention.

    14. Anonymous12:51 PM

      and, fyi 6:48 am.

      Slander is spoken and libel is written, so I suppose a blog could be considered one or the other and suspect case law will evolve on that, always keeping our precious First Amendment Rights in view...
      the second part however, pertains to "...damaging a person's public reputation."
      That is why all these good folks are pointing out to you the one simple fact you continue to ignore: the Palins no longer have a 'good' reputation to be damaged.

    15. Boscoe3:56 PM

      The fact of the matter is that $arah's offspring wouldn't be the target of so much derision if we weren't expected to believe the fabricated self-glorifying mythologized versions of them being promoted by $$arahcuda Inc.

      $arah, you made them into props, so now we will mock your props. "normal kids" don't publicize their terrible parenting skills and empty shallow purposeless lifestyles on "reality" TV and then complain when real people mock them.

      You set 'em up, we'll knock 'em down.

  2. Anonymous6:49 AM

    How is that different from YOUR attacks on politicians and hate words for governmental things, Gryphen? YOU are a hypocrite and more hateful than most I've met. Though some of your regulars take that cake.

    1. Because this blog doesn't cheer on traitorous republicans and vipers like Palin that are trying to destroy this country. You obviously hate this country too, so how about you just fuck off and go lick pictures of Palin or something?

    2. Leland7:32 AM


      How is it different?

      Something called FACTS.

      Go kiss her ass again.

      And by the way, a hypocrite is defined as the following:

      a person who indulges in hypocrisy.
      synonyms: pretender, dissembler, deceiver, liar, pietist, sanctimonious person, a plaster saint.

      Gryphen is decidedly consistent and repeatedly uses facts instead of the foul stench of ignorant opinion which is what is constantly spewing from your master's mouth.

      Go Away.

    3. Anonymous8:02 AM

      A blogger, like Gryphen, VOLUNTEERS his time and energy giving his opinions (Freedom of Speech). He isn't paid by powerful interest groups; unlike Sarah Palin who gets bountifully paid for writing for Bretibart, and receives money from SarahPac and is paid thousands of dollars when she speaks. She makes a very profitable career out of this. Gryphen doesn't.

      Wouldn't it be nice if everyone gave their opinion for free? The world would be a better place. And the donors wouldn't have to stretch their small paycheques any further and might be able to afford that operation. But Sarah Palin cares only about getting paid $$$ per word that comes out of her mouth.

    4. Anonymous8:11 AM

      Oh, the dreaded "hate" word. That troll has the most limited vocabulary. Probably didn't graduate high school.

    5. Anonymous8:19 AM

      Go fuck yourself you stupid ignorant low IQ lemming.

    6. Anonymous8:23 AM

      you sound just like a palin! get back to breeding, the only thing you palin women do well...

    7. Anonymous8:25 AM

      Fuck off. Random.

    8. Anonymous8:37 AM

      'hate words for governmental things...' ?? my dear, that comment is what is known as 'blather'.
      I could have been 'immature' and called it 'Santorum' are embarrassing yourself.

      I suggest taking a month off and setting yourself a course of reading...start with the easy ones: the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Nation, even the New Public. The aim is to expose yourself and your intellect to ideas and the graceful exposition of ideas.
      Then, practice writing. Clear, concise writing. Daily. Start with 500 words, that should not be too difficult for someone with your political insight and rapier just need to up your game a bit.
      Then, you can come here, provide an example of what you have achieved and engage in political discourse along side serious observers, like Gryphen.

    9. Anonymous9:02 AM

      The difference between Sarah and IM is that he is factual and truthful! Thank god we've had his blog all these years. He and the bloggers have brought out the 'facts' about Sarah and her ilk better than the majority of national journalists throughout the past years!

      It's a FACT!

    10. Anonymous9:18 AM

      Fatuous cretin troll. We need a better troll, one who has an education and a better vocabulary. Chatting with this troglodyte is like playing ping pong with a double amputee.

    11. Anonymous9:31 AM

      6:49 All of you Palins are Scum. You Grift from the downtrodden and uneducated. None of you even attempted to further your education so that you can make a Coherent statement. If it was not for Baby Making (BASTARD CHILDREN) you would have nothing to do. You Palins are Wasillabilly Whores, Drug Users, and Wimpy over the hill Pimps..

    12. Anonymous10:23 AM

      $arah Paylin does not have a job.
      Todd Paylin does not have a job.
      Track Paylin does not have a job.
      Bristol Paylin does not have a job.
      Willow Paylin does not have a job.

      Yep, model 'patriotic' citizens there.

      The troll also can ask the former hockey coach in Juneau about Track - who was a very talented player but was removed from the team due to his out of control violence.

      $arah blatantly lied when she was running for GINO saying that Track was át an out of state hockey camp" when in reality he was being forced into the military = that or reform school.
      And NO ONE has ever come forward to attest to Brisdull's "job" at an Anchorage dermatologist's office. Another lie.

      The other scam clan members don't even bother to keep up "job" pretenses. Not one has tried to self improve by education, travel, nada. LOSERS.

    13. Anonymous10:24 AM

      Oh my goodness, Imers, we hit a nerve! Seems like "someone" is upset that Queen Esther is called out once again. Here kitty kitty kitty.....come out and get slapped again.

    14. Anonymous11:59 AM

      ou sound just like a palin! get back to breeding, the only thing you palin women do well...

      actually, they aren't all THTt great at it. Sarah had two miscarriages, Bristol shot out a TRi-G ......

    15. Anonymous12:03 PM

      If the word is hater then the troll is a Palin.

    16. Anonymous1:00 PM

      @11:59 - you beat me to the punchline! Considering the number of mentally deficient people in that family, they are NOT good breeders. If they were animals, they would have been 'fixed' because of defective genes.

    17. Anonymous3:42 PM

      6:49 Okay you regulars, who took the fecking cake? Liebell said you regulars took the cake. I didn't get any. Fess up regs, who took the cake?

