Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Sarah Palin finally gives a shout out to her long suffering purse carrier.

Bruce Fischer, Gail Ernst, Todd Palin. Photo credit: ShePAC
(Sadly it appears that not much of Palin's budget is wasted on clothes for Todd. He could have at least found a pair without holes, don'tcha think?)

Courtesy of the Queen of the Frigid Valley's Facebook page:

These guys have guts! And the patience of Job, no doubt. Attending Iowa’s “Heels On, Gloves Off” rally for U.S. Senate candidate Joni Ernst last week, our husbands stood still long enough for a quick photo. We honor them for their continued love, support, and exemplary work ethic. In the rough and tumble political arena I believe some experiences are more unpleasant for a candidate’s family than for she who is offering to serve in office. The Iron Lady said it best; here’s a quote of hers worth remembering when opponents’ distorted personal criticism flies on the points of darts and arrows that family members graciously, admirably rise above: “I always cheer up immensely if an attack is particularly wounding because I think, well, if they attack one personally, it means they have not a single political argument left.” 

- Sarah Palin

Actually I have not gone after Palin personally because I don't have a political argument to make far from it.

I have gone after her on a personal level usually in response to that same sort of attack on others. For instance calling into question the President's manhood, or suggesting that people who do not agree with her are "wusses," or insinuating that essentially everybody who reports, writes a book, or blogs about her are pedophiles or sex offenders.

In fact the very idea that she would suggest that it is OTHERS who are using personal attacks, instead of her is laughable on its face.

In fact she is the queen of personal smears, character assassinations, and middle school taunts.


  1. Anonymous2:38 PM

    She honors Todd (along w/the other wives) because of his work ethic? Give me a friggin' break - the guy is a documented and proven pimp with a little, two-toned dick -"Boys Will be Boys".

    Did she post the photo and state that just to get a reaction? Was it suppose to be a diversion from her baptism/torture statement?

    Screw you, Sarah Palin and I suggest you get the two of you some decent clothes. You guys 'always' look like 'white trash!

    1. Anonymous3:08 PM

      You think pimping is easy? The dude works it hard.

      Todd's stylist is in sync with Sarah. Anybody can see that. It is part of their brilliant election strategery. You know, vote for Sarah and you get the husband's dirty laundry, like their short time as team gov of ak. The Shadow is right there doing what she can't manage.

    2. Anonymous4:59 PM

      Exemplary work ethic of Todd? What exactly is it that Todd does? Practicing and then riding on a snow mobile isn't exactly "work." It's a race, not steady income. And like Sarah, he quit. Does that native fishing business support his family on what they can net for a couple of weeks during the summer? Sarah's life style is too expensive for that. I suspect that money from Sarah's PAC's pay Palin family consultants for "services rendered" or "consultation."

      Todd the Consultant:
      Sarah: Todd, which pair of jeans should I wear tonight?
      Todd: The ones that you have on. Less work. You won't have to change.
      Sarah: But they have this weird stitching you-know-where and people are always looking at my you-know-what.
      Todd: Well, I forgot to pack your big-boob-bra, so they have to look at something.
      Sarah: I've worn these jeans for three days now.
      Todd: Yeah, that's why I like them. They are starting to smell great.
      Memo to PAC: Wardrobe consultation: $1,000.

    3. Anonymous7:13 PM

      Exemplary work ethic? Bwhwhahahwhaha
      ToadStool Paylin hasn't worked since he quit his job on the Slope in 2006.

      He has not fished salmon at Bristol Bay for four years or more == neither has Track.

      To sum up:
      Todd does not work.
      Track does not work.
      Bristol does not work.
      Willow does not work.
      So Granny $creech gotta keep on griftin'!


    4. Anonymous2:59 AM

      "She who is offering to serve"?? Does this mean $carah is offering to serve? After the last disaster, does she really want to do that? Thatcher was a hard working woman, who had an excellent education, could hold her own against world leaders. Palin? Not so much. Is $carah's washing machine broken, they always look like they have slept in the clothes they are wearing.

  2. Anonymous2:42 PM

    Her 83 IQ strikes again! All this post does is remind me of when Mrs. Thatcher (and her family) wisely refused to meet Sarah Palin!!!!!!

    1. Anonymous3:01 PM

      83 has never been confirmed anywhere for all to see. I doubt it is as high as 50! 83 would be nothing to be proud of either!

  3. Caroll Thompson2:43 PM

    The bitch never left eighth grade. She is a mean girl and I think her post is called projection (saying that her actions are actually actions of others).

    Say what you want about Todd Palin (and from time to time, we do), but his wife does not care for him one little bit. Not even a little. I don't think she really cares for anyone. She is too full of hate and anger for any caring type of feelings.

