Saturday, August 09, 2014

After hearing that Nicolle Wallace would be getting the hosting gig on The View, and not Sarah Palin, I got a little nostalgic for the HBO movie Game Change and thought I would share this with you this fine Saturday morning.

Let me just say as somebody who has been covering Palin for almost seven years now, I think there is NO doubt that this scene played out in real life almost exactly like this.

This is exactly what we would expect from an egomaniac like Palin, and since she refuses to accept "no" for an answer there is no doubt that she pushed it until McCain himself shot her ass down.

Damn didn't Julianne Moore do an excellent job?


  1. Anonymous6:27 AM

    Thanks for that! It made my morning!!!! I hope this will be shared over and over, just to remind old seditiious sarah that we do know the true seditious sarah! BWAHAHAHA

    1. Anonymous6:59 AM

      I watched it again last night...!!!!
      OMG the hubris and stupidity of this bitch.
      I liked the part "are you sure she isn't Mentally unstable" pretty much says it all....
      "No political vet whatsoever"
      "Who is the head of Gov in UK"
      "Do you know what the FED is"
      JM had a Dr. out on his ranch JMO I think that is when
      they started giving her drugs to make her be "up" and she hasn't come come down since....
      Watch it again! You will be horrified all over again...

  2. Wow, that was fun to watch to again! I'd say after getting whooped by a black man, Nicole Wallace getting the job she wanted was the second worse thing to happen old Quitter Palin. Poor skank just can't catch a break these days. Good times.

    1. Anonymous9:06 AM

      The 4pees are still bitching about The View today. As someone said yesterday here, make up your damn mind. They are as crazy as she is.

  3. Anonymous6:30 AM

    As Don Meredith sang, "turn out the lights, the party's over." Remember, $arah, when you were left standing in the dark? It's called DEMOCRACY. You weren't wanted, you still aren't.

  4. Anonymous6:33 AM

    "This is exactly what we would expect from an egomaniac like Palin, and since she refuses to accept "no" for an answer "

    NO! NO! NO!



    1. Anonymous7:10 AM

      No matter what he does, "maverick" McCain will die with her as his legacy. Deal with it, John.

    2. Anonymous9:08 AM

      I can imagine little Johnny in private, speaking out about what he REALLY thinks about $kank. In the language he uses to his wife "Palin is a fucking c^nt, she cost ME the WH" I do not think he would have made it into the WH even with Mother Teresa beside him. His own party said he did not have the temperament to be President.

  5. Anonymous6:36 AM

    I could watch that over and over. Even after McCain shot her down on giving a speech and after McCain's concession speech, didn't Sarah remain on the stage preparing to give her speech and McCain's staff had to cut the electricity?

    1. Anonymous7:04 AM


    2. Anonymous7:17 AM

      "didn't Sarah remain on the stage preparing to give her speech and McCain's staff had to cut the electricity? "
      I thought that happened too, but the version I saw last night didn't show that? I could of sworn the original had them turning out the lights on the whole flippin' family going up to the stage?
      IDK I watched a bootleg version so....

    3. Anonymous7:44 AM

      7:17 AM
      I don't think the movie Game Change showed them turning out the lights. I think reports leaked out about that happening. Or maybe it was in the book Game Change.

      What I also, too, loved about the actual news videos of McCain's speech was Todd's face glaring at John McCain. Sarah had tears in her eyes and Todd's look was terrible, his eyes showed hatred. If looks could kill...

    4. Wish there were some footage on YouTube or something of the last moments when the Palins we're seen wandering back on the stage. All of a sudden the lights went out and the network broadcasters were just mb long stuff.

    5. ...mumbling...

    6. Anonymous8:19 AM

      I'm sure it didn't take McCain long to realize what he had on his hands w/Toad and Sarah Palin! His handlers assuredly knew!

      Wonder how difficult it is for McCain and his family members to keep his/their mouths shut all these years later? Betcha he/they could crucify and/or rip Toad and Sarah to ribbons should the need be required.

      That's probably what keeps the Palins quiet and physically away from any of the McCains.

    7. Anonymous9:10 AM

      Remember when McCain said, "hasn't the statute of limitations run out on these questions?" when asked about her in an interview with reporters last spring? NO,"maverick," take her to your grave.