      Liebell? Are you lying again? I think YOU took the cake.

  3. Randall6:50 AM

    It shows just how very out-of-touch Sarah Palin really must be
    in order to think that someone would actually miss her
    - rather than breathe a sigh of relief -
    once she's finally gone.

  4. ""It’s the average American – the grassroots Tea Party patriot with enthusiasm and boots on the ground – who wins elections":"

    Better watch it, Palin. More and more patriotic Americans are calling out tea partiers, especially those in congress, for what they are: traitors and terrorists determined to destroy this country's government from within.

    "latest Tea Party effort to keep essential government open"

    I'm sorry, what? Maybe this demented clown did read Orwell. The tea party traitors bragged about shutting down the government before they even took the oath of office (which should be grounds to be thrown out of office). They bragged about this being what they want and celebrated shutting down the government. Now they are trying to frame their refusal to let a vote to re-open the government even come to the floor as an "effort to keep essential government open?

    Nice try, you traitorous harpy.

    1. Anonymous8:18 AM

      She acts like they are the sane ones!!!!

    2. Anonymous8:58 AM

      She's going to get hers someday and I'll wager it ain't gonna be pretty!

    3. Anonymous10:32 AM

      In her head, Nefer, she thinks she's "Harper Valley PTA" when in fact she couldn't even do THEM due to too-bull for weeks on end. No carpools, no hockey mom, no pit bull...just Valley Trash $arah doing what she knows best --- NOTHING.

  5. Anonymous6:56 AM

    That picture of her seriously scares the hell out of me.

  6. Anonymous6:58 AM

    Ooops. The TPers are no longer controllable. They may have gone too far for the people controlling their purse strings and Palin is scared that her gravy train will completely dry up. Ergo her warning not to defund the TPers.

    1. Anonymous8:17 AM

      Just watch that SNL skit below to see how out of control they are!

  7. Anonymous7:03 AM

    The Koch Brothers may be funding her to be the cheerleader for the Tea Party, but when it is time, she will be their sacrificial lamb.

  8. And another thing, she may be taking aim at the republican party while singing the praise of the tea party as if they are two different things, but Americans know good and damned well that it is the republican party that took in and welcomed the traitorous tea party, and when the republican party finally collapses, the tea party will go down with it.

    Either way, you lose, you traitorous harpy.

    1. Anonymous7:40 AM

      Good point Nefer,

      May all of the GOTP noise and nonsense be a catalyst that propels multitudes to the polls during the 2014 mid-term elections. . . to the demise of even more of those billionaire bucks!


  9. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Did that silly twat see SNL last night to inspire such words of wisdom? She is so "in the now"

    I have to admit a skit like that had not made me laugh so hard since they portrayed old frozen fish sticks palin.

    1. Anonymous8:16 AM

      I know!! I laughed SO hard watching this!!!! The GOP /tea party nut jobs at their finest. This is how nutty most of the world thinks they are!! Hysterical!!!!

    2. Anonymous8:56 AM

      SNL was a riot last night. Thought Miley Cyrus did an outstanding job in her various rolls on the show. Plus, think she has a great voice. She's cute as a button!

      Loved how they knocked Boehner and Bachmann!

  10. Leland7:22 AM

    I hope I live long enough to actually witness this ...this ...THING go down. I have even stocked up on about 50 pounds of pop corn (plus lots of butter even though my cholesterol is way too high!) for the show. I'll be laughing as I am carried away!

    I have known morons with greater thinking capacity and ability.

    1. Anonymous8:54 AM

      Yea, and she is the one that yells and hollers about 'common sense'! She has zero!!! What a friggin' idiot!

  11. Anonymous7:22 AM

    Sarah Crazy-Eyes Palin, You is old and you can't plastic surgery them there old arms. Lay off the meth, botox, and plastic surgery, they're a waste of money on a waste of a human being. Go away!!

  12. Lucera7:29 AM

    Uh, Gryphen, do you want to send some angry Wall-Street rich guys the information to bury that Palin zombie that will keep her from coming back from the dead and terrorizing the American people? Send somebody the fake pregnancy scam perpetrated on the American people. Send them the Todd-the-pimp story that should bury both of them. Unfortunately there will be collateral damage to those who were complicit like CBJ, the doctor and some in the secret service who used Tawd's services. C'est la vie.

    1. Anonymous8:08 AM

      Really.. Has anyone ever sent Karl Rove "Boys will be Boys?"
      Sarah needs to be put out to pasture once and for all. Preferably in an orange jumpsuit. What a hateful, vindictive shrew she is!!

    2. Anonymous8:50 AM

      Many Congress people did receive "Boys Will be Boys" by Shailey Tripp...I know I sent out a few myself. Would suspect that John McCain was in receipt of numerous copies of the book!

      As to Karl Rove receiving one - have no clue. But, it would not surprise me that he has seen it.

    3. Anonymous8:52 AM

      I know that some were sent to the White House to the attention of the POTUS and Mrs. Obama!

      Todd is known as a pimp - that is for sure and you notice we are not physically seeing him out and about anymore. Old photos appear off and on, but nothing new including him.

      No doubt about it - their marriage is a total fraud!!!

    4. Anonymous1:57 PM

      I think some of them rich ol' boys already have the dirt on Palin. They are just letting her destroy herself, as she is doing a fine job of it already. This way they keep their hands clean and can claim innocence of knowing all the sordid details.

  13. Anonymous7:30 AM

    A word of caution to Sniping sarah,

    Do you not realize how diminutive (look it up) your noise has become in the grander scheme of things. . . akin to that of a yapping dog or toothless ankle-biter before it is put out to pasture. One day (and hopefully much sooner than later), your name and the poison influences that your diabolical words have wrought will be but a blemish (or shit stain) on the portals of history.

    Trust and know this—that you will be held accountable for every errant word that you callously forged into the atmosphere…


    Trig’s Heavenly Father

    1. Anonymous11:40 AM

      Trig’s Heavenly Father's son...also too!

