Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Florida Republican candidate suggested that President Obama should be arrested and hanged. Seriously? Update!

Courtesy of Tampa Bay Times:  

As Americans honored the memory of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on Monday, a Republican candidate for Florida House District 68 said President Barack Obama should be hanged for war crimes. 

"I'm past impeachment," Joshua Black wrote on Twitter. "It's time to arrest and hang him high." 

The tweet caught the attention of Chris Latvala, a Republican candidate for House District 67. 

"You aren't seriously calling for the killing of Obama are you?" Latvala replied. "I know you are crazy but good heavens. U R an embarrassment." 

Latvala added: "I make it my business when so called GOP candidates become an embarrassment to my beloved party." 

Black, 31, of Pinellas Park moved to Florida in 2007 after practicing street evangelism in St. Louis and works as a taxi driver. According to his campaign website, Black entered politics in 2012 when he tried influencing the presidential primary. 

The website says: "Republicans have a serious communication problem. Everything we say sounds like spears." 

Hours after the tweet, Black defended his comment. Obama should be held responsible for ordering a drone strike that killed a U.S. citizen overseas, he said. 

"He should be executed for treason," Black said. "I think the appropriate punishment is death. They killed Benedict Arnold. (Obama) shouldn't be allowed to kill Americans without a trial."

So in the eyes of this wingnut President Obama is comparable to Benedict Arnold, the most famous traitor in US history. Oh yeah, nothing exaggerated about that!

Hey look I am also uncomfortable with the idea of drones killing American citizens (And by the way there have been four.), but I am also aware that police officers shoot and kill suspects all over the country in what are considered life and death circumstances, without benefit of a trial, and as a rule we do not suggest that they be put to death.

And let me point out just how incredibly hypocritical it is to demand that this President be tried of war crimes, when the entire fucking reason we were over in Afghanistan and Iraq is due to the policies of George W. Bush, a man that we KNOW started the wars based on fabricated intelligence.

After we have arrested and imprisoned George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and Paul Wolfowitz, THEN somebody can start talking about arresting President Obama.

And on that note the radical fringe falls silent. 

Update: Well guess who got a visit from the Secret Service


  1. Anonymous4:11 AM

    Um…can we talk about the "civilwarcometh" hash tag?

  2. Anonymous4:12 AM

    Oh, dear me, the "race card"! And from a southern Republican; who would have expected that! I am so tired of GOP-ers thinking it is perfectly appropriate to insult President Obama and to use racist terms to do it. Remember when the least insult of George Bush had people accused of being traitors? Well, I think the GOP is full of them - from the Republicans in the Senate who have obstructed since January 2009, to those in the House who have gone beyond obstruction since the same date, to Republican candidates and spokespersons (Sarah Palin, are you awake and listening?) everywhere. Their behavior has been and is despicable and shameful in a democracy. We, the people, elected Barack Obama because he was the right person for the right job in November 2008 and again in November 2012. So, just get over it, Republicans! And that goes for the Democratic North Carolina governor, whose name I can't and do not care to recall, who has spoken very harshly of the President despite having hosted the Democratic Convention in Charlotte in 2012. A lot of small minded and not very smart people down there in the South and in the far reaches, too, like Alaska (Sarah, are you awake and listening?).

    1. Anonymous6:42 PM

      Remember the "Dixie Chicks" and that whole brew-haha? Good gawd.

  3. Black needs a visit from the Secret Service, but maybe his antics will sour white activists, they wouldn’t want to be like him, and he was called crazy by a fellow Republican; time for some reflection, guys.

    1. Anonymous6:25 AM

      I urge all IM'rs to read: The Eliminationists, How hate talk radicalized the American Right by David Neiwert

      "Our Sarah" is mentioned in the INTRODUCTION!!! as well as Limballz, Michelle "the bug" Malkin, MannCouler etc.
      Its pretty spine chilling.
      And sickening how these bastards have terrorized the country.

  4. Anonymous4:27 AM

    Last night Chris Matthews did a closing comment on Palin and her MLK Day message to Obama.
    Pat Padrnos

    1. Anonymous6:00 AM

      Pat, he NAILED it. I found the video under the "Let Me Finish" playlist on the left. I encourage everyone to watch it.

    2. Anonymous6:38 AM

      Anonymous6:00 AM
      Thanks for that...
      I wish they would of pursued Troopergate like this we wouldn't have the shrieking shrew around now!

    3. Anonymous7:05 AM

      So true. Thankfully there are still some who have not given up on exposing the Palins and their cohorts.
      Pat Padrnos

  5. "They killed Benedict Arnold. "

    No, Black. No, they did not. You are wrong. Of course. Look it up. It's in the history books! Open one. You might (inadvertently, I'm sure) learn something.

    1. Anonymous9:01 AM

      He has the Sarah Palin grasp of History.

  6. Anonymous4:31 AM

    New TV show called Hollywood Hillbillies, and no it's not the Palins but they are lookin to get famous just like old Sarah.

  7. Anonymous5:12 AM

    And this guy isn't in jail why?

