Friday, March 28, 2014

Guns and Ammo interviews Sarah Palin about her new huntin show. Let the barely coherent BS begin.

Courtesy of Guns and Ammo:

Do you still get outdoors to hunt caribou or fish with the family? 

Absolutely! The outdoors is where I thrive. Todd and I went fly-fishing in Montana last summer and caught some beautiful rainbow trout. We’re commercial fishermen in Bristol Bay, so we don’t normally play with our food. So, sport fishing on the Missouri was a blast. We also did mounted shooting while there, and Piper loved that. She was a regular Annie Oakley. And, of course, we did a lot of moose, caribou and bear hunting in Alaska this past fall to fill the freezer. My girls and I even spent a special snowy Mother’s Day target practicing and looking for bear at our cabin near Mt. McKinley. 

Yes she wandered around that cabin on Safari lake, that she pays no taxes on, shooting off guns and looking for bears to kill.

Of course the cabins are near Denali park where hunting is not allowed unless for subsistence reasons, and no way does Palin qualify for that. Not to mention you have to have a registration, bear tags, and harvest tickets in order to hunt bear, and of course she has none of that either.

Just another BS story to placate the morons.

When asked about her family and hunting, this was the response: 

When you’ve grown up in Alaska and raised your kids in the far North, that just comes with the territory. Dad had a bumper sticker: “Take your kids hunting so you’re not hunting for your kids.” His profound bumper art included another favorite that reads “Vegetarian is old Indian word for ‘poor shot.’” (Yeah, that joke NEVER gets old.) Mom and Dad moved our family to Alaska specifically to enjoy hunting and fishing and live a great outdoors lifestyle. It’s what we like to do. 

 I’m really blessed that all my kids love a rugged outdoor lifestyle. Recently, Piper jumped off a waterfall, which was a reward for babysitting her brother Trig. We also had a blast going through two seasons of “Dancing With the Stars” with Bristol. It was such the opposite of anything we had done. Bristol wanted to wear a sequined camo gown, but that didn’t fly with the producers. (Wow, when you are not even classy enough for Dancing with the Stars, that should really tell you something.) The kids have opportunities to live and work in metropolitan places like Los Angeles but my daughter Willow’s response to living elsewhere reflects all the kids’ thinking at this point in their lives: “Mom, I miss my truck!” 

Yes, because as we know nobody drives a truck anywhere but Alaska.

Palin also claims that her dad gave the family firearm safety tips, which of course is why Levi had to show her how the gun under her bed worked, and why her father had to reload the rifle she used to shoot the tame, tied up caribou she murdered on her reality show.

They ask Palin what is her favorite caliber of weapon, which is apparently a question of interest for these people, and she answers that it is a .22 caliber, which of course has no kick and if she fired it at a bear it would only make it kill her faster.

The entire interview is made up of the same family mythology and tired talking points that Palin has been using for years now. The only notable feature is that she did not have the opportunity to slam the President or insult liberals, though she did sneak in a reference to Ronald Reagan.

Well somebody's getting sloppy now aren't they?


  1. Anonymous12:04 PM

    "22 calibre." How fucking predictable was that? Kind of like asking her which Supreme Court decisions she knows about (I'll leave it to you all to guess at the what the equally predictable answer to THAT question would be).

    What a fucking fraud.

    1. Anonymous1:10 PM

      She still has to get back to Katie on that.

    2. F U McCain3:31 PM

      How the fuck does DWTS relate to a "rugged, outdoor lifestyle"?

      I heard Brisdull is old Indian for "whore in tent"

      Willow is old Indian for "nasty midget"

      Todd is old Indian for " teeny tiny two tone penis"

      Sarah is old Indian for "old, smelly bitch"

      Palin is old Indian for "devastation"

      Heath is old Indian for "land rapers"

      Fuck you, Sarah.

    3. Anonymous5:36 PM

      Damn. That about says it all. Thank you.

    4. Anonymous5:42 PM

      Hey Alaska.......when ya gonna expose our sarah? and her

    5. F U McCain5:50 PM

      If that was for my comment,
      You're welcome.

    6. Anonymous6:28 PM

      We should all barrage the Guns/Ammo rag and tell them $arah does not live in Alaska anymore! She is based in Arizona. And her family has not fished at Bristol Bay for years. None of her kids hunt or fish. $he and her clan are frauds and only use Alaska as a photo opp!!

