Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Diversity at Fox News.

I think I see the diversity. Some have dark roots and some do not.

Nailed it!

All kidding aside Roger Ailes should forever be remembered as the traitor who almost single handedly destroyed journalism in this country by introducing blonde talking mannequins chosen to swell the male audience's naughty bits while shrinking their critical thinking skills.


  1. angela2:10 AM

    Long legs, blond hair,brains put in a box, talking points glued to their tongues. These women are the Ailes Stepford journalists.

    1. Anonymous8:37 AM

      They are hardly "journalists."

  2. They all look related. Are you sure this isn't a remake of "Deliverance"?

  3. Anonymous4:31 AM

    They have only three men?

    1. Anonymous5:39 PM

      Four if you count Ann Coulter.

    2. Anonymous5:50 AM


  4. Randall4:53 AM

    I disagree that Roger Ailes is most responsible for destroying journalism in this country. I believe THAT dubious accolade goes to Ronald Reagan for using his executive power to repeal the Fairness Doctrine.

    The Fairness Doctrine was begun in 1949 - shortly after WWII - because we had seen what unbridled propaganda can do to a country and to the people of the country.

    Ronald Reagan believed in profit over freedom and the elimination of the Fairness Doctrine was his most major means toward that end.

    We wouldn't have Rush Limbaugh (and his ilk) and Fox News (Roger Ailes) if the United States still embraced the protections of the Fairness Doctrine.

  5. Beldar Kvinnofrid Conehead4:57 AM

    Looks like the lineup at a 1950s era Swedish brothel.....

  6. Well, we know they're not upsetting any Aryan separatist groups in Idaho, are they? But I fear this post got you-know-who thinking she needs to go wig shopping again today.

  7. Anonymous5:32 AM

    When all of them put up like that assuredly shows zero diversity! I don't watch FOX, so they all look exactly alike to me! Weird!!

    Try MSNBC folks - especially Rachel Maddow. Smart, gay, has her doctorate, funny and is a REAL journalist!

  8. Anonymous5:52 AM

    I guess my ignorance of FOX news is showing, but I never realized that they are ALL blonds, with clear skin. Heck, the length of their hair doesn't varry by more than about 3-4 inches! no short hair, no really long hair. Or is that industry standard and true on CNN and others too?

  9. Anonymous6:03 AM

    Ailes took Hitler's dream of a blond hair, blue-eyed master race and we have the Fourth Reich on our TV screens.

    1. Anonymous8:35 AM


      You know, I have long argued that FOX is as close as one can come to a specimen room of Aryan ideals (that or the American ideal of the blue-eyed, blond haired girl). Utterly ridiculous and laughable tactic on their part.

  10. Anonymous11:47 AM

    As I was thinking about this, it occurred to me it is only a couple steps removed from Naked News. - are they appealing to people's minds? thirst for knowledge? or perhaps something else.

  11. Anonymous12:24 PM

    With a few exceptions, they practically all have the same face shape too.

  12. Anonymous1:43 PM

    It's strange that the country-wide Fox News channel has mostly white female journalists, since the state networks that are affiliated with Fox have a more diverse group. For example, the CT Fox News channel has a South Asian (likely Indian) reporter, an African American reporter, a Hispanic reporter, and a reporter who is Caucasian/Hispanic/Asian. I guess the larger Fox News channel just cannot embrace diversity like CT Fox Channel can.

  13. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Not a Gwen Stefani, Madonna or Marilyn Monroe in the entire bunch. Not a journalist to be seen. Fox new is to "News:" as "Pro Wrestling" is to Sports. In Fox's case, they don't want to upset the Aryan Nutjobs nor KKK.

  14. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Well, I guess I'll never get a job at Fox, and not only because I'm a liberal. I'm also a redhead.

    Seriously, all these women look the same. It's like they came from some factory. I can't tell them apart.

    Jennifer K


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