Thursday, May 22, 2014

During interview with Sean Hannity, Sarah Palin continues VA attack, calls the President "lazy."

Hannity starts off quoting much of Palin's ghostwritten Facebook post, that we had so much fun with for two days, and then allows her to go on a diatribe about "the Left" and their supposed double standard.

 "A liberal can attack a conservative woman, but it's a war on women if you were to question a liberal woman. And it's not just gender, though. It's race also."

Palin then said that the President has known about these problems for six years and done nothing about it except engage in rhetoric, and that nothing will happen so long as he is the President. (Apparently Palin believes that the American people are not aware that the problems at the VA started under George W. Bush, and that Obama inherited an incredibly overworked, and understaffed program, and has been working to fix it ever since.)

Palin goes on to suggest that the reason nothing happens is that the President is lazy.

"When you hold someone accountable, it takes energy and resource, and Barack Obama is lazy. In fact, he warned us that he was lazy, and he attributed that to having been brought up in Hawaii. It's his words, not mine."

Politico points out that Palin might be referring to an interview that the President gave to Barbara Walters back in 2011

However if Palin had managed to read the entire quote she might have noticed what the President said about what he does about this self identified character flaw: 

Obama said he also deplores laziness in others, saying "nothing frustrates me more than when people aren't doing their jobs." And when he sees himself getting lazy, "then I get mad at myself."

I don't think that anybody, except a Right Wing shill like Sarah Palin, would find the President at all lazy.

Of course no interview with Palin would be complete without her giving a shout out to her favorite rotting corpse, Ronald Reagan.

"And, another thing is that Barack Obama still doesn't see what the main problem is. This main problem is government. It's not the solution like Ronald Reagan said, it's the problem."

Well it certainly is while Republicans are running it. 

At the end Hannity asks Palin what her plans for this year's election will be.

"To continue to get out there, and campaign hard for people who will be in Washington DC to fight to protect the Constitution, and for our freedoms, and for a vibrant economy again. It's to undo everything that Barack Obama and his party, the Democrats, have done to this country that put us in the boat that we're in. I'll continue to campaign hard for people, maybe people who, the most...uh...the most of the voters have not heard of, and kind of help put them on the map."

Yes, well considering what happens to candidates that Palin endorses that map can then be used to find what is left of them after they have crashed and burned after the elections.

Essentially it's the same shit, different day.

Of course Palin also spoke at that high school commencement in Alabama the same day. (She apparently even wore the same jacket.)

According to news reports she was warmly welcomed, so the education in Alabama appears to be subpar.

Here is a little of what she said:

"One piece of advice," Palin told the seniors at the beginning of her address. "There is no need to remember the speaker tonight... go forth and conquer, but do not be afraid to fail. This country needs you to not be afraid." 

"Avoiding failure, shying away from competition so you don't feel a temporary hurt... that is not success," she continued. "You have a choice in how to act regarding the less than ideal circumstances. You become bitter, or you become better (Well we know which one Palin became.)... God's got your back." 

"Congratulations, Class of 2014. You give me New Hope... to this country, the greatest country on Earth," she concluded.

Palin also stated that we have an old saying in Alaska, "Buck up or stay in the truck."

Yeah that's not an old Alaska saying, that is just something her dad told her when she whined about being cold.

Palin also said this: "You give me new hope. You give the greatest country on earth, America, real hope. None of that hopey changey stuff that they BS you with coming out of Washington, but real hope."

Yes exactly what you want to hear at your high school graduation, some failed reality show star attacking your President.

Now I am not certain that hearing a commencement speech from Sarah Palin actually lowers the IQ of graduating seniors, but it sure as hell did not make them any smarter.


  1. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Sarah has lived with the well known hard ass worker Bristol. I am sure in her eyes everyone else is lazy by comparison.

    1. Anonymous9:12 AM

      Fuck off, troll.

    2. Anonymous9:38 AM

      Is there no one on her payroll that can come up with new material for her? She is a pathetic floundering fool for too long. She has no one to help her out of her rut?

      "Obama knows nothing, sees nothing, and hears nothing unless his lapdogs bark, then his ears perk up."

      "Great Gift"

      Party on.... she can't say it enough... 4/20

    3. Anonymous9:59 AM

      her dad is really creepy and deranged looking.

    4. Anonymous10:55 AM

      The picture of Creepy Chucky and Nasty of the North is staged. They are all decked out in their cammo, guns ready, on the edge of the perverts mowed lawn. Fail Sarah.

    5. Troll, heres the true reality of the Palin's. Read it and hopefully you'll learn something from it.

      Both Sarah and Bristol are a national embarrassment, and I really pity Alaskans for having to be associated with both. I hope all Americans recognize these two are not your typical Alaskans. Neither one has the education or the common sense to know how to properly raise their children. It is painfully evident by how Bristol is raising her son that she is following the example of how Sarah raised her own children. Without having a good example to learn from, Bristol obviously doesn't have good understanding on how to raise children, or know what is right from wrong. Her shacking up with a "trial dad" in front of her child is just one example. And who knows how many men she taken home after meeting them in bars.

      Simply put, the Palins are just cheap trailer trash putting on the airs of someone they aren't by a long shot. Their act of living a high moral Christian life is so far apart from the true reality, that only the ignorant, under educated, and naive Christians are the only ones who fall for their act.

    6. Anonymous11:09 AM

      why do these sickos have to pose with the animals they shoot, it is so disrespectful to the beautiful animals they kill, they look psychotic posing with bloodied animals

    7. Anonymous11:18 AM

      10:55 AM

      Creepy and camo grandsonny boy looks staged. Who shot the carcasses? Creepy didn't tuck his shirt in, he probly just got off the pot and trotted to the photo op set up. He hardly looks all gussied up , like he was with queenie. He looks like Sally forgot to make him presentable in his casual cabin attire.

    8. Anonymous12:16 PM

      Sarah is famous for projecting. She needs more attention for how lazy she is.

  2. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Another arrest reported in the Constitutional Clayton Kelly tea party conspiracy to infiltrate the nursing home and post the pictures on the internet to f*ck the RINO Senator. Mississippi dirty tricks.

    1. Anonymous12:27 PM

      lol wtf?!

      Wapo says: "Authorities on Thursday arrested Mark Mayfield, his attorney Merrida Coxwell told Post Politics in a brief interview. Mayfield is the vice chairman of the Mississippi Tea Party and a supporter of state Sen. Chris McDaniel, Cochran's GOP primary opponent."

  3. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Does God have your back when you lie, cheat, and steal, $arah? Just wonderin'...............

    1. Anonymous9:55 AM

      She doesn't care. God is her personal whore, rolled for out for purposes of personal gain and nothing more.

