Tuesday, April 08, 2014

DNC Chair expresses outrage at new Breitbart ad that depicts Nancy Pelosi using offensive sexual imagery.

Courtesy of TPM:

The chair of the Democratic National Committee on Monday called a Breitbart News ad portraying House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) "disgusting" and urged Republican leaders to condemn the conservative outlet. 

Breitbart News launched a new vertical focused on California politics with an ad campaign that included a Miley Cyrus-referencing image of Pelosi in a nude bikini with her tongue lolling out. Pelosi-as-Cyrus is pictured on all fours below an image of Gov. Jerry Brown's (D) head photoshopped onto his predecessor Arnold Schwarzenegger's body. 

“To say the least, the Breitbart News ad is foul, offensive, and disrespectful to all women," Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) said in a statement. "It is a disgusting new low and would be reprehensible against any woman – regardless of party. It’s no wonder the Republicans are having problems appealing to women." 

Invoking Republican efforts to change the way the party messages to women, Wasserman Schultz challenged GOP leaders to condemn the ad as well as stop publishing on Brietbart News. Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) wrote one of the pieces inaugurating the new Breitbart California vertical. 

"If GOP leaders are serious about their rebrand, then both their elected and Party leadership should condemn this outrageous behavior, call on Breitbart News to immediately remove the ad, and not continue to use this website as a forum for their views," the statement continued.

I can almost hear Sarah Palin's ghostwriters firing up their coal burning word processors now, preparing to offer the claim that Palin has also been portrayed in sexual terms as well, on late night comedian shows, cable news networks, and blogs. (Political pole dancer comes to mind.)

Of course the difference is that Nancy Pelosi is a serious politician, who has not lowered herself to play up her sexuality in order to gain attention, or used sexually charged comments to attack her enemies.

When Nancy Pelosi appears in a magazine spread with fake bolt on breasts like this.

Or like this, then clearly somebody can be excused for pointing out that the person pictured is using a provocative sexual image in order to garner attention and promote her brand.

However until Nancy Pelosi goes to these lengths to advertise herself in a prurient manner, then what Breitbart did must be considered completely out of line, and an attempt to demean a strong woman who they fear and wish to reduce to an image they find less threatening.


  1. Anonymous6:35 AM

    Kevin McCarthy, House Minority Whip, has responded by demanding that his column be removed from the Breitbart site. At least there is one Republican with a shred of decency.


  2. Anonymous6:38 AM

    So GOP, how's that re-branding thingy workin' out for ya?

  3. Anonymous6:41 AM

    Gryph, you've left out some of the best pics:





    and the classic Palin-shape-shifter collage: http://austinisafecker.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/faker.jpg

    for the win: http://www.celebitchy.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/FFN_Palin_Sarah_MIGUELFF_ROCSTARFF_EXCL_100712_50909692.jpg

  4. Anonymous6:42 AM

    The pic of her in Hawaii after losing in '08, (gray tee and blue shorts, sharpied visor) shows the true Sarah Heath. All the plastic surgery in the world won't cover it up, let alone grossly overpaid ghostwriters and advisers.

    1. Anonymous9:02 AM

      The sharpie hat spoke volumes to me that Palin was not ready for prime time if she used a sharpie instead of spending under $20 at a resort shop for a new ball cap. Also that she has impaired judgment to think incognito is using a sharpie on a hat.

    2. Anonymous9:33 AM

      I also too thought she was so PISSED at McCain for losing what God told her would be "her" office that she sharpied his name out. You know, like any junior high mentality would.

    3. Anonymous10:54 AM

      There you haters go again, making stuff up. She explained that she meant no disrespect, she was doing her best to stay in cognito while enjoying a quiet family vacation. Because in cognito is her middle name. And you can't hardly expect a person to have another hat on hand that they could just grab before leaving on vacation. I mean, be serious, how many people have extra hats on hand that they can just grab.

    4. Anonymous11:31 AM

      Like I believe anything out of her mouth, 10:54 AM, when she's a proven liar. Incognito doesn't apply to sagging skin, cellulite, and next-to-no boobage, and like "improvements" are do to hot yoga. Keep spinning.

