Friday, September 05, 2014

Sarah Palin to speak at benefit for veterans with PTSD. Finally, a cause that Palin knows something about.

Courtesy of The Villager:  

Former Alaska Gov. and 2008 vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin will speak at a charity gala event to benefit the Mighty Oaks Warrior Foundation at WoodsEdge Community Church near The Woodlands at 6 tonight. 

The Mighty Oaks Warrior Foundation is a faith-based, nonprofit organization dedicated to helping veterans and their families deal with post-traumatic stress disorder and readjust to life after combat.

As you might imagine there are still tickets available.

Good lord, check out these prices:  

Tickets are still available to attend the gala. General seating, including admission to the silent auction and dinner, is $100 per person. Premium seating is $150 per person. A reserved table for eight guests with front row seating is $2,000; and a VIP table, including dinner for eight, a private meet and greet, photo and book signing with Palin, is $5,000.

The only way I would be willing to throw $5,000 at Sarah Palin is if she were willing to sit down with a lie detector machine strapped to her bony ass and tell me exactly what happened between April 17th and 18th 2008.

But hey at least Palin is finally getting behind a malady that she has some experience with.

No I don't mean that SHE has it, I mean SHE causes it.

I have talked to people who knew her and who worked for her and they almost all suffer with at least a little post traumatic stress disorder.

Joe McGinniss told me once that one of the people he talked to was so terrified that Palin might find out that they kept jumping at every sound, wanted to make damn sure he would not use their name, and even made sure that they left the area separately so that nobody would think they had been talking.

And if you take a look at her family you can see the vacant stare and facial twitches often associated with the disease.

Essentially this will kind of be like the Boston Strangler giving a lecture on home security.


  1. Anonymous4:39 PM

    PTSD = Palins Total Sexual Dysfunction

    1. Anonymous5:26 PM


    2. Anonymous6:08 PM

      Mantaining that lack of maturity I see.

    3. Anonymous7:13 PM

      6:08 Go read your comic book... I think you call it a bible.

    4. Anonymous6:08PM


      Ohhhhh....I get it..."Mantaining" is how you would describe Baldy!

      *in my Austin Powers voice*

      She's a "MANtaining" BABY!


  2. Anonymous4:45 PM

    How can a 5' tall 120 lbs. of of shit cause all this trouble. See ya soon, signed, beelezube. Can't wait to see you in person.

    1. Anonymous6:09 PM

      Well, in Gryphens world of lies and fully fabricated fiction, you would think that.

      ie Gryphen doesn't live in reality

    2. Anonymous6:10 PM

      So, her old neighbors and several cowrkers are still friends with her because....?


      These blog lies are pathetic

    3. Anonymous7:08 PM

      6:10 it's because they are afraid of her dear. They aren't true friendships. They just aren't.

    4. Anonymous1:57 AM

      6:10 $$$$$ When the money dries up and she can not longer afford to pay them, see how many are still friends then!! If I were you, I would not even read this blog, since ypu get so upset over the TRUTH. Must be a slow night at the bar, eh Bristol?

  3. Anonymous4:54 PM

    I cannot stand that this illiterate dunce is taken as an authority on anything. She gets her piehole in everything: Israel, PTSD, Iraq, warriors, Obama, abortions, Xmas, women,yaddayaddayadda.
    Might as well put stainette speaking on these issues. God I'm sick of her illiteracy and zero critical thinking skills.

    1. Anonymous6:10 PM

      You seem to be the one who's illiterate.

    2. Anonymous8:28 PM

      6:10 pm. Contrairly, I hold a MS degree. I am not illiterate, stain is.

    3. Anonymous9:46 PM

      She's NOT taken as an authority on anything the world cares about. They only laugh at her now.

  4. Sgt Maj. Beldar J Conehead, Combat Accountant, 2nd Air Cav., CPA, CFA, MBA (ret)4:56 PM

    "faith-based, nonprofit organization dedicated to helping veterans "

    I'm not suggesting this group is running a scam, but according to the International Association of Professional Con Artists, Grifters, Flim Flammers and Scallywags, that business plan is known as The Dough Boy - convince people you're raising money for The Boys and in rolls the Dough! - and it's exceeded in popularity only by the Pigeon Drop and the Pittsburgh Reverse Tinkler.