    7. Anonymous5:41 PM

      .22, .23... whatever it takes....hahahahahahaha

  2. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Tundra turd loves her .22?!

    Not the manly but more rare 22 long? Not the testicularly enhanced 22 Long Rifle?

    Not to mention .223 and so on.

    FAIL!!! (But the 22 doesn't kick much if the only muscles you have are your abs of iron and the cankles).

  3. Anonymous12:10 PM

    She's so full of moose shit her eyes are brown...if you looked up insipid in the dictionary you would find a picture of sarah.

  4. Anonymous12:10 PM

    That picture made me laugh out loud.

    Can't you just imagine her trying to figure out how to get another dead animal skin on her head while saying "I'll show all those namby pamby, lib-ruls how real Alaskians use natural, God given resources".

    She is doing an excellent job of turning herself into a caricature. NEVER to be taken seriously by the masses again.

  5. Anonymous12:18 PM

    holy cow! I figured out why she wears stilts on her feet! Look at those pics of her holding a gun, her feet are HUGE! Almost as big as her bobble head!

    1. Anonymous2:05 PM

      yeah, the cross eyed retarded skank regularly wears shoes about three sizes too big

    2. Anonymous4:07 AM

      In the 2nd picture at the Guns and Ammo link, Sarah is standing next to a clearly pregnant Bristol (don't think it's Willow). Anybody know the date for these pics?

  6. .
    just made up shit she pulled out of her ass...

    what an abhorrent pile of excrement, whose every word is a lie.

  7. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Ok Piper is Annie Oakley, Bristol is Calamity Jane[ how appropriate] and Big Mouth Ass..i mean bass Sarah is? well it's not frontierish but Ma Barker fits the bill or she and Tawdry could be a modern day Bonnie and Clyde but instead of banks they rob the ignorant bumper sticker mentality christian idiots.

    And love the hat by the way you can never have enough dead animals on your head to prove your a real outdoorsy type woman! and you know she thinks she looks all cute and fluffy, well that ought to turn those old hunters on.How cold was it to wear that get-up?. In Michigan it was worse this winter than Alaska and oh the horror! i didn't see one man or woman wear an outfit like that and that includes the UP [Upper Peninsula] we just are not up to fashion i guess or she is a wuss or dumb to be out very long if it's that friggin cold or both.

    1. Anonymous2:12 PM

      During the two times I lived in Alaska I almost never saw anyone wearing fur of any kind. I saw more fools running around in it down here in the States, where it's more about vanity than actually keeping sensibly warm with a wind and water resistant coat. Palin is so vain and stupid.
      M from MD

    2. Anonymous2:25 PM

      Most of us in Alaska realize that new engineered fabrics are much warmer than stinky dead animals. But hey, the Palins aren't playing to an Alaskan crowd, they are playing to rubes in the lower 48 that will most likely never visit this state and find out what it is REALLY about, and just a hint, it's not about fakers like the Palins.

    3. Anonymous4:36 PM

      I've been living in western bush Alaska for 30 plus years and I would have to disagree with you that the modern fabrics beat fur. In my humble opinion a fur hat is the most essential garment that I own for cold weather outdoor activities. I also have polypropylene base layers that I wouldn't part with.I guess the animal worshipers geat all butthurt about using fur but using a harvestable surplus of furbearers for high quality, functional clothing should be encouraged, not villified.

    4. Anonymous4:48 PM

      Fur is warmer than any high tech gear...but it's a lot heavier and bulky.

    5. Anonymous5:47 PM

      I would agree about quality and function of animal fur. But. Stinky comes to mind and when living in town.......smell is a big one.

    6. Anonymous6:01 PM

      You can keep your fur and I'll keep my clear conscience by avoiding it. To me there is no difference between wild or domestic animals.
      M from MD

    7. Anonymous8:01 PM

      Well them M from MD, invite a mama grizzly into your house then.

    8. Anonymous4:13 AM

      I don't have any problem with anyone wearing fur that came from animals that were hunted for food.

      Animals raised in cages solely for fur production? -
      Big problem with that.

  8. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Her favorite caliber? "Oh any of them, all of them."

    1. Anonymous1:09 PM


    2. Anonymous1:18 PM

      She has been waiting since 08 for THAT gotcha question.

      So there Katie!

  9. Anonymous12:40 PM

    That mounted shooting thing was a farce. Sarah held onto the saddle horn with one hand and shot blanks at some balloons with the other. Show that on the Sportsman Network! Sarah's horse was being led around the ring by someone else. What a rugged sportswoman!

