Saturday, May 10, 2014

Obamacare now working too well for Republicans to use against Democrats. You know what that means, Benghazi time!

Courtesy of The Week:  

After pounding Democrats on ObamaCare for the last several years, Republicans have a big problem. The law is working and their message is falling flat. 

This was confirmed again by testimony before the House Energy and Commerce Committee yesterday in which health-care-industry executives surprised Republican lawmakers. They said the law has not led to a government takeover of the industry, that most enrollees are paying their premiums as required, and that premiums are not certain to go up next year as Republicans claim. 

With more than 8 million people enrolled in health plans through the ObamaCare exchanges, many Republicans know it's much harder to repeal the law now than it might have been several years ago. And they tried more than 50 times already without success.

The Republicans of course were hoping to use Obamacare to defeat the Democrats in 2014.

So what do they do now?

Well it's back to the scandal trough for another bite at the IRS pseudo scandal which they are pursuing by voting to hold former IRS official Lois Lerner in contempt.

And of course by going full bore after the Benghazi issue, which has now moved to the forefront of their attention now that Obamacare has refused to cooperate by being the disaster that they desperately need this election cycle.


  1. Vote out all Republicans.

    1. Anonymous5:30 AM

      I'd be happy if evangelical republicans were shown the door.

    2. Beldar J Conehead8:33 AM


      A successful nation needs its loyal opposition. Well-intentioned, civil and civic-minded liberals need well-intentioned, civil and civic-minded conservatives in exactly the same manner as well-intentioned, civil and civic-minded conservatives need well-intentioned, civil and civic-minded liberals.

      I believe your exhortation is improved by the following amendment: "vote out all douchebag Republicans"

      The best part is that it properly puts the onus on Republicans to not be douchebags. Difficult, to be sure, but not theoretically impossible.

      C'mon, douchebag republicans!!

      YOU CAN DO IT!!

      Stop being douchebags!

      Well, I tried. Better vote 'em all out, just to be sure.

  2. Don't forget trying to resurrect a 20 years old Oval Office blowjob involving no one seeking elected office in the foreseeable future.

    And now of them can run a respectable, intelligent campaign without talking the madness that appeases the Teabaggers, all because they didn't snuff those maniacs when they could have. "There is a time in the life of every problem when it is big enough to see and small enough to solve."

  3. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Who said your quote, may I ask? It's great, I'd like to use it myself.

    1. Too long ago to remember now, so I guess it's public domain these days. :)

  4. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Repeal Obamacare.
    Impeach Obama.
    Then try him for treason.
    Send Barry and Moo-chelle back home to Kenya.
    Take back our country
    Donate to SarahPAC

    1. Anonymous8:23 AM

      blah blah blah?

    2. I'm pretty sure no one here will donate to TraitorPAC, including the nutball trooling trolls, but tell ya what, chump? Every time you post to earn your nickel, I will donate to Act Blue.

      Thanking you in advance for your future efforts to ensure that patriotic Democrats are elected to save our beloved United States from the traitorous republicans trying to destroy it.

      Run along now, write up some more fund-raising comments for Democrats!

    3. Anonymous9:18 AM

      Donate to Act Blue again
      and waste more of your money
      Repubs are set to take back the Senate

    4. Aren't you just a ray of sunshine? How about:

      Support healthcare for all people
      Support equality
      Support equal pay
      Support the troops by staying out of wars
      Support public education: kids are our future
      Support Obama and progressive ideas
      Support the gorgeous Michelle and her positive messages
      Support your country instead of tearing it down!
      Be the Christian you say you are.

  5. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Fear Of Hillary Clinton Leads Conservatives To Illogically Blame Her For Boko Haram

    The only reason conservatives are grabbing on to this narrative is the fear of Hillary in 2016. They are hoping that this can piggyback on to Benghazi and hopefully smear Clinton enough in the eyes of the average American voter. The fact is that Hillary Clinton’s dominating in the polls right now, and that scares the bejesus out of the right. This will not be the last attempt by Republicans to bash, insult and defame Clinton before 2016.

    1. Anonymous11:08 AM

      So it’s come to this. Republicans are so desperate that they’re starting to believe that Rand Paul is a 2016 contender.

      As Republicans chase after Hillary Clinton’s skyrocketing poll numbers with a collection of stragglers suffering from various ailments like indictments and federal investigations and continuous “ethical” challenges, they’re getting a bit desperate. Suddenly the guy who is on record palling around with a white supremacist and whose campaign worker stomped on a female Move On protester’s neck and head is looking viable.

      So says Politico in an article entitled, “GOP leaders reconsider Rand Paul”. “Not that long ago, most Republican leaders saw Rand Paul as the head of an important faction who, like his father, ultimately had no shot at becoming the party’s presidential nominee. Now the question is no longer whether Paul can win the nomination, but whether he can win a general election.”

