Sunday, August 10, 2014

Joan Rivers has absolutely NO sympathy for the Palestinian people.

Courtesy of Alternet:  

Joan Rivers is known for her scathing sharp tongue, and yet her take on the Isaeli-Gaza crisis is one of her most controversial views to date. When told by a TMZ reporter than almost 2,000 Palestinians have been killed in the conflict, she raised her hands in mock shock. 

“Oh my God! Tell that to the people in Hiroshima,” she says. “Good. Good. When you declare war, you declare war. They started it. We now don't count who's dead. You're dead, you deserve to be dead. Don’t you dare make me feel bad about that.” 

“They were told to get out. They didn’t get out. You don’t get out, you are an idiot. At least the ones that were killed were the ones with low IQs.” 

She goes onto describe Gaza’s Hamas government as “terrorists.” 

“They were re-elected by a lot of very stupid people who don’t even own a pencil,” she said.

Later Rivers tried to suggest that this was taken out of context.

However TMZ has the footage and it is clear that the context was that Rivers despises the Palestinian people.

Rivers also issued this statement on Facebook: 

“I am both saddened and disappointed that my statement about the tragedy of civilian casualties was totally taken out of context. What I said and stand behind is, war is hell and unfortunately civilians are victims of political conflicts. We, The United States, certainly know this as 69 years later we still feel the guilt of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The media, as usual, has decided to only quote the most out of context and inflammatory non sequitur rather than giving an accurate account of what my intentions were behind the statement. Along with every other sane person in this world, I am praying for peace. It is stupid and wrong and I am tired of bearing the brunt of attacks by people who want to sell newspapers or gain ratings by creating a scandal about me that is non-existent.”

You know while it is hard to have too much sympathy for either the Palestinians or Israelis in this conflict, since the conflict seems to be based mostly on religious  differences and therefore completely ridiculous in my eyes, you still, as a human being, have to have compassion for the thousands of dead who did nothing wrong except be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

As for what started this conflict the answer to that goes back well over a hundred years, but establishing a Jewish state right in the middle of what had traditionally been a predominantly Muslim area certainly did not help matters.

I think Rivers reaction is shameful and demonstrates a lack of empathy for a people who feel bullied and displaced by the Israelis.

And I find it reprehensible that Sarah Palin, in her bid to associate herself with more mainstream celebrities, supported Rivers earlier rant against the Palestinians.


  1. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Jews were annihilated by a tyrant. Now they have become the tyrants.

    1. fromthediagonal11:30 AM

      Anon@9:48... When the oppressed are freed, they become the oppressors... this is an ancient dictum and it has not changed.

    2. Anonymous7:06 PM

      It is funny that even though Isreal has made multiple consessions for the Palestinian people, that they go out of their way to drop information-pamphlets about where they are about to bomb, and more, no one talks about Hamas'charter stating that their sole purpose in life is to kill all Jews, or that the money given to them to rebuild Gaza went toward weapons, and building tunnels into Isreal, in the effort to kill more. They don't care about their own people, just about killing more Jews. If they cared, they would have set up rockets away from schools and hospitals. The ONLY reason that there are so many dead Palestinians is that Hames thinks that the ends justify the means, and they might get more sympathy from the uninformed masses, who don't care enough to look into it.

      Way to buy into the stupidity.

  2. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Rivers is for Rivers, period. She is a despicable excuse for a human being and an unapologetic loudmouth. Nothing redeeming about her whatsoever.

    1. Anonymous1:16 PM

      She's kinder and more mature than K Griffin, who has no heart. Joan is blunt but is super compassionate.

    2. Anonymous1:16 PM

      Funny that a commenter here says this when 99% of comments at IM are written by the nastiest people people who get off on lying about others.

      Gryphen's hate minions

    3. Anonymous1:58 PM

      Another long Troll day?

    4. Anonymous4:05 PM

      Anon at 1:16pm
      And yet your Queen Quitter Sarah Palin has publically agreed with Joan. So, Sarah Palin apparently agrees with children being murdered.

  3. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Speaking of utter assholes, Hillary is showing her true colors!

    1. Anonymous11:37 AM

      It appears that she is part of the MIC hawks - and will only get richer by going to war again. Not voting for her. We need someone else to step up to the plate. I'd love to see Warren as president. Who else is there with half a brain who is not a warmonger? HRC is not the one as the first woman president in my eyes.

  4. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Her statement is on this website.