    8. Anonymous9:24 AM

      8:13 Don't waste too much pity on McCain or his enabling family. He is an arrogant selfish prick who picked Palin because she is so much like him. Fake, phony, power hungry and not very bright. He used his POW status as a cudgel against America despite his maverick behavior being the primary cause of his capture. He's a nasty piece of work. His oddly anti-American behavior of trashing the President since the election proves that every time he opens that negative maw of his.

      Palin didn't cause him to lose the election. That was the fine job of one Mr Barack Obama, a far better candidate, scholar and human being who had the goal of helping his country rather than McCain's selfish plan trying to live up to his family legacy. Neither McCain, nor Palin, care one whit for anyone but themselves and neither have the good sense god gave a goose.

    9. Anonymous10:08 AM

      9:24 Well said and I totally agree with you! He counters our wonderful POTUS every chance he gets on the floor in the U. S. Congress. He makes me sick to my stomach as does Sarah Palin and her tribe!

    10. Anonymous11:06 AM

      I've always felt this to be the most encompassing, definitive article on John McCain: (it's long but well worth the time)

  6. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Sarah Palin kiss our asses.

  7. Anonymous6:38 AM

    I wonder what ever happened to her little speech. I'd love to see it.

    1. Anonymous6:56 AM

      Sarah still has it. Wouldn't be surprised if she reads it on Sarah Palin Blog Channel.

    2. otto katz8:13 AM

      Don't give her any ideas!

    3. Anonymous10:39 AM

      Some of her best speeches come from running, burning thighs, God's country and thirsty markets, I'm site she ran a 15K to come up with an homage to warrior McCain for the masses so that perhaps also too, she'd begin her first step toward her own White House.

  8. Anonymous6:39 AM

    I guess retards can't comprehend the word "No".

  9. A. J. Billings6:46 AM

    You can bet your last dollar that the Queen of Narcissists would have had some very snarky things to say, making her "concession" all about her , and her plans for the future.

    Sucked to be $arah in 2008, and golly gee, she didn't run in 2012, and as the Palinbots and $arah worshipers will find out, she ain't running for anything in 2016 except media whore and the Griftzilla crown

    1. Don't forget blaming her running mate for the loss and some choice language for that uppity black man that dared to win.

  10. Anonymous6:47 AM

    It's my favorite scene. Moore really captured Palin's childish petulance. Harrelson's performance was also stellar.

  11. Anonymous6:54 AM

    You said Sarah Palin refuses to accept "no". Looks like Sarah had to accept "no I will not marry you" from Glenn Rice after he fucked her that one night. Then she dragged her ass back to Todd that same night and kissed him with the same lips that pleased Glenn.

    1. Anonymous8:07 AM

      We all know that Glenn and Sarah "hooked up" for a one-night stand when she was supposed to be interviewing him. Glenn admits as much and Sarah has never denied it. But your preoccupation with the story--bringing it up on every other thread--is a bit creepy. Almost racist. You aren't talking about Brad Hansen or Curt Menard--and who knows how many others. Just the guy who happens to be black. I'd shake my head but then you'd accuse me of being a troll. I'm just a long-time reader who prefers to remain anonymous.

    2. Anonymous8:36 AM

      Don't leave out the Director of Prisons.

    3. Anonymous8:48 AM

      8:36 AM
      Huh? I haven't heard that story.

    4. Anonymous9:16 AM

      $carah has disrespected our President so much, making racist comments. THAT is why linking her to Rice shows what a hypocrite she is (or a sore loser?)

  12. Anonymous6:57 AM

    I bet she acted just like that or worse! Crazy bitch!!

    Hey Gryphen, did you read about the hundreds of women and young girls kidnapped by the Islamist militant group ISIS in Iraq? They are going to sell these women or make them wives for their soldiers. Still no comment against radical Islam? Too PC ? You are as stubborn as Sarah in some ways.

    1. A J Billings7:43 AM

      PC has nothing whatever to do with it, although I only speak for myself.

      All you're doing is throwing up an unrelated issue as a straw man to try and drum up support for dissing on our host, being the man Gryphen.

      Fanatic religious militants, whether Christian or Muslim have always done outrageous stuff, even here in good ole 'Murica

      Troll somewhere else

    2. Anonymous8:48 AM

      Yep! AJ they teach them that chit in troll school "divert" "change the 'false narrative"" I remember reading one of their troll skool reports during RMoney's run.
      Yep FU troll.
      You are a EPIC FAILURE, TROLL!