  4. Anonymous2:44 PM

  5. Anonymous2:46 PM

  6. CJWhite2:50 PM

    Umm, I see a serious triple case of "gay face." I don't have most of the normal Gay Magic Powers, but that just means my gaydar is extra strong. It's like blind people having stronger sensory abilities to compensate for being blind.

    1. Anonymous3:22 PM

      And is his name really "Gail" and not "Gale?" He looks to be wearing mom jeans as well...and Todd has man boobs. And a gut. What happened to the Stars Earn Stripes specimen? Looks like purse carrying isn't too good for your health Todd. And who's watching the children this time around? You two ought to be ashamed of yourselves...abandoning your kids all the time...did you learn nothing from Bristol's sordid teen experiences? I thought "kids need two parents!" Yeah, right.

    2. Anonymous4:52 PM

      @3:22 You two ought to be ashamed of yourselves..abandoning your kids all the time...

      That makes me wonder about the dog that is undergoing two months of service dog training in order to be Trig's dog. Could it be that Trig is old enough to wander too close to the lake? Does he go unsupervised when Piper is busy on the phone or the internet? (Hi, Piper, Stay in school. Learn English). Is the dog with the Hebrew name supposed to be a companion for Trig because Sarah will be trying to get candidates to invite her to campaign with them? Is Trig hard of hearing and needs a dog to bark and tug on his sleeve when someone calls for Trig?

      And I agree. Gail=girl name, Gale-boy name

    3. Anonymous5:08 PM

      I had that exact same visceral response when I saw them. And I have absolutely NOTHING against gay people, so this isn't a homophobic response at all. I am a straight female, but I have been around the gay community for 30 years, my business partner is gay, and I can tell you the 'closet' is STRONG with these three. No accident that they are married to women who trumpet their 'macho' sort of personas, although in Sarah's case, she's a total fraud.

    4. Anonymous5:15 PM

      I live for a day when 'gay' isn't the go-to description for these idiots and deviants whose bizarre behavior gets their names in the news.

      Why does the gay community have to take lumps for these idiots? If we're going with stereotypes I'd like to add that it would be very difficult to find three gay men willing to dress like that in public and (horrors) knowingly be photographed.

    5. Anonymous3:03 AM

      All three look "p**sy whipped" We already know Toad is, but the husband of the one who claims to neuter pigs looks positively scared.

  7. Sarah Palin is nuts2:52 PM

    From the link at 2:46 -

    "But the woman affectionately dubbed the Iron Lady isn't interested in meeting with Sarah Barracuda during the hockey mom's trip.
    'Lady Thatcher will not be seeing Sarah Palin. That would be belittling for Margaret. Sarah Palin is nuts,' an unnamed 'ally' told the Guardian."

    1. Ailsa4:01 PM

      OT, but let me say if there were any people in Scotland, Wales, or Ireland who had any affection for Margaret Thatcher, you could have counted them on one hand.

      Her passing was our "Ding Dong" moment.

    2. Anonymous4:10 PM

      Wasn't Ding dong....ringing out in the streets when she passed? Just like it will be when Saree goes to hell....

    3. Anonymous4:29 PM

      Sarah's passing will also be a 'ding dong' event! No church bells will be ringing - that is for sure!

    4. Anonymous5:46 PM

      Free big gulps and ho ho's at 7 11?

  8. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Yuck. That picture makes me feel like taking a shower...right now. Give me our tall, fit, clean-cut, clean-clothed, "Mom Jeans"-wearing President ANY time. Typical of a Palin Promotion Pic. Crude, low-rent and incredibly inappropriate for the occasion. Never seen anybody as all-around "tone deaf" to her surroundings as Mrs. Todd Palin.

    A Fan From Chicago

    1. Anonymous5:10 PM

      >>Give me our tall, fit, clean-cut, clean-clothed, "Mom Jeans"-wearing President ANY time.

      HELL YEAH! Love the man.

    2. Anonymous8:08 AM

      Had to laugh because my first impression was the same, eewww, yuck along with thinking if standing close there would be a big whiff of Old Spice Lime. Gag.

  9. Anonymous3:18 PM

    SO may things wrong with her screed:
    1) The pimp is her EX-husband
    2) Exemplary work ethic. Snort!
    3) She threw her family out there on purpose.
    4) She's done serving in office.
    5) Thatcher couldn't stand her.

    Like we couldn't see THIS coming! Anything to distract from your waterboarding comments, right $arah? Throwing a poorly dressed, purse-carrying pimp out as a paragon of virtue is guffaw-worthy. TRY AGAIN.

    1. Anonymous3:41 PM

      Couldn't stand her? Thatcher didn't even notice her. By the time $carah had her 15 minutes of fame Thatcher was pretty far down Alzheimer's Lane.

    2. Anonymous4:50 PM

      Todd is a pimp and they are divorced? Links please. I mean besides the fat whore who wrote that book that only ten people read. Oh, and the divorce decree.