    Or, in the words of the former IM Troll,

    IM commenters
    - are haters, nasty, suckers, a waste of space, layabouts, immature, bored, dumb, seriously disturbed, pieces of filth, classless, ignorant, jealous, mean, unhappy, liars, slanderers, pathetic, losers, liberal...
    - don't know her, minimize people, demean people, attack people with no real problems, spread false myths on blogs out of hate, don't have lives...
    - should get lives, grow up, shut up, go away...

    "She", (the one who must not be named), on the other hand,
    - is nice, down to earth, far from the worst, close, warm, real, not seedy, valley trash, caring, gracious, employed, generous, busy, sweet, non-judgmental, sunshine on a gloomy day, the best mom, hard working, private, inteelajunt, living vibrantly, happy...

    - is probably not even his real name, matters not, tries to ruin people, is criminal, not a great father, a lying putz, just ignorant, revels in ignorance, knows nothing

    I feel sorry for you. smh

    Remember, Beldar Trolls So You Don't Have To!
    Accept no Substitute!

    1. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:28 PM

      Ah...Scallywag is right up there with Bounder, Cad and Rapscallion! I salute you, sir--many meps and mass quantities to the Coneheads!

    2. Uh Beldy baby....clean up on aisle....ummm...well EVERYWHERE!

      The troll is tinkling and shitting all over this nice clean thread!

      This is WHY we can't have nice shit!

      Damn troll!


  5. Anonymous5:01 PM

    That photo made me cackle loud enough to scare the cat and the dog! hahaha Somebody should make a halloween mask of that




      Baldy claims she doesn't watch herself on the TV...for the first time I think Baldy is telling the TRUTH!

      Shit look at her! The fucked up scraggly chopped off hair...that demented stare...she even has the herpes on the top lip!

      This picture truly illustrates the ugliness of this woman's soul! And WHY is her head shaped like a square! HowTF did she do that!


    2. Anonymous6:16 PM

      Yikes, I walked away from my computer for a second, come back and the screen was filled with the photo of a crazy person. Scared me to death:)

    3. Anonymous6:38 PM

      She looks so cartoonish!

    4. Anonymous7:11 PM

      It's just one bad photo. We all have them. She's beautiful in person. Everyone say so.
      And Gina, with your looks you should keep your meaniness to yourself. Judge not ye who you shall judge.

    5. Anonymous7:13 PM

      I so wish Gryphen would give a WARNING before he posts this type of pictures! I was glad I had nothing in my mouth, or my keyboard would be a thing of the past by now!!!

    6. Anonymous7:11 PM


      This must be a NEW troll! Looks like a bible thumpin one too...with all that "judge" shit and everything!

      Sorry RAM...I know you're reading this...better get over to Crazies4Baldy and drop the "hammer" on whichever fool wrote this shit aboutcha! LOL!!!

    7. Ailsa8:28 PM

      Said Anonymous7:11 PM

      "And Gina, with your looks you should keep your meaniness to yourself."

      They keep falling for it, Gina. You snagged another one!

      How is it possible 7:11 to know Sarah so well and be totally ignorant of the identity of the person Gina uses as her avatar?

    8. Anonymous8:38 PM

      @anon at 7:11PM

      LOL, the person in Gina's avatar is none other than Granny Sarah's lead flying monkey not Gina!

      Hey Gina,

      Must be a new batch of paid trolls if they don't know the head flying monkey huh?! I guess Sary can't even keep trolls employed.

    9. Anonymous2:02 AM

      Compare her bony shoulders to the giant head!! Looks like a square pumpkin plopped on her shoulders. Time to STOP with all the fillers, Botox and procedures.

  6. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Have been doing some reading on, under Nmom. In their acronyms this is narcissist mom. The individuals posting there have truly horrifying experiences. So much of it reminds me of Sarah Palin. If she treated her children and staff anything like these contributors describe it's no wonder they are suffering fromPTSD.