    3. Anonymous9:02 AM

      Not Gryphen, but in my opinion we have enough crazy religious nut jobs to worry about here in the USA without worrying what a bunch of crazy religious nut jobs are doing in another country. Sure sucks to be those girls and women, sure would suck to live in an Islamist country.

      The crazy right wing fundigelicals are trying to make America into a christian version of a theocratic government; I'd say we put our energies into preventing that from ever happening before we worry about other nations' problems.

    4. Anonymous9:36 AM

      Right, because if there is anything Gryphen hates, it's calling out religious extremists. Away, troll!

  13. Anonymous6:58 AM

    She went to the point of being on stage and them having to turn off the lights and microphones to shut her fucking mouth. No, Bitch, No!

  14. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Hey Jesse, I see you got a mention in the Pee Pond this morning - I know, I go there so you don't have to.

    I hope you had a blast with the "pocketful of cash" you got for spreading rumors about Sarah's "flings". Sheesh!

    1. otto katz8:46 AM

      I went there, haven't been there in years. Looked for the Jesse mention. Didn't see it. I noticed every article only has 3-7 comments. Did everyone abandon c4p?

    2. Anonymous8:49 AM

      They said that? And who would be paying praytell? They are total idiots. Really Stupid. I hope they are all too old to breed.

    3. I took a ride to the land of Crazies4Palin and this was on the Open Thread written by that idiot "Baldy45potus"in reply to "Outofhisdamnmind" "Cool Michael Change's" apology to calling Baldy a famewhore all over Twitter and getting the boot from Baldy PalinTV*cough BLOG* Channel the other day Gryphen ended up in this...whoTF knows what sets off those looney birds at the Asylum!

      "You fell for the allegations made by Jesse Griffin, a disgruntled employee of the Wasilla School District who spread those rumors about Sarah Palin having flings to Joe McGinness for a pocketful of cash. McGinness was caught by Breitbart's reporters admitting that he had NOTHING to base a book on, and that Random House was putting the heat on to show something to back those allegations. As far as anyone knows, no such proof ever came up, did it? Yet you chose to take the lefty bait. That's not exactly the behavior of a devoted follower IMO." many lies...not enough coffee to deal with this shit...of course "Section 8 Housing" had to get in some Levi bashing along with some kind of implication...well...I'll let you read it for yourself....

      "Section 9 palin45potus • an hour ago
      A couple of things: it was actually rumored around MatSu (I'll have to yield to Papa and other residents of the area) that Griffin and Levi Johnston were more than friends for a short period of time back in 2010.

      As to the Glenn Rice thing, I'm given to understand that Rice had tax issues that were used against him to help him "remember" what happened back in 1987."

      URRGGGGURRGGLE.....that's enough....I had to stop reading that shit over there...between the Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde behavior over Baldy....being condsidered...not considered...Nicole Wallace got the job....*OUCH*...I got WHIPLASH! LOL!!

      Fuck that crazy bunch and Baldy's stupid ass too!

      So glad the dumb bitch is behind that's great not hearing her bleating and blathering!

      Now that she's blabbering to her crazy fucking followers nobody gives two shits what she has to say!

      Thanks Baldy for neutralizing your dumb self....see....Nicole Wallace and Steve were EXACTLY right about ya....

      You did it to yourself!


    4. Anonymous10:49 AM

      palin45potus • 4 hours ago
      A message for "Coolchange" AKA "The Total Conservative".

      "...Yet you have taken the bait on 3 occasions that I'm aware of and gone completely off the rails.

      You fell for the allegations made by Jesse Griffin, a disgruntled employee of the Wasilla School District who spread those rumors about Sarah Palin having flings to Joe McGinness for a pocketful of cash."

      Like their hero, every grudge, however small and erroneous, will cause the gnashing of teeth unto the end of time.

    5. Anonymous11:00 AM

      OMG, just when you think these people can't get any more delusional they up the ante! Looks like the "smh" troll needs to go over there and set these folks straight and ask them nicely to "stop making things up"!

    6. By the way, there is no "Wasilla School District."

      Wasilla schools are located in the Mat-Su school district.

      And I cannot get a job there because my IQ is too high.