    3. Anonymous5:15 PM

      You mean that 'fat whore' that Todd said was the 'light of his life'? That one? Well that 'fat whore' as you so condescendingly name her, was a mother, a struggling single mother with special needs kids and Pimpster took full advantage of her, as well as selling her out to his friends. He's a sexual deviant, and a predator. And it's common knowledge that they are divorced, get up to speed, bucko.

    4. Anonymous5:41 PM

      4:50 "the fat whore who wrote that book that only ten people read." You mean skank's "book" the heart of Christmas right? Yeah she is looking a bit chunky and yeah she is absolutely a whore- money and attention whore but what else have you got? Do tell please!!!!

    5. Anonymous6:03 PM

      "fat whore?"

      Seriously? What an asshole you are.

    6. Anonymous8:17 PM

      Oh nooooos, it's the troll! I must have nailed it.

    7. Anonymous9:31 PM

      Anonymous 4:50...perhaps you are referring to Bristol and her ghost-written book? Many see Bristol as a whore--she is after all Sarah's mini-me and was chubbier when her book was published.

    8. Anonymous10:00 PM

      Sarah's not *that* fat. I'd say if she lost 20 lbs, she be close to her ideal weight. Or maybe 30.

    9. Anonymous10:04 PM

      6:03 Assholes spend all night trolling Gryphen's blog, that is you.

    10. Anonymous10:09 PM

      4:50 PM The Fat Whore just skated through Penrose Academy while dropping another Bastard Baby. How is that SarahPac paid 'best seller' XMAS book of Lies doing? Who is Track's Drug dealer, Joey Junker?

  10. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Looks like Todd got the rack after all

    1. Anonymous3:47 PM

      Um, I think you mean, "baptism."

    2. Anonymous4:11 PM


    3. Anonymous10:02 PM

      Nice tits, Toad. Here's what's in it for you. Squeal like a pig "Weeeeeee! Weeeeee!".

  11. Anonymous3:20 PM

    When is Sarah offering up her shriveled self-serving heart up for office? She's terrified by being asked even from friendly audiences.

    1. Anonymous4:24 PM

      "Heart"? She doesn't have one - the coldest damned broad in the State of Alaska!!!

  12. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn3:27 PM

    Ya know, I spent two days digging around in my in-law's basement and attic. After I was done, my jeans looked about the same as the ones those three dudes are "modeling". Jeebus on an English muffin, do NONE of these people know how to work a washing machine? Or know where a dry cleaner is located? Or have the ready cash to buy a shiny new pair for an event? Is this get-up supposed to appeal to Poopsie's lowest-common-denominator base? I know the majority of her sycophants don't know how to use a mirror or a bar of soap, but...just askin'.

    1. Anonymous4:22 PM

      Yep, Sarah and Toad truly are white trash!!!

    2. Anonymous4:43 PM

      They were not out on the farm, they were in Des Moines, a big city. But, Joni Ernst's heritage comes from castrating pigs on the farm, so they had to dress the part.

    3. Anonymous8:16 AM

      Yes, the strategy is definitely trying to appeal to the lowest-common-denominator base, hit the nail on the head there! They are trying to look like hard-working people, Toad in his factory-distressed jeans he bought new with holes in them already and The Fraud wearing sweatshirts and T-shirts to otherwise dressy events. Trying to maintain the façade of just plain ole working folks and looking like fools.

  13. What political argument has Palin ever offered? She only speaks in broad strokes and never offers any policies she believes in, or how she would go about putting it to work. She just criticizes Obama and other Democrats without ever giving an alternative solution.

    1. Anonymous4:11 PM


    2. Anonymous4:42 PM

      In the world of comedy, there are some people who are called "prop comedians," because their act depends on the use of a prop-- like Galligher smashing watermelons on stage. Don Rickles is the master of insult comedians. Sarah a the prop and insult politician-comedianne-wannabe. Props? Trig, Big Gulp, Green Eggs and Ham, the rest of her family, wild wigs. Insults? There isn't enough room. Positive programs to improve anything? Wait a minute, I'll find some and bring 'um to ya.

    3. Anonymous5:31 PM

      Good point, what political argument? And, more than that! Have you seen her answer a question by anyone other than her minions?

    4. Anonymous5:37 PM

      Does the bitch have a plan after Obama is out of office? Will the American people even remember who she is in 2016? She'll just have to go back to Alaska as a big fat nobody and that day can't come soon enough.

    5. Anonymous8:27 PM

      OMG Alaskans don't want them in their state - how about AZ? Fact is, no one is going to want any of them!

  14. Our Lad3:31 PM

    Hey, this victim has shared a bed and a bathroom with the woman for twenty or so years. They ought to give the poor cocksucker the Congressional Medal Of Honor.