  4. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Oh!Did she somehow forget the 254 Alaskans who died under HER watch? How the FEDS had to shut down Medicare on June 17, 2009 right before she quit?
    What a Fucking asshole! Why doesn't the MEDIA CALL HER ASS OUT????

    1. Anonymous9:42 AM

      It diminishes Alaskans when she looks to a magnet on her refrigerator to describe us. Or maybe this is all she has left.

    2. Anonymous9:53 AM

      Here's the link:

      Gryphen - Perhaps you'll add an update. This is important and no one in the national media seems aware of it. Palin has never been called on to answer for her record as governor, even though she practically begged to be held accountable.

      Gryphen, can you help her out with this.

    3. Anonymous9:57 AM

      Sounds like Sarah Palin is the Alaskan Death Panel.

    4. Anonymous10:58 AM

      9:42 AM

      Like an abused spouse, Alaskans are accustomed to the butt hurt. The ones that can do her in will only protect her. They say she would butt hurt them more and they prefer to live in fear. They would have to go into a witness protection program or something it they give her up.

    5. Anonymous11:44 AM

      She will kick the bucket one day, and her legacy will be one of hate, greed, and ignorance. Her epitaph will be 300 words of run-on nonsense, comma splices, and vulgarity.

    6. Anonymous1:04 PM

      11:44 -- And ten years after she's plowed under, there will be weeds and dead grass covering her grave, since her family won't take the time to go out to the cemetery to maintain her grave because they'll have run through the last of her PAC money and will be busy turning tricks or selling dope.

    7. Anonymous1:24 PM

      1:04 PM

      Cremate her and sprinkle her over the dead lake for the dead fish.

  5. Anonymous9:25 AM

    I really am tired of Sarah Palin. Her negativity is soul-searing, and brings out the worst in people.
    I am going to remind myself of a little poem my mother taught me to teach me to always strive to improve. It went: "every day in every way, I'm getting better and better". In Sarah Palin's case, it would seem to be that she's getting bitterer and bitterer.

    1. Anonymous9:42 AM

      Her negativity is soul-searing,

      That is why republicans keep her going. She is here to destroy the soul of our country. Once it is finished off the soul-searers can be in charge and destroy the world. A dead planet, like a dead lake, is dead.

  6. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Sarah, miss North Star, Wasilla Wonder and member of Densa, here's a riddle for you.What rhymes with truck and buck? Ok here's a clue it starts with an F and if you still haven't figured it out ask Bristol she will know, and while your at it use the word in this sentence " I Sarah Palin should really just .... off!" the applause you would receive would be thunderous.

  7. Anonymous9:28 AM

    How racist. Everyone knows blacks are lazy. Snark.......

    She's just stating the obvious. Snark snark

    1. Anonymous9:44 AM

      She knows exactly to whom she is addressing. She cares about no others, just a small shrinking group that is trying rule. They have enough money to win some battles. May we, the people, all wake up.

    2. Anonymous10:04 AM

      Aw, that Sarah, she was just shuckin' and jivin' (another Alaska expression).

    3. Anon 9:44, you're exactly right, and she is talking to the racist, undereducated, and naive Christians she knows will eat it up and she's hoping they'll send money to her SarahPAC so she can continue to live in the comfort she has become accustumed to.

  8. Anonymous9:31 AM

    I am just glad that Fox is associating with the destroyer of the GOP. Keep talking Sarah and Sean... please have her back until she takes all the losers out once and for all, never chaney the failing strategies. Always target your audience of the mentally challenged head in the sand cult.



    1. PalinsHoax10:05 AM

      And let's not forget:



  9. Anonymous9:35 AM

    "lazy" is just one of the code words used by the tea party for black people. Kind of like saying that the first black president is "shucking and jiving". Or, approving of Dr Laura's use of the N word, telling Dr Laura to "reload". But, so far she hasn't called him Step n Fetchit, or maybe I missed it. But RAM reads here, right? We'll probably see that one soon, they've only got 2 short years to milk this "hate on black" busine$$.

    1. Anonymous10:07 AM

      Palin adores secrets and code words.

      She also said to the public school graduates in Alabama'

      “The best thing that ever happened to me – well it had to do with, years ago, 4/20. That’s April 20th, 1989 – that’s the 4/20.”

    2. Anonymous10:28 AM

      lol so shes a 420 supporter?

    3. Anonymous10:40 AM


    4. TNBlueDot11:56 AM

      Hahaha! Did she think her 420 reference made her hip? What a moron!

    5. Anonymous12:03 PM

      420 = weed reference! From wiki

      "420, 4:20, or 4/20 (pronounced four-twenty) is a code-term that refers to the consumption of cannabis and by extension, as a way to identify oneself with cannabis subculture or simply cannabis itself. Observances based on the number 420 include smoking cannabis around the time 4:20 p.m. (with some sources also indicating 4:20 a.m.[1][2]) on any given day, as well as smoking and celebrating cannabis on the date April 20 (4/20 in U.S. form).[3]"

    6. Anonymous12:28 PM

      11:56 AM Yes, that is hip and cool to Palin.

      High school kids would never refer to 4/20... lol. Many call it nothing but 4/20.

      How wonderful she could use her warrior body son and Miss Maples' favorite brave Palin because of his example with his military career. So inspiring for Miss Maples grandson that she was itching to have dinner with her grandson and 4/20 himself. Miss Maples and her grandson must smoke weed, with the Palins. No way would Palin try to pull one over on one of her stupid money resources. You just don't do that to old money bags. Everyone smokes weed these days. I'm sure all those graduates are in on the code and will have a laugh when they toke up.

      Notice Palin had to say 4/20 at least twice.

  10. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Apparently, according to a right wing site, she botched up the last sentence of her speech pretty badly too. Tryin' to be cutsey cool, huh sarah? hahahaha

    1. Anonymous9:52 AM

      That's not all she's "botched up"...

    2. Anonymous9:56 AM

      9:37, link?

    3. Anonymous10:07 AM


    4. TNBlueDot11:54 AM

      I think @9:37 is referring to "...war indians and roll tribe" at the end of her screed. I puzzled over it, but maybe she meant "Roll Tide" perhaps? I dunno. Wondered if anyone here had a clue what the World's Most Famous Idiot meant by roll tribe. Had to listen to it several times to be sure that's what she said - and it is!

    5. Anonymous12:25 PM

      "roll tribe" = Another weed reference? Or does everyone just use a bong now?

    6. Anonymous12:31 PM

      "War Eagle" and "Roll Tide" are slogans for Auburn and Alabama's football teams. If she thought she was being cute, she wasn't. Racist and insulting, yes.

  11. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Old stories about Reagan being backed by the Mafia getting new light:

    Some earlier versions, from the 80's/90's:

    1. Anonymous12:48 PM

      How do you think John McCain wins elections?