    7. Anonymous11:43 AM

      Looks like the "smh" troll needs to go over there and set these folks straight and ask them nicely to "stop making things up"!
      That would most likely be Iizthatiiz. c4p's traveling troll, teller of 'truths'. hahahahaha

    8. Anonymous12:36 PM

      My, my, my how they lie "McGinness was caught by Breitbart's reporters admitting that he had NOTHING to base a book on,"
      No that isn't the truth. McGinnis sent a email that asked about two of the most damaging people to sarah & G forwarded to "other bloggers" and then it "somehow" ended up at BreitBart. It seems that email was being sold b/c someone thought McGinnis book was too much competition for their book...fill in the blanks. G was innocent except forwarding the email to other bloggers for input. WHY Joe m did not call them I do not know. He was a asshole and "too important" to talk with "mere bloggers" is my thought.
      Before it was Sold to Breitbart it was offered to a liberal blog that said NO THANKS.
      The AK blogger should be ashamed of herself.

    9. Anonymous12:38 PM

      LMAO Gryph! You GO! I'm also more than convinced that happymullah on c4p is either a Palin or paid "consultant." SPC for-evah, you won't be sorry you wasted your money!

    10. For the record Anonymous 12:36, I did NOT forward the e-mail.

      It came from somewhere else.

    11. Anonymous1:10 PM

      Gryphen12:55 PM
      Ok thanks.

  15. Anonymous7:06 AM

    What a schemer ...she wanted to give her little speech after McCain so that the focus would be on her. It's always about her. Thank God McCain lost.

  16. Paul Revere7:14 AM

    Boy, they had her number. That speech wasn't going to be about McCain after the first 45 seconds -- it would be all about Sarah building a base. They knew she wasn't part of the ticket, by that point, and they wanted to get rid of her disloyal, winky, Ill-bred, ignorant showboating as soon as they could get her off the stage. She was their huge error, a dismal embarrassment. Did she cost him the election? In the end, she didn't help.

  17. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Saw this movie several times and the shock value never fades when watching Sarah's character become a feckless determined obsessive woman who must get her way all the time.

    The movie portrayed a woman who was never told "NO", or was told "NO" and she always did what she pleased anyway. That is a dangerous person to put on a Presidential ticket. I can't imagine what Steve Schmidt and the staffers, even McCain, were thinking at that point, after the results came in.

    Here was the defeating candidate having to emotionally deal with the loss, and the disappointment his campaign workers were all feeling, and Sarah Palin couldn't even back off at that time and allow them to grieve; she just cared only about herself and her stupid speech.

    That's what spoiled children do. They must get their way. The whole world crashes down on and the team are trying to deal with it, and she, only thinks about herself and getting her way on that stage. Game Change showed the complete portrayal of a flaming radical malignant narcissist.

    1. Anonymous8:55 AM

      Well she Killed McCains chances to win. He was pandering to a small vocal group of nutters and mainstream GOP ended up either not voting or voting for Obama! I know my dad a hardcore RW Bircher voted for Obama was the last thing he did before he died (that was good) and several people that are known to me were dyed in the wool repubs voted for Obama b/c of SARAH! The day after she was announce Micheal Savage had a WTF moment as did most Repubs who weren't baggers.
      She sunk the ship for him. Her dumbfuckery only compounded it. They should of cut her loose and grabbed Lieberman.

  18. Anonymous7:34 AM

    I think Julianne Moore played Greg with too much kindness and intelligence.

    And I'm pretty sure the story was that the nutball was going to try to give her speech anyway and they had the lights shut off to make sure she couldn't.

    1. Anonymous8:57 AM

      If you mean the grifter, yes I agree, I wanted Katey Segal to play the grifter. Katey would of been PERFECT!
      But Julianne Moore did a great job. But was too nice, too refined. The grifter is straight up ball busting Narcissist bitch.

  19. PalinsHoax7:34 AM

    Oh my goodness! What part of "NO!" does she not understand? But at least they were able to finally make her "sit down and shut up" by turning out the lights.

    The one line I did not agree with in the clip: "We fought a good fight" by McCain.

    No, McCain, you did not fight a good fight. It was divisive, degrading, dismissive, disrespectful, derogatory, dangerous, and disastrous.

    The country chose wisely in electing President Barack Obama and Vice-President Joe Biden.

    1. Anonymous8:38 AM

      And, racist! Which came from the mouth of Palin on numerous occasions throughout McCain's campaign!

      Again, thank god they lost and our wonderful POTUS is in place for his second term!