  5. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Israelis Torturing Non-Jewish Children:

  6. Anonymous10:20 AM

    The United States feels guilt over Hiroshima and Nagasaki? That's a new one, Joan.

  7. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Palin is the Christian version of a Jewish Rivers

  8. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Talk about a low bar.

    Candy Crowley Explains Why She Has John McCain on So Much

    State of the Union host Candy Crowley provided something of an answer Sunday morning:

    'Senator McCain, lots of people, when we have you on, often say why do you have him on so often? We say because he answers our questions, because he expresses his views quite clearly.'

    Really? SERIOUSLY? This jackass is the ONLY one who can express their views clearly? Lazy journalism.

    1. Anonymous3:49 PM

      I guess he expresses his views clearly for the moment, because there are videos of him saying the opposite of whatever he is saying now.

    2. Anita Winecooler6:01 PM

      Wow, they changed Candy's position, and she no longer fills the entire frame! What an improvement CNN came up with since the last time I watched CNN.
      Yeah, McCain doesn't run to MSNBC too often, don't blame him, really. The questions there often require the res ponder to think before opening his mouth. He leaves meetings early just to make the "rounds" on CNN,Fox and whatever of the big three news channels will have him.
      Of course his answer to war is more war, more troops on the ground, and more deaths.

  9. Anonymous11:13 AM

    About Bristol, Joan has said, "In my day, she'd be known as 'the little whore that lives down the street!'"
    About Tripp, Joan has said, "In my day, he'd be called a 'bastard'".

    1. Anonymous11:47 AM

      And that is the only thing Joan has been correct about.

    2. Anonymous1:14 PM

      Well, EVERY person here would be considered whores. Including Sunny, Mercede, SPHASH.

      Think about that before you slander a girl

    3. Anonymous1:15 PM

      Joan likes Bristol. She was saying that she's lucky to live in a time when even having sex with one person isn't thought whorish, yet in the 50s, having impure thoughts and no action would be consdering bad.

      Bristol is a prude in today's standards, but back then, she, Sunny, Sadie, and every human in this country would be ridiculed.

    4. Anonymous1:15 PM

      Joan likes Bristol.

    5. Anonymous1:34 PM

      1:14/1:15 Bristol has been Pregnant 4 times and still has no husband. What is with your hatred of Sunny and Mercede? You and the Palins harbor a lot of JEALOUSY for those who look better than you do. Sarah and Bristol have a regular contract with the Plastic Surgeon and Liposuction Doctors.
      Bristol started too young, and Sarah is fighting her Old Age. Her Sharpei looking neck can't be stretched much more. Bristol has to get rid of Post Partum Fat every year.

    6. Anonymous1:37 PM

      Hey 1:14 PM and 1:15 PM In the Palins' Bible, Tripp and all of Bristol's and Willow's other babies are considered Bastards, amirite???

    7. Anita Winecooler6:04 PM

      I admire 1:14 for admitting she's a whore, afterall her post is on this blog and it takes guts to come out as a whore

    8. Anonymous6:21 PM

      Bristol a prude? Now THAT is funny!

  10. Anonymous11:27 AM

    Suffer the children. Here, there and everywhere.

    Again and Again and Again

  11. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Joan is learning (what took so long?) that there is nothing funny about dead children.

    1. Anonymous1:13 PM

      Dude, you are truly an ignoramus.

  12. Anonymous11:38 AM

    "They were re-elected by a lot of very stupid people who don’t even own a pencil,” she said." She must be off her meds, I heard that she said the same thing about Palin followers (snark).

  13. Anonymous1:13 PM

    It's hard. Sure israel is kind of an apartheid state, but what is happening TO israelies (sp) is what certain people WANT to happen to US, the united states.

    THAT is true.

    There is absolutely anti semitism in the air and always has been.

    THAT is undisputed.

    Remember that Gryphen, before you try to use a common sense comedian's statement against her.

    1. Anonymous2:25 PM

      You're absolutely right--there IS anti-Semitism. The Palestinians? All Semites. For thousands and thousands of years. The Jews? Not necessarily so. But the Israelis have been trying to wipe the Palestinians off the globe for the past 40 years by stealing their land, herding them into concentration camps, and exterminating even small children playing on a beach. Who's the real menace here? Not to go all Godwin on you, but the Israelis have become the Nazis.

    2. Anonymous3:06 PM

      Bristol, go back to bed. This is adult talk.

  14. Anonymous2:29 PM

    No wonder Rivers went for the plastic face and got so much work done, she feels ugly because she is a hate maven. She will never fix herself that way.

