Friday, September 19, 2014

Cliven Bundy illegally sends cattle to graze on federal land. Woman hits Bundy cow with car. Bundy claims fault of state government for not mending fences. Claims woman owes him for loss of cow.

Courtesy of Raw Story:  

A Las Vegas woman has sued Cliven Bundy after she crashed into one of his cows on Interstate 15. 

Danielle Beck was riding in a car that collided with the animal April 14, two days after federal authorities backed down from an armed confrontation with the scofflaw rancher and his supporters in a dispute over unpaid grazing fees, reported the Las Vegas Review-Journal. 

The cow was killed, and the 40-year-old Beck suffered broken bones and other injuries when her boyrfiend crashed into the livestock and drove over an embankment about 10 miles from Bundy’s ranch in Bunkerville. 

“She’s lucky she lived,” said the woman’s attorney, Bob Apple. “I’ve been practicing since 1975, and I’ve never seen someone with so many broken ribs.”

The woman filed a $20,000 lawsuit against Bundy

The cow apparently escaped through a hole in the fence, however Bundy does not believe he is the one liable for the woman's injuries:

 Bundy admitted the cow was his, but he said the state is responsible for maintaining the fence that keeps his livestock off the interstate. 

“It’s a state problem, it’s not our problem,” Bundy said. “We really feel bad when it happens. We sure don’t want it to happen, but we’re not liable.”

So to be clear Bundy herded his cattle onto federal land where he has no grazing rights and has been warned repeatedly to stay away from, and now he is blaming the state government for not making sure that there was no way for these scofflaw cows to become a driving hazard. 

The police had to be called after the accident, and they herded four cows off of the road.

Apparently Bundy did not even bother to show up after being notified of the accident.

But here, here's my favorite part: 

Bundy said he was within his rights to make a claim against Beck for the loss of his livestock. 

“The person whose car hit that cow is liable to me,” Bundy said.

That's right he is planing to sue the woman who maliciously murdered one of his cows while driving down a road that she naively seemed to believe would be bovine free.

Silly rabbit.


  1. Something tells me Cloven-hoof was beaten often as a child for crying wolf.

    1. Anonymous5:48 PM

      Something tells me TeaBundy was beatin' off instead of waiting in line when brains were handed out. Another free-stuff-grifting bagger.

  2. Olivia12:23 PM

    There are many goofy laws regarding cattle in the Great Southwest. He may be able to collect damages.

  3. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Thought these sovereign 'citizens' didn't believe the courts held jurisdiction over them. Are they parsing the prepositions such that the courts can be "for," just not over or against them?

    Taking moocher welfare rancher wants everything his way.

  4. Anonymous12:58 PM

    In the words of Dick Cheney: Go fuck yourself, Cliven Bundy.

  5. Good luck with that, Cliven.

    You failed to maintain control of your animals. They were on a public road, a public nuisance.

    Not only do I see the judge making you pay all of the damages this woman is suing for and dismissing your pitiful counter suit, but I see the judge also slapping a fine on you for allowing your animals to graze on public land they are not entitled to. You will be paying a big, honkin' fine. A few million dollars in back grazing fees I am so hopin'.

    "Taking out Cliven's herd, one cow at a time."

  6. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Open range laws do not apply on the interstate highway system.

  7. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Mr. "let me tell you about the negro" is a racist old narcissistic fool. As 12:25 PM already pointed out, he is also a moocher and a Gubmint hating hypocrite. These traits endear him to the far right in this country. They are just like him.

  8. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Wow; and the Republicans cry "entitlement society"??

    If they want entitlement, look no further than Bundy and their own base. o.O

  9. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Another typical white, moon-bellied, fat-assed, senior Republican that is an embarrassment to America.

    The government needs to go after him! He needs to be arrested and put on trial for all the things he is doing against the law! Wouldn't be a difficult case to take to a jury as he's already admitted everything!

    I see him in pink or orange jail attire! Think PINK would fit him best!

  10. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Bundy seems to have changed his tune - this is from AP Wires
    LAS VEGAS (AP) -- A southern Nevada rancher whose backers faced down federal agents during a cattle roundup in April now says he's seen no proof that his cow caused a freeway crash that a Las Vegas schoolteacher blames for her injuries.
    Rancher Cliven Bundy said Friday he never saw the carcass of the cow killed in the April 14 crash that led to Danielle Marie Beck's lawsuit.
    He says a photo doesn't show the Bundy earmark or brand.
    Beck's attorney, Bob Apple, didn't immediately respond to messages.
    Bundy says he misspoke in telling the Las Vegas Review-Journal that the animal was his.
    Beck is seeking at least $20,000 in damages and medical expenses in a civil lawsuit filed Sunday in Nevada state court.
    Bundy says he hasn't been served with the lawsuit yet.
    AP-WF-09-19-14 2107GMT
    (Copyright 2013 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)

    1. Anonymous2:32 PM

      Bet he's now running them without brands?

    2. Anonymous8:15 PM

      He is all talk and no action,he just wanted to scare the woman from filing a lawsuit. Bet the feds would be waiting for him at the courthouse if he tried to sue her.

