Saturday, May 10, 2014

Showed up on Facebook. Thought it was worth sharing.

Remember just the other day we talked about Reagan's Benghazi as well.

I wonder if there even any Republicans left who do not realize that his whole Benghazi thing looks incredibly desperate for their side?


  1. angela2:31 AM

    We need people standing in the back of the Kangaroo Committee with these signs.

    1. We need MoveOn to buy some billboards.

    2. Anonymous4:29 AM

      I agree. With the GOP it's like those years between 2001 and the end of 2008 never happened. Amazing. Because they know that Americans have short memories, the GOP thinks that no one remembers. I wish the major newspapers would start reminding us all of these numbers. And notice that there were repeated attacks on two of the sites, Karachi and Yemen. I'm willing to bet that nothing was done to beef up security in those places between attacks. And we know the GOP would not have tolerated any protest or investigation of any of them because, "we were a nation at war, you know."

  2. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn2:54 AM

    They don't care, unfortunately. IMO, they're more petrified of Hillary running in 2016 than impeaching the President. My plan is to just keep repeating "9-11" to anyone who brings up Benghazi in conversation. So far it hasn't happened, because the majority of the public has no clue, nor really cares about what happened--that's the other tentacle of the RW plan: to spread as much negative PR on this as possible. In fact, I heard someone mention (Marcos from DailyKos?) that some "concerned" citizens who were polled couldn't name the four people who died, and think Benghazi is in Cuba!

  3. I think they are going to Benghazi themselves right out of running the House of Representatives. They have given up on the ACA, Issa will look ever more foolish as he neats the IRS non scandal to death, and now this one? Their only hope of even retaining the seats they have was to actually pass the Jobs Bill and get people working...then it looks like they care about something. But they can't do it. It's all about demonizing Obama, Dems, and especially, Clinton. So, please proceed, GOP. We'll try not to gloat in November.

    1. Anonymous7:11 AM

      They'll never pass a productive bill of any kind, for in their minds, that's tantamount to the "c-word": "capitulation" (no, not "compromise.")

    2. Anonymous7:57 AM

      Sue, even though I wish you were correct the fact of the matter is that the Republicans gerrymandered themselves in the last census so they will enjoy the majority in the House for the foreseeable future. We Democrats better hope to hell we can get out the vote and retain the Senate in '14 or this country will be in deep doodo.

  4. People that live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones....or in other words, get your head out of your ass. We all live globally now, deal with it.

    1. Anonymous6:20 AM

      What does that mean? I don't think you understand what this post is all about.

    2. Gles, looks like you are the one with your head up your ass. You're spewing nonsensical crap.

  5. Anonymous3:34 AM

    How do I find this image so I can post it on my FB page?

    1. Anonymous12:30 PM

  6. Anonymous3:42 AM

    Found it:

  7. Anonymous4:42 AM

    Excellent. Every time one of my Facebook friends starts chirping about Benghazi, I post this graphic (a graphic you will NEVER see on Fox News). Shuts them right up ! Thanks for sharing.

  8. Anonymous5:56 AM

    I'm not lying. People on twitter have, repeatedly, tweeted that those deaths don't count because they weren't Americans. Can't get any lower than that.

  9. Anonymous7:18 AM

    OT 5.8 earthquake felt in Alaska May 10, 2014 The U.S. Geological Survey says the quake struck at 7:16 a.m. PDT on Saturday and was centered about 19 miles northwest of Anchor Point in the Cook Inlet region.

    1. Anonymous11:43 AM

      Benghazi!!! Benghazi!!! Benghazi!!!

  10. Our Lad8:07 AM

    Perhaps the day is approaching when Republicans will cut to the chase and simply identify themselves as " stupid fuckers" .

  11. Anonymous8:13 AM

    All the Americans who have been killed in schools, in theaters, at shopping malls, churches etc...too bad, because you are collateral damage in the supreme right for Americans to own and shoot their weapons.

    However, if you are serving your country in a dangerous zone in another country, even if nobody remembers your name, other than Ambassador Stevens -- you will live forever in protests as one of the 4 Americans who were killed and we did not prevent it. (No requirements to prevent murders in America, but we have the obligation to prevent others from killing you.) All of the soldiers who have been killed - they don't matter, because it was not Benghazi.

  12. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Shocking! .... Everybody's Got Afghanistan Wrong

  13. Anita Winecooler6:09 PM

    The Republicans simply don't care. They've connived, cheated, re- districted, filibustered (And filibustered their own filibuster) and shamelessly used every dirty trick in the book to get their way. Their way was to block, side rail, nullify everything and anything President Obama, who just happens to be the first African American President in history, simply because they could and President Obama happens to be the first African American President in history.
    While the President keeps working for the people, and the gop yells "Benghazi", the GOP Teahadists think people forgot about the eight long years of the President GWBush regime of terror. Whatever happened to the "lessons of 911" meme? Mission Accomplished? Good Job, Brownie! and "Who cares where Osama Bin Laden is?"
    The clowncar is going to ride the "Benghazi" rollercoaster and sink with the titanic.


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