      The Mafia has often had a big interest in politicians. They like to own them. Satisfies power hunger and gives them more control.

      Remember JFK?

    2. Anonymous1:09 PM

      The Mob was probably working Nancy Reagan too, according to the producer. 'She was a driving force behind Reagan'

      They probably knew he was soft in the head (Palin anyone?) and would be easy to work. They knew about Nancy's charm on the old guy.

      Going back, Disney also has some interesting connections and history.

  12. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Sarah Palin is a multimillionaire and is always seen wearing the same thing or wearing black.

    In the Hannity interview Sarah is wearing black. At the Hope High graduation, again Sarah is wearing black (see below). Is Sarah Palin wearing the same thing on FOX and at the graduation? Hope she gets it cleaned.

    Is Sarah Palin the grim reaper?

    1. Anonymous10:41 AM

      Death cult.

    2. Anonymous11:51 AM

      There's nothing wrong if it was a nice tailored black business suit or pants suit. But that wrinkled leather look with all of the ruffles and wide collar put me reminded me of the '80's or '90's. Is Sarah getting this stuff from the resale shop? Ann Romney wore something almost as bad.

    3. TNBlueDot11:58 AM

      Think she did that Hannity segment the same day as the graduation screed. The background looks like Birmingham, so probably a link-up at the affiliate? Same clothes, for sure. Also... same hairdo (if one can call it that!) as in 2008. Pathetic!

    4. Anonymous12:49 PM

      Who wears black, unless it is a funeral, in hot muggy Alabama?

    5. Anonymous1:32 PM

      Sarah Palin is not an outdoor person at all.

      She knows she will go from air conditioning to air conditioning. I didn't like living in the south when it was hot because some air conditioned places are freezing cold. You would wear black if you aren't into the outdoors and you know how you are going to experience the south.

    6. Anonymous1:37 PM

      It's good she is wearing black. She has gotten so durn heavy! Black slims her. She really needs to lose more weight.

  13. Anonymous10:02 AM

    None of that hopey changey stuff that they BS you with coming out of Washington."
    Did she REALLY rag on Washington and use the term BS in a high school commencement address? O.M.G. what an illiterate, inarticulate, rabid animal she is. She has no filter when the pie hole opens, she spews word garbage, no matter the audience. So utterly inappropriate.

    1. Anonymous10:31 AM

      totally concur

    2. Anonymous11:44 AM

      Face palm

    3. TNBlueDot12:06 PM

      Sad to say, I listened to the whole damn thing. It was the most horrendous, inappropriate graduation address EVER! I'd have been so upset if I had a graduate in that class. Afraid I would have tangled with the palinbot who was instrumental in arranging that fiasco. Not a single inspirational or motivational word in the whole darn 15 minutes. Lots of negativity and politics, tho. And the moronic audience cheered loudly at her 'hopey changey' reference. What can we say - it's Alabama, after all!

      On the other hand, I wish I could have made the short trip down the road to Nashville today. The lucky kids at Hillwood HS get Brian Williams for their commencement address!

    4. Anonymous12:30 PM

      She used that term (BS) in the south - to children where many are suppose to be very religious

      As I've said before - she has zero class, is nothing more than white trash from small town Wasilla, Alaska and is an idiot!

    5. Anonymous1:39 PM

      She said BS in the commencement address in the bible belt
      Stay classy you miserable assfuck.

  14. PalinsHoax10:02 AM

    1.) Wonder what the Ol' Disgusting One's excuse is for being lazy herself, as well as being unhygienic.

    2.) Wonder what her excuse is for her children being lazy, as well as uneducated.

    3.) Wonder what her excuse is for her husband being smarmy and lazy, as well as a pimp.

    1. TNBlueDot12:07 PM

      Methinks it's "Do as I say, not as I do."

  15. Anonymous10:03 AM

    "Avoiding failure, shying away from competition so you don't feel a temporary hurt... that is not success," she continued. "You have a choice in how to act regarding the less than ideal circumstances. You become bitter, or you become better (Well we know which one Palin became.)... God's got your back."

    Let's see how the wisdom of Sarah Palin was practiced in her own life:
    1. When the political playing field got a little tough, Palin quit her job as governor.
    2. Todd didn't try to fix the snow machine. He quit.
    3. Bristol said that she didn't know anything about fashion so she didn't want to do the job swap on the swap program.
    4. Willow was afraid to do the newscaster's hair.
    5. Why didn't Sarah Palin run for President in 2012. She certainly teased her fans for more than a year that she might. Was she afraid of standing on the debate stage or was it all just a lie to get contributions to her PAC?

    1. Anonymous1:40 PM

      Avoiding failure, shying away from competition so you don't feel a temporary hurt... that is not success,

      Sounds like something the Dominionists told her after she lost her ticket to WA.

  16. Anonymous10:05 AM

    If Sarah said President Obama should go back to picking cotton ... her PAC donations would soar.

    Double dog dare her to try it.

    Sarah, just think of all the press coverage you will get.

    1. Anonymous10:46 AM

      She will find a way. I am sure she is itching to make such a popular (with her crowd) remark. Her constitutional right to speak like that, ya know? They would all hoot and holler with guns ablaze at the malls of America. On their barstools and from their trunks racing down the road.

    2. Anonymous12:26 PM

      10:05 Don't give her any ideas! She's already evil enough!

  17. Anonymous10:06 AM

    If you can handle it, watch the video below. Alaskans when you listen to the bullshit introduction, you will say WTF.

    • Sarah Palin • New Hope High School Graduation •…:

    1. Anonymous11:46 AM

      Those poor kids...

  18. Anonymous10:08 AM

    The problem with saying that "God has your back" makes it sound as if you never have to take responsibility for anything. It's God's will. If God really did plan for Sarah to learn from her failings, let's say, losing the 2008 election, she hasn't gotten the message yet. On the other hand, maybe Sarah was right. She said on the eve of the election that God would let the wrong person win. And the wrong people did not win.

    1. Anonymous10:48 AM

      She doesn't have another rationalization. She isn't responsible for anything, she is doing God's work, God's plan. It is same old bullshit.

  19. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Is it medications that make her blink like that or her drug mix of choice?

    1. Anonymous10:52 AM

      must make her pant like a dog as well.

    2. Anonymous10:55 AM

      Did I miss something? Are we to start refraining from obscenities here? My post starting out with "D.F." has never shown up...

  20. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Actually the VA healthcare system has been a problem since JFK' time in office, and every president thereafter. It ballooned under GWB, who gave us two conflicts, during his presidency.

