Wednesday, April 02, 2014

Sarah Palin's latest promo for her soon to be cancelled new show seems to feature everything about America that embarrasses most of us.

"There's not just the huntin, and fishing, and snowmachining, and dog sledding, we're going to showcase people places and things that inspire people to get off their...."

Gee I wonder what they left out?

You know I have watched entire John Wayne movies that featured fewer gun than this promo did.

Fanatic nationalism, drunken rednecks, abundant firearms, duck calls, running from cattle, apparently Sarah Palin's version of America is a potpourri of idiotic behaviors, near fatalities, and hillbilly hijinks, all set to music by second rate bands found ducking flying beer bottles on the stages of honky-tonk bars.

Yeehaw, America! It's time to lose s few more of them there brain cells.


  1. Anonymous9:03 AM

    A potpourri of idiotic behaviors.....Sounds like $arah's familylife.

    1. Anonymous10:21 AM

      What is so funny about this program is Sarah Palin was most likely seen in the mall in Anchorage than partaking in an outdoor experience when she actually lived in Alaska. The Palins as Outdoorsy Alaskans are a central casting fantasy. They usually used a machine under their loins to get anywhere. Hikers? Not so much, if ever. Now Levi, that is another story. He is a real outdoorsman.

    2. Anonymous1:09 PM

      amongst a hell of a lot of other things i get a kick out of is the cross eyed hunchbacked skank's fake underbite - nothing about the skank bitch fraud is genuine, nothing at all ...

  2. Anonymous9:09 AM

    She's so behind, even in her whacky redneck world. Fish noodling's already been televised.

  3. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Well, she's certainly not doing anything to elevate the perception that other countries might have of the U.S, that's for sure. The thing is, Palin & her followers are mighty proud of the yahoo, shoot-'em-up, ignorant red-neck image they portray. They consider it to be true patriot behaviour.

    1. Anonymous10:38 AM

      It is simply confounding we have gone from the real American intellect of such people as John Adams, Thomas Jefferson etc. to this very sick imitation of a human named Sarah Palin.

    2. Yeah, it's very juvenile and creepy. It's like she invented her own superhero. Weird and crazy.

    3. Anonymous6:29 PM

      But 9:15, the pee'ers think this show and sarah are finally going to show the world we're cool again!
      Yes, one actually wrote that, gads.

  4. How about Americans VIBRANTLY buying (or borrowing) books and READING them? And VIBRANTLY encouraging their children's educations, and paying tuition, and cheering them along? And not dropping the g at the end of the verbs, as every Palin-related comment prompts one to do?

    $arah's life in no way resembles mine and my family's. And for that, I turn into Pollyanna the Glad Girl--not my usual inclination.

  5. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Can't wait to see the breakdown of the ratings on THIS one.

    1. Anonymous9:53 AM

      Did we ever get the breakdown on Tawd's?

    2. Anonymous10:14 AM

      Yes, how did that turn out? The media will squeeze every thing they can from these idiot turnips.

  6. Anonymous9:23 AM

    The music drowns out her tinny thin voice. But, that's a good thing. Otherwise, I would have to wonder what is keeping people from the inner city from going outside and experiencing the great outdoors? Seriously, Sarah, have your demographics ever been in the inner city?

    1. Anonymous10:13 AM

      Inner City is red-neck speak for African-Americans.

  7. Anonymous9:24 AM

    I saw recently that one of the people spotlighted is one of those roided up 'rastlers from WWE (or whatever they call the "league" now).

    Perfect........a fake political whore holding up a fake athlete as a 'rill Merikkkan.

    1. Anonymous10:07 AM

      maybe we'll luck out and witness her being subjected to some "roid rage"...

  8. Anonymous9:26 AM

    We don't even get that redneck channel, and you can be sure if we did, it would be blocked on our TVs. I don't need to watch people shooting things, running around in swim trunks, or abusing animals. Thanks, Sarah, but I'll be reading a good book Thursday night. And next week, I'll be at a concert band rehearsal...see, unlike Piper, I have been playing my instrument for 50 years, and I continue to play vibrantly in six groups, plus I teach kids to play. So up your skinny rear. When this fails, can you just disappear on one of those sleds?

    1. Anonymous10:16 AM

      " When this fails, can you just disappear on one of those sleds?"

      The only way she can disappear, is by looking directly into a mirror.

      Thanks again, McCain. Wish you could have just stuck to piloting jet aircraft - seriously.

      Paul in Indiana

  9. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Can you imagine Michelle Obama, Jill Biden, or any other woman close the the White House acting like this woman? And she still thinks she should have won! Stupid is as stupid does. Same goes for the guys. Just look at the whole list of GOP wannabees.

    1. Anonymous5:27 PM

      Not that any of the women you mentioned aren't role models And I mean no disrespect nor comparison to those mentioned, but, I can't even imagine real crack whores acting like Sarah Palin.

  10. You know, I am sick and tired of that flabby, lazy, imbecile that knows not one thing about the great outdoors lecturing everyone else in the United States (which encompasses mountain ranges, magnificent rivers and lakes (some of them Great), rugged ocean coastlines, and hundreds of thousands of square miles of outdoor beauty and adventure) about how to get up off our butts and enjoy the outdoors.

    Alaska doesn't have the market cornered on outdoor adventures or beauty, or severe weather, for that matter. Or people that enjoy them.

    That beady-eyed, fake, couch-sprawling poser can shove her stupid-ass show and her stupid-ass glorification of stupid-ass people doing stupid-ass things right up her stupid ass.