    1. Anonymous6:12 PM

      Remember, the things Grpyhen writes are written in ignorance and with hateful creativity.

      He doesnt live in reality.

      Notice he STILL doesn't know who her closest friends are.

    2. Anonymous7:13 PM

      She is a classic narcissist. She doesn't have true friends. She just doesn't. Not two way, same level, give and take honest healthy true friendships. Sorry Chuckie.

    3. Anonymous8:44 PM

      All you need to know is that close or not, anyone around a Palin is bought and paid for or a cult maroon.

    4. Anonymous9:46 PM

      Notice you are here and not enjoying any closeness to skank trolly?????

    5. Caroll Thompson2:27 AM

      6:12, G doesn't know who Sarah's friends are (close or not) because Sarah has no true friends. She has thrown every friend she ever had under the bus when she had no more use for them. She uses and abuses people.

  7. Anonymous5:03 PM

    What's in it for MEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Again, every time I see this picture,
    I can only think of the tune:

    I'm a beaver, you're a beaver,
    We are beavers all,
    And when we get together
    We do our beaver call!

    Tuk Tuk Tuk Tuk


    1. Anonymous6:06 PM

      GIBSON: Governor, let me start by asking you a question that I asked John McCain about you, and it is really the central question.

      Can you look the country in the eye and say "I have the experience and I have the ability to be not just vice president, but perhaps president of the United States of America?"

      PALIN: I do, Charlie, and on January 20, when John McCain and I are sworn in, if we are so privileged to be elected to serve this country, we'll be ready. I'm ready.

      GIBSON: When McCain asked you to take the number two spot on the ticket, for a moment, did you think no?

      PALIN: I did not. I thought yes right off the bat, knowing that John McCain was looking for a reformer, a partner in this mission of his to change Washington, D.C. and to usher in positive change across our country.

      I knew that he was looking for someone who shared his world view even on the war and on how important it is to be victorious in this war. So knowing that, when he offered me the position as his running mate, the first thing I said to him was, "Do you really think that I could help the ticket? Do you really think that I could help this country? Absolutely, I want to do this with you."

      GIBSON: And you didn't say to yourself, "Am I experienced enough? Am I ready? Do I know enough about international affairs? Do I -- will I feel comfortable enough on the national stage to do this?"

      PALIN: I didn't hesitate, no.

      GIBSON: Doesn't that take some hubris?

      PALIN: I -- I answered him yes because I have the confidence in that readiness and knowing that you can't blink, you have to be wired in a way of being so committed to the mission, the mission that we're on, reform of this country and victory in the war, you can't blink. So I didn't blink then even when asked to run as his running mate.

      GIBSON: Governor, how does six years as the mayor of a small town and less than two years as governor of a sparsely populated state give you sufficient experience to perhaps be president?

      PALIN: Remember, again, what John McCain was looking for in a running mate -- someone who has a track record of reform, someone who doesn't just talk the talk, but has proven that she can walk the walk with reform.

      That's what I did in that small town as the mayor, as the manager of a community, and what I have done as the governor of the state of Alaska, just not accepting status quo and politics as usual when it wasn't in the best interest of our state. Remember that that is who he was looking for, a partner in reform, and knowing that that is the way I'm wired, that is my commitment, also, I think he made the right decision there in his partner.

      GIBSON: But this is not just reforming a government. This is also running a government on the huge international stage in a very dangerous world. When I asked John McCain about your national security credentials, he cited the fact that you have commanded the Alaskan National Guard and that Alaska is close to Russia. Are those sufficient credentials?

      PALIN: But it is about reform of government and it's about putting government back on the side of the people, and that has much to do with foreign policy and national security issues.

      Let me speak specifically about a credential that I do bring to this table, Charlie, and that's with the energy independence that I've been working on for these years as the governor of this state that produces nearly 20 percent of the U.S. domestic supply of energy, that I worked on as chairman of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, overseeing the oil and gas development in our state to produce more for the United States.

      What I bring in terms of that credential is the know-how, how we can get to energy independence and a greater security for our nation by producing more domestically, by becoming less and less reliant on foreign sources of energy, those being controlled by regimes that do not necessarily like America.

