Tuesday, April 08, 2014

Running for Congress in order to keep your daughter from having to learn about Evolution. Just Republican things.

Courtesy of Mother Jones:  

Minnesota Republican congressional candidate Aaron Miller's gripe with Washington is personal. Speaking at the district convention on Saturday, Miller, an Iraq War vet who won the nomination to challenge four-term Democratic Rep. Tim Walz, explained that he was running for office in part to ensure that his daughter won't have to learn about evolution at her local public school. Per the Mankato Free Press: 

He also called for more religious freedoms. He repeated his story about his daughter returning home from school because evolution was being taught in her class. He said the teacher admitted to not believing in the scientific theory to his daughter but told her that the government forced him to teach the lesson. 

"We should decide what is taught in our schools, not Washington D.C.," Miller said. 

Miller has declined to provide any more information to verify his story.

If you think this story smells a little fishy, you are not alone.

A local Minnesota blogger, made this observation:

This is curious stuff, since the standards for curriculum in Minnesota are set by the Minnesota Department of Education.

You know I hate to call somebody a liar, but if it looks like his pants are on fire, and walks like his pants are on fire, then chances are that his pants are indeed on fire.

Even if this story were true, it would mean that this individual is running for office in order to suppress the teaching of universally accepted, peer reviewed science in Minnesota public schools.

If ever there were a reason to vote against somebody that should be it.

The last thing this country needs is yet another anti-science Republican helping to shape the laws that impact all of us.


  1. Anonymous9:04 AM

    So, about that separation of church and state thing...

    1. Anonymous9:52 AM

      They just want separation from anyone else's CHURCH, not the fundie one they follow. Let someone try to teach anything about the Muslim religion, Jewish, Hindu, or anything else, and maybe this attack on the Constitution would stop. More likely, they'd be for sending anyone NOT CHRISTIAN enough out of the country entirely. Under the pretense of "America, freedom and 2nd amendment" of course.

  2. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Aaron Miller is an ignorant asshole and also a liar.

    1. Anonymous10:12 AM

      Oh course, that's why he is a republican.

  3. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Hey, Miller, put your kid in a religious school that teaches what you believe. Please don't let her grow up to be a well informed adult, or she might figure out who you really are.

    1. Anonymous12:05 PM

      I pity his daughter and any other children he might have, Imagine being brought up by someone so fucking stupid.

  4. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Yes, why doesn’t he put her in a religious school and effectively make her ignorant and incapable of critical thinking? Just what we need as the country sees an exodus of scientists, another illiterate sitting in our do-nothing GOP-throttled Congress. It makes my blood boil thinking about the hubris this ignorant man obviously feels. Where does he feel empowered to make these very bad decisions for his child?

  5. Anonymous9:55 AM

    If that kid cried when she heard the story of evolution (as opposed to what she had been told about the Bible story), wait until she finds out the truth about Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy.

    1. Anonymous12:44 PM

      Way back when I was a kid, when I found out about santa, the bunny, the tooth fairy, and that mom had edited the heck out of where babies come from that I knew that bible stuff was bogus also, too. And, as I aged and read and learned some of the science stuff I had been taught was revised also, too. So, what is important here is the quest for learning the truth. Asking questions, and critical thought and the willingness to accept that there are many things that we will never be able to solve.

      RJ in Brownbackistan

  6. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Tim Walz is a Blue Dog Democrat-Iraq War Vet, supports gun ownership.

    1. Anonymous11:27 AM

      He was also a teacher! Of course he taught geography but I am sure Mr. Miller sees something wrong with teaching that subject too. Miller's world map probably only shows Christian nations. And Miller can't use his military service to claim he is stronger on defense. Both candidates reached the rank of Command Sergeant Major. And I don't know of any teacher who would tell a student that they really don't believe what they are teaching the student. If a teacher did do that, then why are they teaching? Get a job at a Christian school.