    2. Anonymous3:14 PM

      Trig's Heavenly Father's well there!

    3. Anonymous4:46 PM

      Sarah Palin, pimple on the ass of time.


  14. Boscoe7:36 AM

    You have to wonder what world Palin lives in because it sure seems like reality has no place in it. She says Romney's failure was proof that the GOP "financiers" could no longer simply buy elections, it was now the powa of the boots on the ground "patriots" who win them.

    So I guess when she says "patriots" she means Liberals because the teapeople's jackboots were all on the ground for Romney once they realized Ron Paul still wouldn't be taken seriously by the general population.

    1. Anonymous8:09 AM

      I guess that she wouldn't understand that Romney sank his own presidential campaign with that 47% video. All the money in the world can't erase those snobbish comments. Building an elevator in his garage didn't help matters either. As for McCain, he couldn't remember how many houses he had. And, he had no solution to the economic meltdown of 2008.

      There is one more fact of life that Sarah Palin refuses to mention. President Obama's background as a community organizer is what helped win him both elections. The Democrats had a superior ground game to get out the vote, thanks to local community organization. I still get several emails a day from them while Sarah is spending money on postage. How's that snail mail working out for you, Sarah?

    2. Anonymous8:47 AM

      I agree - President Obama ran outstanding campaigns and the Republicans still cannot believe he won fair and square both times! It's literally driving them nuts STILL!

      Remember how they had convinced themselves that Romney would win hands down and could not believe the results.

      Wasn't Karl Rove one that didn't believe it?
      Don't they have him on video concerning the matter? It was a riot to watch!

      Thank you, President Obama, for outstepping the Republicans and Teabaggers every step of the way. I'm proud of you and support you day in and day out!

  15. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Who are these Republican donors she's speaking of? So, she's complaining that the GOP depends too much on the money that influences their methods, but she herself was part of that system and has become rich from it. At least the Congressional members work. She gets donations and all she does is bark.

    She is now angry at the RNC snub and will forever hold a grudge and this is a good time to turn into a sad pile of self-pity, because now she can't draw one red-blood cent out of the Republican machine, she moves on to the next machine that will give her praise and $$$. Even though the Tea Party is not as powerful and healthy as they were, she'll re-create herself (chameleon) into whatever they want, as an exemplary model of leader (and please sent that $$$$).

    I think the tea-party favorites are already set in stone, Rand Paul. He now seems to be the moderate Tea-Party presidential candidate and Sarah is not moderate in anything. Soon, very soon she'll be dividing tea-party activists with her hateful rhetoric. She'll divide any political bandwagon as long as they don't give her the adoration and praise she thinks she deserves.

    1. Anonymous8:05 AM

      I would NOT call Rand moderate! He is more dangerous than Sarah! Otherwise I like your comment.

    2. Anonymous8:31 AM

      Anon. 8:05 - Agree too that Rand is not a moderate. But to the minds of the right, he probably is.

    3. Anonymous10:13 AM

      I have to believe that his avoidance of taking the test to become "Board Certified" in opthalmology will loom larger and larger if he wants to go beyond Kentucky.
      Every M.D., of any specialty, who had to work very, very hard to pass his "boards," will be beyond flabbergasted that Rand thought up his own "boards,' thought up his own questions, put the HQ of his "Board" in a P.O. box in his hometown, and employs his wife as vice president.
      Whatever his yapping about why "grandfathering" in older opthalmologists was unfair, those are the rules everyone must work with in the medical community.
      The first and most obvious conclusion has to be that he couldn't pass his boards the second time around, so he took his ball and went and made up his own rules. I'll bet he takes plenty of Medicare patients, being self- "board certified," and all.
      Basically, he's a cheater, where cheating -- on medical knowledge and ability -- has little room for error.
      If he thinks of running beyond Kentucky, his medical records will be analyzed -- his successes and failures. Those are open to the public. So, too, can his income from Federal Medicare or Medicaid patients.

    4. Good for you, Anon 10:13, for pointing out the utter speciousness of Rand Paul's "self-certification." I'm not a doctor, but I spend a lot of time, energy, and money on medical care... "Dr." Paul's "board"-certification should put him on the Does Not Fly list, should--heaven forbid!--he ever be vetted to run for office again.

  16. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Sometimes I feel like we democrats need to register en masse as Repiblicans and vote in their primaries to get rid of these assholes. I'm a lifelong democrat and I don't want republicans to win seats, so on the one hand, I want them to put a bunch of nuts up for election but on the other hand, this is our government! We're all hurt by the handful of nutbags in power and what is keeping them there?

    Republican PRIMARY voters! Most of them know that they can do whatever they want because their seats are so safe. However! If a flood of DEMOCRATS start voting in their primaries and choose the more sensible candidates, then maybe our democracy can get back on track again!

    Am I crazy for thinking this?

    1. Anonymous8:22 AM

      No, I like this. But I haven't thought it through.

    2. Anonymous8:22 AM

      "Am I crazy for thinking this?"

      In one way.....with their gerrymandering, they are safe in those districts.

      Democrats would have to move into Republican districts to accomplish that, and who in their right mind would want to subject themselves to that?

      But I do agree with your thinking on this. :O)

    3. Dinty8:53 AM

      The only threat to Republican Reps in gerrymandered districts is being primaried, which is why this shutdown occurred. They are being threatened with primary challengers who are more loyal to Tea Party beliefs (Read: candidates who are dumb as fuck and crazy).

      In those cases we have a better chance of picking up a gerrymandered seat, but it's still difficult.

      If you as a democrat can vote in a Republican primary, it may actually help pick up the seat by voting for the batshit-insane one (though the Dem candidate should be STRONG to overcome the district bias).

    4. @7:52 -- Please research it carefully. Rush Limbaugh announced a similar plan in 2008 called "Operation Chaos". Google it, there was talk of Limbaugh being indicted for it afterwards. It's not legal in some states.