    5. Anonymous12:07 PM

      10:54 AM 'haters' is so juvenile. You are too obsessed with the Palins to see any of their MANY faults. You would pay to sniff their dirty drawers, and dirty is way too nice to describe Sarah's hygiene.

    6. Anonymous12:24 PM

      I've never been in a gift shop that had baseball caps for sale. Also, there are no gift shops in Hawaii anyway.

    7. Anonymous1:04 PM

      The post at 10:54 sounds like snark, maybe that troll been punking us all along.

    8. Anonymous1:33 PM

      10:54 is definitely snark.

    9. PalinsHoax2:39 PM

      Hey 10:54. My middle name is spelled "In Cog Neato".

      Don cha know!?!

      ~ $caree Paymeeee

    10. Anonymous3:02 PM

      C'mon folks, lighten up. The use of html tags was a clue ;)

  5. Anonymous6:46 AM

    The gop spokeswomen are out in force today on the news shows doing disaster control. Not doing a great job, either. Good luck with that, gals. Your menfolk seem to be having trouble hiding their true feelings.

  6. Anonymous6:48 AM

    simple sarah can only dream of having a rack like and the class Nancy Pelosi possesses...lol In her youth Nancy could have used her attractiveness to get ahead in politics but instead opted to use her intellect and education, that's why she's still around today.

  7. Anonymous6:54 AM

    Sarah has been struggling to resurrect the "hottest governor in the coldest state" 2008 campaign slogan for six years. The Newsweek photo spread is a very sad portrait of a woman clinging to delusion.

    Sarah has always been about as pretty as she was smart. She wasn't pretty enough to become Miss Alaska, and she wasn't smart enough to graduate from college.

    Someone needs to pull Sarah aside and tell her the world knows the truth about her now. And that the joke is on her.

  8. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Breitbart is "gaslighting". They invite their over-sexed Palin to write her pieces and they endorse and defend her. No matter how lewd and obviously addicted to the cameras she is, and no matter how a sexual tease she is, they make her out to be a victim.

    They play the 'gaslighting' game by projecting Palin's selling of herself onto an innocent Nancy Pelosi. Nancy Pelose has never sold herself to tabloids and worn provocative clothes to tease and used provocative language, nor parade herself and her family on reality TV shows. She has always acted like a classy lady. Breitbart takes umbrage to this fact, so they have no choice but to insult her like the juvenile bastards that they are.

    They pretend they are the watchmen of family values, and American pie, but they can't stand it when true ladies and true gentlemen rule the White House.

    1. Anonymous5:12 PM

      BreitFart is funded by Koch making them Kocksuckers!
      BreitFart is completely Bagging as in TEABAGGERS! It has gotten worse since that little twerp took it over, if its possible to be worse than when ole "Drew" was alive...it is scraping the bottom of the 50 gal barrel for sure....
      Why does anyone even credit or read that POS blog?

  9. Well, now that they grudgingly capitulate the impotence of their efforts reversing the Affordable Care Act, they were probably looking for some gesture that reaffirmed their subservience to their knuckle-scraping base. It probably was a letdown they couldn't work some racism into this effort too.

  10. Anonymous7:25 AM

    These "girls" are even bigger than the Belmont Babes:
    http://us4palin.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/BI1RxhFCIAA-tK0.jpg-large.jpg which is amazing since this is also a photo of Sarah: http://us4palin.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/IMG_7273.jpg

    The ever-changing profile of Sarah Palin:

  11. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Liz Cheney: Nancy Pelosi’s “Spine Doesn’t Reach Her Brain”

    Cheney said, “Frankly, Mrs. Pelosi is somebody who was briefed on the program. She forgot she was briefed on the program, later to admit it. And I have to say that when I heard those comments yesterday, I was reminded of something that Margaret Thatcher once said about one of her political opponents. Mrs. Pelosi’s problems is her spine doesn’t reach her brain.”

