Thursday, September 04, 2014

Damn it I knew it! Alaska has the second slowest internet in the nation.

Courtesy of Radio Kenai:  

As one of the country’s most remote states, Alaska is often behind the eight ball when it comes to new developments, especially in technology. A new study confirms what many have suspected: Alaska’s internet speeds are among the slowest in the country. 

What might be surprising is that Alaska wasn’t the slowest in the test; Akmai Technologies said Arkansas took the red lantern with the slowest rates in the USA. 

Report author David Belson said Alaska’s Internet speeds are up 33 percent from last year, but they’re still only half as fast as the three states with the best internet delivery: Virginia, Delaware and Massachusetts.

I don't even want to tell you how much I have to pay per month to the bandits of GCI for halfway reasonable internet speeds, but I will tell you that it is money better spent on loose women and dangerous mind altering substances.

And considering how important my internet is to my job, my free time, and my sex life when there are no loose women around, I really do not have much of a choice.

What we need up here is some real competition.

And I don't mean some fly by night company making promises and talking smack that GCI will smash like a but under their heel.

No what we need is Google Fiber.

Sadly I live in Alaska which means that it will probably take a decade or more before Google Fiber finds its way up here.

By which time I will probably only be able to pound out one or two posts a day with my claw like arthritic fingers. And the majority of them will probably be focused on the last time I was able to take a poop.

Oh well, it could be worse. I could be living in Arkansas.


  1. Anonymous5:22 AM

    Perhaps slow internet explains why you have been keeping silent while your Precious Obama has been puffing up his resume' with severed heads.

    You're such a sad little man.

    1. Yes, Obama must stop cutting off people's heads. The secret muslim must be stopped. Now go take your meds, everything will be fine.

    2. Anonymous5:51 AM

      WHAT IN HELL are you talking about Troll-bot?

      Your post is utterly stupid, nasty, and unrelated to the subject at hand.

      The idiocy of your short rant is matched only by your worship of $arah Barbie Paylin.

    3. Anonymous6:08 AM

      Anon 5:23. Are u joking? snark right? You are aware that Daniel Pearl was beheaded during Bush Jr. term?

      You are aware that America got attacked on 9/11/01 while Bush Jr was pres.

      Are you aware that Obama was president and ordered the mission that KILLED the guy who attacked us on 9/11.

      Just wondering. The homeland has not been attacked under Obama.

      Strange post

    4. Anonymous8:57 AM

      Anonymous5:22 AM:
      You have just proven that stupid is as stupid does.

    5. Anonymous9:10 AM

      Anonymous5:22 AM
      Poor Gryphen been suffering with slow internet while he Unintentionally supports tawd paylin/GCI for whoring! Yes GCI "bandits" were named in "Boys will be Boys" as whoremongers who visit tawdry's establishment's so Shut.The.Fuck.Up you stupid troll! Oh BTW Obama that is PRESIDENT OBAMA to YOU idiot troll, did not "cut" off anyone's head. If you would get your HEAD out of your ass er rather Sarah's ass you would know this.

    6. Leland10:31 AM

      @ 5:22

      HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. You are s-s-s-s-s-o-o-o-o funny. You really should be on the stage. The first one out of town!

      I know, it's an oldie but a goody. In this case, though, I just wish it said "...the first one out of the COUNTRY!"

    7. Anita Winecooler4:24 PM

      Meh, it's ok, but not even close to Beldar.

  2. Heck I live in a rural area in a "faster" state only 4 miles from a town. And we cannot even get DSL here. I'm stuck with a satellite receiver paying 75 bucks a month for spotty 1MB service.

    1. Anonymous1:15 PM

      My folks live in the heart of Silicon Valley and it's pathetic how poor their signal is.

      just wanted to say that I think the shittiest states are: Arizona, Texas, Florida. Alaska I would like to see but quite frankly, the people scare the bejesus out of me.
      Not Imers like you and Lynne, but I know you can go to the store and see the people I mean.

  3. Jim In Texas6:11 AM

    Note to 5:22. A valid put down requires that there be some level of REALITY contained within it. "Puffing his resume"? Wow. Sad.

    1. Anonymous1:16 PM

      Right? Cuz, like, his next boss will have NO IDEA who he is or what his accomplishments are.

      Good thing he's thinking ahead! (get it? A. Head.?)


      stupid ass troll

  4. A. J. Billings6:22 AM

    Back in the 1990's various Clinton/Gore initiatives for bringing high speed internet to America were in progress.

    Under one of these plans, the telecom companies of the time (Sprint, MCI, etc) were seeded with large amounts of cash to fund build outs of fiber linking the nation.

    Also called "dark" fiber, the idea was to have that huge network in place, so the telecom and internet companies could provide true high speed (16 mb or better) to the entire USA.

    What happened was that the telco and ISP's used that money for
    their own infrastructure, but never completed what they promised, by delivering "last mile" to many areas of the country.

    If you live in a metro area in the USA in 2014, you do have pretty good choices ranging up to 100MB, but it's going to cost quite a large monthly payment for 50 or 100mB sped.

    Unlike Europe, Korea, and Japan, the USA telecom companies STILL are not building out their networks to rural , and even some suburban places.

    I'm lucky to have 3mb async DSL at my residence, and waited 17 years to get even that.

    Bottom line is that the big players got the seed money for their back end systems, but never delivered on their promises.

  5. hedgewytch7:56 AM

    Without GCI I would not have been able to start my own business 6 years ago with cell and internet service in the village. Within the last 2 years, the internet service took a nose dive. GCI is busy expanding into new areas and upgrading its urban areas, but is not taking care of the rural communities (even though they receive subsidies to do so). I was paying overage costs every month but could not even get my email, much less go to heavy data sites or attend webinars. I finally had enough and ditched GCI this spring and invested (which was very reasonable) in an Exceed independent satellite system. I LOVE IT - paying less a month for 5 times the speed and capability. I highly recommend you look into it G.

  6. Anonymous9:20 AM

    My internet speed is not too shabby in Bentonville, AR!

    1. And some people think driving at 25mph in their '47 Hudson is really flying. At least, in Arkansas.

    2. Anonymous4:50 PM

      You sound a little old to be a troll, 10:33, and Northwest Arkansas is actually a nice place. You should check it out. It's probably changed a lot since your visit in 1947.

  7. Leland4:31 PM

    I guess I am lucky. I'm near Greenville, SC, and my internet (ethernet) speed is around 60MBPS!

    NOT going to complain.

  8. Anita Winecooler4:35 PM

    What we need is more competition, in my area we have our choice of three providers, one uses fiber optics Verizon Fios "Quantum" (makes it fast like pinstriping does on a Yugo), and it sucked so bad, we had them remove it and got our money refunded, switched to a higher tier cable package. I still sucks, but not as bad. The other is a "satellite" service and the few people I know who got it still have the old phone line modems to connect to the server,
    My sister in New Jersey has her choice of six, and they're all crap, but at least she can negotiate a lower price.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.