    5. Anonymous9:42 AM

      You would want to vote for the most ridiculous candidate to split the vote.

    6. Anonymous10:00 AM

      "If you as a democrat can vote in a Republican primary, it may actually help pick up the seat by voting for the batshit-insane one (though the Dem candidate should be STRONG to overcome the district bias)."
      Ummm NO! That worked so well for Alassska didn't it?
      Palin? Miller?
      Two progressive Alaskan's... blathering to vote for the Batshit b/c they will be so easy to beat....and we still have Palin and Joe Miller around!
      Vote out the stupid. Don't be stupid!

    7. Anonymous10:16 AM

      But in some states it is -- you can be independent or Democratic, but ask for a Republican ballot at the polling place if there's a primary.
      Vote for the most extreme tea bagger on the ballot if you can, thus giving the Democrat a fighting chance in the general election.
      Hey, tea baggers: this is democracy.

    8. I didn't say it always worked, and both Palin and Miller are currently unemployed

      You have to have a very strong Dem candidate who appeals to moderates and may be a bit conservative (think Joe Manchin from West Virginia)

    9. BearWoman10:57 AM

      You don't have to register as a Republican, all you have to register to vote in a Republican primary is non-partisan.

    10. Anonymous11:45 AM

      Dinty10:28 AM

      I didn't say it always worked, and both Palin and Miller are currently unemployed
      And both on the Senate primary along w/ Corrupt judge Burgess (who Murkowsi backs) and Dominist meade treadwell, and the guy who ran Anchorage another corrupt mofo!

    11. Anonymous7:22 PM

      There are serious drawbacks, consider the barely bearded Miller vs Lisa Murkowski Republicans in AK.

      Any strategy akin to this must be very well though out. If the rabid TBaggers get a toe-hold for whatever reason AND the reasonably sane among us fail to vote for Democrats in the general elections, we lose. Think 2010.


  17. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Palin is mentally ill and as a bonus--a complete idiot. Apparently there are a number of deranged. ignorant and clueless other idiots who think she is smart, witty and beautiful.

    Clearly they are all delusional. They are without any redeeming value as is their incredibly dumb idol. The Stupid knows no bounds, no critical thinking and a big glitch in basic English. Palin just keeps spewing her special venom--and her moronic admirers
    just keep slurpping it up. Yuck!

  18. Anonymous8:04 AM

    What is amazing to me, is that she thinks she speaks for the majority of Americans! We the People! Fuck you Sarsh! You represent the lowest group of mentally deficient, uneducated loons in our country! You are the leader of the racist, low class trash segment of our society! Why do you think you represent most Americans? You don't!!!
    And why are you railing against the very people who gave you a national voice? What an idiot you are! Keep destroying the right you stupid stupid woman! You are only helping the left.

  19. Anonymous8:08 AM

    So where does she think the Teabaggers money and Kochs money come from.....she might want to look up Wall Street.

    1. Anonymous10:14 AM

      Goes straight to her bank account. Paid puppet. Think she cares about anything else?

  20. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Bill Ayers speaks about palin -

  21. Anonymous8:14 AM

    She is a complete idiot. How are "these establishment financiers" that she refers to any different from the Koch brothers and the Heritage Foundation which I'm sure is telling her what to say just as they are Cruz, Lee, et al.

    1. Anonymous8:42 AM

      You asked the key unasked and unanswered question. Besides the obvious differences between the oil and financial industries, she seems to be saying that Koch and Heritage are fine with blowing up the government and the economy. After all, that will be the end result of what the assholes are doing.

  22. Anonymous8:15 AM

    A Federal Budget Crisis Months in the Planning

  23. Anonymous8:19 AM

    It's wonderful to watch Sarah Palin spread all that hate over the Republicans who gave her the greatest chance of a lifetime, to run for VP, when she was totally unqualified for that office. Biting the hand that feeds you hardly describes the situation. Even after she quit her job as governor, the Republicans still loved Sarah as a mouthpiece on Fox and to endorse their candidates.

    Somewhere along the line, Sarah turned on them. Was it putting targets on candidates and then making that Blood Libel video? Was it lining up with Tea Party folks like Glenn Beck because she could get more attention and not have her words filtered? Sarah would be skinning salmon filets if she hadn't been chosen by the Republicans in 2008, and she has been spitting in their eyes ever since. Maybe it's because people like Nicole Wallace and Steve Schmidt could see right through Palin and they knew that she was an empty shell. Maybe it's because Roger Ailes got Sarah to sign a contract for less money at Fox, and now he has her on a tight, very tight leash. Maybe it's because Sarah needs all the attention and isn't willing to be a team player.

    Sarah has a good deal going. She blows a lot of hot air, uses vulgar, nasty expressions and her fans eat up the red meat. For some stupid reason, they think that she's going to be the President of the United States. No she isn't; she isn't even going to run. Sarah will never run for office, period. But, she lets her fans think that she will so they will give her money. Sarah is an utter and complete fraud, and the Republicans figured that out some time ago. The only people that she can still fool are the Teabaggers.

    1. Anonymous8:35 AM

      Sarah Palin has NEVER been a team player - check her history in Alaska and what has occurred since.

      She doesn't even have real friends - girlfriends - the like.

      Cannot imagine walking in her shoes!!!

    2. Anonymous11:42 AM

      She acts as if she takes pride in being the outsider when in fact she wants nothing more than to be part of the club. Problem is, she has nothing of value to offer to other club members so they push her away, leaving her no choice but to pretend to revel in her "otherness".

    3. I'd say she only wants to be the President of the Club, and nothing else will do. No wonder she's so frustrated and angry.

    4. Anonymous3:33 PM

      Always the bridesmaid, never the bride.

  24. hedgewytch8:21 AM

    The revisionist history - the projection. It's amazing. Makes me wish I needed a psychology thesis project.

