Saturday, September 06, 2014

I can hardly wait for 2016.

Well they could always go back to Mitt.

I mean that worked out so well last time.


  1. Leland2:22 AM

    If these are their golden boys, the price of gold must have dropped through the floor!

  2. Anonymous3:03 AM

    'Bobby' Jindal is also trying to be a player. Whenever I see his phony arrogant mug, I see someone trying to project the physicality of Robert Kennedy. He is nothing more than an opportunistic panderer. I will never forget his 'Mister Rogers' address to the nation. He is full of himself. Outside of the low info folks in Louisiana, who does he think he is fooling? Also missing here is that corrupt goofball kid in Florida.

  3. Anonymous3:37 AM

    Love the graphic; let the games begin!

  4. Charter members of the League of Extraordinarily Inadequate Gentlemen.

    Junior Members: Mitt "Mittens" Romney, Mike "Huck" Huckaberry, Ben "Doc" Carson, Herb "999" Cain, Donald "The" Trump, Tim "TPaw" Pawlently, et al, ad infinitum

    1. Anonymous11:31 AM

      "League of Extraordinarily Inadequate Gentleman"-BJC (TM). Ha! Love it. But if Scott Walker was inadequate it might be a step up.

      Jennifer K

  5. Anonymous5:01 AM

    A veritable rogue's gallery of criminals, cretins, and Christian supremacist theocrats.

    Just what 'Murica needs in the midst
    of international and financial crises.

  6. The poster maker is a few clowns short of a full car. Santorum, Huckabee, Cain, Gingrich, Daddy Paul, and of course fresh new clown school graduate Ben Carson are likely to be flopping around in their giant red shoes and noses soon, tooting their bicycle horns and riding their teeny tricycles. God only knows who else will come crawling out of the woodwork.

    1. Anonymous5:50 AM

      Michele Bachmann!!!

  7. Anonymous5:44 AM

    That is the fucking best the Republicans can put forward? This nation is screwed!

  8. Anonymous5:46 AM

    There’s A New Right-Wing Crazy Train Headed Your Way. Get Off The Tracks!

    Doubling down on right-wing extremism, the fed-hating, red state, Wackadoodle Express, is pulling into the station of national consciousness once more. Its cargo is the latest move of the ultra-conservatives to separate completely from anything resembling a federal government. Brace yourselves!

  9. Anonymous5:48 AM

    Senate Report Confirms That Republicans Lied About The IRS Only Targeting Conservatives

    Obama Slays Another Republican Talking Point By Explaining His Strategy To Dismantle ISIS

  10. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Send in the clowns!!!

  11. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Myth Busted: Republicans Wrong Again as Obamacare Premiums Set to Decrease in 2015

    Republicans were hoping that some great Obamacare news would slip out on a Friday afternoon and go completely unnoticed by the media.

    They thought wrong.

  12. Anita Winecooler5:30 PM

    What? No room for Donald Trump? Yes, Mitt would make a great "secret weapon" candidate. What amazes me the most about the GOP is that people actually voted these idiots in.

  13. Anonymous8:23 AM

    And so many more. Mittens is already on the campaign trail, spouting his usual brand of arrogant know-nothing garbage. The third time's the charm?

    Hey Taggg. so much for daddy dearest not wanting to run for President. You didn't fall far from the liars tree, is that what you call "Lying for the Lord?" News flash: Daddy ain't the Lord & he'll fail even worse next time.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.