    The media gives Palin another break, only calling her a "tad incoherent"

    I wonder if the media will ever put 2 + 2 together and consider the former Mayor of the Meth Capital of Alaska and how she can so often be noticeably under an influence??? It's not like her older kids have not ALL been connected with excessive dope and drink. Bristol Palin blames wine coolers for the bastard she bore, what a mistake to come out with that life story. Feel lucky you weren't born to be a Palin bastard, they will write you up in history for all to know.


  15. Anonymous2:38 PM

    "Bibi" Netanyahu calls Sarah peeps "Useful Idiots". He uses them like they use him. They tolerate each other because they all want to blow up, kill, war with whoever they hate and can rationalize total destruction. Christian Zionists and Bibi are not all the Jewish people and not all of Israel.

  16. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Joan Rivers is an old fossil living in the past.

    I don't like her anyway but I couldn't hold this against her.

  17. Anonymous3:03 PM

    When will Sarah come out in support of Joan Rivers like she did for the commentator who used the N word?

    Aren't Sarah and Joan best friends now, what with sharing a reality show and Sarah's quoting Joan and all.

  18. Anonymous3:11 PM

    I think Joan's a bully and a vile woman who once had a career but now she's a washed up hag doing stupid shows from Fashion Police to the one with her daughter. No wonder celebrities detest her, as for her comments she's a racist sow just like Sarah who supports the apartheid state of Israel.

  19. Anonymous4:10 PM

    @Anon at 1:14 PM please explain why you are calling me a whore. I am not someone like Sarah or Brisket Palin that has spread their legs for anyone that comes along, I have not had out -of-wedlock bastards like Brisket, Sarajh, Sally, and Wallow ( and I guess even Chuckie Jr).
    So please tell me your definition of a whore, because I am not anything like any Palin/Heath

  20. I remember when she had her Fox nighttime show, Washington Post TV critic Tom Shales describe Rivers like "the neighborhood's crass vulgarian who crashes your tasteful little dinner party."

    Some things don't change.

  21. Anita Winecooler6:13 PM

    Actually, I expect Joan to take the side she does, no surprises here. We've been at war for over a decade, where was her outrage over dead Iraq and Afghanistan children, women, elderly?

    1. Anonymous6:37 PM

      It's one thing to "side" with the people who share your ethnicity -- it's totally a different thing to suggest that dead children deserved to die because they were too stupid to get out when they were told to. Where did she expect them to go? How were they going to get there? When did they have the opportunity to leave? Why should they leave their homes? What gives Israel the right to impose their wants on them?

  22. Anonymous6:17 PM

    Ha, ha, just learned something over at Jezebel. Michael Greer, one of the the men who started the TAPP online channel that hosts Palin's new website used to be Chief Technology Officer (CTO) for "The Onion". It all makes sense now.

  23. Eduardo1:21 AM

    Hi Griphen,

    I used to think that this was mostly about religious differences. It may still be for many, but I think there is a more important point. The Palestinians have been displaced from their land, terrorised (before the creation of Israel) into leaving their home, their land confiscated. All this so that another group can take their place. And the justification for this is that a 2500 year old book says that the Israelites are the chosen people? That is the weakest claim and justification you can design for mass displacement and ethnic cleansing.
    By the way, if the USA can support the right of return of the Jews to the chosen land, doesn't that means that the indians can also claim back their ancestral land from the white invaders in the US?

    1. Anonymous4:40 AM

      Somewhat wrong, Eduardo. Jews have been living in the Middle East for centuries in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, the territory that we call Israel now, and other places. While mentioning displaced people, you refer only to Palestinians. But what about Jews who lost their land and possessions when they kicked out of their homes by the Arabs after living there for generations. Guess what, there are no Jewish refugee camps, Israel accepted them. For whatever reason (you can read up on that), the counties of Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt and others have been refusing to let the Palestinians settle in their counties, thus creating a problem that we are all hearing about now.

    2. Eduardo6:27 AM

      Well, two wrongs does not make a right. Israel does not have the right to send people away because other countries does the same. That behaviour is despicable regardless of the belief of the perpetrators. Also before Zionist came to colonise Palestine, the Jews and Muslims lived mostly peacefully. The head rabbi in Palestine was actually against the creation of Israel.
      I suggest viewing the BBC documentary on the founding of Israel in youtube for information. It is well documented and for once, not a white wash of the popularly known romantic version.


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