    1. Anonymous10:41 AM

      Yes....the VA has been problematic since the time I started working in the healthcare and human services field in 1974. It's a bloated bureaucracy that is inefficient and exceptionally costly while providing sub par services to vets. I speak from years of experience dealing with the system first as a social worker, then as a healthcare administrator and now as an attorney. To attribute the VA problems to Obama alone is complete disinformation.


    2. Anonymous10:41 AM

      My family dealt with the VA from 1945 into this century. It is difficult for me discern higher levels of screwed-up than we endured through all those decades.

      I'd like to see a voucher system, where a vet can spend his/her medical dollars at whatever medical facility that gives the best service. It's true that many vets would still have to choose the VA, but an element of competition might improve the VA service.

  21. Anonymous10:15 AM

    It is unappealing beyond words when a nearly 50-year-old woman does the scrunched up nose wink and thinks it makes her look cute. It is simply creepy and weird.

    1. Anonymous10:52 AM

      plus her neck not only looks old and saggy it looks really dirty...

    2. Anonymous10:54 AM

      She is fifty. Going on seven.

    3. Anonymous1:42 PM

      It is not 50 year old Sarah speaking. It is one of her dissociative personalities. She has at least FOUR that I can discern from her actions and mannerisms and speech.

  22. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Tea Party gimmick gets exposed: Why it was always a tool of the Republicans

  23. Pat in MA10:16 AM

    Lazy? this from someone who didn't finish her term as governor? who had to hire a city manager when she was mayor of a town of what, 7,000? Can't someone get some DNA samples and make this idiot go away???

    1. Anonymous10:50 AM

      I betcha the DNA is in the hands of some high ups and many others. I don't know what they are all waiting for.

  24. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Two hundred fifty years of slavery. Ninety years of Jim Crow. Sixty years of separate but equal. Thirty-five years of racist housing policy. Until we reckon with our compounding moral debts, America will never be whole.

  25. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Any normal person would question the sanity of a woman that is PROUD of having boarded an intercontinental flight after an amniotic fluid leak without a medical check for a premature Down Syndrome baby when she was high-risk (over 40, 7th pregnancy, history of miscarriage).

    A woman that would boast of endangering the life of her baby has serious mental issues.

    Ronald Reagan's Alzheimer's was a serious medical condition that impacted his mental ability while he was in office. Of course, we all have to consider the mental fitness of presidential candidates. It's very clear that Sarah Palin is mentally unfit for high office.

    To date, nothing Hilary Clinton has said or done gives any concern about her physical and mental fitness for the office of president. On the other hand, Karl Rove's mind (or lack thereof) is certainly worrisome.

    1. Anonymous1:52 PM

      I'm more concerned that a mentally ill woman put a pillow in her panties, called it Tri-G after its Down Syndrome, and used it as a prop to win an election. And continues to use it as a prop to make millions. To cavalierly engage others in her master scheme v(CBJ and MatSu)
      She had a lot of misplaced power back then to pull off such a blatantly obvious scheme. And alot of mental illness as well.

  26. Anonymous10:20 AM

    At the New Hope High School graduation, Sarah Palin mentioned she used to be a sports reporter but she never mentioned her time with Glenn Rice. Why is that Sarah? Is it because Toad was sitting behind you?

    1. Anonymous10:31 AM

      Because she was down south? DOH!

    2. Anonymous10:43 AM

      What the fuck can Toad say or do? His past is just as bad as Sarah's according to his former prostitute and girlfriend who was the light of his life.

    3. Anonymous10:49 AM

      Right, that's a good catch.

      She mentioned her career as Governor and a sports reporter. She never mentioned City Mayor.

      She hardly worked as a reporter, that job didn't even pan out. She really depends on the lower 48 not following up on her shenanigans in Alaska. She thinks she can fool them, because they love her so much and believe every word she says.

    4. Anonymous10:52 AM

      Glen Rice was her sports "career". That was her shining moment.

    5. Anonymous11:46 AM

      Sports reporter? Wasn't she the substitute anchor one weekend-- or was that a real job, like Fox commentator?

    6. Anonymous12:08 PM

      Sarah does the Alaska sports. "Beaverer Roundup"

    7. Anonymous12:22 PM

      10:49 "Sports Reporter' is a joke! Channel 2 in Anchorage, AK. That was the time she slept w/the black guy and was let go soon thereafter! She was a disaster in the job!

      Channel 2 did a review of past, stand out employees of theirs around a year or two ago and they did NOT include Sarah Palin in their coverage!

      After all, she was Alaska's 'quitter' governor and their discharged 'sports announcer! Not outstanding qualifications for a past employee of Channel 2!

      Sarah Palin is a fraud - ask Alaskans! Hell awaits her due to living the unchristian life we've seen unfold throughout the past ten years. Plus, there is the constant lying about everything concerning her life!

      Examples: That last kid isn't hers - she never birthed him, she doesn't have a college diploma, she had an abortion, she had her tubes tied, had affairs, is a horrid parent, horrible wife and on and on!

      The door is open to Hell for you Sarah. And, you are big on open doors! Go darlin' girl as we can hardly wait to be rid of you!
      Satan is waiting to embrace you!

    8. Anonymous1:54 PM

      Shadow governor was there to keep strangers away from asking pesky questions. Notice he goes along to these sorts of gigs more than the safer gigs?? If Toad tried to confront me when and if I ever get close enough to Palin to speak to her, I will tell him off. He does not scare me one bit. The truth is powerful than Toad.

  27. Anonymous10:21 AM

    After opening with mentions of how awesome Alabama is, one of the first things she tells the graduates is that (paraphrasing) "That diploma is your ticket outta here!", then tried to walk it back when she realized what she said. Hilarious.

    The rest is really a new brand of unhinged, IMO. She clearly didn't prepare a text/ just winged it with the usual overused pablum. Between the tired 'hopey-changey' references, she opens some windows to the deep, dark world inside her head.


    1. Anonymous10:32 AM

      Need a drink this evening be4 I can watch this ;-(

    2. Anonymous10:53 AM

      She clearly didn't prepare a text

      She is TOO LAZY!

  28. Caroll Thompson10:22 AM

    Good to see Sarah finally combed her hair. Talk about lazy; the woman doesn't even bother to change her clothes or comb her hair most of the time.

    Oh yeah, and 9:35 is exactly right. Lazy is a code word used by racists to describe blacks. And you can't get more racist than the John Birchers, aka tea party traitors.

    1. Anonymous10:54 AM

      When will Todd buy them a washing machine or teach her about laundromats and cleaners? He has a lazy ass as well.

  29. Anonymous10:26 AM

    "Lazy." Well, she didn't say "shiftless" so I guess that wasn't a racist dog whistle or anything. Gods, what a horrible woman.

  30. Anonymous10:26 AM

    ......says the grifter.

  31. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Among the many ignorant imbeciles on the right, Palin truly is the reigning queen. And all the hate on the inside has made its way to her face.