    MY history tells me that the Tea Party is Koch Brothers creation that got out of hand, much like Frankenstein, and is now eating the hand that feeds it. These big money corporate fascists are trying to make what use of the monster that they can before they just are going to have the burn the beast.

    1. Anonymous11:46 AM

      Americans for Prosperity and the Heritage Foundation, these Koch-backed organizations thought they could use their dollars to pull the strings of and manipulate the "God, Guns, and Babies" crowd, but you are right, these people are sticking to their guns and going rogue against their those who are trying to control their message. Kind of fun to watch....

  25. Anonymous8:24 AM

    She looks pissed off, insane, smarmy and ugly in that photo. Lovely!

    1. Anonymous8:37 AM

      One more....she looks dirty!

    2. Anonymous1:17 PM

      She IS pissed because she has to sit next to Chatty Cathy and not some stud to adore her.

  26. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Palin looks like a lunatic in that photo - eyes - weird! Blow up boobs on too! Why anyone pays attention to the words of the liar and fraud is beyond me. She's nothing more than an evil doer!

    I don't watch her videos or read what she supposedly says! Just read the comments! They keep me informed ENOUGH!

  27. Anonymous8:33 AM

    "It is unlikely that the gilded power brokers in the Republican Party are likely to join their local county political club any time soon, but as the stock market wobbles amid the government shutdown.....

    Sarah is paying too much money to her consultant to write that crap. As the stock market wobbles... it has been hitting all time highs lately. The Dow closes over 15,000! And the powerful Republicans OWN the country political clubs.

    Sarah once ran against the political forces in Alaska and that worked out well for her-- at the state level. I'm sorry to insult any of the Alaska readers, but you did have a corrupt government and it was easy to run against them, then. But Palin is a small fish in a very big ocean on the national level. She might have fooled enough people in Alaska, but we saw right through her the minute that she opened her mouth in 2008. No matter how hard she tries, she shows that she hasn't learned anything and she is still a small town player.
    Stocks are soaring, and her consultant needs to do some homework.

    1. Anonymous11:49 AM

      Many of us were absolutely horrified when she was elected Governor. It was a very close election, which means there were a lot of us that were very unhappy, but at least it didn't last long. However, Parnell is way worse and he won by a much larger margin than did Palin in 2006.

    2. Anonymous12:10 PM

      she's a barbie girl in a barbie world...

    3. Anonymous2:27 PM

      A question for the Alaska folks: Palin was lucky to win in a three way race. Could she have won running against just one of the two other candidates?

    4. Anonymous4:27 PM


      That's a complicated question. Halcro did garner over 22,443 votes. 17459 separated Knowles from Palin. So it would have taken nearly 80% of those votes for Halcro to go to Knowles instead, had Halcro not run. However, Halcro was running because he and his supporters were dissatisfied with the resurgence of Tony Knowles who already had two terms of Governor under his belt from 1994-2002, so it would have been unlikely that Halcro supporters would have voted for Knowles. They darn sure wouldn't have voted for Palin so they may have just voted Green or write in.,_2006

  28. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Stephen Bannon runs Breitbart now. He produced "The Undefeated" and "The Undefeated" twitter acct is tweeting this out. He's one of Palin's biggest cheerleaders. I still think some of her money was behind that movie. They are in "ca-hoots"--and they are idiots.

    1. Anonymous10:30 AM

      Isn't he Roma Downey's husband too? They are responsible for the Obama/Devil in their "Bible" movies on what used to be the History Channel before the right wing so-opted everything about History.

    2. Anonymous11:20 AM

      No. Downey's husband, Mark Burnett, is a very successful tv reality show producer--The Voice, Surviver--but has had some failures, too, including Sarah Palin's Alaska and the military one in which Todd competed.

      Bannon is a propagandist, affiliated with Citizens United and Breitbart.

    3. Anonymous11:50 AM

      Mark Burnett, the Survivor producer, is married to Roma Downey. They are religious nutcases.

    4. Anonymous12:32 PM

      Here is a press bio:

      seems to be a bit of a mystery man...I thought he was the guy who was Glenn Beck's phony historian, but I guess that is somebody else.

    5. Anonymous7:52 PM

      David Barton, pseudo-christiany plutocratic dominionist theocrat; founder of Wallbuilders.

      Fraudulent (or no) credentials as American historian; Glenn Beck University 'professor.'


  29. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Gryphen, did you see the April 13, 2013 article in about Sarah's faux pregnancy with Trig?? I don't remember anyone pointing it out and that was this year.

    Also very interesting is the salon excerpt from Bill Ayers new book. I'm sorry I can't post the links with my IPAD, but someone here in the comments above did post the Bill Ayers article. He's a gifted writer!

    1. Anonymous9:28 AM

      Hello 835,

      Can you please "type" the URL into this thread regarding the "April 13, 2013 article in" if you have it saved in your internet history, for it is unsearchable by the information you provided.

      Thanks in advance.

      If you still have the ur

    2. Anonymous9:54 AM

      Sorry, I put the date wrong. It is April 22, 2013. The title of the article is "Sarah Palin’s pregnancy: What I saw." I'm sorry but I can't copy the URL for some reason as I stated above. It's my IPAD or the way Salon is formatted. If you go to the Bill Ayers article, in today's, and scroll down to related stories at the very bottom, you may spot the link. That is how I found it. We know most of the info but what's interesting to me is that this was published this year...I wonder if the author would be open to receiving more info from bloggers/people here.

    3. All it took was "salon palin pregnancy" in google, 1st result:

    4. That's an old--2011-article attempting to vindicate Palin, IIRC.

    5. That IS an old article, and we did respond to it.

      In fact just a few months later I proved beyond any reasonable doubt that she did indeed fake the pregnancy.

      How soon they forget.

    6. Anonymous8:07 PM

      Salon link - Sarah Palin Pregnancy, April 22, 2011

      If this helps at all.


  30. Anonymous8:44 AM

    and the insanity continues...