    1. Anonymous12:54 PM

      To bad the horse didn't do a bolt for the barn with her on it, she slips sideways gets her foot caught in the stirrup commences to scream TODD! TODD save me you moron! as Todd replies " AH..Sarah I can't ride a horse and I ain't running neither" . in the meantime her wig has fallen off and her water bra has sprung a leak and is squirting water in her horses eye which makes the horse run even faster.

      Now THAT i would pay to see.

    2. F U McCain3:36 PM

      Oh man!

      Was the Sportsman Channel feel set up before they went on their fake rodeo getaway?
      Maybe the SC PAID for the Palin's to go to the ranch so they could cut some B-roll of Sarah and her family into the episodes?

      We KNOW the Palin's didn't pay for the trip so the question is, who did and why?

      If anyone watches the show is be curious if the Palin kkklan makes an appearance.

    3. F U McCain4:26 PM

      PALINS , Not possessive.

    4. F U McCain4:27 PM

      Deal, not feel

      I'd, not is

      Hate auto correct. ..

  10. Anonymous12:58 PM

    I guess the two inches of makeup is supposed to keep her face warm in winter? Because mercy me, that is a LOT of whore paint...

    1. Anonymous5:17 PM

      add some powder, then some paint
      makes a woman what she ain't

  11. Anonymous1:02 PM

    "If you could change one federal firearm law, what would you change?

    I’m interested in any measure that would allow more people to carry concealed because, as the NRA’s Wayne LaPierre famously said, “The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.” Guns protect good people, and our laws need to acknowledge this fact. "

    1. Anonymous5:52 PM

      As long as they do a complete mental exam and background check. ONE little convicted anger issue in a lifetime will disqualify the permit. OK?

  12. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Any cheesecake photo spread for this interview?

  13. Anonymous1:12 PM

    So it ain't so, there Sarah goes again:

    As the proud mom of an Army combat vet, I’m thankful to get to work with them.

    Read more:

    1. Anonymous5:54 PM

      I can't bear to click that link but if she actually said that, woe to mama griz. I'm working on getting the definition of 'combat vet' down to a little less than 140 characters just in case. Gotta leave a little room for hashtags.

  14. Anonymous1:13 PM

    as the NRA’s Wayne LaPierre famously said, “The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.”
    Guns protect good people, and our laws need to acknowledge this fact.

    Read more:

    1. Anonymous1:46 PM

      It's time the liberals, the good guys, start to gun up. Nice hand gun. Perhaps a Glock 9 mm with a clip? Drive up to the shooting range and blast a few caps and stop by the barista for a nice cappuccino. Then pick up some bacon, free-range chicken and grass fed beef on the way home. My imported car does not need a bumper sticker slapped on the back to express my views. But I am a real American, one of the good guys and my ass doesn't need a tatooed trash stamp to ink my world view.

      RJ in Brownbackistan

    2. Anonymous2:05 PM

      You're as loony as Palin.

    3. Anonymous3:06 PM

      2:05.....It's snark, and if you don't get it you are a stupid as Palin's base.

    4. Anonymous5:55 PM

      The only thing dangerous about a gun is the hands of a moron on it. less than 1/16 of the population in the world are mentally fit to carry a gun.

  15. Anonymous1:19 PM

    IMO, She is mentally deficient and can not get a hunting license Altho' maybe in AZ, she can.... to hunt the dark people.

    As pointed out - her hunting skills don't exist. She can't load a gun. She can't hold a gun. She can't aim a gun.

    Perhaps she is unaware that she can't just hit an animal with a hammer like she beats the fish. Does Todd still have a commercial fishing license?

    Wasn't the picture of Piper 'jumping off the waterfall' proven to be photoshopped?

    1. Anonymous2:25 PM

      Pretty hard to aim a gun when you're cross eyed. That girl jumping off the waterfall looked to be about 18 at least. Definitely not piper diaper.

    2. F U McCain3:53 PM

      I didn't watch SP'S ALASKA, But a blog was doing a write up on the Gosselin episode.
      There was a video clip:
      It was Sarah checking to see how well Todd Was doing catching the fish (presumably for dinner).

      Todd did not, COULD NOT, catch a SINGLE FISH!!!!!!

      this fuktard can only "fish" with a big freaking net! What an outdoorsman! ! What a fisherman! !

      Of course even Sarah was making fun of his ass, cuz he's pathetic.