    Who but Fox "News" would pay someone this stupid to share her opinions?

  32. Anonymous10:28 AM

    What's really funny is the comments on the right-wing sites - people repeating how Sarah's so awesome and they love it when she riles them liberals up. She's not riling the liberals up, but she is making those liberals laugh at her stupidity.

    No one in their right mind can do and say what she does, and think anyone takes them seriously. Sarah doesn't understand, she's a flea in a flea circus; everyone wants to watch the train wreck, and hear the crazy that comes out of her mouth. Curiosity keeps people coming back to see how far she'll go this time.

    She's like a mutant with two heads that people will pay to see.

    It's mean to say all this, sure, of course, but it's unfortunately true. But, she has no self-respect and continues to perform and say whacky mean things for the money.

    Sarah Palin is a paid jester.

    1. Anonymous11:16 AM

      yes, I agree totally.

  33. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Wait a minute: the VA IS the government. So government IS the solution.

    And really, does she want to go there, and call the first African American president "lazy"?


  34. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Can Tar Baby and Shuck 'n jive be far behind? The rantings of an intellectually vacant, shrill shrew of a woman.

    1. Anonymous12:29 PM

      She's done the 'shuck and jive' bit already. Waiting for the Tar Baby to drop...

    2. Anonymous1:56 PM

      She has aleady said "Sambo".
      We need a checklist.

  35. Anonymous10:29 AM

    For the Queen Of Quit to call anyone lazy is pretty funny. As the Mayor of Wasilla she hired a city manager to run things because the job was too much work. Wasilla had never had a city manager and he effectively ran the city while Sarah was the "mayor". When Sarah was on her "bus" tours she would fly ahead, stay in a nice hotel, and then pick up the bus a few miles out of town. Pathetic.

  36. Anonymous10:30 AM

    If only Pandora McCain hadn't let this disease out of the box.

  37. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Right. The half-term governor who hasn't bothered to learn grade-school history and can't name a specialized periodical she reads is calling BHO "lazy".

    Because getting a summa cum laude law degree from Harvard and then advancing to the Oval Office is just… soooo… easy…

  38. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Obama is lazy says the quitter. GOP intellectualism at it's finest as usual.

    1. Anonymous11:44 AM

      Even being lazy trumps quitting. Quitting is doing absolutely nothing at all-- like not fixing a broken snow mobile or quitting a job that is supposed to last 4 years. Lazy? Sarah was lazy when she was governor. She quit be 3, and she never worked hard. (Others did the work for her).

  39. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Sarah... That dog-whistle isn't loud enough for your slack-jawed readership. Better off using the term "shiftless". They'll understand your real meaning better.

  40. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Well at least she finally put those black jeans to rest. They must still be in the hamper at home.

    1. Anonymous12:18 PM

      Nope. Those black, rotting, crusty-crotch jeans are standing up in the corner.

  41. Anonymous10:39 AM

    In her speech, she was talking about how God doesn't give us more than we can handle, and when she found out about Trig's DS, she asked God, "Hey God".........blahblahblah.

    "Hey God"????? Is that how a born-again person talks to God? I am certain that bothered a whole lot in the audience. I hope and consider myself born-again, but when I refer to God, I must show reverence and holy respect to his name. It just would not occur to anyone who claims they are a christian to talk glibly to the Lord, "Hey" you.

    She has absolutely no pious, meek or respectful heart. That's got to add on another notch on her 'not a good role model christian' card.

    1. Anonymous1:58 PM

      Another group of people who can sue her for fruad. Did she say she birthed Tri-G? Did she say "When I was pregnant with Tri-G?"
      So msny can sue her when the truth comes out. She was paid for this speech and it is full of fraudulent stories!!

  42. Anonymous10:40 AM

    At the New Hope graduation, Sarah Palin mentioned that Trig is the best thing that happened to her.

    Sarah where were you during Trig's first week of school? You were out picking blueberries instead of being home to share with Trig his new chapter in his life.


    1. Anonymous11:10 AM

      I bet she makes Piper feel like shit every time she says that about Trig. Then again, Piper might think, "Well, if she thinks Trig is so wonderful, but she leaves him all the time, then maybe she thinks I'm wonderful, since she leaves me all the time." I pity both of these children.

    2. Anonymous11:42 AM

      If Trig is the best thing that happened to her, that means that he was the prop that got McCain's attention, launching Sarah into super stardom.

  43. Anonymous10:42 AM

    she is a vile excuse for a human being!

    1. Anonymous11:38 AM

      She's a sly one.

      She's a bad banana With a greasy black peel. She's a monster, her heart's an empty hole. Her brain is full of spiders, she's got garlic in her soul. I wouldn't touch her, with a thirty-nine-and-a-half foot pole. She's a vile one, she has termites in her smile. She has all the tender sweetness of a seasick crocodile. Given the choice between the two, I'd take the seasick crockodile. She's a foul one, she's a nasty, wasty skunk. Her heart is full of Todd's unwashed socks, her soul is wash rags full of his gunk. The three words that best describe her, are as follows, and I quote: "stink, stank, stunk!" She's a rotter. She's the queen of sinful sots. Her heart's a dead tomato splotched with moldy purple spots, her soul is an apalling dump heap overflowing with the most disgraceful assortment of deplorable rubbish imaginable. Wigs mangled up in tangled up knots. She nauseates with a nauseaus super-naus. She's a crooked jerky jockey and she drives a crooked hoss. She's a three decker saurkraut and Toddstool sandwich with arsenic sauce!

  44. Anonymous10:46 AM

    "Buck up or stay in the truck". How many times, dear Sarah, are you going to repeat that tired fridge magnet quote? Is that all you got?

    She's a one-trick pony. I hope they didn't pay her for that. Anyone of those parents could have made a commencement speech and inspired those students......for FREE!

  45. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Oh my, look at Sarah Palin's ear at the graduation. Why in heaven did Sarah pin her hair back to show her giant dumbo ears?

  46. Anonymous10:50 AM

  47. Anonymous10:50 AM

    At 50 years of age, and apparently some rough years, it's really high time sarah got a big girl haircut.

  48. Anonymous10:55 AM

    New Poll: Tea Party Support Crashes And Burns, The Lowest Numbers Ever

    In Senate primary race after Senate primary race, the tea party had to walk away with a losing hand. They seem to be hoping to get one final victory out of 2014: State Sen. Chris McDaniel in Mississippi as he challenges incumbent Sen. Thad Cochran.

    1. Anonymous11:46 AM

      Sarah Palin and Ted Cruz have brought the Teabaggers down. Both of them are horrible representations of true Americans!