    2. Anonymous7:59 PM


      When you see it in print she looks even more stupider, if that's even possible. Thanks for posting that transcript.

    3. Clearly, she did not even know what the word hubris meant...note how she "blinked" and stammered. She also did not answer the question about her hubris.

      GIBSON: Doesn't that take some hubris?

      PALIN: I -- I answered him yes because I have the confidence in that readiness and knowing that you can't blink,

    4. Anonymous11:05 PM

      She is McCain's permanent stain.

    5. Anonymous11:46 PM

      I think the reason she didn't directly answer the "hubris" question is because she didn't know the meaning of the word. She stumbled on the response, "...I...I..." she was frantically working overtime to figure out what he'd just said.

    6. Anonymous12:04 AM

      "Doesn't that take some hubris?"
      "Hubris? Is that Latin for 'Cojones'? Yep, I got 'em' alright!"

    7. Anonymous12:21 AM

      6 yrs later and I'm still shaking my head...Reading that transcript is even scarier than listening to her say those words and words are all that is.Not a cohesive thought in there!
      How in the hell did she get that close to the most powerful position in the world?

      And what is the collective IQ of her Crazies4Idiot followers?
      Just don't understand that level of delusion!


    8. Anonymous1:01 AM

      And...we never heard anymore from 'Charlie' Gibson, right?


    9. Anonymous2:12 AM

      The woman had travelled very little, knew very little about the world, apart from tiny Wasilla, and sparsely populated Alaska. Once the McCain camp took the computers from the Johnson family, destroyed all the photo evidence of the various pregnancies of Bristol and the non pregnancy of $carah, she felt safe. I seriously think the entire family thought "What happens in Alaska, stays in Alaska" They contolled the people, and the police departments, and thought the lower 48 would be just as easy. She NEVER recovered from being questioned about various activities. How DARE anyone question the Queen Bee??

  9. Anonymous5:12 PM

    The chipmunk cheeks are so fun!

  10. Anonymous5:17 PM

    Who ever does Palin head hairs caught the PTSD bug? Is that why a 20 year old is kept on the teet of Palin along with a 30 year old half brother?

    Also too and also, home, at the compound, is where Track Palin caught his PTSD? Did he ever leave Alaska when he was in the Army?

    1. Anonymous6:12 PM

      Why are you slandering a great man and amazing father?

    2. Anonymous7:14 PM

      6:12-- you forgot to add ADDICT

    3. Anonymous7:42 PM

      Anonymous6:12 PM
      Why are you slandering a great man and amazing father?

      Someone has their granny panties in a twist tonight! So sad you spend your life spreading bullshit and paying Palin money for doing NOTHING except bitch and moan about the black man that sent her lazy ass back to Wasilla to sponge off people like you.

    4. Anonymous8:41 PM

      Trackmarks is a druggie that got drummed out of the Nat'l guard. He doesn't work, just lives in his Mommys garage. BAAAHHHAAAWWWAAAHHHHHH Not a man at all , just a little boy that lives off Mommy dearest.

    5. Anonymous10:40 PM

      6:12 : what 'great father' would give up his baby daughter for some guns? Because that is exactly what this loser did - HE took the guns, and let his EX WIFE (?) keep the baby! In a heartbeat, BTW! No second thoughts!

    6. Anonymous12:00 AM

      it's pretty plain to see that chuck_tard jr, that incestuous fat fuk, and his retarded sperm burpin niece, barstool, are doin' the troll tag team thing ..

      LMAO !

    7. sarahy does get her tiddys blown out of proportion when some people mentioned that track is weird because it's very possible toad aint his daddy.

  11. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:22 PM

    An Auntie Knishes Halloween Tip! If you want to keep those pesky Trick-or-Treaters away from your house this year, simply copy the photo above, blow it up to life size and print it out. Carefully tape it, image side out, to one of the windows on your front door. Then listen for screams and pounding of little feet as the neighbor kids hightail it for the next county.

    1. Anonymous5:37 PM

      True, but passing dogs could lift their legs and wiz on her instead of fire hydrants.