    3. Anonymous5:00 PM

      The jumping-in-the-falls picture was a stock photo, for use by anyone with $2 to use to buy it.

  16. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Is that a baby seal skin on her head? It looks like she has at least two hoods available also, too. The pink coat is beginning to get a bit threadbare, is it not? I'm sure I've seen this one for years now.

    1. Anonymous2:29 PM

      Strangely enough the coat still fits her now emaciated body the same as it did her "7 month pregnant" body. Funny, that.

      Magic coat?

    2. F U McCain3:54 PM

      She actually looks really OLD.

  17. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Her favorite caliber is the one she asked Levi to show her how to use. The one she keeps under her bed (wink, wink)

  18. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Yikes, she can't even answer a canned interview with coherent answers. One fact follows another, all jumbled together in her brain under the "outdoors" category: bumper stickers, babysitting for Trig, Dancing with the Stars, target practice. The list is endless

    Yet the waterfall, the target shooting, the fly fishing, the dancing: none was performed in that magical land of unicorns, rainbows, blueberries and grizzly bears that Sarah alleges she loves more than anyplace else on earth.What gives?

    It's all such a joke; she opens herself up to questions of logic and reason with every one of her thought puffs.
    e.g.: Was Idaho not wild and outdoorsy enough for the Palin parents back in the '60s? Or today, for that matter. Clearly they moved for another reason, Sarah. (Possibly because your barely educated father could get an Alaskan teaching credential back then, with few qualifications.)

    If you give an obviously phoney answer, like that one, people will doubt the rest of your stories. Try your very hardest not to lie so much and so blatantly.

    And, Sarah, after all your travels, are you so blind that you never saw anyone driving a truck in the rest of "Amazin' America"? Over here in the mountains of one of the original 13 colonies, we drive trucks all the time! Please pass this bit of wisdom on to Willow, who appears to be deficient in some very basic knowledge.

    For extra credit, why don't you sit down at your family dinner table tonight and talk about those 13 colonies, why they rebelled, and why they came together to become the beginning of "Amazin' America." I'm sure you Palins love to talk together and play games when you share your moose stew after a long day in the rugged outdoors.

    Extra credit for being able to spell Connecticut and Massachusetts from memory. Oops, I just gave you a hint for your 13 colonies game. Well, there's still so much to discuss!
    Bonus point for identifying Caesar Rodney. Since you love the Constitution even more than you love Alaska, this will be an easy one for you, Sarah.
    /s/ Button Gwinnett

    1. Anonymous2:06 PM

      @1.41 Sarah tried giving the American History tour in 2011, and she flunked the test when she rang those bells and fired those warning shots. She also thought that the Statute of Liberty (her spelling in a tweet) was a warning not to repeat the mistakes that Europe made.

    2. Anonymous2:17 PM

      Sarah mentioned all of her exciting outdoors activities, which just so happen to match the well planned photos that she posted last summer on her facebook. There was a photo of a girl jumping in the waterfall, but the girl was so well developed that we wondered if that was Piper or just a stock photo of girl jumping in the waterfall. Sarah admitted that she was too chicken to jump. Driving to the waterfall and driving back is not an outdoors adventure.

      About the fishing, check out this photo. That's real rugged outdoor life-- they are on a rented house boat. In this collection of photos: Palin says, "I'm no good at mounted shooting."

    3. Anonymous2:47 PM

      All those outdoor activities she claimed her family took part in happened at least a year ago. What do they do regularly or even lately? I hike 3 times a week, carry a camera instead of a gun, and I drive a TRUCK. I also do not live in Alaska. I'm fortunate that I live in a warmer state (NM) and can be out doorsy year round. Even though I don't live in Alaska, I'm allowed to drive a truck - imagine that!

    4. F U McCain3:56 PM

      Yeah, everybody said that Brisdull was learning disabled but it seems like little Willow is missing some intellectual branches. ..

    5. Anonymous4:53 PM

      Willow is familiar with the Klein Institute in NY. She has problems.....

    6. Anonymous7:20 PM

      When Palin was first chosen as VP, I read the blogs from Alaska to learn who she was. People asked why Sarah kept licking her lips all the time, dry mouth. The answer was that she took Adderall, which is prescribed for ADDH. If Bristol and Willow have problems, it could be that ADDH runs in the family. We don't know enough about Track, but he returned from high school in Michigan, and we don't know if he ever graduated.

