Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Karl Rove tells Rand Paul that bringing up Monica Lewinsky to hurt Hillary Clinton is a waste of time.

Courtesy of TPM:  

Bashing former President Bill Clinton for the Monica Lewinsky scandal isn't a good strategy to use if Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) wants to position himself as a presidential contender in 2016, according to election oracle Karl Rove. 

The veteran Republican strategist said Tuesday in an appearance on Fox News that Paul needs to shelve personal ambition and focus on a bigger message if he wants to field a viable campaign. 

"Frankly, Rand Paul spending a lot of time talking about the mistakes of Bill Clinton does not look like a big agenda for the future of the country," he said. 

Paul has lobbed a series of attacks at Clinton in recent weeks, ranging from calling him a "serial philanderer" to suggesting Democrats return money they raised with his help. 

Rove said the Kentucky Republican ought to focus on strengthening his "skills" as a candidate, rather than on a White House affair that's already 15 years old. 

"I'm not certain again that beating up on Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky is a particularly good thing to strengthen your skills for the 2016 contest," he said.

Okay I don't trust Karl Rove as far as I can roll him, so I am not sure if he is really trying to help Paul here, or if he doesn't like him for a candidate so he is undermining him publicly.

Whatever the reason, Rove is right. (Did I just write that?)

Trying to defeat Hillary by bringing up Bill's dalliances is going to be about as effective as calling Obama a Kenyan socialist was to stopping his reelection.

I wonder if this means that Rove is giving up on 2016, or that he has something he considers much more effective up his sleeve to use against Hillary?

Like I said, I don't trust ole Turdblossom.


  1. Anonymous4:25 AM

    Actually, I hope Rand Paul continues in this vein of useless condemnation of Bill Clinton. It will consume him until he withers away into a empty husk of sputtering indignation.

    1. Rand is beating on a dead piece of wood.......

  2. Anonymous4:31 AM

    Well, it's Karl Rove so he'd probably just have push polls saying that Hillary has a secret bi-racial love child.

  3. Anonymous4:37 AM

    Shut up Rove, you bald fat fuck, let the Aqua Buddha fly his freak flag all he wants.

  4. Anonymous4:45 AM

    Paul lives in a glass house, with his phony ophthalmology "board" certification, with which his wife is complicate, as the Vice President of his made-up Board.
    Pretending that you have special skills as an EYE surgeon, when you may not, is beyond unforgivable. Paul will be eaten alive in a GOP primary.

  5. The GOP is DOA.
    They couldn't possibly have a campaign with straightforward debates of policy issues, carried out in a thoughtful, respectful manner - like adults.

  6. Anonymous5:39 AM

    Maybe Rove has some information about Rand Paul that would make Rand Paul look hypocritical when it comes to this particular line of questioning.

  7. Anonymous6:28 AM

    O/T Make sure it's good with family ... Palin family says "NO!"

    And Ms. Palin did just tease “Inside Edition” with a possible 2016 run at the highest office, Politico reported.
    Her statement, when asked about a White House run: “I think if anyone is asked by enough people, if enough people have that faith that you’re willing and able to put the country on the right path, I think that person should absolutely consider it and make sure it’s good with family.”

    Palin's daughter, Piper was there and we had to ask what the 12-year-old thinks of her mom running for national political office again.

    Moret asked, "Piper, what do you think of your mom as president?"

    Piper shook her head "no."

    "No?" asked Moret.

    Sarah reacted, "Piper!"

  8. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Why hasn't the story about rand Paul kidnapping a girl in college, got more media? . Everything on the table he says. The stories about all should be front and center. Llets go through all of Clarence Thomas's bad behavior, How his wife has tried to go after Anita Hall, for telling all it.

  9. Perhaps Rove prefers another possible GOP candidate in 2016.

    Rove knows that Paul is too far to the right to win enough of the national vote. Rove works for the puppeteers. Their strategy is simple. Present a puppet that is appealing to enough of the electorate to win. Then the puppet does what the puppeteers want, despite whatever the puppet promised before the election. Remember "No Nation Building Bush?"

    No, Rove is doing his job here -- serving the interests of those who pay him.

  10. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Hillary's ratings are highest when she is perceived as being vulnerable. This Rove knows.

    "Monica! Monica! Monica!" will only strengthen HRC and distract from "Obamacare! Obamacare! Obamacare!"

    If "Obamacare!" reaches it's goals before the mid-term elections, the GOP is fucked.

  11. ajweishar5:36 PM

    The Lewinsky affair is going to come back and bite the GOP is the trunk. They should have let it lie. Once resurrected, it will open the can of worms that points back to Republican strategists sending her in to make Clinton look bad. She was an actress and a plant to distract from a lot of bad press, like Iran-Contra and CIA drugs being sold in LA.

  12. Anita Winecooler5:50 PM

    What I like about this is little Randy won't listen to Turdblossom, and possibly double down and ramp up the attacks over time.
    Which is fine with me!

  13. Anonymous2:47 AM

    Rove knows that by trying to shine the light on the treatment of women in the workplace, they are only going to illuminate much more disgusting behavior from among their own candidates. The GOP doesn't want to live up to those standards.


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