  49. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Here are FACTS about our "lazy" President:

    Number of vacation days taken by recent two-term Presidents, at the 5 1/2 year point in office --

    George W. Bush -- 349
    Ronald Reagan --180
    Barack Obama -- 96
    Bill Clinton --84.

    Thus, our "lazy" President clocks in at HALF of Reagan's vacation days, and ONE THIRD the number rung up by Geo. Bush, who escaped to his ranch in Texas to clear brush, or to his family's Kennebunkport compound to fish and boat.

    Trips abroad for the same time period:
    Bush -- 58
    Reagan -- 29
    Obama -- 15
    Clinton -- 11

    Bush stopped playing golf half-way through 2003, thinking that it wasn't appropriate to be seen golfing while the country was waging his two wars. Up to that point, in 2 1/2 years, he'd golfed 135 rounds of golf! (And he was caught golfing after that, but wouldn't admit to doing it.)

    Next, will she say that Michelle Obama is growing watermelons in the White House garden?

  50. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Sarah makes the most sophisticated jackets look like shower curtains.

    WTF? Is it the filthy wigs?

    Seriously, someone help me out here.

    1. Anonymous11:40 AM

      No, seriously, that WAS a shower curtain before it became a jacket. How out of date is that look, anyway?

  51. Anonymous11:01 AM

    OMG This just made me laugh for days. I love reading about random places strangers have sex. And I thought mine was weird (high school teacher's pool table)

  52. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Keep spewing your vomit Sarah.
    When your takedown comes, it will be EPIC.

  53. Anonymous11:07 AM

    There were lots and lots and lots of empty seats in that high school auditorium, despite the story that the tickets had sold out.
    Our town's high school graduation class is always between 90- 100 students each year, and our gym, the same size as New Hope's, is standing room only, with just the Superintendent giving the address. Palin's "draw" didn't entice many people to attend who weren't already going to go!

  54. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Would love to hear President Bush or Clinton give their take on Palin's 'lazy' comment. The daily schedule of a POTUS would make Sarah Palin quit. She couldn't endure it. She'd vapor-lock.

    She doesn't even have a real job. She jumps from prospect to prospect and each one fails or disintegrates, like her reality TV shows. She's not committed to anything, anyone, she's her own boss.

    Her husband, Todd, seems 'lazy'. He never seems to work, and is always following her around.

    1. Anonymous12:03 PM

      Bush is painting juvenile paintings or weaving baskets in a mental institution. Bush is a Palin since they are all one with Jeb, Barb, Papa Bush under the loyal GOP tent.



      Clinton is way too busy and brilliant, who is Sarah Palin? Let her continue (she helps his party a great deal) Keep her talking for the Republican Party.

  55. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Perhaps I'm thick, but "buck up or stay in the truck" just doesn't mean anything to me....unless it's what, as one poster says, was Chuckie Sr.'s admonition to his kids on a cold day.

    Otherwise, as a life lesson, it means nothing at all. Zero, zilch, nada.

    1. Anonymous11:39 AM

      It was Chuck's charming, sweet way of saying to his kids, "Cut out that bitching. I don't want to hear one more word out of you. If you can't keep your yap shut, get in the truck." Seeing as the kids were probably complaining about being cod, getting in the truck might have been a good option. The whole thing is as profound as Sally Heath's philosophy coming from refrigerator magnets.

    2. Anonymous11:57 AM

      buck, truck rhyme with f-ck. It is tantalizing for the saladsmith.

    3. Anonymous12:10 PM

      In the middle of an Alaskan winter telling your child to buck up or stay in the truck... there's not really much of a choice is there?

    4. Anonymous1:20 PM

      It seems a pretty cruel comment that came from a very harsh father. I can imagine it was his way or the highway. But, she now sees it as a “lesson” of some sort? The fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree in this family. I sense a lot of bullying disguised as parenting.

  56. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Sarah just wants to remind everyone of her good old days...

    Don't forget, unsub wants to revisit and relive the successful high times.

    She can't help herself. What is next? The death of Curtis Menard? Darlene Miller? Unsolved Church arson?

  57. Anonymous11:15 AM

    So, she says that Trig is the best thing that ever happened to her?

    If I were one of her four other children, I'd be deeply hurt by such a claim by my mother.

    Why doesn't she just publicly rank her kids, based on how good they've made her feel?

    1. Anonymous11:22 AM

      Her body language belies that statement.

    2. Anonymous11:53 AM

      I doubt her kids pay attention to the political rhetoric. They know who has what DNA. They also know her faux politics is about fundraising and $$$$$$$$.

    3. Anonymous12:12 PM

      Anonymous 11:15 AM said

      So, she says that Trig is the best thing that ever happened to her?

      If I were one of her four other children, I'd be deeply hurt by such a claim by my mother.

      Why doesn't she just publicly rank her kids, based on how good they've made her feel?


      Let's see,

      Willow gave up her senior year of high school and any ambitions to go to college so she can go to hair school.

      Bristol gave up her high school virginity to give Sarah her first broken family grandson, gave up her ballroom dancing career in search of trial husbands and gave up going to a real accredited college to go to skin school.

      Track, it has been mentioned that Track chosed the National Guard over going to jail. It has also has mentioned that Track chosed going the National Guard because his mom said he owed it to her and it has been said that Track chosed to take his guns and let Britta have the baby.

      So it must be a hard decision for Sarah to pick her best child from all these winners.

    4. Anonymous2:02 PM

      she says that Trig is the best thing that ever happened to her?

      Until he wasn't lol!! She lost her sure fire ticket to DC that Tri-G was supposed to garner for her.

  58. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Does she think she's god? "Go forth and conquer".

    Or maybe she thinks she's a queen of some kingdom. Her secret fantasies are spilling out in her speeches.

    1. Anonymous11:29 AM

      Believe me, Sarah has inhaled so much of her own fumes as to not know which way is up. Messianic complex personified. Trouble is, unlike the messiah she purports to worship, she's not willing to die for her own cause...whatever the fuck THAT is.

    2. Anonymous12:39 PM

      Of course she does. Remember her email that she wrote about TriGs birth and signed 'God'?!

  59. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Sarah Palin to New Hope High School grads: 'Go forth and conquer'

    Go forth and conquer? I wonder what did Sarah say to her kids? Did Sarah tell them delinquents to

    Go forth and multiply before you get married

    1. Anonymous12:58 PM

      This time she didn't tape a buck under their seats. She gave them a joint - 4/20 - and they all had a high old time.

  60. Anonymous11:37 AM

    I so wish someone would hold her down and cut out her tongue! "Go forth and conquer?" Give me a friggin' break!

    Had I a graduating senior in that class, I'm sure he or she would not have been in attendance! Total bullshit she spills from that rancid mouth!

  61. 1) Government is only a problem when it is infested with tea party vermin bent on destroying the country.