      Any more signs that Sarah has attention deficit? She sat through a lecture about Paul Revere and five minutes later, she couldn't remember what she had just heard. (Or she was busy on her phone and wasn't listening).

    7. F U McCain7:30 PM

      Runs in the family. ..

      Or Sarah was a booze drinking, drug snorting, pill popping house wife in Wasilla when she got pregnant and didn't stop.

    8. Anonymous7:34 PM

      She shows signs of feces on the brain.

  19. Chenagrrl1:44 PM

    Where did that seal skin bonnet come from? Wally Hickel had an otter coat, which the Anchorage Times once described as mouton-like.

    1. Anonymous2:03 PM

      Where did that seal skin bonnet come from? Lunch!

    2. Anonymous7:30 PM

      She probable goes to Canada and joins the annual beat the baby seals over the head and skin them alive fest.

      Don't the palins lives off a major highway? some wilderness

      Same old talking points that defy the logic of any sane person.

  20. Anonymous2:03 PM

    i'm sure the gunz and ammo magazine regular readers are gonna tear the inbred cross eyed skank a new one pertaining to this little round of ignorant bullshit/verbal diarrhea spew

  21. Anonymous2:19 PM

    This wind-up doll has no new tricks. Every thing she says is so predictable and old news.

    "I'm really blessed that all my kids love a rugged outdoor lifestyle". Huh? She's blessed by that? How does that bless her? Usually, parents say that their kids are "blessed" by the fact they are able to do this or that. Sarah says SHE is blessed. How does that bless her? Wouldn't she rather that her kids have the ability and freedom and health to pursue their own dreams?

    Why is it so important that they pursue what she pretends she wants? Is it so she can use them to keep faking her brand? She is so full of it.

  22. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Their cabin isn't even remotely close to Denali National Park, it is near Denali State Park, a mere 20 miles up Petersville Road near Talkeetna, a full 100 miles from the entrance to Denali National Park. Still, they would need a permit to hunt bears in the State Park and could only do so from March to June. She name drops Mt. McKinley so that people will think she's in the wilderness when really she's just 60 miles from her house, most of it traveled on the Parks Highway and then just a few miles off of the Petersville Road. Remember all those rumors of she and Todd engaging in bad behavior at the now burned down Petersville/Forks Roadhouse....that's where their cabin is, basically in suburbia as far as "real" Alaska goes.

  23. Anonymous2:23 PM

    She has on 2 coats (both with hoods) a hat AND a headband. And what is the twisted tyrolean harness she is wearing?

    1. Anonymous3:36 PM

      The headband holds the WIG in place.

    2. Anita Winecooler6:25 PM

      It's all the rage in Alaska I hear. All Grandmoms with single pregnant daughters dress like MAcy Parade Balloons to "Blend in".

  24. Anonymous2:31 PM

    "Bristol wanted to wear a sequined camo gown" OMG I..can't..breathe..Bwahahahah!!!

    1. Anonymous2:52 PM

      That sentence along screams WHITE FUCKING TRASH!!

    2. Anonymous3:03 PM

      I can see Sarah's new TV show on the shopping network selling sequined camo. Take that for class, Ivana!

    3. Anonymous4:48 PM

      Bristol wanted to wear a sequined Maternity Gown. Baby making is still Bristol's only job.

    4. Anonymous5:36 PM

      Haha, yes, Anon. 2:31, it's hilarious. Sequined camo gown with Duck Dynasty whistle necklace and a pair of them shotgun heel shoes.

    5. Anita Winecooler6:23 PM

      Nothing screams "I'm not pregnant" like a sequined camo gown!

      What passes for talent used to pass for a bowel movement.

    6. Anonymous7:32 PM

      WTF!!! Camo gown=Redneckistani in the house!

    7. Anonymous4:14 AM

      I swear, SWEAR Palin said the same thing about a White House Wedding for Bristol during the campaign - that Bristol wanted a camo wedding gown. ANYONE ELSE remember this or am I having a seizure?

    8. Anonymous7:17 AM

      Sarah slammed Levi claiming his bride wanted camo..... Bristol probably wanted camo the wedding to Levi.

  25. hauksdottir2:33 PM

    Look at the furriner!

    (5 furs in that hood alone?)

    1. Anonymous4:02 PM

      Yeah, and all of the dead animals are in Chuck Heath's freezer, waiting to be eaten for dinner.

