Wednesday, April 30, 2014

When it comes to health care in this country there are two Americas. And thanks to Republican interference Obamacare will not be able to help the most needy half.

Courtesy of HuffPo:  

When it comes to the quality of health care, there are two Americas. 

In one America, infant mortality, avoidable deaths, health-care costs and other measures are far worse than in the other America, according to a new study by the Commonwealth Fund, a health policy research firm. And thanks to Republican lawmakers and the Supreme Court, the gulf between them may only get wider. 

The map below from the Commonwealth Fund shows the stark divide. States with the worst overall health care systems -- as measured by factors like the number of insured adults and children, avoidable emergency room visits and access to affordable care -- are dark blue. States with better health-care systems are white.

What's more, 16 of the 26 states at the bottom of the Commonwealth Fund’s scorecard aren’t expanding Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare. 

Of course the states with the worst health care are red states, most of which will also not accept the Affordable Care Act's Medicaid expansion. Leaving them with virtually no help until they vote the Republicans out, or the GOP starts to panic and change their policies in order to hang onto power.

Make no mistake these people are suffering for NO good reason other than a desire by the Republicans to obstruct the President and deny his ability to help the most vulnerable Americans in the country.

We need to rise up and vote these Kochsuckers out, and the time to do that is this year.

We CANNOT let this opportunity pass.


  1. Anonymous4:41 PM

    My state opted out so the ACA web site said I can't get the help I would get if I lived in another state. I can't afford even the cheapest plan on the ACA web site, so still don't have coverage. But the ACA web site gave a nice little certificate that says I won't be penalized by the IRS.

    1. I share your pain my friend,

      The same holds true for me.

    2. Anonymous9:07 PM

      call your governor, because that is who is stopping you.

  2. Sorry if this is a duplicate, but:

    For a second I thought those were maps of the slave states.

    1. Anonymous2:29 AM

      Any thing that is bad about our country, well it shows up as the salve states. Always has and it always will. I think we should let the whole lot secede and try to make it on their own, allow immigration into the free states gratis and let the south collapse into the third world they'd like us ALL to inhabit.

  3. Anonymous5:06 PM

    What can we do in Alaska to help in this situation? No access to ACA due to Governor Parnell is my understanding.
    Any suggestions so that many of us can help?

    1. Anonymous5:59 PM

      Vote the bums out!

    2. Anonymous9:06 PM

      Start a petition, vote him out or continue to be a second class citizen.

  4. Anonymous5:06 PM

    Kochsuckers, that is brilliant!Did you invent the term, Gryphen?

  5. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Watch President Obama BLAST Millionaire GOP Senators Who Blocked Minimum Wage Increase! (Video)

    Earlier today, the GOP shut down any attempt to talk about raising the minimum wage, leave off passing any bills regarding it. As predicted, President Obama stood up to discuss the matter. In the process, he verbally ripped into the GOP, connecting the dots between their actions and their agenda.

    In his speech, President Obama tore into the GOP for attempting to repeal Obamacare 50+ times, passing the tax cuts for the wealthy while refusing a minimum wage increase , standing in the way of blocking the unemployment benefits, and blocking fair pay for women.

    1. Anonymous8:13 PM

      Good for him!

      If anyone votes for a Republican in the upcoming elections, they are not paying attention! U.S. Congress members, governors of states, state legislatures and local governments.

      Republican are in the majority and they are fucking nuts and not helping the poor or the middle class. They are making the USA a third world country! VOTE THEM OUT!!

  6. Anonymous5:45 PM


    Right-wing rhetoric knows no bounds as they continue to vilify the poor as lazy moochers sucking hard-earned dollars off us hard-working, decent folk. An image that’s been making the rounds of the Internet for awhile made it to Dr. Annette Bosworth’s desk, which she then shared on her campaign’s Facebook page. Bosworth is a first-time Senate candidate for South Dakota, Republican, and follows the not-so-fantastic teachings of people like Senator Ted Cruz.

    1. Anonymous2:31 AM

      This image came about in Reagan's time, remember welfare queens driving around in caddy's? Thank that fucking asshole for the whole mess we are in now.

  7. Anonymous5:50 PM

    These states opting out are the true Death Panel states. Sad.

  8. Hopefully, in some rethuglicon cases, the pain, depravation, stench, loss of all things and collapsed personal dignity befell them in quantities that are only spoken of in legend, because of the human harm they are causing by the hour. To adults, to children and the un-born. These deniers of reality deserve every ugliness they can have bestowed on them from every angle - FOREVER.

  9. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Guess this means that large knuckled bag-of-bones wearing the granny's-with-guns low hipped belt and four inch flag heels will be stumbling all over the State Fair this year.

    1. Anonymous6:56 PM

      Does anybody up there even want to see her anymore?

    2. Anonymous3:23 AM

      She'll have her kids or grand kids there as shields to protect her from critics.

  10. Anonymous6:19 PM

    Mrs. Palin became the face of the Tea Party in 2009 and personifies the kind of intolerant nonsense and willful graft that the movement is prone to at its worst. Now that it’s safe for Republicans to point out that Palin hurts more than she helps, the party should use this moment to cast aside the grifters who turned their party’s once-savvy rebranding scheme into a clown show that typifies what many Americans hate about the far right.

  11. Anonymous8:40 PM

    Every day, more and more people are getting hip to how evil it is, that rightwing politicians (who enjoy excellent healthcare plans) work so hard to prevent THEM from having a good one.

    But its obviously a slow process. SOMETHING must happen, to get the word out to those who've been brainwashed against healthcare reform.

  12. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Last weekend a relative shared that the hard plastic ankle splints for her young toddler who has Downs Syndrome cost a thousand dollars but Medicaid paid $780. That reminded me of Palin lying to parents of special needs children, using Trig to prop up her lies that she is their advocate (on their side) and Obama and his healthcare means they will be denied medical care for their children. Palin escalated to lying Obama is planning death panels to kill their imperfect children and threw their grandparents into the death pool.

    As the self proclaimed icon of Christianity, servants heart Palin gets sick kicks conning people she is their saint and salvation from the targets of her reprehensible terrorizing pathological lies she spews. She is polarizing declaring she is one polar extreme and miss portraying her targets as the polar opposite.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.