Friday, May 09, 2014

Lesson for the day. Never challenge Bill Nye.

Anyone who puts S.E. Cupp in her place is my kind of guy.


  1. Anonymous2:54 AM

    S.E. Cupp is insufferable.

  2. She is such a tool. Just got an email from my Mom, who still watches Scarborough. He had Mittens on this morning, who spent his time trashing everything that Obama has done for five years, trashing Hillary, trashing everything. Yeah, Mitt, we know you plan to runs gain. Please proceed. Hillary will destroy you, and yes, we will INSIST on seeing your tax returns, so get 'em ready. Mr. Mormon.

    1. Beldar J Conehead6:50 AM

      Sue, with all due respect, Mittens won Second Place in 2012 while freely admitting he didn't even want the stoopid job anyway. Pretty impressive, when you realize how envious we 47%-ers are of his boyish good looks, charming easy-going manner his lessers, vast vulture fund wealth and exalted position as The One (or possibly The Two) in the Mormon church.

      Imagine how much better he will do in 2016, 2020 and probably 2024, also too, once he decides that he actually WANTS to win!

      Fine, you're right, he's a world-class douchebag with no chance of winning anything, but we owe him some deference simply for his weak effort and pathetic results after literally running for president for about a decade.

      The man is a self-described 'severe conservative', - whatever the hell that even means- and we owe him the simple courtesy of treating him like one. I know I do!

      Sorry to have to scold you like this, but I notice YOU don't have a car elevator like Mittens does...
      you know....

    2. Yeah, Beldar, instead of snark-slamming Amercia's weakest presidential candidate since Thad "THAD!" McCotter and most highly decorated war hero - (if he had served in the military, of course) how about a little proofreading of your own twaddle first?

      "charming easy-going manner *TOWARDS* his lessers"

      There, I fixed it.

    3. Willard won't get the nomination this time. The GOP gave him his shot (knowing he'd lose) just to shut him up. He had his chance. They'll move on to someone else now.

      If Hillary runs, it will be another sacrificial lamb. Another loudmouth they'll pick because they know he'll lose but it will shut him up and take him out for future nominations. Perry, Huckabee, doesn't matter. If Hillary runs they know they'll lose so it will be another goat, another straw man. Just like Romney. Maybe it will be Romney again if Hillary runs. Again, just to say you've had your shot, not shut up and go away.

    4. Anonymous12:02 PM

      They should run Huckabee as the lamb. He reflects himself and his family members as obese, not healthy, candidates for diabetes and/or heart problems and he is a minister of faith! Yet, I've heard him lie through his teeth.

      Get rid of the jerk - have him run on the Republican side and he lose, lose, lose and be gone forever! Doubt he'd be able to handle the struggles of running a campaign - he'd probably keel over due to his health issues.

  3. Jim In Texas4:09 AM

    "How dare you try to bully me with all your Scientific-y facts 'n' stuff !!!"

  4. Anonymous5:09 AM


  5. Anonymous5:22 AM

    She is a less word-salady Palin-quality imbecile.

  6. Chenagrrl6:51 AM

    Sippy is so clueless, she could be wading in a foot of water and not realize her feet were wet. Her most urgent issues are her hair, mani-pedi and showing up at the right parties.

  7. If this was a video link, it doesn't work for me. All I get is an enlarged still picture.

  8. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Just because a man wears a bowtie, it does NOT mean he's a wussy pushover.

    (However, in the cases of Tucker Carlson and George Will, it DOES mean you're an idiot!)

  9. Anonymous1:58 PM

    So urgent that we are probably beyond doing anything about it but wring our hands in despair...there....done.... bonehead.....

  10. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Who the fuck is SE Cupp? Where the fuck did she come from? What credentials does she have to say anything that is other than opinion or crap written for her to spew? Gaaaahhhh!

  11. Anita Winecooler7:25 PM

    I love the "wile e cayote" moment, when she realizes he means business and she'll look like the southbound end of a northbound horse's ass. She runs on the "smart girl" cruise control, taps the brake and hilarity ensues.

    Once, on "The Cycle", she actually visited the Duck Dynasty idiots and called them her kind of Americans, what you see is what you get, salt of the earth, nothing phony about them.
    She brought back one duck call and tried passing it around after showing them how to use it. No takers.

    She's a big fan of using the term "literally" for emphasis constantly.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.