  26. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Sarah is a classic poser. Acts confident, but is not competent, at anything. Claims she was a mayor, but had to hire a manager to do the work for her. Claims she was a governor, but had to have a shadow cover for her. Claims she commercial fishes, but in reality just hung out when it was convenient for her. Claims she hunts, but has to spend thousands for a guide, film crew, and have her daddy load and probably even shoot for her. Her dog mushing skills are on par with and tourist who pays a real musher to actually control the dogs from the back sled. Claims to climb Denali, but has to be pulled up a novice pitch. I despise such posers who just have to be in the proximity of an activity, and claim that "I do that". Sarah, you dumb twat. You are just a dumb twat. You are not capable of being competent at anything.

    1. Anonymous3:02 PM

      Claims she was a governor, but she quit half way through. Claims to hunt but was left at moose camp to pick blueberries. Claims to hunt but she missed the caribou four times (that we saw. Daddy does it kick?)

    2. F U McCain4:20 PM

      Claims she has basketball skills but has Never shown them off (maybe sHe's shy? Hahaha!).

      Hey Sarah -


      You knOw, for charity... like you do. (Hahaha)

      You can show EVERYBODY that you can eat all the Chik full A crap you want and you can still beat a"feel good foodie" like MRS. O at physical challenges! !

      I KNOW you are TOTALLY up for this!

      Anyone who can return to work THREE DAYS after giving birth to a baby with a home in his heart;
      Who flew from Texas to Alaska with LABOR PAINS/contractions AND leaking fluid;
      Who can sPeed walk on icy Anchorage side walks in high heels whole eight months pregnant! ;
      Who SAVED WASILLA S pride by HOBBLING onto the basketball court to send her team to victory! (Yes yes the game was already won and she only had to make two free throws but STILL, people! It's that Servants Heart that Can't. Be. TaMed! )

      So, Esther? Whadya say?
      All proceeds can go to Down Syndrome research. ..or SARAHPAC-

      *can't WAIT to see your footwear!

    3. Anonymous4:45 PM

      4:20 PM I would rather see an arm wrestling contest, Sarah's fragile arm would break. How about pushups, Sarah could manage to do 1/2 before quitting.

  27. Anonymous2:56 PM

    My god she has a lot of crap on. Believe, real Alaskans don't deck themselves out like that to go outside. She looks like a flipping greenhorn in that get-up.

    1. Anonymous4:01 PM

      She rides a horse like a real greenhorn, too.

    2. Anonymous4:01 PM

      And, she shoots a gun like a real greenhorn.

  28. Anonymous3:00 PM

    After the scathing comments on this Facebook post from Guns and Ammo advertising Amazing America with Sarah Palin, you'd have thought they learned their lesson and would not go there again.

  29. Anonymous3:07 PM

    That's a straight forward interview. What's unintelligible most of the time are nasty comments written by sad people on blogs.

    1. Anonymous3:34 PM

      3:07 PM You are the Saddest of all. Stalking Liberal Blogs is your life. What happened, did the batteries in your 2-toned Dildo go dead? Kissing the Palins' asses has gotten you no closer to them than Facebook. BWAHAHAHAHAHA, you are a Joke.

    2. Anonymous4:00 PM

      @3:07 You are not sticking to the script. Get a life. Stop manipulating people. You need therapy. Don't improvise. The new word-a-day calendar has been turned to the new word, unintelligible. No, kid, most of the comments here are easy to understand-- except yours.

    3. Anonymous6:34 PM

      It's straightforward (one word, dearie) to brag about your outdoor lifestyle in one breath and in the next breath gush over your daughter's glitzy Hollywood stint? Which was somehow evidence of your outdoorsyness because she wanted to wear a dress that was too d@mn tacky for even DWTS? (Kinda surprising she didn't mention the Magilla Gorilla schtick as evidence that darling Bristol is a back to nature kinda gal at heart.)
      What planet are these people on?

  30. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Stain Hon, the bonnet does you no favors. In fact, it's butt ugly.
    BTW, I live in Il and own a truck.

  31. Anonymous4:15 PM

    Her lies about their lives in Alaska have always been so easy to prove!

    People are idiots to believe a thing that flows from that harpy's mouth. Gadfree, but Hell truly await her. Wish I could be there when she meets her maker as we all know she's got lotsa splainin' to do!

  32. Anonymous4:17 PM

    I live in a suburb of Rochester, NY. My town has a population of just under 100,000 people. It's about as Middle Class East Coast Suburb as you can get.