    1. Anonymous4:13 PM

      to give the poor cocksucker the Congressional Medal Of Honor.
      The ought to give the cocksucker or KOCKsucker bracelets as in JAIL!

    2. Anonymous6:03 PM

      No sympathy for Peeping Todd

    3. Anonymous7:24 PM

      OMG this article calls her out on Gabby Giffords!
      Holy shit maybe she IS done?

  15. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Speaking of wussies, that picture is the definition.

    1. abbafan6:00 PM

      The Toad looks like one of those greasers from "West Side Story" - the difference is, they had class and talent; something no palin possesses!

  16. Anonymous3:35 PM

    "No, no! Forget what I said on Sunday! Lookee over here at my devoted 'husband.'
    "What's that? He looks like he needs a shower? His jeans are dirty and have holes? That's because he's such a hard worker, getting out of the truck, and out of the way of flying soup cans.
    "I did tell him to do the wash last week, but he said he was busy going to the post office and spending time with the Lost Boys over in the hanger."

    1. Anonymous4:39 PM

      What exactly does Todd do? OK, he is the body guard, the purse carrier. He picks up the luggage and threatens people who want to take unauthorized photos. He must earn a hefty consultant's fee for that. But what's his real job, the one that he can brag about to his buddies at the bar or up there in the hunting lodge.

    2. Anonymous5:25 PM

      Anon @4:39 PM

      A long time ago someone I suspected of being him popped up a bit (not a lot) in the ADN comments section bragging about Sarah's bank account balance... not under his own name of course. I lurked there for a while and he caught my attention as a fervent Palin defender. His pseudonym was something with PIPERCUB in it, I should have jotted it down. The impression I got was that 'it' was a troll or Todd. If it was Todd, he is a shallow amoral opportunist (as is to be expected).

    3. Anonymous5:27 PM

      the "hunting lodge?" You mean the whore house.

  17. Anonymous3:40 PM

    What was Todd doing to have caused those odd wear holes or tear holes in those jeans? The only thing this former Iowa farm girl can think of would be a nasty encounter with a barbed-wire fence.


    1. Anonymous4:13 PM

      The jeans are sold that way. It's a fashion statement.

    2. Anonymous4:20 PM

      Probably due to he and his idiot wife running away from folks that were yelling nasty insults and chasing them! Can't you just visualize it?

    3. Anonymous6:06 PM

      I also think he bought them pre-holed. I wonder if he's still wearing the RNC silk underpants.

    4. Anonymous7:04 PM

      Them holy jeans cost extry 'cording to what they told me at the WalMart fashion department!

    5. Anonymous7:17 PM

      4:13 Those are not fashion statement jeans and if they were sold that way he got those at the scratch and dent sale where they got the can-in-balled fridge.

  18. PalinsHoax3:41 PM

    And which one of these guys is the Ol' Banshee married (cough, cough) to?

    Oh, she's married (cough, cough) to the PIMPle on the right of the photo. Faux husband, faux marriage, faux pregnancy, faux patriotism, but real falsies and real idiocy.

  19. Notice that Toad is about the same height as the others, but look how short his legs are as compared to the others. He's got short legs!!

    1. Anonymous4:17 PM

      Matches his 'you know what'!!! It's suppose to be short and tiny too!

    2. Anonymous4:19 PM

      sarah has short legs too, when she's not wearing platforms..that's why the girls always look so chunky.

    3. Anonymous4:42 PM

      He is Willow's pop after all.

  20. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Did you hear the laughter? Puts on the pmip. Why didn't they go to Walmart, yes Walmart, it has stylish business apparel. She can't even say the candidates name...she who.... What a dufus. Deflect, deflect from baptism. Throw out the pmip for fodder.

  21. Anonymous3:55 PM

    I think Todd told her to 'buck up or get in the truck' and this fb rant is sending 'arrows and darts' directly at him. I'm sure Todd appreciates the public scolding and reminder that she's deserving of deference, she being the working business partner and income producer [pardon my Palinese].

    1. Anonymous5:26 PM

      Sugar Mama - that's what Bristol said when she threw her trial husband out of her car. Where do you reckon she heard that?

      Junker better have lots of cash to keep Bristol in the style to which she aspires.

  22. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Hands in pockets to hide that he's not wearing a wedding ring.

    1. Anita Winecooler5:41 PM

      In Britain it's called "Pocket Billiards", here it's just called "Pocket Pool" .

    2. Anonymous5:49 PM

      Todd jput his hands in his pockets to push his jeans down below his waist because the truth is, his jeans are mom jeans, too. Look how far down Todd push his jeans. Look at his ankles.

    3. abbafan7:26 AM

      Anita, here in Canada, it's called "Pocket Hockey". Toad better not piss the referee off; I heard he's a real prick! And the linesmen are worse, they're nuts!