    Furthermore, that drooling moron apparently is too stupid to get it through her thick skull that quiet, intelligent, educated people wearing suits and working in offices are and have been some of the greatest patriots this country has known. And are also capable of enjoying outdoor activity and adventures.

    I have had it with her jackassy checklist of patriotism: drawling, plaid-wearing, gun-toting, uneducated, beer-bellied, bigoted, self-righteous, stupid = patriotic rill 'merkun.

    Bite me, you pissy piece of traitorous trash.

    1. Anonymous9:55 AM

      Well, I need not post my $0.02 now, Nefer, you've said it all for me!

    2. Anonymous9:55 AM

      Nefer.....I have long admired your literary skill and must say that once again you have captured the essence of Palin.

    3. Anonymous10:17 AM

      Now, now, Nefer... Why don't you just tell us how you feel?
      (TOTALLY agree with you!!!)

    4. Beldar J Conehead10:24 AM

      "Bite me, you pissy piece of traitorous trash."

      Nefer, you sure don't leave much for the rest of us to add when you boil it all down quite like that!

    5. Anonymous10:36 AM

      Yes Nefer, a thousand times yes. And isn't this the real horror and danger of Palin? It's not just her stupidity, arrogance, and lack of education; it's the effect those sad circumstances have had on her. She is unable to imagine that one can be "outdoors", except in Alaska. She does not believe a liberal can be a patriot. She cannot fathom that an "inner city resident", like me, visits national parks in Maine, Utah, California, and Montana on a regular basis. She has no interest in any person or any place that is not completely familiar to her. She will never know or care about anyone who is not a Palin, a pathetic dope, or a Jesus freak. (Yes I recognize the redundancy).

      This makes her the very worst sort of person to be involved in politics, as she can never ever represent the best interests of anyone except herself. It is why, horrific and soul-destroying though it is, Gryphen and his loyal readers have to keep our collective foot on the bitch's throat and watch her every move. She is still a dangerous, though greatly weakened, piece of shit.

    6. Anita Winecooler5:31 PM

      That's the most epic description of how I feel.
      Thanks Nefer!!!!

    7. Anonymous12:43 AM

      Thanks from me too. Palin polarized people dividing
      City people as if the devil himself and suburbanites.
      I disliked her a lot when she started that.

  11. F U McCain9:31 AM

    Hey Gryphen,
    I just watched the promo and it doesn't seem like the people on the show are drunken rednecks, etc.

    The concept seems nice, actually. One guy started a business in his mom's house; there's a kid doing duck calls; and, shoehorned in is footage of" first responders".
    So, while Palin is a loathsome POS that Can't be honest about anything,
    I don't think it's fair to paint all the people on the show as ignorant rednecks.

    Not yet, anyway.

    (Ps- no shit it's not scripted, Sarah! Couldn't they have written your INTRO without you repeating we would see "people, places and thing s".... twice.


    1. There are guys rolling in the mud, screaming down a zip line, being chased by farm animals, and a guy who created a business called "Billy Bob's T's" in his mother's basement.

      Not to mention guns going off every six seconds.

      Don't let some stock footage of firefighters and swat teams fool ya.

    2. The concept isn't "nice." A SWAT team responding to danger? death? mayhem? isn't evidence of "Amazing America," it's evidence of criminal activity being responded to with overwhelming and deadly force.

      The activities show no diversity and often little intelligence and are weighted almost entirely toward either foolishly risky entertainment or a ludicrously narrow view of "outdoor recreation."

      The video manages to be both laughable AND offensive.

    3. Really? I went screaming VIBRANTLY down a zip line a few years ago, but I was in Costa Rica. So I guess it doesn't count as an Amazing American Activity, especially because Costa Rica has single-payer health care.

    4. F U McCain6:46 PM

      I am entering Devil's Advocate territory, but I imagine it to be a show focusing on the people who do these things, ergo the SWAT TEAM footage is going to be a few scenes showing the bravery of the people who join the SWAT TEAM.
      I think it's easily viewed as two sides of the same coin: you can portray it as glamorizing violence or you can portray it as championing the courage of those in these elite forces.

      I imagine this show as a "high octane" version of Huell Howser - showcasing the interesting people and the activities that make them "unique".

      And while the title is cheesy, I don't think it's meant to demean

      Sarah Palin did not think of this show, she didn't think of the title and she did not even participate in this show.

      They used her name to get a ton of publicity but they have kept her acidity from the actual show so that even people who loathe her could potentially watch the show after her short intro.

      Last point: producers don't spend money to send a crew to film people shooTing beer cans in their backyard so there J's to be "something" interesting in the segments - and you get to watch the comedians interact with these people, Not Palin.

      But who knows? Maybe it is a dumb show.

  12. Anonymous9:36 AM

    That's painful to watch.

    There's a time to laugh and a time to cry. America or any other country aren't laughing all the time, nor are they crying all the time. But tragedies strike and usually the pols mourn with those who are suffering. Politicians kind of stay out of the fray until the victims are all accounted for. That's the decent thing to do.

    Sarah, on the other hand, has no idea about 'crying'. She's all about HAVING FUN and laughing all the time, all the way to the bank. She won't be taking it though, to that Big Bank in the sky.

    Disasters happen and we all can't mourn appropriately because we are so consumed with our own problems, but we can respect and give our condolences and due respect to those who mourn. All Sarah and Todd have done is provide entertainment and she, facebook queen, has never even mentioned the mudslide disaster in Washington State.

    She's all about marketing herself and her brood, attending expensive BBQ's for the elite in Florida. She has neither care or concern for the losses of people, the struggles of working-class people. She just opens her hate-filled mouth and vomits out forth her flagrant YEE-HAAWWW.