      Well, to be fair, winning the Republican primary isn’t a real thing. They started rigging the game in order to push Mitt Romney to the fore, ahead of the populist candidates. So Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) can only win the GOP primary if the Republican establishment wants him. And they just might because he can sell their message!

      Paulites everywhere rejoice. Their time has come at last.

      Who did Republicans ask in order to determine that Rand Paul was reaching new voters? In typical GOP epistemic closure disorder, they asked Republican National Committee members. 30 of them…

      … Any and all of ‘em. I can see Rand Paul’s lost Senate seat from my kitchen window…

      Apparently hearing their own recycled beliefs repeated back to them from the exciting package of Rand Paul makes even establishment Republicans true believers.

  6. Anonymous8:53 AM

    I can hardly wait to see the Republicans go DOWN across the nation (and most especially in the U.S. Congress) in the upcoming elections.

    What total jerks!

  7. The GOP is pitiful What is it they plan to run on this fall? They have done nothing positive for anyone except the Kochs. They have legislated against women, kids, education, the poor, the elderly, the troops. They haven't got ONE positive accomplishment since they took over in 2010. Nada. If we can get out the vote, we can end this national nightmare.

  8. Anonymous11:12 AM

    MSNBC host Rachel Maddow has a bit of fun with the inanity that is otherwise known as Pete Sessions. Critics have charged the announced Select Committee on Benghazi will amount to nothing more than a partisan ' witch hunt'. With some background on the Salem witch hunts from the 17th century, before going back even further with a sketch from Monty Python's "Holy Grail" where villagers accuse a woman of witchcraft. Sessions isn't just some rank-and-file knucklehead either, but was once the chairman of the NRCC (National Republican Congressional Committee).

    REP. PETE SESSIONS (R-TX) “[Democrats] would blame our insistence upon getting the truth as a political ‘witch hunt.’ Well, Mr. Speaker, that must mean that there’s a witch somewhere.”

  9. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Benghazi-Palooza: The New York Times Nails The Republican Circus

    Something has gotten into the water at the New York Times. This week they published an editorial that is not only rich in facts and substance, it is entertaining and persuasive. The headline announced an excursion into the “Center Ring at the Republican Circus.” And the opening paragraph may be the best introduction to a Times editorial ever:

    “The hottest competition in Washington this week is among House Republicans vying for a seat on the Benghazi kangaroo court, also known as the Select House Committee to Inflate a Tragedy Into a Scandal. Half the House has asked to ‘serve’ on the committee, which is understandable since it’s the perfect opportunity to avoid any real work while waving frantically to right-wing voters stomping their feet in the grandstand.”

  10. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Center Ring at the Republican Circus

    ...Little nuisances like constitutional rights or basic facts can’t be allowed to stand in the way when House Republicans need to whip up their party’s fury.

  11. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn11:28 AM

    I mentioned this is the last Benghazi post, so I guess it's OK to put the info here:

    "One interesting thing about the voters who think Benghazi is the biggest political scandal in American history is that 39% of them don’t actually know where it is. 10% think it’s in Egypt, 9% in Iran, 6% in Cuba, 5% in Syria, 4% in Iraq, and 1% each in North Korea and Liberia, with 4% not willing to venture a guess...

    "I’m actually impressed that 58% of Americans were correctly able to identify where Benghazi is, because I’m sure there are a significant number of people who think that Watergate took place in Atlantis. One thing you learn from reading polls is that Americans aren’t all that great at knowing stuff. The people who think Benghazi is the biggest scandal in history were actually slightly more able to identify where the city is, but only by 3%. You would think that those people would be much more likely to know where it is, and least likely to think it’s in Cuba, their third most popular wrong answer."

    Read the good, short article at:

  12. Anonymous11:37 AM

    “House Republicans in what is a blatantly political and partisan effort voted to start another investigation into this matter, presumably because the six previous investigations by Congress, by Republicans, were somehow not adequate.

    He continued, “I think if you saw as others have commented, the Republicans are fund raising off of this effort,” and added that “it’s unfortunate that House Republicans continue to pursue this in a highly partisan manner, and in fact, they themselves have acknowledged how political it is. and how oriented toward trying to raise money and motivate their base for a mid-term election.”

  13. Anita Winecooler6:28 PM

    Just a word of advice. When out kids were young, we took them to Barnum and Bailey and got seats close to the stage. When the Elephants pirouette while being hit with sticks, their crap flies out in all directions. Bring those cheap plastic rain parkas and drop cloths cause the Elephants are so full of shit this time the shitstorm will hit the back row!
    What issue can they POSSIBLY run with and win votes????

    PS I'm not usually a stickler for spelling, but her name is "Lois Learner" . I think the Palin gals got the patent on "Loins", don't want uncle Gryph hit with a lawsuit!

  14. Are they calling it The Affordable Care Act?

    As soon as they do, you know it's working and they'll stop talking about it. Because the last thing they want to do is call it Obamacare if it's working or remind people who it responsible for it.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.