Friday, March 28, 2014

I am sometimes criticized for not calling out Democrats for egregious behaviors. Here you go.

Courtesy of the LA Times:  

State Sen. Leland Yee, a prominent figure in California's Democratic legislative majority, was arrested in a federal corruption investigation Wednesday along with an ostentatious gangster known as "Shrimp Boy" — who insisted that he had gone straight — and two dozen of their alleged associates. 

An affidavit filed in federal court in San Francisco by FBI Special Agent Emmanuel V. Pascua said there was probable cause to believe that Yee had conducted wire fraud and had engaged in a conspiracy to deal firearms without a license and illegally import firearms. 

Yee, 65, was taken into custody in San Francisco on Wednesday and was seen being loaded into an unmarked law enforcement vehicle under an umbrella, his wrists handcuffed behind his back. He was set to be released on $500,000 bond after surrendering his passport. 

The affidavit paints a portrait of Yee that is by turns seedy and bumbling, and one deeply at odds with the high-minded image he had long cultivated. Yee, a candidate for secretary of state, is accused of being willing to take varied and numerous steps to solicit campaign donations and sidestep legal donation limits. 

For instance, he is accused of seeking an official state Senate proclamation in the spring of 2013 praising the Ghee Kung Tong Freemason lodge in San Francisco. Yee sought the proclamation, according to the court complaint, in exchange for a $6,800 donation to one of his campaigns — a donation that was paid by an undercover FBI agent. 

The organized crime figure known as Shrimp Boy, whose name is Raymond Chow, identifies himself as the "dragon head" of that Freemason organization on his Facebook page. The indictment says that Chow, 54, whose criminal history includes racketeering and robbery, has a position of "supreme authority" in the Triad, an international organized crime group. 

You know much of the time when conservatives call out Democrats for shady dealings it is exaggerated or made up out of whole cloth, but THIS one is a solid hit. 

The Right Wing will of course be even more over the moon since Yee was an avid gun control advocate who has now also indicted for running guns.

And for the cherry on top many of you may remember that it was Senator Yee who criticized how much Sarah Palin was paid by Cal State Stanislau for a speech she gave back in 2010, and received tons of hate mail for his troubles.

So you know there will be dancing around the old mansion in Arizona.

So go ahead conservatives take your shots. It is pretty clear this guy deserves it.

However that is one to your......your uh.......never mind I can't count that high.


  1. Anonymous9:33 AM

    It is just plain sad that so many, many of our politicians have been proven to be corrupt! They get into office and all hell breaks loose!

    There are even some that are corrupt before ever being elected and they still are elected? What is wrong w/the American voters?

    1. Anonymous11:38 AM

      Darrell Issa?

    2. Anonymous6:13 PM

      Dems have or I should say HAD a majority in Cali. If the R's can't win they sic the FBI on someone, but the charges ARE truly shocking, but hey go look at the R's ALEC, KOCH and Darrell Issa who refused to finish the investigation of Pimp daddy toad, and the Secret Service.
      John McCain and Him were dancin' omfg, "Obama has lost control of the Secret service" bla, bla until the David Chaney and Todd Palin, Shay Tripp Link. Then they dropped that puppy like a hot potato :( How corrupt is that??? Alaska FBI Corrupt? Who exactly IS the FBI working for anyway?
      I still think the Repubs shouldn't laugh too loud...Just sayin'...It could be another "American Hustle" unless the FBI Works ONLY for Repubs now?That would explain how and why Sarah uses FBI to stalk people all over 'merika.

  2. Straight arrows are usually unwelcome.

  3. Anonymous9:54 AM

    O/T Republican Bad Acting Can’t Hide The Racism Behind Their Obama Outrage

    ...The list goes on and on and the overriding theme is that regardless the executive orders are nearly identical, Republicans react completely the opposite when a Black President takes executive action as when a white president who did the exact same thing while most Republicans feigning outrage were in Congress.

    Republicans have assailed President Obama throughout his tenure for doing the same thing Bush did without criticism and in fact with great support.

    1. Anonymous9:06 AM

      No other president help mandate everyone buy something, passed it illegally (should have been blue slipped), told everyone that it can't be delayed unless Congress does it, because it is the law of the land, and then turned around and delayed it anyway by executive order, give red lines, then lie when he says he didn't give them.....the list goes on. It has nothing to do with color. He is changing laws -significantly-by executive order, bypassing congress, and being hailed a hero for it. There is a reason to desperate the powers!

  4. hedgewytch10:01 AM

    You have to remember this is Cal. Where a Republican finds it hard to get elected since Mr. Muscle was Gov. There are tons of faux Dems in Cal. The really sad thing here is that he got elected in the first place, his criminal record was right there, but somehow, the mea culpa was taken has honesty and they elected a criminal. You get what you pay for.

  5. Anonymous10:13 AM

    If they can investigate Yee for corruption, then what is stopping them from investigating Palin and her shady dealings in Dairygate. What 's good for the goose, is good for the gander.

  6. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Palin isn't and hasn't run for any state or national office since McCain and she lost the race to President Obama and VP Obama (thank god!). She knows that if she puts her face out there now that she will be investigated from the top of her idiotic head to her crummy looking feet!

    She won't run for anything! She's a marked woman and knows it!

  7. Anonymous11:25 AM

    My gut instinct says Yee was targeted specifically because he criticized Palin. Framed??? Wouldn't put it past the Palinmafia.

    1. Anonymous12:01 PM

      The so called "Palin Mafia" consists of a few toothless trailer dwellers in Wasilla. Not really a group that has the teeth to pull off something of this magnitude.

      Yee is an example of a career politician that thought the could get away with his misdeeds. To stop people like him, in both political parties, strict term limits would be a start.

  8. Yee wasn't the only California state senator indicted/suspended -- Ron Calderon and Rod Wright were also, apparently for different criminal wrongdoing than Yee.

  9. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Chunky Palin (Chris Christie) update!!!

    Consigliere Sampson abandons ship, fat man caught in a whirlpool of denial, still thinks the Iowa pig nut cutters like him.

    1. Anita Winecooler6:08 PM

      MARY PAT! Time for a Chrispy Creme run! Diane Sawyer thinks I lied when a million tax payer dollars and my crony lawyer say I'm exhonerated! Call the state troopers and fill the heelycopter!

  10. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Unfortunately, our current political system is so warped that it is extremely difficult for people who are completely honest and have integrity to make it to the upper levels of government. Only those who have an overflowing bank account, or who are willing to sell themselves for donations, can run successful campaigns.

    We so desperately need to get the private and corporate money OUT of politics so that some of the talented, intelligent, and qualified people - who don't happen to have a lot of money or high level connections - can be elected to serve in our local, state and national governments.

  11. Anita Winecooler6:13 PM

    David Vitter did more and got a raise. It's part of the system. Thank the stars we have Sarah H Palin (Facebook) as the north star example of virtue and truth in politics!

  12. Just goes to show that stupidity and corruption knows no party lines.


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