    It's always fun fun fun for Sarah.

    1. Anonymous10:06 AM

      The appearance of a SWAT team is not “entertainment".

    2. Anonymous10:29 AM

      She didn't even care about the suffering Native Americans in her own state when she was governor! As someone who has three still-missing relatives in the Oso mudslide, I prefer her not saying anything as everyone knows she doesn't give a shit about anything but herself.

    3. Anonymous11:27 AM

      Strength to you, 10:29. I cannot imagine....

      Paul in Indiana

  13. lostinmn9:39 AM

    Since her first national appearance in St Paul with the fake Fargo accent she's been a laughingstock at our house. The woman will do whatever it takes to make money which one could argue is pretty much what any whore does - then again I don't want to diss on prostitutes. I suspect they're a lot more honorable.

    1. Anonymous10:34 AM

      Nobody in Alaska talks like this. She is channeling what she thinks is a Midwest and Southern accent and it fails miserably. Plus, it is insulting.

    2. Anonymous10:40 AM

      Indeed, at least prostitutes are willing to admit that they fuck for a buck. Palin is completely void of such integrity.

  14. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Sarah Palin and the Great American Outdoors:
    1. She went to moose camp and she was freezing.
    2. She went to moose camp. While they hunted, she picked blueberries.
    3. She said that she was too chicken to jump off the waterfall. (The one where she used a stock photo and said that it was Piper).
    4. She couldn't load her gun. (Daddy, does it kick?)
    5. She couldn't hit the caribou.
    6. She couldn't hit the caribou.
    7. She couldn't hit the caribou.
    8. She couldn't hit the caribou.
    9. Someone shot the caribou for her because we never really did see Sarah and the falling caribou in the same shot.
    10. Sarah doesn't drive the huskies. She rides behind, in a tandem sled. When she rode behind a real motorcycle rider, that was called "riding bitch."

  15. Anonymous10:00 AM

    This IS the program, hosted by Sarah sitting in front of a green screen, that needed 3 additional co-hosts to go out in the field and actually interact with those Amazing Americans.

  16. Anonymous10:01 AM

    I'm sick of hearing her yammer on about "inner city" and "suburbia" not knowing how to "get outside". Shut up you arrogant ass!
    My other takeaway was the part where she says robotically "This is gonna be fun!" when she is about to get on the dogsled and the look on her face is clearly dread.

    1. Anonymous10:33 AM

      Yeah, she doesn’t look like she believes what she just said, LOL! I always thought she was a better actress than this!

    2. If you stop the video just as she finishes saying "this is gonna be fun!", you can see her face set in that pinched lower-lip-stuck-out, jutting-chin look that Geoffrey Dunn described in his book "The Lies of Sarah Palin".

      It's the don't-fuck-with-me expression she usually displays just before her face sets in the sour-lemon look (like at the Belmont race).

    3. Anonymous11:14 AM

      She grew up and still lives in suburbia. She is cashing in on the fantasy and history of "Alaska". She lives in Wasilla for pete's sake! Or Az sometimes, which is even more "suburbia"

    4. When McCain/Palin went toes-up in 2008, part of my intense relief was strictly personal, even selfish: The Naval Observatory, where VP and Dr. Biden currently live (YEAH!) is quite close to Casa Biscuitbarrel. The District of Columbia is by definition "inner city" and "not suburban."

      Imagine the lack-of-culture shock that anyone Palin would experience while standing on line, say, at ZBurger or Five Guys (another quality burger joint). There are c-c-c-colored people there!

  17. Anonymous10:03 AM

    My father calls these people "salt of the Earth". I think we can all agree that less salt in our diet is a healthy thing.

    1. Which brings to mind the great quote from "Blazing Saddles":

      "You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know... morons."

    2. Salt of the earth inhibits green growing things; it sterilizes the earth.

      It's a biblical phrase obscure in meaning, since the phrase really refers to salt as a valuable commodity -- which is what it is AFTER it's mined out of the earth (or the sea).

    3. And another thing, not EVERYBODY talks with that mush-mouthed "southern draaaawl" that Sarah Palin imitates, and that featured talkers in this promo sound like (when they're not hollering yee-haw).

      Some of us "rill 'Muricans" speak clearly enough that folks from other countries could probably understand us.

  18. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Why is there a SWAT team running about in this ad that is advertising an outdoor America theme? That is sick beyond sick. Shame, shame, shame, this is not real America, this is “Embarrassing and shameful” America — not something I as an American am proud of. Doesn’t the requirement of a SWAT action mean something horrible has occurred? This is not a sporting event, it is a police action! Palin is all over the map again, her program appears to suffer the same lack of focus she exhibits in her word salad approach to communication.

    1. Anonymous10:33 AM

      That is purely sick, but certainly with Palinesque code words, when she denigrates inner city residents, that they don't know all that she knows about starting from zero, building businesses, enjoying the outdoors.

    2. SWAT equals guns and gunfire! No situation is bad or tragic if it affords an opportunity for a Good Guy to strut his stuff and shoot whatever is in his way or maybe even his own foot.

      Tragedy = Bank robbery or other occasion resulting in the death or endangerment of innocent people.

      Never mind!

      It's a great day = SWAT team! They have guns! Maybe there will be some shooting going on! Awesome!

  19. Anonymous10:08 AM

    “I want to change that perception of that great outdoor living. I want people in inner cities and suburbia…I want them to know that they TOO have opportunity to get outdoors and be active and be energized and be inspired by the beauty of America. [...] Unscripted, uncensored, unchained."