  8. Another "conservative" Republican TeaBagger out of the famous one-n-done liar/loser Allen West's mold.

    Black even quotes that Important Voice of Today's Republican Party, former Republican nominee for Vice-President and half-term governor Sarah Heath (R-Tea Party), on his impressively *researched* web page. I hope Sarah will reciprocate and endorse his candidacy, because freedumb is good and communism is bad.

    There's no other site that I have personally visited which contains a summary of all of the articles that are the subject of every RW nutter chain email for the past 5+ years. Perhaps StormFront combined with Dead Breitbart's legendary pig sty of non-journalism have a similar collection, but I wouldn't know and couldn't care to verify by visiting either of those shit holes.

  9. Randall5:44 AM

    Dick Cheney and George W. Bush sanctioned torture of human beings.

    Dick Cheney and George W. Bush instituted "extraordinary rendition" and the suspension of habeas corpus.

  10. Anonymous5:56 AM

    Impeach your sister, Chuckie Junior.

    Look up the definition first, just in case you don't know that "Impeach" doesn't mean "fondle and facialize".

  11. Anonymous5:57 AM

    @5:47 Use punctuation, turd.

  12. For every single one of these hideous Republican remarks, another GOPer must SURELY reconsider -- even for a critical second -- his party affiliation....I have to think that.

  13. Leland6:16 AM


    Ok. I just HAVE to do it.

    First, on what charge?

    Second, while the HOUSE may actually impeach him (considering how much they HATE the man "for non-political reasons"), you DO know the actual trial itself would be in the SENATE, right?

    You appear to be just another ignorant asshole who seems to think that just because a few people scream for impeachment (and a few for outright hanging or shooting) there is a process laid out in the Constitution that HAS to be followed. And first and foremost, stupid, there has to be a legitimate charge!

    And to make it clear to your slow-witted brain (assuming you actually HAVE one), race is NOT one of them!

    Go away, little boy. I believe a spot has come open in the sand box.

  14. Leland6:26 AM

    "Well guess who got a visit from the Secret Service."

    Hhhmmm. Sure appeared to be threat to me!

    But, of course, you just KNOW that the bitch is going to be screaming the POTUS is using the government to stifle disagreement and Freedom of Speech - even though the idiot's fellow Florida repubes are telling him to take his stupid ass elsewhere!

    I wonder what he (and she) will scream about if the Florida repube PARTY backs away from him like the governor did?

  15. Anonymous6:43 AM

    He should not only have had a visit from the Secret Service - he should be sitting in the slammer by now!!!

    1. Anonymous8:07 AM

      6:43 AM

      But what about his Free Dumb to say stoopid shit like the TeaTard Leader, Sarah ?

  16. Gryphen, can we have a policy that trolls can only troll if they understand what the little dot on the keyboard is for?

    No need to censor it for its views, but how about because it is an unmitigated bore who adds nothing to any discussion whatsoever and just cuts-and-pastes the same simple-minded unsubstantiated meaningless non-standard haikus over and over and over again?

    Long past time for a time-out in my opinion.

  17. Super Fan In Atlanta8:50 AM

    Here's the video of him trying to backtrack

  18. Anonymous9:20 AM

    This nut is a Tea Party guy. The Governor and the head of the Florida Republican Party have condemned him and want him out of the race.
    The Republicans still refuse to officially split from the kook wing-the Palin, Cruz,
    Limbaugh, Nugent ,
    Joshua Black wing.
    I guess the recent poll showing only 25 % of registered voters identifying as Republicans isn't a low enough number for them.
    It's completely irresponsible for the Republican Party to sit back and still coddle
    and enable the increasingly deranged and dangerousTea Party.
    The Tea Party hates Republicans as much as Democrats , I wonder if the RNC realizes that.
    This kind of garbage is going to continue to happen from the Tea Party weirdos.
    Hopefully it will only be words because many , if not most of them , are clearly unstable.

  19. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Also too, he's got a Palin Republican grasp of history, Benedict Arnold was not executed by the government.

    The man actually apologized for getting THAT wrong, but not about calling for an illegal assassination. Last I saw, he has resigned from the Republican Party, but don't know whether he's withdrawn from the race.

  20. honeybabe10:47 AM

    what wonderful presidential material! hater-in-chief!

  21. Anita Winecooler6:38 PM

    Wow! A visit from the Secret Service! How cool is that? I have a feeling a certain facebook denizen with a ghostwriter will cross that same thin line as she fans the flames of hatred and racism.
    What's the appropriate outfit to wear when the Secret Service comes to visit? ? ?

  22. Anonymous6:41 PM

    The republicans have approved of this disrespect for the office of the president and President Obama go on for too long without any consequences. It should have been stopped long ago beginning with that traitorous tramp from Wasilla.

    I am sick and tired of them not being held accountable for their actions. When they "apologize" they blame it on the media or it was just a joke.

    Yes, the secret service paid him a visit, but they did nothing. He stands by his death threat, which is a felony and is not going to drop out of the race.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.