  11. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Ha haul his as into court and bust him his twisted mind all things government are wrong.

    I would be suing for way more than 20,000

    1. Anonymous2:31 PM

      But this isn't "government" it's a civil suit. His rights versus the rights of that woman to travel in safety on an interstate. This oughta be good, especially with him on record that it was his one of his herd..

  12. fromthediagonal1:41 PM

    As the old saying goes:
    "Balls of a Brass Monkey".

  13. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Bundy is a true freeloading Hatriot and wants it both ways: Tails I win, Heads you lose!

  14. Anonymous1:59 PM

    There are NO words.............fucking speechless. Sure would like to hear what Hannity has to say about this!

  15. Anonymous2:18 PM

    well, I guess if your head is as far up your own ass as Bundy's is, then you do indeed own everything as far as the eye can see! What a piece of work.

  16. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Love to be on that jury.

  17. Anonymous2:32 PM

    I read some of the comments at the Raw Story linked article and wouldn'tcha know it, there is the legal possibility that Bundy is correct that someone one/entity other than him was responsible for the fence maintenance, so therefore he may not be found legally responsible for the driver/passenger damages/injuries.

    But then that would mean Beck & boyfriend should be suing that other entity (the state? - which they may be as well?)

    What's clear is it sure wasn't Beck's fault cows were blocking an Interstate highway. I mean, that's like the Spanish Inquisition. No one expects Cows on the Interstate.

    And I can see that any driver might not have had any other safer choice but to hit the poor creature/s and hope to try to maintain control of the car.

    But for Bundy to then try to sue back for the loss of the cow?

    Nuh uh. If he says the state is responsible for the fences, then he should sue the state, not the driver of the car, at least that's how I'm seein' it.

    I know, anyone CAN sue anyone for anything. But what's the point? This just seems like Bundy 'piling on'.

    I'd think it better Bundy use the monetary value of the loss of his cow as payment towards his unpaid taxes (If that were even possible). Say he owes $100,000 in taxes*, well, minus one cow @$5000*, now he only owes $995,000!


    * I have zero idea what he owes, to whom, and how a cow might be monetarily accounted for in such a scenario. I just made those numbers up.

    1. For starters, it sounds like it's a civil suit. That means Beck is suing Bundy for negligence. Bundy can counterclaim that Beck is negligent. If Nevada has comparative negligence, then both parties can be negligence but the party less negligent prevails.

      If Bundy thinks some other entity is negligent, he has to join that entity in the lawsuit. And there are complex rules about under what circumstances the state or the United States can be sued. Bundy has a long row to hoe.

      Let's just say I'm pretty confident that, even in Nevada, one can't illegally graze his cattle on federal land and then sue someone who hits one when it wanders onto the Interstate.

    2. Anonymous4:34 PM

      Most states, posting signs of animal crossi ngs(ya'll have seen them for der in other states) releases the livestock owner from any liability( except for the fact that their fences are down{Bundy is claiming the big bad govmint failed} to stop his cattle from wandering on to public land.
      What Mr Bundy the bagger wants, is to blaim the BBG(big bad govmint) for not taking care of his private trespassing property well enough.

    3. Anonymous2:50 AM

      If Bundy's cattle were grazing on the land without authorization (he didn't pay grazing fees - they shouldn't be on the land), then the Feds are not responsible.

      The Feds would use those grazing fees paid to repair fences and such. If no one is paying the Feds to use the land, there isn't a reason for the Feds to be maintaining the fences.

    4. I bought a processed cow from a boutique ranch in Wyoming. (It's the only one I'll get my beef from from now on.)

      Processed, cut wrapped and labeled it is about $4500 for a whole cow from Star Brand Beef at $6.50 a lb for the dry weight, processed, wrapped and delivered beef. But that includes all the processing and delivery. An actual cow on the hoof isn't close to that. I know you just made that number up but I wouldn't be surprised if old Cloven Bundy wouldn't inflate the price just to make a few bucks on the deal.

      If *I* had to pay for the cow, I'd demand the meat, bones and hide. But I'm sure it's already been processed and either eaten or sold by now.

  18. Anonymous2:42 PM

    Dear Mr. Bundy,

    Go fuck yourself.

  19. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Lemme see, Ol' Clive, who continually breaks federal law, wants the big bad govmint to bail him out.
    BTW If his steers are on federal land then the Feds should sell hunting licenses to get rid of the feral grazing animalson our( I say our as an American citizen) land.

  20. Anita Winecooler5:41 PM

    I love how the anti gobmint folks like Bundy shift blame to gobmint when one of his cows stops traffic and gets people seriously injured.
    He's even playing the "not my cow, didn't see it happen" teabag logic. Bet ya he's so filled with pride because his cow defended the Bundy family honor, she's strong, independent, and works full time, also, too!!!!

  21. Anonymous5:35 AM

    Mighty suspicious story. How is he blaming Ms Beck for harming his cow when it was her boyfriend who was driving?

    1. I'd like to see them sue ol' Cloven for the cost of replacing the car. I'm sure it was totaled.

  22. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Talk about grifters! Why is this man not in jail?


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