    Holy crap! The only thing I saw that's amazing is her hubris and her complete lack of self-perception. The tagline should be: Insulting, condescending, lying.

    1. Anonymous12:36 AM

      I found the premise to be insulting as well. I also thought her and Tod's speechifying about seeing America's historical sights before their ill fated family vacation/bus tour/catch me disaster arrogant especially since they evidently did not give a shit about taking their kids anywhere. Palin was bitchy and snarky about people who travel outside the USA also.

      I'd like to shove my sailboat, some camping equipment and the Empire State Building up her pathetic ass...some row boat oars too. She is an idiot!

  20. The guy on the boat, about half way through, was he sniffing his armpit?

    Wow! That's AMAZING!

    1. Anonymous11:16 AM

      kissing his/her bicep - the pit stench, OTOH, is permanent

    2. Heh...that's a girl, and she's flexing her biceps... ;-D

    3. LOL! So it is. It just goes to show, what we see is dependent on our expectations. Guy sniffing their armpits obviously made sense to me under the circumstances. What's worse is I looked at it more than once!

  21. Anonymous10:12 AM

    I guess that is why they have hired two comedians as co-hosts - the show is supposed to be a comedy show, but with a dumb chick-fil-a as she is, they had to get backup.

  22. Anonymous10:17 AM

    I thought I would google Sportsman Channel and got their FB page. Geez, her followers are gushing:

    Rene Jauregui she has my vote i think shes beautiful and smart hard to come by these days
    Like · 2 · 9 hours ago

    Tori Bardwell Salinas Kev, I think you're afraid of her because she is so well spoken, intelligent and garners common sense. You seem to have a problem with smart women and have a need to knock them down a peg. No matter. I'm a libertarian and I'd be thrilled to have a no nonsense person like her running this country. She loves her country and wants what is best for it. Sounds to me like you voted for Oblamo last time around!
    Like · 1 · 6 hours ago

    Patricia Maxwell We need someone who LOVES America, not like the present man (that's the kindest thing I can call him) who is doing all he can do to destroy our country, our faith, our constitution, our economy. Sarah Palin could do the job right!!
    Like · 4 hours ago

    Their fanpage has 578,000 likes. The Sportsman Show appears to be for people who are low information.

    1. Anonymous10:35 AM

      The fanpage has about 500,000 more 'likes' than it had yesterday. Sarah's consultants have been busy.

    2. I thought the audience for the sportsmen's channel was only about 30,000. How did they get that many likes?

    3. Anonymous11:34 AM

      You can pay for fake ones, Nefer, just like she did to reach her page's 4+ million likes.

    4. Anonymous11:42 AM


  23. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Yeah, like anyone in that family ever paid attention to dog sledding before it became something to sell. She has always bragged about loving motorized winter sports.

  24. Anonymous10:22 AM

    It really is the truth of the greatness of America without a lap dance. Sarah Palin fails again.

  25. Anonymous10:26 AM

    OK. I just made myself watch this fake outdoorsy b*tch.
    Just WHY is she sitting on that chair, in front of a white screen??? They were even too cheep to change the plain green screen into some outdoors-type of scenery, opting instead to go for a plain white screen???!!!
    IOW, this is a bare-bones, LOW budget show. One that anyone with some slight video skills could put up for less than - what, $200?

    1. Anonymous10:57 AM

      Imagine, whiteout conditions. And, their Sarah holding court in the great north blizzard in a hoodie and camo pj's. Or that other kind of whiteout...that had something to do with pg's.

  26. Anonymous10:37 AM

    What No mention of illegal wars, amateur porn, racism, Second Amendment fanaticism, elementary school shootings, and apple pie?

  27. Anonymous10:39 AM

    "There's not just the huntin', and fishin', and snowmachinin', and dog sleddin'...." Now I know I have seen footage of this woman without that ridiculous accent, from before the McCain Palin ticket. I know it. What the hell does she accomplish sounding like a parody of Marge Gunderson?

  28. Beldar J Conehead10:39 AM

    Gryphen, you may not be familiar with all the latest hipster lingo from the razzle-dazzle, soup and sizzle world of "the industry", as we insiders like to call the entertainment biz.

    (I have a camcorder and I watch movies, so I consider myself a small cog in a giant wheel, even tho the closest I've actually come to Hollywood is seeing a radiant Sissy Spacek walk out of a Walgreen's Pharmacy in Bettendorf, Iowa in 1983. I was so stage-struck and tongue-tied I could barely stammer out some incomprehensible gibberish about loving her riveting performance in Brian De Palma's 1976 horror classic Carrie, co-starring John Travolta. It's just as well, since it turned out not to be Ms. Spacek, anyway.)

    Where was I?

    Oh, yeah. In 'the industry' Screechy's show is scheduled for what we call a 'pre-cancellation premier'. Basically, what it means, is that everyone working on the show - from crew, to craft services, to the writers, the on-screen talent, the green screen non-talent, everyone - gets a nice goodie bag to take home from the wrap/premier party and first thing in the morning they'll each get a text message telling them the show is cancelled and they're all fired.

    Hey, that's show business!!

  29. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn10:40 AM

    Outside? The only "outside" Skanknoid ever sees is when she puts down the pipe and wanders from the compound to find a nearby Taco Bell, or when the handlers prop her bony rump up next to a tree/sled/snowpile/gopher hole for a promo photo. Or are those now staged in front of a green screen, also too? For truly creative "outdoor livin'" and amazing American hijinx, I'll take the Little Rascals anytime, thanks!