    2) Anyone who thinks that a 21st century heterogeneous country of 314 million people does not need a robust and proactive government to function effectively is a drooling moron that probably can't figure out underpants, how do they work?

    3) If your stated goal in running for election is to undermine the effectiveness of government, you should not be permitted to run as your efforts will be in direct contradiction to the oath of office.

  62. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Holy Vagina! Sarah Palin on the War on Women. She is a self-inflicted casualty of shooting off her own mouth. Not once, not twice....but multiple self-inflicted wounds.

    And, for those who attend her speeches with the hopey hope that she will changey change it up, they should know by now that Sarah is too lazy to learn new material and that they could get more inspiration going shopping for some new fridge magnets or some stickers for the bumper on their pickem up truck.

    "Roil" Tide

  63. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Do as I say, not as I do!

  64. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Is she referring to the same Ronald Reagan that signed the Department of Veterans Affairs Act of 1988, which changed the independent agency called the Veterans Administration into a Cabinet-level Department of Veterans Affairs?

    Too lazy to do a little research, Sarah????

  65. Super Fan In Atlanta12:16 PM

    O/T: More Details Emerge On Koch's 1980 Libertarian Platform ...

    Study Confirms Tea Party Was Created by Big Tobacco and Billionaire Koch Brothers

    The study, funded by the National Cancer Institute of the National Institute of Health, traces the roots of the Tea Party's anti-tax movement back to the early 1980s when tobacco companies began to invest in third party groups to fight excise taxes on cigarettes, as well as health studies finding a link between cancer and secondhand cigarette smoke.

    Published in the peer-reviewed academic journal, Tobacco Control, the study titled, 'To quarterback behind the scenes, third party efforts': the tobacco industry and the Tea Party, is not just an historical account of activities in a bygone era. As senior author, Stanton Glantz, a University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) professor of medicine, writes:

    "Nonprofit organizations associated with the Tea Party have longstanding ties to tobacco companies, and continue to advocate on behalf of the tobacco industry's anti-tax, anti-regulation agenda."

    The two main organizations identified in the UCSF Quarterback study are Americans for Prosperity and Freedomworks. Both groups are now "supporting the tobacco companies' political agenda by mobilizing local Tea Party opposition to tobacco taxes and smoke-free laws." Freedomworks and Americans for Prosperity were once a single organization called Citizens for a Sound Economy (CSE). CSE was founded in 1984 by the infamous Koch Brothers, David and Charles Koch, and received over $5.3 million from tobacco companies, mainly Philip Morris, between 1991 and 2004.

  66. Anonymous12:21 PM

    The Heath-Palins are all child abusers and addicts of alcohol, meth, or oxy. Just a sorry bunch of low-life scum.

  67. Anonymous12:25 PM

    At the New Hope graduation, Sarah Palin mentioned that Trig is the best thing that happened to her.

    Sarah that's a nice thing to say. What was Piper to you Sarah? Was Piper the unwanted tubal ligation baby that lived?

    Is that why Sarah named Piper,
    Piper Indy Grace Palin?

    P.I.G. Palin

    What mother in her right mind would name her daughter PIG Palin?

    1. Anonymous1:13 PM

      Why would any high school student care if Trig was the best thing that happened to her? What an odd thing to bring up at such a time. And, indeed, he probably was the best thing that ever happened to her. It certainly was the element that catapulted her to the McCain ticket. But what kind of mother would use a child in this manner? A very ethically challenged sociopathic ambitious mother.

    2. Anonymous1:32 PM

      I totally agree 1:13. Inappropriate and not in context-what else can we expect tho?
      Her reference to 4/20, using the term BS, riffing on Washington. What the fuck!

  68. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Slow down people. Every time I come back to this post there are about 20 to 30 more comments to read.
    - Louise Sarah

    1. Anonymous1:02 PM

      Too many words used which I must ask someone to google for me, and links to read?!! Unflippinbelievable!
      Where do all these h8trz come from also too?
      Now I have another interview to get ready for, this one will feature uppity and usurping, and an offensive joke or two to get the libs all wee-wee'd up.

  69. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Sarah must love going to those high school graduations? Beats going to those pretend skin school and hair school graduations.

    1. Anonymous2:02 PM

      What a pity. She has never been asked to give a college commencement speech, not even the University of Idaho. In fact, if Sarah doesn't endorse someone, she doesn't have an appearance scheduled on her calendar.

  70. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Fuck $arah and Hannity.Both liars and dirtbags.

    1. Anonymous12:56 PM

      Can't do it, I don't have $5..

  71. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Buck up or stay in the truck? Toad used to tell me

    Drop them draws or git outta my truck.

  72. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Jeebus F*cking Ch***!!! What kind of jacket is that?????? It definitely is NOT a leather one. MAYBE a 'patent' leather, but more likely cheap plastic from her favorite store - either KMart or Wally World! That is not even from a thriftshop, it is so frigging ugly!!!!!!

    1. Anonymous1:00 PM

      I believe Sarah wore that same get up at New Hope High School?

    2. Anonymous1:29 PM

      looks like 'pleather'. Since it doesn't breathe, the Alabama heat must have made her stink in it.

  73. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Move over Skank the Loser, Mittster the Loser is about to jump into your lane and talk up the pig castrator!

    Mitt Romney Heading To Iowa To Stump For Joni Ernst

    Mitt Romney’s sad comeback attempt: One man’s pathetic attempt at new relevance

    ...“I think the Romney brand has had a real resurgence after the campaign,” one Romney friend said, “and a lot of Republicans realized, hey this guy was right about a lot of things, and they realize his endorsement carries significant weight.”

    There are two things to point out here. The first is that nobody actually likes Mitt Romney or his “brand.” Romney won the Republican nomination in 2012 only after struggling to beat off challenges from clowns like Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich. There was a brief window of time – between the first 2012 presidential debate and Election Day – in which Republicans pretended to like Mitt Romney because it seemed possible that he might actually beat Barack Obama. But then he lost and everyone rediscovered their natural dislike of the man.

    The second is that endorsements tend not to matter when it comes to influencing voter decisions. They generate headlines and excite horserace-obsessed political reporters, but the people actually casting the ballots don’t care. An endorsement from someone like Mitt Romney matters only in the sense that it means a pretty sizeable check will be headed that candidate’s way.

    So this idea of “Romney Republicanism” suddenly catching fire is a bit ridiculous.

  74. Anonymous1:02 PM

    "His words and not mine" huh? Sorry Snow Snooki, but you own them now.

  75. Anonymous1:05 PM

    I would like to say "Hi" to all those Sarah Palin relatives and to her children that come here to the Immoral Minority posts for laughs and for their enjoyment.

  76. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Only a narcissist would claim that their child was the best thing that happened to them. Trig is the best thing that happened to ME!!!!!!! It's all about the ME!!!!!