  23. Anonymous4:12 PM

    hmm, looks like all three of those stooges are wearing mom jeans...

  24. Anonymous4:14 PM

    O/T - It's over 50,000 now. Please spread it around if you can. Their initial goal was 15,000. I've signed it and sent it around to my tiny universe and a few other places. I am not religious but the message is about basic human decency and compassion.

    1. Anonymous5:23 PM

      Make that 50,001 signatures. Thanks!

    2. Anonymous8:52 PM


  25. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Did she just use the word "graciously" in a post? Let tears of laughter be unbounded!

  26. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Sarah goes on and on about the insults and terrible comments that the long suffering family of the candidate has to bear. I don't think that she is talking about Joni Ernst. Until I saw the photo of her husband (in his Mom jeans, middle guy), I wouldn't have know anything about her. All that I know is that Joni bragged about castrating pigs.

    I think that Sarah is projecting again, talking about her long suffering family. Who is the person who put them all on the stage long after the convention was over. It's OK for the family to wave at the convention, then pack their suitcases and go home. Trig was dragged around at all hours day and night, exposed to noise, crowds, bright lights and an irregular schedule. Sarah had made sure that there was plenty of publicity about Trig's arrival. She didn't need to drag him around like a prop. Oh, he WAS supposed to be a prop.

    Then there was poor Bristol, pregnant, unwed, the only proof that Sarah had just given birth to Trig because....because it didn't prove anything. (Irish twins, don't you know). Sarah promised that young couple was going to get married and grow up pretty fast, but that didn't turn out well. There was no need to humiliate Bristol that way. Dress her in a flowing dress, and after the convention, all of the kids should have gone home and gone to school. Piper admitted that she missed too much school,. Sarah put those kids in the public eye, while Obama kept his kids at home after one interview. Poor Palin Family, long suffering the slings and arrows of outrageous insults. Who put them in the public eye to start with?

    1. Anonymous3:19 AM

      Also, too Bristles tried HARD to stay in the limelight. Magazine covers, TV "reality shows" DWTS. Too bad she has no talent, apart from getting pregnant on a regular basis.

  27. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Good grief, she has the bitter gall to suggest she has hit a nerve? Good grief, what a deluded narcissist. She still thinks she is the end-all, be-all! Sarah you sound like a bully kid on a playground.

  28. The Iron Lady said it best; here’s a quote of hers worth remembering when opponents’ distorted personal criticism flies on the points of darts and arrows that family members graciously, admirably rise above: “I always cheer up immensely if an attack is particularly wounding because I think, well, if they attack one personally, it means they have not a single political argument left.”

    Sentences like this make me wonder if declaring English our national language might be a good idea after all.

    1. Anonymous5:06 PM


    2. Anonymous5:24 PM

      That one is a doozy!


    3. Anonymous3:21 AM

      Does she mean the way Bristol "graciously, admirably" responded on DWTS "This will be like giving the big middle finger to all the haters out there"

  29. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Great comment!

  30. OK- so I know what we all think of SP and Pimpdaddy...but... why are so many here hatin' on the mom jeans?

    What's up with that?

    Ya mean ya really buy all that crap they feed your brains in those commercials?

    1. Anonymous5:01 PM

      "Mom Jeans" SNL classic!

    2. Anonymous5:20 PM

      No one is hating on the 'mom' jeans, per se. Sarah used that description to try to denigrate President Obama as not being 'cool', and then her own husband wears 'mom' jeans, so people are just pointing out her usual hypocrisy and nastiness. I have no problem with loose fitting jeans, it's just comfortable.

    3. Anonymous5:47 PM

      What commercials? According to Sarah, wearing Mom Jeans is for sissies. She accused Obama of wearing Mom Jeans. Obama is more fit that the guy in that photo wearing Mom Jeans-- and he happens to be the husband of the pig castration lady that Sarah was there to endorse.

    4. Oh - I missed that one - thank you!

      She was making fun of Obama because of his jeans? (Am I surprised?) Ok no more middle school mean girl-- she's been demoted to the third grade. :-)

    5. Anonymous9:24 PM

      Sarah Palin: Barack Obama known for 'mom jeans'

      "Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin says that Russian President Vladimir Putin is a man known for wrestling bears while President Barack Obama is known for wearing mom jeans.

      “People are looking at Putin as one who wrestles bears and drills for oil,” Palin said to Fox News’s Sean Hannity on Monday night. “They look at our president as one who wears mom jeans and equivocates and bloviates.”"

    6. Anonymous10:11 PM

      The jeans are fine for wearing in the backyard at home or by a pencil-dick like Toad while on the campaign trail, while hitting on the candidate's husband.

      Proceed, Toad.

    7. Anonymous2:19 PM

      I prefer needle dick bug fucker to describe tawd.