    IMO, I think they completely missed the boat on this septic tank of teevee glop. They should have made it into a D-list celeb snark show like VHS's "I Love the 80s", with an intro by Wiggy to attract the usual flies. But the mouth breathers either wouldn't get the subtle, mallet-upside-the-head humor--or they'd shoot out the 60" flat screen TV in their single-wide.

  30. The blabber by Sarah Palin in that promo is so condescending to people with any degree of broadmindedness (i.e., not a redneck).

    I spent the first 8 years of my life in western central Ohio, but the insular idiocy that reeks from folks there nowadays apparently didn't infect me or my family.

    We moved out to Washington with a spirit of adventure (and a good paying tech job for my dad), and we kids spent our childhoods taking road trips to the Washington beaches, the rain forest, hotsprings, the basalt plains -- and, of course, the mountains. We didn't need a screechy-voiced "folksy"-accented woman in camo outfits and NorthFace fleece urging us to get off our...

    After I was all grown up and married, my husband and I traveled by car and mini-motorhome all over the West, visiting every national park and scenic byway we could -- and even drove the RV down to Florida and Arizona a few times to enjoy MLB spring training. We didn't need prompting to get out and see America, and do things we've never done before.

    What kind of ignorant folks is Sarah Palin speaking to, who don't have a clue how vast and beautiful this country is? I guess, judging from some of the activities in the promo, they're the "Jackass" crowd, who dive facefirst into activities that test the efficacy of their brand-new mandatory health care insurance coverage. You don't have to yee-haw and shoot-em-up your way through America to appreciate this country's beauty and uniqueness.

  31. Anonymous11:01 AM

    There are some wonderful charities that provide outdoor experiences for "inner city" youth that might not otherwise have the opportunity. Put your money where your mouth is, Sarah.

  32. PalinsHoax11:01 AM

    Say Ol' Amazingly A$$$inine A$$$hat, what date is the episode on the show where you strap on a faux pregnancy belly - a CAMO faux pregnancy belly, that is, to show us how it's done.

    And what date is the episode where Tawdry warbles "You light up my life, oh dearest Shailey."

    Give me those two dates and I will be sure to watch them.

  33. Anonymous11:02 AM

    You and your immaturity as well as ignorant judgment, Gryphen, embarrasses me.

    I am sorry youre ashamed of history and your country. I am sorry you have no joy in life.

    1. Beldar J Conehead11:24 AM

      Apology accepted, Screechy!

      You're 110% right about Gryphen! I've been complaining about his being ashamed of history since the first time I visited this defunct blog of his 7 years ago!

      Believe me, the worst part is, he isn't just ashamed of Amercian history, he's ashamed of ALL history. European history? Shame! Ancient Egyptian history? Shame!! Australian history? Yep! TOTAL SHAME! What is wrong with this guy, huh?

      Hey, did you hear? The Supreme Court just eliminated the cap on personal political campaign contributions! Shouldnt you be out picking pockets and holding frail old people upside down by their ankles to free them of their loose change for ScreechyPac?

    2. Oh, fuck off, you stupid loser. You worship a traitorous bitch like Palin, so you have a lot of nerve claiming others are ashamed of history and their country.

      History? Like Palin's asinine and ignorant yammerings about Paul Revere? She should be ashamed. And she celebrated and rooted for the shutdown of the US government and the default of the full faith and credit of the US. She should be ashamed. She's a traitor and so are you.

      Joy in life? Aim that at Palin, I have never heard an angrier, more hateful, more spiteful person in my life.

    3. Anonymous11:31 AM


      Well, as an imitation of an 11 year old's attempt at teenage angst this just doesn't cut it. The "I am sorry" phrase is just not getting your message across. Work on more imaginative phrases and varied sentence structure. A more mature communication style will serve you well here and in many other arenas as well.

    4. Anonymous11:32 AM

      Sarah Palin is the last person to be teaching history, what with ringing those bells and firing those warning shots. There is nothing in that program that could be seen as a history lesson. Actually, Gryphen is doing his country a great service, by showing us what passes for entertainment these days.

      Kid, I have some advice for you. Please stay in school and try to learn something, even though that is not a path that your family seems to take. There is no such thing as ignorant judgment. To be ignorant means that you do not know the facts. People can come to good or bad conclusions, using their judgment, based on what they know. If they don't know anything, then they are uninformed, but that does not describe their judgment.

      Gryphen has not written anything about the history of the United States, nor has he insulted the United States. If anyone does that, it is Sarah Palin, who seems to be claiming that we are exceptional because we are the only people who "get to be outdoors." That's a bunch of crap. Open your door, step outside, and you, too, can be outdoors. If you can afford it, you can go for a ride in the country. Not everyone has that kind of time and money.

    5. Someone should go back and re-review what they apparently didn't learn in English class (if that's still being taught in school these days).

      Your grammar and syntax is wretchedly awkward. You must be a Palin, or someone as ignorant as a Palin.

    6. Anonymous11:44 AM

      What do drunken rednecks face-planting into mud or running from cows have to do with the history of this nation, Bristol?

    7. Anonymous1:36 PM

      You and your immaturity as well as ignorant judgment, Gryphen, embarrasses me.

      Dear Troll, If you are so easily embarrassed:
      1. Don't read here
      2. Don't comment here
      3. Don't watch Sarah's show. She is the real embarrassment.
      4. Don't watch Todd's trivial appearances where he claims to be "hosting" the Iditarod show. He is stuck between commercials, giving a bad reading to some little know facts about the race.
      5. Don't read Sarah's facebook. She embarrasses the word "journalism" every time she writes one of her Holy Moly Final Four screes
      6. Stay away from the internet.
      7. Don't look at any of the photos that Sarah has posted of her family. I would be embarrassed, too.
      8. Don't read Sarah's Christmas book. Ooops, can you actually read?
      9. Stay away from real sources of news. You might be even more embarrassed if you began to learn the truth.
      10. Can you read? Can you think? Maybe you should stay in school and grow up a little.