    Who Would Jesus Shoot: Pennsylvania Church To Offer 4 Week Gun Advocacy Class

    A Western Pennsylvania church will offer a four week lecture program advocating for greater gun rights. The class will be taught by the owner of a local gun shop whose website proclaims “GOD, GUNS & GUTS MADE AMERICA, LET’S KEEP ALL THREE.” According to the church’s senior pastor, the purpose of the lecture will be to offer a counterbalance to the “liberal media’s” take on guns.

    1. Anonymous9:37 AM


    2. Anonymous9:49 AM

      God, guns & GUTS plan should include a high-fructose corn syrup diet with Sarah's "care packages" for the extra nitrates/nitrates.

      Wild Tortoise

  31. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Palin and Cruz love each other only because the Koch brothers pay them to. She has been nothing but a shill for them since she lost in 2008. If you look back, most of her 100K speeches have been during Koch-funded events. She doesn't have an original thought in her head EVER. Shameless grifter.

  32. Anonymous9:13 AM

    OMG! If God loved Queen Esther, he would give her a make-over. She looks like she caught on fire and somebody put her out with a shovel.

    1. Anonymous12:43 PM

      God is repelled by the creature, I am sure.

  33. Anonymous9:29 AM

    The 'interview' is nothing more than the continuing effort to fool the 'grassroots' that they're calling the shots. The sick irony is that the Tea Party politicians and the big money behind them misinformed, frightened, and programmed the 'grassroots' to create opposition to the ACA, a private health insurance program that provides increased opportunity and freedom.

    1. Cracklin Charlie1:54 PM

      There's no "grassroots". It's all fake, just as fake as fake can be.

      That's why their leader (HAHAHAHA!) is Sarah Palin.


    2. Anonymous8:10 PM


  34. Anonymous9:34 AM

    She's not sticking around because the blowback will knock her off her high horse.

    Sarah, what this country needs right now are statesmen -- politicians who put aside petty differences to keep the country moving forward successfully.
    Statesmen don't twitter or tweet or facebook. They pound out rational choices that all sides can accept. They're the ones whose statues are in Statuary Hall in Washington, whose names are on elementary schools and small towns across the country.
    I don't think Alaska is old enough to have produced any statesmen. Sone have tried, but they've been shot down by the know-nothings, of which you're right now the prime example.
    It's better for you to step aside and let real statesmen lead.

    1. Anonymous10:28 AM

      You mean there will never be a Sarah Louise Heath Palin Elementary in Wasilla? How about naming a park after her? I know...let's start a movement to name the dead lake in her honor. The Palin Pontoon Park.

    2. Anonymous10:32 AM

      We had some statesmen very early in our statehood before the crazy fundamentalists from Texas and Oklahoma came for the oil jobs in the 70s. Since then, only one that I can think of. I'm a progressive, and although he was a Republican, he was unlike ANY republican of today. His name was Governor Hammond and he truly did whT he thought was best for Alaskans and future Alaskans, never for himself.

    3. Anonymous12:07 PM

      9:34 excellent comment, very well said!

    4. Anonymous2:25 PM

      @ 10:28 Maybe they could name one of those dog parks after Palin, you know, the place where people let their dogs run around without their leash, bark and poop everywhere.

    5. Anonymous10:56 PM


      Jay Hammond was, in current terms, a Rockstar

  35. Leland10:02 AM

    She is wearing that disgusted look people have when they are saying; "Why the hell am I here? I know better than this asshole! What a waste of time."

    It's probably the same look she wore in class during her so-called college days.

    1. Anonymous10:46 AM

      Again, she did not graduate from the University of Idaho.

  36. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Just look at that picture. That is your Queen Esther. Those are the eyes of a mentally ill drug addict.

    1. Anonymous12:42 PM

      That's unkind to mentally ill drug addicts!

    2. Anonymous1:10 PM

      You sound demented. And I've seen normal pics from that game, where she's just sitting, watching the game with her family, taking pictures with them and not by a photog.

    3. Anonymous2:23 PM

      I know the Palin family, and I always write something about them to show how close we are, even though I am just another fan admiring Sarah from afar. Excuse me, I have to post some more photos of Sarah, my Queen, in my Sarah Shrine. I keep the candles burning like the ever lasting light and hope that one day, people will discover just how wonderful and blessed she is. Until then, I have to keep writing about how well I know them, they are just like any other family, they go to church, they bake cookies together and they love the .......they love themselves and they love money and one day, they will answer the hundreds of fan letter that I sent them each week, and money, too, don't forget about the money, too also.

    4. Anonymous9:53 AM

      2:23 Reading you comments made me laugh out loud and I suggest/suspect you don't mean a damn thing you said! Think you are just trying to get a reaction!

  37. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Whaddya mean, she's "not sticking around?" She's been sticking around like that toilet paper stuck to your shoe when you leave the bathroom. Or like that piece of flypaper you try to shake off your hand, after accidentally touching it...

    1. Anonymous2:44 PM

      Sarah Palin would shrivel up and die if she was out of the public eye for more than a week or two.

      She aint goin' nowhere (unless physically forced to).

  38. Anonymous10:42 AM

    I am always astounded by Sarah at all levels. She snipes at the GOP and Tea Party, depending upon her needs.

    I think that the drugs have created some mental deficits. She is the poster child for not doing drugs and not aging gracefully.
    I suspect that George W. Bush's biographers are eviscerating her as I write this. Mother Bush does not cotton to nasty white trash.

    I was thinking that maybe she could rotate those fake boobs 60 degrees and claim herself a victim of cancer. That would bring in the money. Remember, I said it first!!

  39. Anonymous10:44 AM

    The Tea Party epitomizes Group Think. We do not hear a lot from them now because they are all on the phone trying to get Obamacare.

    1. Anonymous9:51 AM

      Damn right - there are going to be a lot of Republicans and Teabaggers getting insurance via the Affordable Care Act.

