Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Smith and Wesson unveils the "Backpack Cannon." You know, just in case you're attacked by Godzilla.

Courtesy of Colorado Newsday:  

Gun Manufacturers Smith & Wesson have unleashed their newest revolver: a monster .460 calibre handgun which they say is 'great for a back-up gun, or for hunting'. 

Named the 'Backpack Cannon', the gun was unveiled in Las Vegas on Monday at the Shooting, Hunting, and Outdoor Trade show, the largest gun show in the U.S., which around 60,000 gun fans attend every year. 

The cannon features a three-inch barrel, high visibility sights and synthetic shock absorber on the rear of the handle, as well as a massive chamber to fit the gigantic .460 calibre rounds, which are some of the biggest and most powerful bullets in the world. 

The 5-round chambers are big enough to put your finger into comfortably, which gives an indication as to how big the rounds are.

Paul Pluff, who works for Smith & Wesson said: 'It's a very comfortable gun to shoot. It's great for a back-up gun in the back-country, or even for hunting if you’re going after some pigs or hogs or anything like that.' 

Uh huh. 

Okay look I Know that this is going to immediately inspire many of us to make small penis jokes, I ma fighting that urge eight now, however a gun like this DOES have its uses.

For instance say you came to a crevasse and needed to get to the other side. You could hold this between your legs. fire it at the ground, and propel what was left of your corpse to the other side.

Or what if he encountered a bear wearing a bullet proof vest?

Or, and I am sure this it the least likely scenario, what if some guy was VERY insecure about his masculinity?  He could then pull out this handgun version of Dirk Diggler and his friends would all know immediately what kind of a man that he was.

Oh yes they would.


  1. Any man that needs to hold, fondle and or feel the need to display for increase in the male member automatically loses 7 inches.

  2. Leland2:53 AM

    Actually, I am surprised it took S&W took so long to bring out an extra large caliber handgun. Magnum Research has had their Desert eagle FIFTY caliber hand gun for years now!

    What the hell for? Don't know. A fifty cal RIFLE is bad enough for kick.

  3. Anonymous2:55 AM


    It looks like a weapon from that Roger Rabbit cartoon movie.

  4. Anonymous2:56 AM

    When are these guys going to stop all the pretensions and just make a gun shaped like an erect penis.

  5. Sally in MI3:28 AM

    Good grief. The NRA must be having orgasms over this one. What is wrong with people? That little pink derriger Grandma has in her purse will kill a toddler just fine. Now you want to blow his head off too? Keep it up, NRA, and pretty soon all the sane people will leave the USA for Canada. I know I'm thinking about it. And 'backpack?' That thing looks like it needs its own backpack..or do you leave out food and water so you have your killing machine with you?

  6. Anonymous4:10 AM

    Gryphen... that new S&W reminds me of the cartoon gun in Who Framed Roger Rabbit that shot dumb dumb rounds.

  7. Anonymous5:48 AM

    Daddy, does it kick?

    1. Anonymous7:55 AM

      Not any more than that pocket rocket

    2. Leland9:32 AM

      The only thing I have felt that hurt more than a fifty cal's kick is a 10 gauge shotgun without the recoil cushion!

    3. Anonymous6:39 PM

      A guy I knew up on Kodiak had a pistol chambered for .300 Win MAg. Broke his wrist the first and last time he shot it....buwahahahahahaha. I'm not anti gun but....really?

  8. So you won't have to lower yourself to make the vile reference to the inverse proportions of gun vs dick size for Baggers, I will be happy to do it for you, G.

    That three-inch barrel is twice the length of the poor victim's manhood who feels the need to purchase and carry one of these. The owner of one of these will be conspicuous for the goose egg between their eyes with an impression of the trigger in the center of the knot.

  9. Anonymous6:11 AM

    I dunno it looks fun to shoot and I have a giant penis.

  10. Beldar j Conehead6:39 AM

    Isn't there already a sex toy that looks exactly like that gun? Fill the barrel with vaseline (30W motor oil? mascarpone cheese?) and your favorite gun enthusiast has an instant party of one.

    Mark my words, once the gun nuts get a firm hold of this one, ERs all over the country will start reporting men coming in with their little shooters jammed in there and explaining it happened accidentally during a routine 'gun cleaning' session.

  11. London Bridges8:56 AM

    This is a Weapon of Mass Destruction (WMD) and should be made illegal and the company should be shut down.

    1. Anonymous9:49 AM

      You mean a "Wesson of Mass Destruction." ;-)

  12. Anonymous5:29 PM

    Back pack cannon, huh? Can't wait for some twisted little freak to bring one to school for show and tell. Then Wayne LaPierre can tell us all how it's those gosh darn video games...

  13. Anita Winecooler6:17 PM

    The smartest selling gimmick since Condom Manufacturers came out with XL Condoms, for men who prefer the "baggie" look.

    How can Police Officers compete with death machines like these?

    We had another school shooting in Indiana yesterday, and all that was on our news was 12 inches of snow.

    Can anyone tell me WHY a hand cannon is necessary for hunting? Wouldn't it destroy the texture of the flesh? Mix the inedible parts with the edible, rendering it useless? How does one "Field dress" a hamburger?

  14. Anita Winecooler6:23 PM

    Off Topic

    This Just In,,,,, A Female Democrat won a special election in Virginia. That noise you hear are the GOP collectively filling their Adult Diapers!

  15. sortofwant.jpg So I could bring it to the range while wearing my clown costume complete with makeup, big shoes, and squirting daisy


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It just goes directly to their thighs.