    My next door neighbor has a truck and, if I could afford one, I'd buy one too.

    What an idiot!

    1. Anonymous5:27 PM

      I live in a small town in that liberal northeast, a few miles from a major university. It's hardly rustic but many of my neighbors have trucks, wear John Deere caps and have gun racks in said trucks. They hunt deer in season and no one has to help them hold the gun. I too wish I could afford a truck for hauling stuff, but I'd forgo the gun rack.

    2. Anonymous6:20 PM

      Go to California, and you will find way TOO MANY trucks there!
      I live in WA state, and I would hazard a guess - every third or fourth vehicle is a truck (while every other vehicle is some sort of SUV)

    3. Anonymous6:26 PM

      Just HOW MANY f*cking layers does $he wear??? That thick pink monstrosity, which $he already wore when $he was seven or eight months 'pregnant' with 'her' fifth child, then the black inside layer, which look ungodly warm also, too, and then there seems to be an extra layer inside THAT one. Then $he wears AT LEAST two, if not THREE hats/hoods, PLUS the headband...
      SMH. That must have been SOME arctic blast that day - at LEAST -50*F!
      Way to go, 'First Lady Of Outdoors'!

  33. Anonymous4:40 PM

    What happened to Sarah's spray tan? They must have used a concrete trowel to pack on that Pancake makeup.

  34. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Sarah 'BIGFOOT' Palin.

  35. Anonymous5:57 PM

    What a Fraud.

  36. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Dad had a bumper sticker: “Take your kids hunting so you’re not hunting for your kids.” 
    -Sarah Palin

    Sarah didn't take her father's advice. If Sarah spent time with Bristol then Bristol wouldn't have been a single underage high school mother who to this day is still looking for a husband.

    1. Anonymous6:23 PM

      Hey Sarah's dad, maybe you should have taken Sarah hunting so she wouldn't have to run off in the middle of the night to elope with Todd and have Track eight months later.

    2. Anonymous6:26 PM

      What's Track's story? Sarah the great white hunter didn't take Track hunting either. That explains why Track got the pastor's virgin daughter pregnant.

    3. F U McCain7:24 PM


      Never thought of that. Obviously toad and Sarah don't hunt-

      But if Grandpa Heath is SUCH a big fan of hunting -
      Did he take the Palin kids out to show them the bloody outdoors?
      I would imagine that grandpa "live off the land" would have taken the kids out a few times, Yes?
      I mean, Our Sarah did it before school! (Ha ha)
      A family that is SOOOOOOO proud of their hunting heritage has no family members interested?
      So who is filling up that freezer, Sarah?

      Sure as hell ain't you and toad.

  37. Anita Winecooler6:16 PM

    If someone checks their clock, one of the cuckoos is in the lost and found!

  38. Anonymous6:20 PM

    omg, she looks ridiculous with those dead animals draped over her head...she's wearing enough spackling on her face to be on broadway. What a twunt..

    1. Anonymous8:10 PM

      I think they are using a much earlier photo and that's why she is shown in the other pictures with that coat. Trying to tie it together. We all know just from the promo pics that the makeup can't even do that for her anymore.

  39. Anonymous6:31 PM

    Dad had a bumper sticker: “Take your kids hunting so you’re not hunting for your kids.” 
    -Sarah Palin

    What about Willow, the Colony Girls gang and the rest of those hooligans. Didn't they get caught ransacking a house?

    Tsk tsk tsk, Sarah should have taken her father's advice instead of laying up on the beach in Hawaii.

    1. Anonymous7:07 PM

      Track and some school buses
      Bristol, some wine coolers, in a tent

  40. Anonymous6:34 PM

    We’re commercial fishermen in Bristol Bay, so we don’t normally play with our food. 
    - Sarah Palin

    When was the last time multimillionaire Sarah fished for food. Isn't there a Taco Bell near her house?

    1. Anonymous7:06 PM

      What DID Sarah and Todd do to those fish that they are holding? Oh, I know, they give them to girls who are taking selfies.

    2. Anonymous10:39 PM

      wasilla's fast food alley, gotta put blinders on when i drive through that eyesore

  41. Anonymous6:46 PM

    I wouldn't be surprised if Sarah didn't have "SKI-POO" embroidered on the back of her jacket.

  42. Anonymous6:49 PM

    .22 caliber?

    If you shot anybody in the hood with a 22, be prepared to get your ass whooped.