    Ms. Cheney continued, “We’ve got too many in Washington who were all in favor of doing everything necessary in protecting the nation after 9/11, who now seem to be really not interested in looking at the facts, but really just looking for a way, frankly, to cast blame and say things that aren’t true about those brave men and women.”

    On Sunday Sen. Angus King (I-ME) invited Dick Cheney for a waterboarding session since he still insists it’s not torture.

    Ms. Cheney responded saying, “The decision was made, it was absolutely the right decision, and certainly I hope that future presidents would make the decision again that you’ve got to waterboard somebody. Because it means that you’re going to get information to save lives and prevent attacks.”

    She went on to dodge the subject saying, “Somebody like Sen. King, somebody like Mrs. Pelosi, they’ve got to be willing to accept the consequences of their argument, which is to say, which attacks would you have let happen, which Americans would you have let die if you weren’t willing to undertake those interrogations?”



  12. Anonymous7:56 AM

    There is nothing "bright" about this at all. It will probably get prominent display alongside the Obama as pimp, and Obama as a tribesman pictures on the walls of dim bulbs who spend most of their sexy time holding up their Sarah Palin calendars with one hand.

    1. Anonymous8:53 AM

      ....but enough about vg1. ;-)

    2. Anonymous12:55 PM

      and pete...

  13. Anonymous8:15 AM

    House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) sided on Monday with House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) over Breitbart News, requesting that his column be pulled from the news outlet's new California website.

    Democrats called the website, which featured sexually suggestive images of Pelosi, "foul, offensive and disrespectful to all women." They urged Republican leaders to condemn the site. McCarthy seems to have obliged.

    “We didn’t condone them,” Matt Sparks, a McCarthy spokesman, told the Los Angeles Times, about the images. “We thought it was the right thing to do to ask for the column to be removed.”

    "The images are inappropriate," another spokesman, Mike Long, told ABC News.


  14. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Kissing Congressman Confessed In Texts: 'I Messed Up'




    1. Anonymous9:15 AM

      The Breitbart photo is so offensive I am having thoughts of physically hurting those responsible.

      Palin was largely viewed as attractive, pretty, to the majority when the campaign made the best of her assets presenting a style image of class, appropriate dress, edge of professionalism even in jeans giving a speech, elegance in feminine suits and their family was presented as well rounded and also able to present themselves well.

      What does it say that rogue Sarah and her spouse chose the path of titillation Peg Bundy style and appearing on Fox with bizarre wigs in clothes a lot of us wear for yard work, a hike or a Pamela Anderson get up like the NYC pink blouse, tacky shoes etc. I have no respect for white trash con games. They have mental issues unable to connect her fall with their absurd choices...just saying.

  15. Anonymous8:52 AM

    The only two reasons I found to like Sarah ... and now I read they are strap on fakes.

  16. Anonymous8:57 AM

    I agree. sp is all about that kind of image always trying to promote it never her attle brains. Nancy is normal.

  17. Anonymous8:57 AM

    O/T Here's more underhanded crap that going on:

    Exclusive: Shady double-agent’s Obamacare sabotage: Top “supporter” quietly funded its opposition

    New documents reveal drug lobby's president posed as law's savior, then pumped cash to ALEC in effort to kill it


  18. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Breitbart is a tea party / Palin fetish site.
    The people there hate Republicans as much as they hate Democrats.
    Steven K Bannon ( The Undefeated ) is one of the main honchos there, now.
    Republicans won't , but, they should disavow this very creepy website .

  19. Anonymous9:09 AM

    "Of course the difference is that Nancy Pelosi is a serious politician"

    and Sarah Palin is an old wannabe politician who stuffs her bra like a junior high girl with low self-esteem.

  20. Could someone please take that pic of Sarah Palin tongue out, in pink blouse with strap on boobies, Black skirt, snake skin stripper heels and place it on Miley's wrecking ball photo...yeah that would be perfect.

    1. Anonymous9:55 AM

      So, if I understand, you're suggesting we buy into sexism an the denigration of women rather than rise above it and retain the right to demand respect.

    2. Anonymous10:59 AM

      That wasn't what Tyroanee was saying at all.