    8. Anonymous1:38 PM

      I am sorry youre ashamed of history and your country. I am sorry you have no joy in life.

      Gryphen did not mention how he felt about his country, and he did not write about history. You're very ignorant and immature. Which Palin kid do we think this is?

    9. Anonymous1:39 PM

      11:02 AM You said it, You are a Sorry Assed excuse for a human being. Your Juvenile rants don't make any sense, and they show your lack of education. You are probably liked by the Palins, because they HATE Education.

    10. Anonymous2:09 PM

      If one is making a condescending remark about an other's intelligence, it is always a good idea to spell one's words correctly.

      Those pesky apostrophes!

    11. Anonymous2:26 PM

      Oh look, it's the immaturity troll, still unable to write a coherent sentence. Yawn.

    12. Anita Winecooler5:43 PM

      MJST be a Palin. Missed an apostorphe and a couple of periods.

      Trying to keep up with the Duggars? Or supporting Hobby Lobby by buying products they invest in, on the downlow, of course!!!

  34. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Notice the biggest visual joys are people out being themselves doing "redneck" things, settling down at 20 with their best friends, and not getting citydrunk and refusing to grow up

    1. Anonymous2:24 PM

      Notice? Where? Are you seeing things? You comment is gibberish. "Citydrunk?" Is that more sophosticated and subtle than falling-down, puking in the parking lot Wasilla drunk? Actually, that sounds more like someone "refusing to grow up'."

    2. Anonymous5:46 PM

      as opposed to country drunk in a tent with your heels to Jesus?

  35. Anonymous11:05 AM

    I am sorry you're one of the boring ones who find joy in electronics and gossiping/spreading lies. Are you secretly jealous of people who exhibit true happiness by living the way they want?

    It's SO funny that liberals prove THEY are the most judgmental and closed-minded.

    1. Anonymous11:25 AM

      It's the manipulation troll, spreading lies. The facts speak for themselves. Sarah's little video feature a bunch of lamebrain ye-haws who are not celebrating nature, America or anything other than getting their 15 minutes of fame.

      Dear Troll, You have absolutely no idea who posts comments here, whether we live in a big city or out there in the outdoors that Sarah claims to celebrate. Sarah isn't outdoors. She is in front of a green screen. There are no lies. We can see a wrestler hurl someone to the ground. Tell me how that celebrates the great outdoors. There are people being chased by bulls. You can get that adventure in Spain, too. Sarah doesn't interview these people. Her field hosts bragged about going around American and visiting them. At least you earned your consultant's fee, manipulating and living vibrantly. Grow up.

    2. Anonymous11:26 AM

      @11:05 AM
      ...the most judgmental and closed-minded

      ...are ranters that mindlessly label anyone they don't like as "liberal". I'm quite conservative politically, but still seek to understand the many points of view displayed by this blogger and all the comment here. Humor is a great vehicle for engaging all sorts of people.

      BTW, "joy in electronics" is especially puzzling. Does using a computer mean that? Does driving to the grocery store mean I have "joy in combustion engines"?

    3. Oh, baloney, you're not sorry about anything, except that you're a sorry excuse for a troll. You write some of the most inane disconnected whiny attacks I've ever seen, and you aren't even original -- you use the same stupid repetitious adjectives over and over again.

      Does it EVER occur to your pinheaded brain that you're being judgemental of the author of this blog and everyone else here, and that Gryphen is kind enough to let you continue to display your illogical un-insightful stupidity here?

    4. Anonymous11:37 AM

      Hey now, we are living the way we want. We work, we go to school, we care for our families and THEN we find the time and money to PLAY. We live in all parts of this great nation each offering its own beautiful vistas and sights despite Palin's thinking that AK is the only US soil offering awe.

      How would she be so sure anymore now that she spends more time in AZ and little towns around the country trying to hustle a few bucks. Please explain to us then why 'Palin play' is usually only photo-ops around others at play? She's not a runner, she's not a devotee of any yoga, hot or otherwise. She's not a patriot, merely a hatriot. And, if she's such a fine mom, why doesn't she spend more time with her assorted children and grandchildren. Oh, that's right, she has her beloved electronics to keep in touch so she can shoot out a few selfies when the mood strikes her.

      I know this must come as a huge shock to those of you sitting in your bitter little bubbles. If the Palin way is the ONLY way, why isn't she even more popular with the GOP/TP? Maybe they aren't as close-minded and judgmental as the skanky one and her feeble followers.

    5. Anonymous11:37 AM

      Right ..your group is NEVER judgemental, and it would be hard to be close minded when your mind was lost long ago to drugs or Fox. No, dear, we are not jealous. We choose activities like biking or making music, neither of which kills another creature nor pollutes the Earth. And I have never seen anyone more addicted to electronics than Sarah...two crackberries are at the end of her hands at all times. But rant on. The show,will be just another of SArah's failures.

    6. Anonymous1:17 PM

      chuck_tard jr,

      if it's "SO funny" why are your teeth clenched, you fat fuk

    7. Anonymous1:21 PM

      Why don't you get off your computer and do something outside then?

    8. Anonymous1:33 PM

      11:05 AM Troll You are the one who finds Joy in your electronic 2-toned Todd Toy. Are you secretly Jealous of Gryphen, who ALLOWS your bullshit everyday? Go find a job, if anybody is Foolish enough to hire you.

