Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Some actual facts about Christmas that will NOT show up in Sarah Palin's crappy book.

So essentially the entire holiday was stolen from the pagans. And the story of Jesus is filled with inaccuracies and contradictions.

I can almost hear the Religious Right's heads exploding all around the country. But fear not, these are facts, and as we know facts are not something that fundamentalists pay much attention to.

You know there should be a new movement started demanding that we change the holiday back to Saturnalia, and then WE can celebrate it without having to hear all that bitching about the "reason for the season."


  1. I hear she's involved in some type of Q&A session today - that could be interesting but presumably she already knows the questions and has the answers written on her hand.

    The book has made it down to #691 on Amazon - with "collectible" versions turning up for sale - doesn't take long for folks to follow the Palin money making example.

    1. Olivia5:27 AM

      Doesn't matter if she knows the questions and writes the answers on her hand. She would fuck it up and sound stupid no matter what.

    2. Anonymous6:45 AM

      The stole all Holidays from pagans...

    3. Olivia7:10 AM

      Christians don't steal. They didn't steal them, they merely tried to completely obliterate any knowledge of them and then get offended when anyone remembers and points them out.

    4. Anonymous11:43 AM

      Exactly, Olivia! And that's what pisses me off--as a Pagan--when some self-righteous Christian prates on about "Jesus is the reason for the season..." No, actually astronomy is the reason for the season.

  2. Anonymous4:37 AM

    If God created the universe, why weren't all the planets given "christian" names? Whoopie! Not too late to go back and rename them I supposed and say the new names were translated from biblical passages recently discovered.

    1. Anonymous5:25 AM

      If only God had been Christian. Maybe then we wouldn't have wars and hatred and injustice.

    2. Leland6:27 AM




  3. Years ago, my mother would mutter nonsensical Norwegian phrases to block out inconvenient facts that were in conflict with her Christian beliefs. Then I saw one of her sisters do the same thing. I guess they learned it at home. The modern equivalent is “la, la, la I can’t hear you.” I think they understood their pagan roots to some degree, there were very old books in the house, but they were ashamed of that history and didn’t want to discuss it. They worshiped Martin Luther.

  4. Anonymous5:53 AM

    Tell you what, $arah. When you and your fellow GOP/TP crowd start talking and acting like Christians, and you quit dressing like a two-bit slut, maybe the world will give you some credence. MAYBE.

    1. Anonymous6:19 AM


      RJ in Brownbackistan

    2. Olivia7:11 AM

      You are being awfully damn nasty and just plain disrespectful to two-bit sluts.

  5. Anonymous5:56 AM

    Agree about the part with the traditional decorations and tree as being pagan. But, the part where there were inconsistent storylines about the baby Jesus in Matthew Luke, Mark and John, well, therein lies the problem. Each gospel was written (and each writer was inspired by the Spirit of God) to give an account of what they each witnessed and heard. Luke, I believe, was a physician, and the other 3 had different trades, but each gave their account to the life of Jesus. I've read the bible several times and in the gospels, do not read any unmatching details in the birth story. Mary did get visited by an angel, and so did Joseph, so that he would know his young bride had not known any man. Angels have been know to appear to more than one person.......

    And, the part about Matthew's description of the 3 wise men coming to bring gifts to the baby, in chapter 11, "and when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother and fell down, and worshipped him; and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gold and frankincense and myrrh".

    Frankincense and myrrh were very pricey gifts and had as much value as gold in those days.

    Mary delivered the baby Jesus in a manger because the night of her labour there was no room at the inn. It doesn't mean that she lived in that manger days after that. She had a cousin Elizabeth, had family, where she may have lived with during the baby's growth. By the time the wise men arrived, following their anticipated star (which had been prophesied to signify the Messiah's coming), I am pretty sure Mary was in someone's home, or Joseph's family's dwelling.

    As far as Mary not being a virgin before? Matthew says, "Then Joseph being riased from sleep did as the angel of the Lord had bidden him, and took unto him his wife. And knew her not till she had brought forth her firstborn son; and he called his name JESUS>"

    1. Maple6:16 AM

      Are you not aware that your Jesus story is very similar to an ancient egyptian story (I think the baby's name was Horus, and the mother Osiris). The egyptian story predates the Jesus story by about 2,000 years.
      And Matthew, Mark, Luke and John were not eyewitnesses to the birth; in fact they didn't meet Jesus until he was well and truly an adult. Their gospels were written as hearsay -- and all bear a remarkable resemblance to the egyptian story. Read "The Pagan Christ", by Anglican priest and religious scholar Tom Harpur.

    2. Anonymous6:18 AM

      And, they lived happily ever after......

      RJ in Brownbackistan

    3. BabyRaptor6:21 AM

      So your argument is "god made them lie."

      And what makes you so certain they'd moved? Is god granting you knowledge he didn't see fit to put in the bible?