  20. Anonymous8:02 AM

    The movie "Game Change" was outstanding and deserved the awards for the film, as well as for those won by the actors. I especially loved Woody Harrelson in his role!

    HBO continually plays the movie and I've watched it more than once. Cannot believe how horrible Sarah Palin is and was throughout the campaign. Thank god they lost!!!

    Poor John McCain - Palin's name will probably be on his tombstone because he'll never be able to rid himself of his connection to her! Something I'm sure he has been chastised for by members of the U.S. Congress!

    Sure would love to hear what McCain's wife and daughter could tell us about the Palins (and the pregnancy she never went through!) throughout the campaign....the truthful stories!

    I find it absolutely amazing that Sarah has continued to raise her idiotic head and spout her crap since McCain and she lost the campaign! With all we now know about her and her family members, you'd think she'd run and hide! She is one screwed up, nasty, evil woman that will continue to go nowhere!

    1. Anonymous9:44 AM

      Poor John McCain? That jerk picked this unqualified beauty pageant contestant to be an old man's heartbeat away from the nuclear button. John McCain deserves the same ridicules Americans have said about Sarah Palin.

    2. Anonymous10:00 AM

      If you watch the video Gryph posted full to the end, it switches to Al Sharpton. Also a good memory lane trip. She was quoted as saying she fully intended to be at the 2012 convention, and they ostracized her from it. Remember the hall she was going to rent down the street that never transpired?

      Politics are politics. She got her walking papers, the Kochs were all to ready to snap her up. For someone that thought she was SO all that, it's amusing where she landed.

  21. otto katz8:11 AM

    Wow, I never watched the movie. Now after seeing this I think I"m going to have to. Just after watching that little bit I feel like punching her in the nose. Keep up the good fight everyone! We need to nail this bitch. (And yes, I do know this is only the movie version )

    1. Anonymous9:37 AM

      I DVRed it and watch it probably more often than I should because psychology/sociology were my college majors. She'd make a good thesis for someone, that's for sure.

      That Emmys were won, both for this movie and Tina Fey's SNL portrayal, speaks volumes. That Steve Schmidt got PTSD watching it, Nicholle wrote her "walking a fine line between fact and fiction" book, and McCain cowering from any mention of her....what can one say? Oh yeah, that's right, they're all LYING. LOL

  22. Anonymous10:07 AM

    "The Sarah Palin Interviews", CBS News & Katie Couric | duPont-Columbia Award Winner 2010

  23. Anonymous10:29 AM

    The psychological dimension of Sarah's claim that she'd cleared the concession speech with Rick Davis is probably worthy of it's own textbook. Interesting that the movie didn't show her bringing that up to McCain while Davis was standing beside him.

  24. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Fuck you Sarah Palin. All you do is complain and don't do shit to help anybody but yourself. What did you do when we the people of Alaska elected you to be the head of our state, to lead us and to put our needs before your personal aspirations and goals? You fucking quit on us so you can make more money by making a reality movie starring yourself and about yourself with your name in the title.

    Sarah Palin you were either dumb and didn't know what you were doing or you were just insecure and wanted to surround yourself with high school friends you trusted. You hired them to head state positions they weren't qualified to do which cost our state money, jobs and an industry to fail that people relied on

    Sarah Palin what have you done to support the child you said is the best thing that ever happened to you? That kid needed his mother and what did you do? You used Trig as a prop to show America that you are the caring mother of a DS child. At photo ops, you held Trig like a sack of potatoes. You didn't support his head, you didn't have his chest touching your chest with your hands lovingly wrapped around his body. You didn't even have him dressed properly, it is as if you grabbed him from his sleep so you can exit your tour bus for your photo ops.

    You yourself on a video described Trig as a child who is fundamentally behind other children with his condition. You said Trig is the only child that had never eaten a Cheerio and hasn't put two words together. That is supposedly your child. What have you personally done to support him, to support any groups that want to help develop his skills to help him eat more than applesauce and baby food? You posted a new video about your failings as a mother. 

    Below is a posting from a person from our state that has been able to enlighten America how we feel about you:


    As I have mentioned before I work with this population of children, and I can tell you for an absolute certainty that if what Palin is reporting above is accurate, then she should NEVER have been allowed to take Trig into her home.

    Children with Downs Syndrome require a great deal of early therapeutic intervention in order to help them make progress, and if that intervention is not available they fall so far behind that they may never achieve the milestones that are well within their reach with the proper support.