      Hell, I have family members that I know are going to obtain it even though they are not admitting it!

      People DO speak out of both sides of their mouths - no doubt about it!!!

  40. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Either way the GOP is dead. If they stick with Palin, Cruz and the nuts on the far right, they turn off the middle. If they try and shut them down, the grassroots will either start their own party or stay home. Palin will be leading the charge, and more power to her. I don't blame her and I don't blame Cruz. I blame the Republican establishment who have been manipulating these people for years to stay in power.

    They should have spoken out back when Palin was benefiting their agenda, lying about death panels and saying the president didn't love America. They should have taken a stand against these race-baiting and fear-mongering radio hosts instead of minimizing their extreme propaganda by calling them "entertainers". Wonder if they're "entertained" now that the bombs are being thrown at them.

    Wall street and big business don't care that the far right is divisive, ignorant and inflammatory. They are upset that they can no longer be controlled. It's too late to rein crazy in now.

    1. Cracklin Charlie1:49 PM

      It's not too late!

      Vote out the crazies in 2014! We'll hold the White House, the House of Representatives, and the US Senate for two full years!

      March On, Democrats!
      Hope On!

    2. Anonymous9:48 AM

      Don't forget the Independents! Of which, I am one! Vote all Republicans out of office every chance you get folks! Congress, state and local levels. They are a totally screwed up party!

  41. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Duh, the GOP has to romance the "base", the 25% of GOP voters that are undereducated and very much the heart of blue collar America. The GOP power brokers have to hold their noses and associate with them during election season because they need their votes and they can't win without them. Also too, the "base", which is heavily Tea Party influenced, don't have the numbers to go third party and win any elections. The GOP needs them and they need the GOP, and it chaps both their asses.

    The GOP power brokers used to manage the message from the base, they acted on orders from above and toed the party line and spouted the party talking points, but not any longer. It's kind of hilarious to watch the country club republicans freak out because the "Joe the Plumbers", that they helped create, have gone rogue on them; I think the muckety mucks simply thought that these people were too stupid to form their own message but they've taken a good hard look at the hypocrisy in the GOP and called them on it.

    The GOP upper echelons better invest in the best home security they can afford because I see the "base" coming after what is theirs one day, wielding torches and pitchforks! I don't see them ever being able to control their message again, and it kind of serves them right. It's been really fun watching this happen, but of course I'm looking from the outside in.

    1. Cracklin Charlie1:44 PM

      I agree with most of what you say, 11:15; but, I am thinking lately that this so-called "Tea Party influence", has morphed somehow, into something much more sinister than a bunch of uneducated, Heart of America base of voters that are always going to vote against their best interests.

      The few rallies, or gatherings that they even have anymore are documented by photos of very tiny crowds. The "Tea Party" legislators (Bachmann, Gohmert, etc.) have to glom onto events in DC to get any kind of attention. I actually live in the Heartland, and I never see, or hear about, any type of "Tea Party" event occurring. I don't think that particular base of voters is really there anymore.

      So...why is there influence so great? I think that there are a couple of possible explanations. One, that the only way Boner can keep his position as Speaker is to keep the "Tea Party" members voting with him; without them, the Speaker doesn't really have a majority. And the only way to do that is to honor their unreasonable demands. Or, two, the "Tea Party" is, in reality, a fully owned subsidiary of Koch Industries. A Potemkin village of a political party, completely fake, where rules are for suckers, and money will buy them whatever power they need.

      I try to be optimistic, and console myself by thinking that, in November of 2014, those uneducated, ill-trained, government-hating teabagger Congresspeople will be resoundingly removed from their positions of influence by the hardworking, self-giving voters of their district, who will realize how dangerous it can be to send unqualified persons to run the government. But, they need to be kept very clear of Koch influence.

  42. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Palin is The Face in the Crowd, the movie about picking some folksy guy as a political candidate they can manipulate only to have him turn into a megalomanic

    1. Anonymous4:59 PM

      That is Sarah Palin.

  43. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Hit the showers, Sarah. We can smell your toxicity here in the southeast. Does Tawd know you have a major crush on Ted Cruz Or does Tawd? Either way, YUCK!!!!!!!!!

  44. Anonymous12:53 PM

    If Palin was the Conservative powerhouse she claims to be, why the hell hasn't she ever given a commencement address at any of the right wing higher education institutions?

    1. Anonymous1:58 PM

      She wasn't invited to the Republican Convention in 2012. Even they didn't want her, 4 years later.

    2. Anonymous7:30 PM

      For a damn good reason.

    3. Anonymous10:39 PM

      LOL Sarah was "picked" in 2008, but not in 2012. Forget about 2016.

    4. Anonymous9:45 AM

      She's put down the Republican party! Trust me, they want nothing to do w/her and haven't since they kept her out of the Republican in Florida when Romney was running. She's an embarrassment to them and probably to John McCain too, even though he'll never admit it!

  45. Anonymous12:59 PM

    look at her arms in that photo, they're the arms of a 70 y.o.

  46. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Who would like to see that face when waking up in the morning?
    Sarah Palin is one crossed-eyed crazy looking Bitch. Meth kills.

  47. Anonymous1:10 PM

    "This keeps up and I’m not sticking around to watch it happen," Palin said.

    Good, be gone then. We don't want you sticking around either. You are really smelling and it's time to take the trash out of the House.

    1. Anonymous1:59 PM

      Maybe Todd has a space ship in that airplane hanger-tv studio. They'll be blasting off for the Moon or Mars. Adios, and don't let the capsule door hit you on the way out.

    2. Anonymous5:36 PM

      "This keeps up and I’m not sticking around to watch it happen," Palin said.
      skank always has an ulterior motive and this comment from her makes me think/hope she is going to HAVE to go away for one reason or another.