  31. Anonymous5:08 PM

    She put a lot of bells and whistles in that post. Number one "patience of Job" biblical reference her fan base will love! proves she's Christian[ snort] and let's look at this gem, "She who is offering to serve in office." Oh yes it's an offer, a sacrifice you know, it's not for the prestige, money or a power trip! [snort] And how about that fine example of a man good old Todd, such a hard worker! yes it's hard to ride snowmachines, hunt and fish but the hardest part must be having to travel and live with an ego maniac. Not to worry he's riding HIGH and so is she if you know what i mean.

    And last but certainly not least we will throw Maggie Thatcher into the mix because after all Sarah is so like her[snort]. I think She Who Must Not Be Named has covered a lot with her little post now all the c4p pod people will discuss if it's another sign that she is running! "Madame President" will be the cry of the ever diminishing Faith Full and you have to be full of it,ahhmm faith i mean to always buy it.Make no mistake she's talking about herself again not the pig castrator.

    1. Anonymous5:46 PM

      She is frantically trying to change the conversation from her baptism statement at NRA rally. She has alienated whole groups of people and the pee pond is not exactly hitting any high numbers in comments since she spoke her ugly words. She is panicked and flailing around but it ain't over yet skank.

  32. Anonymous5:33 PM

    The "shout out" only means it's payday, otherwise, she needs to mention them to give the free shepac money.

  33. Anita Winecooler5:37 PM

    She's trying to pivot away from her waterboarding/baptism comment, but it won't work. Even mini me's blog has six comments, four reading Sarah the riot act.
    Hey, Sarah, two ways you can redeem yourself:

    1 Apologize Sincerely (ROTFL)
    2 Get publicly "baptized" by waterboarding (Do they make waterproof wig glue?)
    Ooops one more 3) Let the "Iron Lady" rest in peace.

    WTH is wrong with this woman? She was told to stay away from Margaret Thatcher and not use her as a prop to further her agenda, and she has the balls (small, but balls none the less) to quote her to honor three stooges.
    "Rabies Spice", maybe, but not Margaret. There's no comparison whatsoever.

    1. Anonymous7:01 PM

      She will be competing with Toronto Mayor Rob Ford for media attention also too. According to RawStory there are more tapes!

      New Ford CRACK TAPE!!!!!!

      "The tape reportedly captures Ford drunk out his mind at a local bar, complaining about his wife and saying he wants to bang fellow mayoral contender Karen Stintz."

      Oh and another smoking crack tape?! NO MAYBE THREE!!!

      " The Globe story suggests that there may now be multiple new Rob Ford crack tapes. Globe and Mail reporters were shown the videos but they're apparently now for sale by the drug dealer who secretly filmed them. And the article says the video "is part of a package of three videos the dealer said was surreptitiously filmed around 1:15 a.m., and which he says he is now selling for 'at least six figures.'"

      New Ford CRACK TAPE!!!!!!

  34. Anonymous5:49 PM

    It really must be the end of the line for Sista Sarah when she has to trot out Da Pimp as her human shield... or the kids were asking for too much postage!

  35. Anonymous6:03 PM

    "These guys have guts! And the patience of Job, no doubt."

    WTF? Its not like Todd has a 9 to 5 job. Todd just shows up where his bitch tell him to go.

  36. Anonymous6:16 PM

    ABC 'Right-Wing Mole' Jonathan Karl Pushes Latest Fake Benghazi Conspiracy Theory

    Who needs Fox when you've got GOP PR fluffer Jonathan Karl willing and ready to do their dirty work for them? Fox has been pushing the latest fake Benghazi non-scandal for the last day or two, so naturally Karl decided he needed to get in on some of the action at this Wednesday's White House press briefing.

    ABC's Jonathan Karl And The Proof The White House Memo Wasn't Just About Benghazi:

    ABC's Jonathan Karl, who was previously burned when he pushed falsehoods about CIA talking points generated in the wake of the 2012 Benghazi attacks, is now adopting the conservative distortion of a separate set of talking points authored by the White House for media appearances by then U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice.

  37. Anonymous6:23 PM

    Waterboarding, Sarah Palin and the West's Image Abroad as the 'Great Satan'

    ...Waterboarding, a technique in which water is poured over the angled face of a prisoner -- so as to fill his nose, mouth and lungs -- terrifyingly creates the feeling of drowning. "When performed on an unsuspecting prisoner, waterboarding is a torture technique -- without a doubt," Malcolm Nance, former master instructor and chief of training at the U.S. Navy Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape School (SERE) in San Diego states. "There is no way to sugarcoat it," he writes, referring to the fact that he personally witnessed and supervised the waterboarding of hundreds of U.S. military trainees who were drilling to resist torture.
    "It does not simulate drowing," Nance states, "as the lungs are actually filling with water. There is no way to simulate that. The victim is drowning.