    Trig was a prop, and it is clear that once he was no longer of any use he was tossed aside and neglected until Palin could find a use for him once again.

    Fortunately for him it looks like she has, sadly it may be too late to allow him to reach his full potential.

    Sarah Palin you want to criticize others? You can't even be a mother to a child that needed you to help him so he can fend for himself after you are long gone.

    That's why you have a state full of people that instead of rooting for your selfish personal goals we are saying fuck you Sarah Palin, get out of our lives.

    1. Anonymous12:20 PM

      And, I'll add another sentence - the majority of folks in Alaska hope you die a very painful death, Sarah Palin.

      Hell awaits you and the door has been open for a long time!!! And, we know you stated you were awaiting an 'open door'! Proceed please!

  25. Anonymous11:07 AM

    The movie was too easy on her. She is in reality so much worse than how she was portrayed.

    1. Anita Winecooler6:33 PM

      I see what you mean, but they tried their best to stick to the facts, and for the most part, they did.
      Remember how upset Sarah was for weeks and weeks before it came out? I watched it and wondered why or how she could get so worked up over it.

  26. Anonymous1:14 PM

    One thing jumped out at me--with tens of thousands of Other People's Money, plus the use of professional hair and makeup and wardrobe experts, she was passable. Now? Not so much.

  27. otto katz4:07 PM

    I don't get HBO, any other way I can watch this? Popcorn is ready.

    1. It is readily worth buying the DVD at Amazon or elsewhere. I don't have HBO either, but this was one of the most satisfying purchases in some time. You'll know the Emmys did exactly right rewarding Moore.

    2. Otto, the full movie was available at YouTube last week... Perhaps it still is?

  28. Anonymous4:30 PM

    Maybe I missed it...wish there was a date on the Sharpton portion of the video...gather that it was sometime during the Romney run-up to the 2012 Election...but exactly when?

  29. Anonymous4:34 PM

    his opening quote: '...when cynicism and idealism collide..'

    Super Sigh....

  30. Anita Winecooler6:29 PM

    As long as I live, I'll never forget the look on her face and the tears as McCain did his speech and they cut the mics and lights while all they could do was wave and fake smiles. She wanted that last moment in the spotlight for her own edification and glory, and got the rug pulled from under her ego, as the rest of her went into freefall.
    Yes, This MUST be exactly how it went down for no other reason than we know the high esteem Sarah Palin holds for Sarah Palin, Todd, and her brood of misfits.
    Julianna Moore was splendid in this role, I doubt Sarah herself could do better. I recall an interview Julianne did about preparing for the role. She said something to the effect that it took three hours in the make up chair, and she's what they call a "total immersion actor", one who watches clips and reads the role's own words carefully... then went on to say the most difficult part was to sit still and not think of a thing for hours on end. I think it was on Regis's show. And watching it play out, I just knew she'd win an award.
    Thanks for the laugh at the sheer hubris and stupidity known as Sarah Palin. Nothing's changed except for her looks.

  31. Anonymous8:30 PM

    Well, there's nothing wrong with wanting to give a speech. Is that the best you could do?

    She is still friends with most of those people in the campaign.

    1. Anonymous1:36 PM

      Get a clue.

    2. Anonymous4:18 PM

      8:30 If she has so many friends from the campaign, how come they don't come out and support her? You are full of caca!

      Palin doesn't make friends easily, much less keep them!

      We have a track record of her in Alaska and there are only a few friends of hers from high school, that she appointed to State of Alaska positions for which they were not qualified. One is going to jail soon - for a long time - dairy story in Wasilla of which Palin and Parnell were a part!

  32. Anonymous8:31 PM

    That sounds nothing like her. I've seen her talk in everyday settings. There's no accent. And there wasn't anaccept in her 08 speeches. I think people hear a few words with regional dialect and think of the north, and hear things weirdly.

    1. Anonymous1:32 PM

      We have all heard her talk fool. She is as phony as you.

  33. Anonymous8:32 PM

    Yeah, I know that movie is pure exaggeration in every aspect, but she probably wanted to speak as MOST would.

  34. Anonymous8:33 PM

    DAMNIT HBO. Why did you make a movie of the boring shit in that book?


    OBAMA Vs Hillary

    They fucking hate each other with passion.

    Agghhhhh Why is the media so damn left slanted?


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.