    3. Anonymous11:11 AM

      It's Sarah Paljn that has bought into it. They had to fake Pelosi's photo. Palin didn't fake hers.

    4. Anonymous11:52 AM

      9:55 AM If one voluntarily dresses like Sarah Palin did in that New York Super Boobs photo, one does not deserve respect. Sexism is promoted by Sarah Palin,
      what more would you expect from a Pimp's wife?

    5. Anonymous11:53 AM

      I have to agree with 9:55. This kind of shit hurts all women, no matter who it is done to, or if we think they deserve it.

      I'd rather see palin in an orange jump suit.

    6. Anonymous12:54 PM

      Disrespect palin all you want, she deserves nothing less. But disrespect her for her actions, lying and cheating, and basically for being an American terrorist. If she were a black woman, would you make fun of her color or just her gender? I am going to assume that you would be uncomfortable denigrating her race. I hope someday we can say the same about gender.

      But don't disrespect her for her gender-- it disrespects all of us. (Although I do wonder about her gender at times.)

    7. Anonymous1:31 PM

      Sexism is Sarah Palin's bread and butter. Without the sexism of the people who promoted and voted for her, Sarah Palin would never have been Mayor, let alone Governor, and there's no way in hell she would have gotten tapped to run with John McCain.

      I won't make sexist comment ABOUT Sarah Palin, but I'll call her out for promoting sexism.

    8. Just to clarify:
      Palin has her own tongue slung out like (?ewww)
      Palin has chosen to wear fake boobs
      Palin has chosen to wear snake skin 6in. stripper heels
      Palin has put herself out in the most degrading way possible as a woman.
      Therefore to answer your question YES, she deserves to have a REAL photo of herself placed on a wrecking ball... because dammit that girl ain't no woman, she's a lying mudslinging in a glass house full of canned goods skank.
      If she were to be male, I'd say the same freaking thing. Ding Dong the wrecking ball from hell.

    9. 12:54, we are not "disrespecting Palin for her gender." We are critiquing Palin--calling her out-- for her attempts to exploit her sexuality for political power and to help her misappropriate funds. I'd call out any dangerous demagogue who acted as she does.

  21. Anonymous9:18 AM

    I'm waiting for Sarah Palin to condemn Breitbart on her Facebook.

    1. Anonymous5:18 PM

      Anonymous9:18 AM

      I'm waiting for Sarah Palin to condemn Breitbart on her Facebook.
      Oh Right! She will pop up and accuse them of being against free speech and it was "Satire" BS...and then go on to say exactly what Gryph says above, boo fucking hoo poor widdle me :P

    2. Anonymous7:02 PM

      I'm waiting for Sarah Palin to condemn Breitbart on her Facebook.

      Don't hold your breathe, after all Pelosi is a Democrat.
      Palin is probable laughing b/c she is a sicko and would only write a posting that would change the subject to herself, how she has been attacked and mocked because she cares about women's issues-like wearing her best push up bra so she can get what she wants.

      I hope Pelosi sues for defamation of character!!!!

  22. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Palin's public attire has had the majority realize we dodged a bullet for citizens would not want stripper shoe clad Jesus rhinestone belt buckle white trash middle age woman representing our country. The world expects dignity from leaders of countries nor middle aged girl with guns hot mama wearing shoes that often do not fit.

  23. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Time to post a side-by-side of the white t-shirt Palin with Hawaii vacation Palin again so her fap bots will again be reminded how easy they are to fool

    1. Anonymous11:54 AM

      Poor Todd. He sees the real Sarah Palin without her make-up on, that's when she decides to go home.

    2. Anonymous8:12 PM

      11:54 AM Both Todd and Sarah are nightmares without makeup.

  24. Anonymous10:19 AM

    O/T Obama Calls Out Fox News For Spreading Lies About Equal Pay

    ...Republicans are claiming that it is condescending to fight for equal pay for women.

    Equal pay isn’t a “women’s issue.” It’s an American issue. This discrimination hurts the economy. Republicans are living in an alternate reality where the pay gap doesn’t really exist, but they are going to get a jolt back into the real world this November when women and men who care about this issue go to the polls on Election Day. "


    Personally, I will take the condensing equal pay !!