    9. Anonymous2:14 PM

      Do you mean the same 'joy in electronics' that Sarah Palin felt as she notoriously juggled two Blackberries during her short sojourn as the governor of Alaska?

    10. Anonymous2:21 PM

      I have already ridden two of my horses today. Brushed and curried all six of them. Fed all of them, and then took care of my neighbour's two horses (she has a bum knee and needs someone who can get through the mud). I've done various other things which are required when one lives on a farm. I am taking a short break before I get out there and enjoy the outdoors.

      What did you do today?

      Archie Butt

    11. Anonymous6:46 PM

      I can walk in my yard and be in more wilderness than the Palins see on any kind of regular basis.

  36. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Accidents can happen when people enjoy the outdoors. Does Sarah know that many are worried to get into a medical emergency on a slope somewhere because they don't have affordable healthcare or adequate coverage? Not everyone feels secure enough to do adrenaline-pumping dangerous activities, knowing they don't have the insurance to cover for injuries. I guess she doesn't think about that.

  37. Anonymous11:08 AM

    @10:41 What kind of ignorant folks is Sarah Palin speaking to, who don't have a clue how vast and beautiful this country is?
    Those that only get off their duffs to shoot, ride a machine, watch race cars go round and round for hours etc. Nothing against those activities, but I really think that she peaks to those that ONLY like those activities. Nature does not register on their radar unless it is to destroy it by driving ATVs up and down the beach, desert or forest.

    She is admired by those that watch others on the tube, I guess.

  38. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Sarah Palin said that show will showcase people who made businesses from nothing.

    Here's a question for Sarah Palin, WTF happened to the Palin carwash?

    WTF happened to Todd's snowmachine business/partnership with Brad Hanson.

    Looks like the Palin businesses FAILED.
    The only thing Sarah is good at is gritfting.

    So why the fuck is Sarah Palin telling America about hard working Americans when everything she touched has failed?

    1. Anonymous12:13 PM

      Also her failed Rouge Cou or whatever.

      It's also worth noting that Todd had the fishing business handed to him and is beholden to his cousins to keep it going.

    2. Anonymous1:29 PM

      Why isn't Track following in the family businesses? Not interested in snow mobiles? Does he have enough native blood to qualify to fish with his father? For that matter, how are the skin and hair girls doing?

    3. abbafan3:22 PM

      The snowmobile business folded when Toad found out that she fucked Brad. Horny little bitch $arah, always in heat!

  39. Anonymous11:17 AM

    "There's not just the huntin, and fishing, and snowmachining, and dog sledding

    I swear my IQ drops a couple of points every time I read one of her quotes. Are we sure she even finished high school?

    1. abbafan3:26 PM

      Fat chance she finished high school. Just look at her slow slacker spawn; that speaks volumes!

  40. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Sarah's going to be upset when she realizes this promo left out the book-burning.

  41. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Just saw she'll be on Jimmy Fallon tonight. Too bad, I used to really like him.

    1. Anonymous1:23 PM

      Me too. Oh well, there's always Kimmel. And what, no Letterman appearance?

    2. Anonymous4:35 PM

      I am really disappointed that a highly talented entertainer like Jimmy Fallon would even consider having a no-talent hate monger appear on his stage. I just hope she won't be bringing her Palin curse with her as Fallon's talk show is very original and is winning rave reviews.

    3. Someone should tell Sarah Palin to stop making those weird faces she does, twisting her face into the ugliest rubbery grimaces.

      This is a video of her Fallon segment:

      My question: did someone in the band dub her flute -playing?

  42. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Sarah tell us about hard working Americans.

    The car wash venture was not entirely smooth sailing. State records show the business ran into trouble with Alaska's division of corporations business and professional licensing after Palin became governor of the state in 2006.

    A Feb. 11, 2007 letter to the governor's business partner advises that the car wash had "not filed its biennial report and/or paid its biennial fees," which were more than a year overdue.

    The warning letter was written on state letterhead, which carried Palin's name at the top, next to the state seal.

    On April 3, 2007, the state went further and issued a "certificate of involuntary dissolution" because of the car wash's failure to file its report and pay state licensing fees.

    Palin's gubernatorial disclosure filings also reveal her involvement in another failed startup -- a marketing business which was to go by the name Rouge Cou, which evidently is a literal French translation of "red neck." On the 2005 form, Palin describes the firm as one for which she secured a license but did not conduct any business.

    1. Anonymous3:11 PM

      On April 3, 2007, the state went further and issued a "certificate of involuntary dissolution" because of the car wash's failure to file its report and pay state licensing fees.

      What the fuck is wrong with these Palins? They didn't pay state licensing fee for this carwash and didn't pay property taxes for their cabin. Like Sarah said, she doesn't have to do anything until the courts tell her to.

    2. Anonymous4:36 PM

      You know -- I just finished watching Breaking Bad and suddenly it occurs to me that she owned a CAR WASH, just like Walter White. Cash business. Good for drug laundering, isn't that what Saul said?

    3. Anonymous5:38 PM

      Anon 4:36...There are no coincidences.

    4. "Redneck" in literal French is "Cou Rouge", not "Rouge Cou" -- which shows how much Sarah Palin knows about the French.