  12. Anonymous5:35 PM

    She doesn't know anything about anything! What is this crap organization and the suffering of returning soldiers!?! Having had three uncles who returned from WWII scarred and physically wounded, this makes me SICK! This is disgusting.

    1. Anonymous5:58 PM

      It is disgusting but Sarah Palin is a conscienceless child and this is what she does. Her adorers love it. They, like her, are sick.

    2. Anonymous6:03 PM

      Your comment hit home with me. As my relatives in the "greatest generation" are in their final years some are talking about what they saw in the war and how it shook them, but there was no one to talk to. They were supposed to be heroes, how could they admit their emotional scars? One of the last things my dying uncle said was "do you know what it takes to shoot someone?" He had never mentioned the war to me before that.

    3. Anonymous6:18 PM

      Her fans aren't the ones who spread hate and lies daily unlike you

    4. Anonymous4:19 AM

      I agree with you. A lot of these pop-up "help the veteran" groups are bogus and this is probably another one of them. Sarah Palin knows exactly nothing about the military. Having been governor of Alaska for two years did not give her any credibility on that or anything else in the realm of national or international affairs. The current administration in Washington has worked tirelessly on behalf of veterans with little or no cooperation from the opposition party, the GOP. This will be just another opportunity for Sarah Palin to mouth off against President Obama and make more money from people who should know better by now.

    5. Anonymous8:06 PM

      So instead of actually checking out the in question organization, you automatically discount it! With that being said it brings in to question all of your other comments and so called facts you claim. If some research of a little bit of facts would be done, the only part she has with the organization is that she volunteered to speak for FREE for the Non Profitt dice her son Track went through for help. Who gives a crap why his reason for him getting help, last I checked it's none of our business why.
      It's not hard to check it out the place is called mighty oaks warrior foundation google it

  13. I'm sure she'll mention Track, her "warrior" son. IF memory serves, someone had a copy of his discharge papers that listed him as non-combat. Perhaps that can be sent to this foundation along with simply asking "What else did she lie about?"

    1. Anonymous6:18 PM

      Don't denigrate a person who serves, a good man and great father.

    2. Anonymous8:15 PM

      What did Track Palin serve? There is not one iota of documentation or evidence he did anything but some pr for his mothers fake campaign, that is not serving his country.

      If Track Palin served anything other than his family brand, the fake family values charade, we would have evidence by now. We don't even know if he went out of country for any reason.

      The military will keep some wayward soldiers in a brigade or hospital. for all we know that is what happened to Track. We do know he was not out of Wasilla like soldiers who are on duty and serve out of country for 9 mos to a yr. He kept coming back to Wasilla to visit.

      We know his Army experience was nothing like his hockey buddy Jeremy Morlock.

      Commander of the National Guard and Governor had no time for old time Jeremy Morlock. The National Guard made a big deal how in touch they all were with Sarah about Track Palin, who may not have left Fairbanks.

    3. Anonymous8:34 PM

      Track Palin's DNA father is dead. Track was raised by a pimp, Todd Palin. The pimp that neglects and abuses Trig Palin, the worst of fathers. Track Palin learned at the side of that pimp and sorry excuse for a father. There is no way Track Palin is a good father. There are reasons Britta left him. The story of their funny weird 'marriage' of convenience, how she ended up being a paid shill for Sarah since High School, only an idiot would have said she was fine with a divorce all those oddities are yet to be told in full. Big deal her parents are religious, most of the creeps and criminals in Wasilla are part of a cult or a church. None of them have any credibility unless you are one of their foolish sheeple and you believe the lies.

      Sarah and Todd must start suing people and coming up with documentation and verified facts is they are ever to be believed outside of a few lame trolls and the other cult members.

    4. Anonymous8:42 PM

      Poor druggie Trackmarks couldn't even cut it in the National Guard. What a fucking loser., Just another unemployed adult Palin.

    5. Anonymous9:27 PM

      8:42 PM

      Yep and check out Track Menard Palin's work record since his charade in the military ended. He fails at everything. He even flunks failing. I can't wait until she proves what a great combat vet he is and she buys him a popsickle or something to stand by some guy that was once in the military.