  25. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn10:35 AM

    In the warped world that the TP/Palinista amoebas inhabit, women must be: 1. young and attractive (or at least TRYING to look young and attractive) 2. willing to serve their every need and 3. willing to serve their every need. They'll make make a big deal about a so-called "strong" woman if she nods at absolutely everything the nimrods believe, but if she expresses a contrary thought, she's immediately branded a "bitch", "slut", "devil" and...well, you know the routine. IMO, half of the horny old goats at the asylum fantasize about SP as a Super Mommy substitute (sorry I went there--brain bleach needed!) who'll make their teeny, tiny worlds all better. Meanwhile, a truly strong, intelligent, attractive woman is really trying to make the world better for them, and she's practically wearing a leash--which is the way the true misfits view them thar "wimmen" anyway. Sick, vicious circle.

    I can't even imagine what slimy, green pond scum inhabits the Breitfart site, but I once heard him being interviewed by a progressive radio host who had more than generous patience with what was basically an extended tantrum. A more offensive, infantile, ignorant bucket of fresh excrement didn't exist (unless you count one AZ/AK resident). I'd bet dollars to Christie's donuts that the Breitbart worshippers are just like him.

  26. Our Lad11:41 AM

    Mrs. Palin's "use by" date has expired as regards to her sexual currency and it has nothing to do with age. Plenty of women older than she are still alluring and desirable, they're all over the place and not just in film and other media. What is clear is that Mrs. Palin does not now or probably ever exude anything that resembles genuine female warmth or sexuality, as most sociopaths do she imitates what she feels are appropriate responses and behaviors. She's as dumb as a nail however and she frequently misfires. She probably had a certain demented appeal as a chubby and callow young woman, but man that ship left the harbor for parts unknown some time ago. Can you imagine being in this harridan's embrace!?! Jumpin Jesus, get me a nurse!

    1. Anonymous5:26 PM

      Our Lad,

  27. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Only a hypocritical person would see a difference between the photoshoppings of Pelosi and Palin.

    Only a true hypocrite fails to discuss Pelosi's dealings that directly benefit her husband. a la Gov Scott in Fl, according to my friends in Orlando.

    There is zero excuse for sexist photoshopping, just like there is zero excuse for attacks on a candidate's family for no reason. (Those ferocious attacks have been well-documents. ahem, liberals who called for the rape of ___)

    It's sad.

    1. 11:51 AM
      "zero excuse for attacks on a candidate's family for no reason. (Those ferocious attacks have been well-documents. ahem, liberals who called for the rape of ___)"

      Who called for the rape of _____? Go back to your "well-documents" and please tell me who did that and who were they calling for being raped? Take your time, take a hit, "ahem", do whatever you need to do but please clarify what you said.

    2. Anonymous2:43 PM

      Hope 11:51 gets right back to us so we can compare and contrast her fairy tale to a little incident when one deranged pol hopeful decided to paint little surveyor marks over a certain congressional members area. Maybe 11:51 doesn't consider 'murder' a serious charge if the victims are in the opposing party.

    3. Anonymous5:27 PM

      Anonymous11:51 AM
      Oh right FL--->Silly Troll...Fuck YOU!

    4. Anonymous8:09 PM

      11:51 AM Troll, your lack of education is SAD. You don't even know what LIBERAL means. cara/carrie/justine/disappointed/nocomprends and many other SILLY fake names shows how mentally ill and obsessed that you are. Stop slandering, get a life, you are a JOKE.

  28. Anonymous12:00 PM

    What's going to happen as Sarah Palin gets older and looks like her mom and no one wants to watch her old ass on tv? Will there be a suicide watch by her followers?

    1. Anonymous12:11 PM

      Vain Sarah's face will be so screwed up from plastic surgeries trying to look young not even her kids will recognize her.

    2. Anonymous12:12 PM

      Do you mean a show where she commits suicide? I'd but a ticket to that!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.