  48. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Still think it's funny that you claim she attacks your President, when she's never actually criticized him as a person. She DOES assert opinions that differ from HIS, something YOU all do. And she's complimented him as a person. Something you've never done in reference to YOUR opponent. Grow up libs

    1. Anonymous2:29 PM

      What fucking parallel universe do you live in?

    2. Anonymous2:42 PM

      Is he not YOUR president?

      Sarah recently called the president a "prick." If that's not a personal attack, I don't know what is.

      Sarah is a disaster. There's nothing to compliment her on.

    3. Anonymous2:49 PM

      Jesus christ, Liebell, are you still loose? Nurse Wingnut, you really have to brush up on your netting skills.

      I think Liebell needs one of those there medical chippy thingys implanted. She'd be so much easier to seek, sedate, and store. So Liebell, got Bamacare? Time for camp.

    4. @1:13 PM, Every single word of your asinine comment is a lie. You are disgusting.

      @2:29 PM, well said!

    5. Anonymous4:39 PM

      Ok, I'll compliment Speaker of the House John Boehner... John, that is a lovely shade of Orange you wear on your face. Are you trying out for the Syracuse mascot job after your SOH job is pulled out from under you by the Teabaggers?

    6. Anonymous6:58 PM

      Growing up is something that you, Troll, will never do.
      How's that Rainbow Pimp Lodge treatin' ya? Has Brad Hanson contributed any time to his Daughter(Piper)?
      Does Track visit his Father's Family? Is Willow still prowling parking lots looking for Drugs? Is Bristol spending more time with both of her sons?

    7. Anonymous8:13 PM

      Nefer, they're lies because your mythology has been so engrained that you are incapable of seeing truth.

    8. Anonymous8:14 PM

      Anon 6:58, you sound demented. I can suggest ways to better your life and start living honestly and nicely.

    9. Anonymous9:20 PM

      8:14 PM Your insane suggestions would serve the Grifter Mama and Pimp Daddy better. I don't take advice from Uneducated Trolls.

    10. Anonymous8:13 PM
      Nefer, they're lies because your mythology has been so engrained that you are incapable of seeing truth.
      Nice try. What you said are lies. Period. I am very capable of seeing truth and your comment didn't contain any. Period. That is objective reality. You have made similar comments before and have never backed them up. Ever. Because you. are. a. liar. Period.

  49. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Saw them all at church today .

    1. Anonymous2:06 PM

      Go to church as soon as they leave spew hate. They are just hypocrites if this is even true.

    2. Anonymous2:19 PM

      I'll believe it when they post a photo of their personal, private religious spiritual life.

    3. Anonymous2:43 PM

      That's a joke.

    4. Anonymous2:49 PM

      You did not see them at church today, liar. No local congregation has welcomed them for five years. The Palins know why. Shut up and go pray for yourself.

    5. Anonymous3:01 PM

      Did the place burst into flames?

    6. Anonymous3:36 PM

      Snort! Yeah RIGHT, 1:14.

    7. Anonymous4:39 PM

      I call bullshit on this. If they were "all" there, they would have made sure that lots of pictures were taken. As much as they are hated, there would have lots of tweets and texts immediately.
      Dream on. dear Krusty

    8. Anonymous5:00 PM

      Church of Satan.

    9. Anonymous6:53 PM

      Were they praying for their Crimes to be Pardoned?

    10. Anonymous7:42 PM

      Riiiiight! NOT!

    11. Anonymous8:13 PM

      Love the ignorance here.

    12. Anonymous9:17 PM

      8:13 PM You are the ignorance here, Pimp supporter.

    13. Anonymous9:41 AM

      The roof would have caved in and people would have taken photos and put them out there. Don't believe it one tiny little bit!!!

      Christians and church? Don't make me laugh - they are frauds, liars and evil doers! Nothing good to be said about them at all!

  50. Anonymous2:43 PM

    She's sucking Koch so hard these days I'm surprised Sarah can even speak.

    1. Anonymous3:38 PM

      Bachmann's corndog is small potatoes compared to what $arah sucks.

  51. Anonymous3:30 PM

    You're not sticking around, bitch? If ONLY we were that lucky,

  52. Anonymous6:50 PM

    In her delusional mind, she still sees her future associated with the White House. Don't know if she still wants to be President - because she hates hard work and thinking is hard work - but being a kind of Kingmaker, that would suit her nicely. Then whoever is in power could line her pockets most generously.
    M from MD

    1. Anonymous7:35 PM

      She doesn't want the WH. She wouldn't even know what to DO. Just keeping grifting,,,,and putting the Christ in Christmas a month from now. LMAO!

    2. Anonymous9:39 AM

      Plus, she'd never even be selected to run for POTUS much less win an election. She's a friggin' idiot and everyone knows it now!!

  53. Anonymous10:32 PM

    Anonymous 1:14 PM
    Saw them all at church today .

    How much did they pocket from the basket as it passed by them?

  54. Anonymous10:37 PM

    "This keeps up and I’m not sticking around to watch it happen," Palin said.

    Is Sarah Palin high tailin' it off to North Korea? Russia? Syria?

    1. Anonymous9:38 AM

      Perhaps she'll leave the United State of America? That would be wonderful and may the American people hit her in her ass as she exits stage right!

  55. Anonymous10:50 PM

    "This keeps up and I’m not sticking around to watch it happen," Palin said.

    Anybody really surprised quitting is the Palin's middle name?

    Willow quitting in her Sophomore year
    Track divorced in a blink of an eye
    Bristol and her trial husbands
    Todd's faithful marriage
    Sarah's faithful marriage
    Sarah Palin's commitment as the governor to the State of Alaska

  56. Anonymous5:00 AM

    "This keeps up and I’m not sticking around to watch it happen," Palin said. 

    No shit, I looked up "quitter":

    4. Quitter:
    Sarah Palin
    The quitter resigned to avoid indictment.

  57. Anonymous5:16 AM

    Was this the big picture for Shailey Tripp's employment by Todd?

  58. Anonymous8:37 AM

    She looks pretty wasted in that picture.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.