  7. Anonymous11:13 AM

    So he's running for Congress because the State has mandated that science that contradicts his interpretation of the Bible is taught and he thinks the federal government ought to step in and stop the state of Minn from setting educational guidelines? Hmmmmm??? not sure it's going to work.

    1. Anonymous4:00 PM

      We just have to get rid of all those damn Federal Government rules and regulations.

      Except the ones that protect Christians and let us discriminate against everyone else.

      And the ones that protect all those rich folks because we're gonna be rich someday.

      We like those rules.

      But not the other ones that protect those brown or blah people. Or the poor. Or those Muzzlins. Or tell us we can't take our guns into the grocery store.

      Or tell the womenfolk they can decide when to have some babies.

      Don't want THOSE rules!

  8. Anonymous11:15 AM

    I thought conservatives didn't want the federal government ot tell the state what they can and can't do????

    1. Anonymous3:53 PM

      No, no! That's only when...

      Oh never mind. They change their minds so often I can't keep track of what they're for or against any more.

      Except : IT'S OBAMA'S FAULT!!!


      Those two should cover just about everything.

  9. Anonymous11:23 AM

    As I posted on another post here, ONE IN FOUR Americans believes the sun goes around the earth... So, ONE IN FOUR is still living in the Dark Ages...

  10. Anonymous12:18 PM

    When can we expect Palin's endorsement of this moron?

  11. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Well, when you are spoon fed lied day after day, it's not surprising that people are confused and ignorant.

    New Study Shows That Fox News Lied About Climate Science 72% Of The Time In 2013


    Check out this sneak peek of Years of Living Dangerously, which will premiere on Showtime on Sunday, April 13 at 10 p.m. Years Of Living Dangerously is a nine-part series produced by James Cameron, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jerry Weintraub, along with former 60 Minutes producers, who have 18 Emmys among them. Showtime and the producers were gracious enough to provide the first episode in full on YouTube.

    Once you see it, I bet you'll want to sign up for Showtime to see the rest of the series this spring.


  12. Caroll Thompson1:57 PM

    What a moron.

  13. Anonymous2:55 PM

    O/T They lost me when they railroaded Martin Bashir and I'm SURE I'm not alone...

    Outraged MSNBC Viewers Rebel and Stop Watching The 'Lean Forward' Network

    MSNBC has ignored their viewers and is paying a heavy price.


  14. Anonymous4:31 PM

    O/T Don't miss this article, Jesse!

    Crossing Christie
    What the bridge scandal says about the Governor’s political style, and his future.


    1. Anonymous4:51 PM

      Whatever else you do this week, carve out half an hour to read my colleague Ryan Lizza’s piece about Chris Christie and New Jersey politics. It’s Robert Penn Warren meets Carl Hiaasen on the west bank of the Hudson. By the time you get to the end of it, I bet you’ll find yourself asking the same question I did: How could we ever have taken this bully seriously as a Presidential candidate?



  15. Grouchodawg4:45 PM

    Is he running to replace Batshit Bachmann?

    1. Anonymous6:14 PM

      No. It says in the article that he is running against a four term incumbent. Bachman is in the 6th district and there are a number of declared candidates from both parties. Not sure when their primaries are.

  16. Anonymous7:53 PM

    "He also called for more religious freedoms."

    Dear Idiot,
    More freedom for which religion, all of them? Are you going to complain when they teach Islam, how about Talmud studies.

    You can get all the religious freedom in CHURCH !!! Want pray in school, no evolution and bible reading-send your daughter to a christian school. Who is stopping you?

    It is getting to the point when I hear or see the word Christian, I am getting a reaction like nails on the chalkboard.

  17. Randall2:55 AM

    Duhhhh... WE should decide what's taught in our schools, yup yup, duuuuh-un-HUNH!

    Vote for ME and me'n'MY friends'll decide what kinda learnin' yer kids'll get un-hunh yup yup.

    Jesus wept

  18. Anonymous3:45 AM

    Maybe this guy is just dumb and doesn't realize that school curriculum is set by the state. If that's the case, then he's like most of the GOP members of Congress - simply too dumb for any other employment.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.