    Unless you have been strapped down to the board, have endured the agonizing feeling of the water overpowering your gag reflex, and then feel your throat open and allow pint after pint of water to involuntarily fill your lungs, you will not know the meaning of the word.

    "Waterboarding is slow-motion suffocation with enough time to contemplate the inevitability of blackout and expiration" Nance continues. "Usually the person goes into hysterics on the board. For the uninitiated, it is horrifying to watch. If it goes wrong, it can lead straight to terminal hypoxia - meaning, the loss of all oxygen to the cells."

    And horrifyingly, the lack of physical scarring allows the victim to recover and be threatened with its use again and again.

    Waterboarding was on the CIA's list of approved "enhanced interrogation technique's" for use against high-value terror suspects in 2005, and was included in a 2009 U.S. Department of Justice memo released in April 2009 as an approved torture technique. Waterboarding was carried out under the Bush administration, but has now been condemned by President Obama as "torture."

    According to journalist Julia Layton, when waterboarding was used in counter-interrogation training for CIA operatives and Navy SEALs, the trainees could not survive it without breaking. According to her sources, CIA members have lasted an average of 14 seconds before begging to be released.

    Being subjected to drowning and feeling that one is imminently about to die is a powerful psychological torture method and it breaks down both our guys, as well as our enemies.

  38. Anonymous6:31 PM

    I guess Todd shares Palin's fake boobs, we know where they reside when Sarah goes flat...

    1. Anonymous6:47 PM

      And the grandpa shoes and dirty old jeans. Poor man.

  39. Anonymous6:49 PM

    Waterboarding, Sarah Palin and the West's Image Abroad as the 'Great Satan'

  40. Anonymous7:49 PM

    Duck Dynasty homophobic fake rednecks coming to Alaska State Fair.

  41. Ratfish9:07 PM

    That's rich. I guess Palin's ghostwriter forgot to tell her that using Maggie Thatcher's quote meant that Palin's personal attacks on Obama, liberals, the media, etc etc meant that she has no political arguments left.

  42. Anonymous9:58 PM

    Toad gives off a strong "Hey dude, I'm totally straight but I'll blow you just this once, if you'll sign this simple non-disclosure form" vibe.

  43. Anonymous10:57 PM

    Dude, your whole blog is middle school attacks, lies, and taunts.

    It is people like you who lie and put her on the defensive.

    Youre a superficial jerk with bad preconceived notions that you must uphold or else be called out as the liar you are, Gryphen.

    1. Anonymous12:09 AM

      10:57 PM The truth hurts, skank. 'Dude' is for wusses.

    2. Anonymous4:50 AM

      Dude, don't you have some two-toned penis research to do?

    3. Anonymous5:08 AM

      Is that a fact? Methinks thou dost project too much.

    4. Anonymous5:29 AM

      The "Dude" troll is back (must not have been taking its meds).


  44. Anonymous10:59 PM

    ALL people do here and elsewhere is attack. Sarah NEVER personally attacks people. How is using language concerning manhood any worse that MOST of what YOU write on a daily basis?

    It isn't and you know it.

    Wow, juvenile really is an understatement here.

    Bloggers literally perpetuate the nastiness lies for no reason and then act like the higher ground.

    Sad for you IM and other blogs

    1. Anonymous12:02 AM

      Are you still in Middle School? Your sentence structure is horrible.

    2. Anonymous3:29 AM

      "acting like the higher ground"?? What the HELL does that mean? Obviously a Palin.

    3. Anonymous5:09 AM

      What planet do you live on? $arah never personally attacks? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

    4. Anonymous5:30 AM

      Here, trollie, trollie. Nice trollie, now go take your meds.


    5. Anonymous2:23 PM

      Holy shit, go read a 4th grade grammar text book, 1/2 wit.

  45. Anonymous11:00 PM

    Still waiting for Gryphen to retract and admit the hundreds of lies he's written thanks to lying sources.

    1. Anonymous12:01 AM

      11:00 PM Still waiting for Tallahasse Lassie to Fuck off.
      You wouldn't know the truth if it punched you in your throat. How's that 2-toned Dildo working?

    2. Anonymous4:07 AM

      It's the first day of May. Time to piss away more of your money to Sarah's Purse, aka SarahPAC where there is absolutely no return on your investment that a trained monkey couldn't. And the monkey is much smarter than ol Sarah!

    3. Anonymous4:49 AM

      Please hold your breath

    4. Anonymous5:07 AM

      Pictures and the pallin's own words don't lie. What is there to lie about. Every single word and lie comes out of the palin's own filthy lying mouth and actions.

    5. Anonymous5:10 AM

      Prove it.

    6. Anonymous5:34 AM

      Boy, someone escaped from Oppositeville. The village idiot, at that. Quoting Quitter's own words is lying? Sigh.

      Hey, the smh troll hasn't shown up yet.