      (well, she DID know Sarkozy's wife was a famous singer, revealed in that prank phone call)

  43. Anonymous1:28 PM

    I watched the promo that they are showing on the Sportsman Channel. It showed a wrestler. Most wrestling matches are held indoors. It showed a woman shooting at a target. There are indoor shooting ranges, too. I saw a real champion give Sarah a ride on the dog sled, pretty much the way I pulled my kids on a sled when they were little. I didn't see that Sarah was able to handle the team of dogs and mush. There was nothing exceptional about that promo other than the fact that it is another promotion for Sarah Palin. And, mostly, she just sits there, talking. Yup, you can do that indoors, too.

  44. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Hey @12:55, I swear Rouge Cou translates to "Red Ass" or "Red Butt."
    I'm going to look it up now. Wouldn't that be hilarious?!


    1. Anonymous2:48 PM

      close, rouge cul = red ass
      But, Sarah still isn't ready for her phone call from Sarkozy. In French, the adjective usually comes after the noun. Cou rouge is more correct.

    2. Anonymous4:29 PM


    3. Anonymous5:37 PM

      Of course, none of that gang of idiots would know to put the adjective after the noun in French. They thought they were being exotic enough just to look the words up in a dictionary. "Let's call it "Red Neck"--that will chap those librels' asses! And to make it sound all hoity-toity, we'll call it that in French! LOL!1!"
      Ignorant hillbillies...

    4. Anonymous6:41 PM

      OK, Sarah never got to the French speaking part of Canada. But most people do know that it's the Moulin Rouge, not the Rouge Moulin. Even if she never went to Paris (or heard of Paris), there were a couple of movies with that title.

    5. PalinsHoax6:45 PM

      Adjective? Noun? What in the heck is that !?!?!

      Is that there some kind of new snack?

      Hey Tawdry (have you seen Todd?) go to Taco Bell and git me one of those new adjectives and nouns. I'm hungry. Right Now !!!

    6. PalinsHoax6:48 PM

      Adjective? Noun? What in the heck is that!?!?!

      Is that-there one of them-there new snacks?

      Hey Tawdry (have you see Todd?) go and git me some of those new adjectives and nouns from Taco Bell. I'm hungry. Right now!!

  45. Anonymous1:54 PM

    @12:55 is right. It's "red neck."
    I was thinking "Cou" was the same word in French as it is in Portuguese. In that language; "coo" is butt.


  46. Anonymous2:12 PM

    It's all about time. The average working man/woman may work 40-50 hours a week. What's left is sleep, keeping a home, interacting with spouse, children, making meals, cleaning, managing, then entertainment, and outdoors activities. The priorities must be done before the fun begins.

    What I'd like to know is how does Sarah think people live? Does she think everyone has a nanny? Entourage? A scheduling secretary? Husband that can just choose and select celebrity/competition jobs whenever he feels like it?

    1. Anonymous6:39 PM

      Worse, I don't think that Sarah has any idea who life is like in the inner cities of our major cities. That's the narrowest of thinking to believe that all they have to do is hop on a train, bus or a car and whooosh, they can be in the great out doors. It doesn't work that way. Just walking to school or a job is more dangerous than anything that Palin does. The women who do raise kids in the inner cities are the real Mama Grizzlies, not Palin.

  47. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Sarah Palin has no clue what 'hard' work entails! She's never participated in it at any level of her various jobs that she either quit and was 'quit'!

    She has zero ethics which was proven by the Alaska Legislature, even though she denied it! A fraud, liar and absolute 'non' Christian!

  48. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Thank you, Sarah! I live in suburbia, and it never, ever would have occurred to me that I could get outside and enjoy the great outdoors just like you do!

    See you next Tuesday,

    1. Anonymous7:29 PM

      C U Next Tuesday......

      The Sex and the City gals spent lots of time in Central Park. Ah, the memories, Carrie, Miranda, Samantha Jones, and sweet Charlotte.

  49. Anonymous5:33 PM

    KaJo at 10:41 makes a great point.
    " What kind of ignorant folks is Sarah Palin speaking to, who don't have a clue how vast and beautiful this country is? "
    Her ignorance about the huge parks -city, county and state that are close to every major municipality in the US while
    expected , is still appalling.
    New York City is a perfect example.
    The number of huge and diverse parks is amazing .
    Van Cortlandt Park in the Bronx is 1000 acres and
    on April 19 , they are hosting Wilderness Survival Overnight camping.
    There are 15 Urban Park Ranger Centers in the NYC park system.
    Central Park is an oasis of nature in Manhattan.
    It's racist for Palin to state that residents of the inner cities don't visit parks and enjoy the beauty of the parks.
    BTW-Palin forgot to mention cockfightin , brewin meth and tendin backyard stills,
    popular activities for her followers.
    Perhaps in her next commercial.

    1. Anonymous5:55 PM

      Outstanding comment. €

    2. Anonymous6:35 PM

      5:33 That's a wonderful comment. Many of our cities have beautiful parks and recreational areas. People in Minneapolis-St.Paul can walk, run or ride their bikes along a beautiful path that follows the Mississippi River. Chicago has a beautiful lakefront, beaches, jogging paths and bike paths through the park that follows the lake. Palin is not aware of the fact that many cities had urban planners who made sure that there would be green spaces and open land in the cities. New York's Central Park was designed by one of the best!

    3. Great observation, 5:33.

  50. Anita Winecooler5:52 PM

    It looks like an easy enough format for one person to handle, I wonder why they hired two others to host? Does Sarah quit halfway through?

    1. Anonymous6:31 PM

      There are three co-hots. Two of them described going around the country, meeting and interviewing the various people who will be on the program. All three of them are described either as clowns or comedians. I guess the show needed something.

  51. Chenagrrl3:53 AM

    The crack about people in suburbia indicates she knows nothing about suburbia, just Wasilla and that Arizona development tract, which probably has no there there.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.