      Lastly, the bible saying that Joseph didn't bone her before she gave birth doesn't mean she was a virgin. Unless you're claiming that Joseph was suddenly the only male on earth during her life up to delivery.

    4. Leland6:46 AM

      I think it would behoove you to go back in these postings to Monday, Dec. 2, to the posting Gryphen made at 4AM about that idiot Hamm.

      Use what he posted as a STARTING point for your studies about the "real" bible and look more into what the catholic church did to the bible and the gospels as it currently exists before you begin to spout anything like above.

    5. Anonymous7:05 AM

      Those biblical books were not in the first bibles, but later made up.
      As for a birth, if you think there was a bright , brilliant star in the sky, that would mean Jesus was born( or I think you may be referring to Yeshua) in September.
      BUt basically, the whole bible is stolen from Egyptian and (gasp) Islamic stories,
      OH, BTW there was NEVER a child born in Bethlehem that was given a Spanish name 6000 yrs ago
      Your bible is nothing but ancient stories and parables stolen from other religions.

    6. Olivia7:13 AM

      The stories match because one of them fabricated the story and the others plagiarized it, much like the methods of today's Republicans.

    7. Anonymous7:18 AM

      If you have to use the bible to prove the bible you prove nothing. You just go in circles.

    8. Anonymous7:20 AM

      Read it an weep, the oldest bible says NOTHING about most of that today's Christians believe:


    9. Anonymous10:17 AM

      Thanks, Anon 5:56 AM. Good job in pointing all this out. The rest of you guys, chill out; Anon 5:56 was just pointing out where the video was wrong in its selective use of certain bible quotes to disprove others. That's different from trying to "use the bible to prove the bible." Duh...

      All in all, this video was pretty good. The Xmas story is one of my areas of study and I only detected 4 or 5 errors in the video.

      Happy Saturnalia, everyone! Oh... Happy Mithras, too! :)

    10. Anonymous6:34 AM


      I always thought of the Jesus story as more about forgiveness. Mary strayed and instead of letting her get stoned to death Joseph took her as his wife. Which is a very Christian thing to do even though he was a Jew... LOL I made a rhyme.

  6. Anonymous6:10 AM

    I have no problem combining my Christian traditions with the pagan traditions that preceded them. People like Sarah Palin cannot do that because they are insecure in their beliefs and just plain ignorant. So there were pagan antecedents for Christmas; there were pagan antecedents for just about anything that existed before the beginning of the "Christian era" or Christ's birth. It doesn't matter. What does matter is that we should all have enough respect for one another as other human beings with whom we are privileged to share the planet, just as we should respect the wildlife around us. We're all just specks on this increasingly fragile planet. So, let's just enjoy the season. Celebrate it or not - that's your choice. But let's not let Sarah Palin's annual vitriol riot take up any more of our brain space. Besides at our house, we have Christmas tree lights to figure out - an annual tradition here. Three thousand years ago some pagans somewhere couldn't get the fire lit for that day's ceremony. This year our problem, and let's hope it will be the only one, is the short string of lights on the wreath that is not cooperating . . . .

    1. Anonymous7:19 AM

      " People like Sarah Palin cannot do that because they are insecure in their beliefs and just plain ignorant"
      And Fakers!
      They don't respect the earth b/c of the Old testament.

  7. Anonymous6:27 AM

    Why do Bristol and Willow REFUSE to get a job?
    Lazy slobs. Stop living off us hardworking taxpayers. GET A JOB to pay for your herd of kids!

    1. Anonymous7:07 AM

      I doubt either has an IQ over 75, I don't think either could hold down a job,

  8. Anonymous6:27 AM

    Merry Christmas, Glen Rice.

  9. Anonymous7:00 AM

    So...in other words, let's hear it for the pagans!
    M from MD

  10. GrannyMe10:12 AM

    I'm a proud descendant of pagans. I can trace my ancestry back from Henry I of England to Rollo (Hrolfr) of Normandy--brother of Ragnar Lodbrok (see the Vikings TV series). And that doesn't even get into my Scots Broadfoot side of the family--I can claim kinship to the wife of William Wallace, aka Braveheart. You want to talk about some heathens...

  11. Anita Winecooler4:28 PM

    What? Jesus wasn't WHITE? You're right, heads are gonna explode.
    FWIW, we can thank the pagans for many things. They were the earliest practitioners of the healing arts, they used plants and herbs as "medicine",. They used leeches to clear up infections and promote healing. They practiced midwifery so women could deliver their young in a sanitary environment. .

    The Romans, to this day, still have "household gods" to protect their hearth and home. The Italian tradition didn't originally have "father Christmas", they had an elderly woman called "La Beffana", who filled stockings on King's Day. Now they practice the both Dec 25 with Father Christmas AND Jan 6 for Kings day (when the gifts are exchanged).
    They also have stories and songs that revolve around the cycles of the moon, sun and stars and the harvest. It was their way of teaching the next generation when and how to plant which seeds and when to harvest them. Of course, the church turned many of them into "christmas carols" and "hymns".


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