    7. Anonymous5:43 AM

      Visitor from UNITED STATES/Tallahasse Trolling is addictive, and you have proven it. When you Retract all of your Juvenile, incoherent postings, we will stop laughing. BWAHAHAHAHA.

    8. Anonymous12:00 PM

      5:34, I kept telling that little twit troll to stop shaking its head because it was flinging chunks of goo out of its ears, making a terrible mess.

      But would it listen? Noooo! And now it's gone.

      Hey Duuuude, shake your head!

  46. Anonymous11:25 PM

    Do either of these two duffouses know that Todd is an adulterer and a pimp?

  47. Anonymous12:16 AM

    Damn, Gryphen, you hit a nerve again with the Palin Trolls. They are in a posting frenzy. They must all be gathering at the Dysfunction Junction next to Dead Lake Lucille. They are trying to defend the 'Mom Jeans' wearing Pimp Daddy Todd.

    1. Anonymous1:16 PM

      They are trying to pull folks away from the Levi and Bristol custody case which is going on soon. They meet tomorrow and the Court action is next week from what I can determine.

      Good luck Levi and Sunny!

  48. Anonymous2:08 AM

    Dear troll. No one needs to make things up about Palin. All they have to do is post her on words.

  49. Anonymous3:29 AM

    What does Todd Palin do? At one point, years ago, he worked for BP in the oil fields somewhere in Alaska and had a fishing gig of some sort for a couple of months each summer. But he does neither any more. Is he retired? His wife seems to think that he is gainfully employed somehow but in doing what?

    1. Anonymous1:14 PM

      Todd worked on the Slope. BP let him go after he leaked papers/documents!!!

      The guy is very, very slimy - looks it too!

  50. Anonymous3:43 AM

    Anon 10:57, 10:59, and 11:00 must all be in the same room on their mobile devices.. Methinks it's the Palins. Sorry but Gryphen doesn't need to retract a thing. You don't like what is said? Don't read it!

  51. Anonymous6:27 AM

    Layoff of Todd. He's a hardworking man. Can't you tell by the holes in his pants?

    1. Anonymous1:12 PM

      Todd Palin has not worked for years now - what a ding dong guy! Purse carrier, for his idiot wife, and pimp with his lead prostitute spilling the beans.

      "Boys Will be Boys" (book written by Shailey Tripp - the prostitute). Makes one wonder why a Palin named her son "Tripp". Interesting, huh? And, weird!

      Sarah nor Todd have ever responded to the book or the fact he was decalred and proven to be a pimp. (Little dick that is two-tone as to color!)

      Remember how they normally use to jump on stuff that was negative about them and/or not true.

      His being a pimp is true! They never filed a lawsuit against Shailey Tripp either, which is something else they always threatened when they didn't like what someone said about them.

      Caught him w/his pants down (literally!) - no doubt about it!

  52. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Todd and Sarah Palin are on the same page on everything in the public arena, you Ninnies **__**


    Loved that line from Sarah Palin at the NRA meetup, 2014:

    "gunfree zones are stupid ON STEROIDS"

    Sarah Palin, plus all Americans with their brains turned ON know that crims and crazies LOVE to create mayhem where their working conditions are FAVORABLE .... they DO PREFER their victims to be UNARMED y'know!

    it's good to see Georgia taking notice of (the 30 year experiment?) in Kennesaw GA and legislating for OPEN CARRY State-wide, thus turning to the so-called *wild west* days ... when the US homicide rate was 1/4 of what it is now!

    the *wild west* days when LAW-ABIDING Americans took responsibility/control over their own security, and that of their families, by exercizing their full #2A Rights

    #NowIsTheTime ~>1982-Kennesaw GA passed law requiring Head of Households 2 own a gun. Last 30 yrs, only 4 murders; 3 in gun-free school zone

    1. Anonymous12:18 PM

      Yee Haw! Ride 'em cowboy. It's a hootin', rootin', tootin', shootin' party. Bang! Bang! Pfhht....that's me, blowing the smoke from my barrel.

      STFU and put your teeth back in you brainless freak.

      Thanks a bunch saint Ronnie (may you burn in hell) for this klan of rejects. You should have never closed those "Wards."

    2. Anonymous5:48 PM

      I am not a troll. The ONLY 30 year experiment that I know of was car manufacturers trying to find sturdy material with tight surface tensile strength so high heels wouldn't poke holes in them while, well, you know!

      MUST be THIS thirty year experiment then?

      Blush, sigh, smh......

  53. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Those three guys look like dorks. Not interesting or inviting at all. Totally staged by the idiot!!

  54. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Looks like he gained the pounds she lost.

  55. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Patience of Job? Obviously the woman has NEVER read the bible. The man just hangs out and gets free grifter money and that's hard work? And she dares compare him to Job? the funny thing is the trolls who call us


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.