Thursday, February 13, 2014

Conservative Idaho lawmakers craft bill protecting business owners who refuse service to anybody whose lifestyle conflicts with their religious belief.

Courtesy of KBOI2:  

Idaho lawmakers and conservative Christian allies who contend faith is under siege by gays, lesbians and the government are launching a "pre-emptive" strike to bolster rights of licensed professionals to refuse service or employment to those they conclude violate their religious beliefs. 

On Tuesday, Rep. Lynn Luker outlined a plan to shield religious people from the threat of having their professional licenses - issued for everything from midwives and doctors to physical therapists and nurses - revoked. 

Luker, a Boise Republican, knows of no example in Idaho of an actual challenge to a professional's license on these grounds. Still, he points to efforts by gays and lesbians elsewhere seeking to end what they contend is discrimination against them as a sign Idaho must act quickly to protect the faithful before something similar arises closer to home. 

"This is pre-emptive," Luker said. "The issue is coming, whether it's 10 years, or 15 years, or two years."

Yeah it's never too early to go into a full blown homophobic panic.  I mean if you wait the next thing you know some queer couple will want to gas up at your service station and YOU WILL HAVE TO GIVE IT TO THEM!

 I swear these idjits act like homosexuality is an air born virus like influenza. 

First you rent a room to a gay couple and the next thing you know you've opened a cake decorating business.

All I have to say is that there are few books that I know of that make my gay-dar go off as intensely as the New Testament. I mean the guy had long hair, wore a smock, hung out with 12 male "friends," and never once tried to bang Mary Magdalene.

In my book that suggests that somebody may have been a little light in the sandals.

Not that there is anything wrong with that. You know, unless you are a conservative homophobe from Idaho that is.


  1. I liked Sarah Silverman’s version of Jesus.

    I’m guessing there’s a scarcity of black people to vilify, so they’ve got to cast a wider net. If they can’t find evidence of evil, their poor little lives are so empty.

  2. Anonymous8:06 AM

    If a business flaunts a religion, I usually choose not to shop there or buy their services. One exception is the garden center that sells organic fertilizers etc, that I can not buy locally without spending money there. Praise the Yard.

    RJ in Brownbackistan

  3. ibwilliamsi9:15 AM

    All the easier for the rest of us to identify the hatemongers and spend our money elsewhere. Come out, come out, wherever you are!

  4. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Sarah Palin ‘would win hands down,’ if not for the media, her husband Todd says

    Read more:

    This reminds me of that time Bristol rolled her eyes at a teacher and said "My mom represents America".

  5. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Yet again - religion trumps sanity.

    Pat Padrnos


  6. Despite the fact that the headline says this is an Idaho bill, it actually is an ALEC bill that has found sponsors in six different states:

    Washington State
    South Dakota

  7. Anonymous12:18 PM

    And who gets to decide "sincerely held religious beliefs?" 'cause I kinda think I have a sincerely held belief that anyone who acts like this deserves to be treated as they treat others - so no Christians served by me or mine, either. And certainly that same law would protect my right to do so, even within the context of employment. right?

  8. Anita Winecooler5:20 PM

    "No Shoes
    No Shirt
    No Jesus
    No Service"
    Make them all "not for profit" organizations, without benefit of not paying taxes, of course. .

  9. Anonymous7:06 PM

    How do the businesses determine who is gay ?
    Are they going to demand that gays be tattooed like Hitler did to Jews ?
    And isn't this grotesque bigotry just a mini
    step from refusing to
    sell to blacks and Jews and Catholics and Hispanics and Native Americans and unwed mothers ( and their children ) and anyone else these tea party nuts deem unworthy ?
    What's next ? Internment camps ?
    These are very sick people . Very , very sick.

  10. Anonymous6:10 PM

    When you provide an artistic service, eheyher photography, decorating cakes or painting pictures, a person has the right to refuse their artistic services, ESPECIALLY if they give names and numbers for similar services in the area. I wouldn't want to bake a cake celebrating an anniversary for the KKK, and , I will be honest that I don't know much about Wiccans, but if they came to me to take pictures of s religious ceremony in which they were naked, I would feel enough uncomfortable to not want to take those pictures, and I shouldn't be forced to. Why would someone want a cake, or pictures done of their big event if that person is dead set against them? Advertise that they refused service, and let the community not buy from them. People should not be FORCED to provide their artistic talent, if they don't want to.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.