    1. F U McCain7:26 PM

      Oh man, I WISH she tried to take something out with a .22

      She'd be done

  43. Anonymous6:53 PM

    I find it interesting that when Sarah tries to make herself look mightier than the average American family, all the information about her dysfunctional family comes out.

  44. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Kiss my ass Sarah.

  45. Anonymous7:00 PM

    Toni Pease > Sarah Palin

    29 minutes ago · With all the wars going on in other countries. tell me Sarah, what is to stop Russia from coming over to Alaska?

    Toni if you asked Sarah that question, don't be surprised if she says

    "Send in the NorwegianDike-Builders to build a dike between Alaska and Russia."

  46. Anonymous8:14 PM

    Alaska are you not sick of it? being portrayed as a bunch of redneck animal killing idiots.It's time to take this poser down.

    Anyone who equates holding a gun in their hand with courage has not seen real combat and what it means a gun does not make you tuff and if you are forced to use it you live with it for life, and this idiot glorifies killing, she would not survive real combat but talk is cheap. Hey Miss Patriot why don't your daughters join the service? waving a flag won't cut it fool and having a son that was never put in harms way won't cut it either.

    Put up or shut up Sarah.

    1. F U McCain10:04 PM


    2. Anonymous8:43 AM

      Palin belongs to the same culture that produced Jeremy Morlock. That is indeed a culture that glorfies killing...

  47. Anonymous8:16 PM

    Palin, you are showing your uneducated followers that wearing
    fur from dead animals is cool! Uneducated includes you .
    After watching you corner a beautiful , I think it was a sting ray
    or of that type fish in the corner of a boat and beating it to death with a club, I am sure that what I am going to say here will make no difference to you. From the day they are born until the day they are killed, animals on fur farms lead lives of misery. Rabbits raised to become someone's fur collar are forced to live in their own filth in small barren cages. Foxes, insane from stress and boredom throw themselves repeatedly against the wire cage bars. Or they cower pitifully in the back of their cages,
    frozen in fear. The animals deaths are painful and merciless. Many foxes are killed by anal or genital electrocution. Minks are gassed with hot car exhaust. Rabbits have their necks broken.
    , and sometimes animals wake up while they are being skinned. . Palin , you love to parade around in leather! A lot of the leather sold in the US and Europe comes from India. Dozens of cows will be crammed into trucks meant to hold fewer than half that number. The terrified animals can't help but trample and gore each other on the way to the slaughterhouse floor. Workers often saw back and forth across the animal's necks with dull knives and leave conscious animals to slowly bleed to death. The cows die in pools of their own blood as their companions look on knowing that the same fate waits for them. What is done for fur to cats and dogs in China would make normal people throw up. I won't go into that here. You think you look cute in the layers of dead animal fur on your head . You look silly and dumb.
    So your ignorant followers will go to a store and see dog , cat. rabbit or fox fur on a cheap coat and think it is so Palin , so they
    buy and wear it and so there continues the cruelty! As for your
    American Flag stripper heels , how dare you smash Our image
    of freedom into the pavement covered in spit, where people take a leak, sticky gum , dirt, oil and gunk and more and stand up there and screech, Are You A Patriot! You are not a Patriot . and never were. You are one slick con artist for two things,


  48. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Chuck Heath gave Sara tips about guns? He had to load her gun for her on her reality show.

  49. Anonymous8:55 PM

    I hope you all realize that Sarah does not actually travel around the country interviewing the people who race cars, run with the bulls or anything else. That's what the field hosts and co-hosts are for. They were filming that stuff last November, calling it their show. They describe Sarah as the emcee. Sarah's great outdoors is projected on the green screen behind her. And, she'll change into different Gals with Guns t-shirts (swag) and different cammo. Tough gig.

    1. Anonymous10:07 PM

      Are you seriously trying to inform us that Sarah Palin is fake?

      Like it's not glaringly obvious to everyone here?

  50. Anonymous6:56 AM

    I can't leave Wasilla because I can't take my truck.

    Boo fucking hoo

    Is it because the truck is in Sarah's name?
    Is it because you have a GED and never learned how to read freeway signs?

    What seems to be the problem?

  51. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Gee whiz, just why do political pundits quote Sarah rather than others. Some people have yet to find a way to make themselves heard. Like maybe running for office....

  52. Anonymous3:38 PM

    What a bunch of Frickin' Palin Haters. Get a life IDIOTS. Jeeezus.....


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