    Forget that Trig needs a mother who thinks she's the best thing that happened to him. She didn't even explain what the "best thing" was, nor explain what she learned. Her little explanation of learning how to appreciate the simple things and not care about how shallow the world is stuff does not convince. If Trig taught her life is not always about looks and popularity by the world's standards, how come she had botox and cosmetic surgery?

  77. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Sarah, it's time you stopped acting like a third grader that didn't get picked to be hall monitor trying to get the kid that was picked kicked out of the job by pointing out anything and everything to prove he was a bad choice and a mistake. You lost, get it? This childish never ending attempt to criticize the people you lost to, makes you look like a spoiled toddler that's hell bent on ruining the person that won the contest so they are sorry they ever won, because you can't deal with the fact you lost. You offer nothing constructive, only what's divisive and destructive, as in if you can't have it, nobody should. You and your woeful pack of worshipers didn't get the president you wanted so for the last five years all you have done is carry on a infantile temper tantrum refusing to accept the other guy won. To collectively say that your guy didn't win, so let's get together and hate the guy that did. Never rest until we prove he doesn't belong being the winner. You've been at it for five years...Haven't any of you grown out of the toddler stage yet?

  78. Anonymous1:09 PM Sarah, lazy is quitting your job halfway through your first term and leaving tax payers to foot the bill for another election, all the while pretending that you are a fiscal conservative.

  79. Anonymous1:10 PM

    He's still in office and in his second term. SHE quit half way through her first term as Governor in a sparsely populated state. Who is the lazy one? She now earns her money giving inane speeches. She calls him lazy?????? He does more in a week than she does all year.

  80. Anonymous1:12 PM

    OK Trailer Park Sarah, spout your code word.

  81. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Palin has her own medical care scandal to deal with - her administration allowed hundreds to die while waiting for Medicaid authorization for treatments. It got so bad, the US federal government pulling funding from the State of Alaska - first, last and ONLY time in history that its happened.

  82. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Nothing lazier than quitting a 4 year job after two years (to avoid possible prosecution).

  83. Anonymous1:23 PM

    "Naw, ya gotta meet my little boy. Yeah, you all, we’re proud of you. You accomplished much getting that diploma tonight. But, hey, my kid’s got more chromosomes than you." [applause]

    Can anyone explain why being born with a medical condition is more reason for praise than working hard to achieve a goal?

    1. Anonymous1:41 PM

      How do we know it's her little boy? Sarah won't show his birth certificate or show her medical record.

      As far as we know, it might be Bristol's little boy.

  84. Anonymous1:26 PM


    How does that sound? Little too strong for a high school commencement speech?

    Okay, I guess I'll let you write my speech but make sure you use my buck up thingy again.

    1. Anonymous1:37 PM

      Oh and don't forget to add "John McCain you are the best thing to happen to me".

      Okay you're right, go ahead and write,

      Trig was the best thing to happen to me.

  85. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Poor put upon Todd, watching the video of this fiasco it could and should be noted that Todd is not a happy camper or snow machine rider, the expression on his face! A cartoon caption over his small head says " What a bunch of shit! this place should be full with fans waiting outside for a glimpse of my idiot wife! I remember the days of big crowds, I mean BIG as in that equals money. C"mon already this is freakin Alabama! lot's of trucks and stuff" as he continues to count the crowed and wonders if she took a bath would things change? If she wore her black dick jeans? Must be the shoes..those heels are too small.

    It must be hard to be Sarah"s keeper because grizzly brave mama cant travel alone between the meds and how scared she is of real reporters it's like walking a tightrope. No interviews were allowed at this "event" as usual she is too far gone for that and must be kept in a controlled environment.

    1. Anonymous1:58 PM

      Todd "What's in it for us?" Palin was thinking that while their expenses were paid, Sarah was not making big bucks giving this lame speech, probably nothing. Then, Todd reminded himself that he could have been stuck taping dollar bills under 77 chairs. Whew, dodged that bullet. What is she talking about, God having his back? Where was God when the snow machine broke down? The only way that Todd could show how macho he was that when he was told to wear a jacket, he refused. That ought to show her. Yes, someone has to hand the meds or Sarah will OD, and then, there goes the Golden Goose and the Palins will have to go out and work. Work? Wasn't that Sarah's graduation message?

  86. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Creationists now losing their minds because Neil deGrasse Tyson explained electricity

    ....Creationists are creating their own weekly controversy over Cosmos and its host, Tyson. Modern science is so damning to their ancient claims they have to openly attack even the most fundamental sciences and try to dupe their followers into believing that Tyson and the Cosmos team are trying to fool them.

  87. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Obama Takes An Impromptu Stroll, Causes Tourists To Lose It (VIDEO)

    President Barack Obama took an impromptu stroll Wednesday along the National Mall, and some bystanders freaked out at the prospect of meeting their commander in chief.

    "It's good to be out," Obama quipped to reporters. "The bear is loose."

    He greeted people along the way with handshakes, hugs and White House-branded M&M's. One enthusiastic woman asked the President to snap a photo with her family.

    "This is like the best day of my life," she said as the picture was taken. "Someone's gonna think you're, like, wax."

    Watch below:

  88. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Whew. I watched the whole speech. I transcribed the whole fucking cynical mess of a speech.

    Palin was in full, over-dramatization mode. Her vocalization and body language was intended to produce an emotional reaction. I'm not sure it worked for this audience. The applause following the speech was tepid. There was no spontaneous standing ovation but, rather, one prompted only after the people on the stage began to stand. The applause lasted about 10 seconds, partly because it took almost that long for the people to stand. One or two applauded a few additional seconds.

    The speech depressed me to the point of tears. It wasn't much more than a pep talk directed at herself, full of self-congratulation, excuses, and projection. It revealed deeply held anger and cynicism. And, if she believed what she told the graduates, she would have run in 2012 and she'll run for Senate now.

    Her pupils were dilated. She's not well. She needs help...or someone to put a sock in her mouth.

    1. Anonymous2:12 PM

      Todd is that you?

  89. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Her neck, it looks like a chicken's leg or turkey's leg. Gaarooss! She just looks like she wants to throw a canned food at Hannity or the camera. LOL. At the beginning, that smile so darn weird!

    1. Anonymous2:14 PM

      Her neck also looked bad at New Hope graduation. Time for some snip, nip and tuck.

  90. Anonymous2:14 PM

    That's right sp, that's our Commander in Chief in all his glory walking outside and greeting people and courteous. Something you could never do other than plan before hand what's in it for you attitude or staged. You are so down in filth sp.

  91. Anonymous2:16 PM

    LOL The Unemployed calling someone else lazy. Next thing she'll be calling him cross-eyed.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.