      May be she can afford this one
      He earned several military awards and medals during his 18.5 year military career, including three Army Achievement Medals, three Army Commendation Medals, two Armed Forces Expeditionary Medals, and three Meritorious Service Medals.Yates left the Army in April 1996

    6. Anita Winecooler4:52 PM

      A good man and great father?. Got my hip waders on, and on the correct feet btw. Proceed, troll....

  14. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Chad Robichaux, founder of this Might Oaks thing, is a bantam weight MMA fighter. Check out his picture online, flexing his muscles as he models his skimpy Lycra shorts. He's also a former Marine.
    This thing looks mighty sketchy. The money raised goes to Robichaux's foundation, surprise, employs Robichaux. Would love to see their 501(c)

    1. Anonymous6:44 PM

      haha I'm on this and guess why I'm posting this link?


    2. Anonymous6:49 PM

      Sarah's speech from yesterday was given at a Christian University. Is that her audience and her venue now, what with all of that pallin' around with the Ducks and Franklin Graham? They do all know how to get blood form a stone and money from their followers.

    3. Anita Winecooler5:00 PM

      6:44 is the winner!

      Sarah Palin applying make up while not saying a word. Before he sat in the chair, he looked like George Clooney, she shared her wig, studio and her very own makeup. Hope he gets checked for Ebola at most, herpes, or wasyphillis at the least.

      I'm still laughing at the moron!!!!!!

  15. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Fools and there money are soon parted. Who the hell would pay 5K to meet or greet her!
    And didn't she recently complain about these sorts of fundraisers?
    The internet is forever Sarah!

  16. Anonymous5:56 PM

    So, $he condemns our President when he goes to fundraisers, but then $he turns around and goes to her own. Of course, we all know 'what's in it for me' will NOT give her screech for free (like the President does), but instead $he will ask for a HUGE slice of that pie that they hopefully will rake in.
    According to the prices they charge, $he is in it at least for $100K.

    1. Anonymous7:41 PM

      There are ALWAYS tickets available the day of the event. That should tell you something. Since her nasty slams to the president don't even get a mention in the mainstream media anymore, her audiences will continue to get smaller and smaller along with the paychecks.

    2. Caroll Thompson2:38 AM

      The difference being is the President does not charge for speaking at a fundraiser. Only $arah charges for these things. A true Christian would speak for free and let the money go to the veterans (if this org is on the level). After they pay Sarah, I doubt there is any money left for the veterans.

    3. Anita Winecooler5:02 PM

      Let's face it, anything Sarah's involved in, she gets a piece of the pie FIRST. Of COURSE this must be a "money grab" or "What's in it for me" wouldn't show.

  17. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Interesting considering she still maintains all her oldest TRUE friendships.

    Another reason people would be jumpy is because they are liars or talking out of their asses.

    And NIIICE slander on her family once again.

    You just can't stand it that they're close and loving and you will never have that.

    But when you're a blogger who obsesses over his fully crafted world of fiction, i guess ya just keep going with the lies.

    1. Anonymous7:16 PM

      Lol. You are oddly obsessed. Take your meds!

    2. Anonymous4:21 AM

      @ 6:07 PM - You keep telling us that she still maintains all of her oldest true friendships but you never tell us who they are. Why is that? Surely they must be thrilled & proud to have such close connections to a fine person like Sarah and would have no hesitation in having their names published. Considering you know so much about the Palin's private lives, being an insider and all, how about giving us a bit more background information about these long lasting friendships.

    3. Anonymous6:07 PM
      Oh, fuck off, you bitter, nasty, delusional troll.

  18. Anonymous6:07 PM

    What about the people who lied to Joe? there were many. And the people who were lied about, or know someone who was lied about, were hurt.

    1. Anonymous7:16 PM

      Not true oh obsessive one.

    2. Anonymous7:41 PM

      Golly gee, thanks for reminding us of all the times the Palins sue. They are all about setting the record straight and getting out the facts, aren't they? That is why they are so open about birth certificates and backing up everything. They are so conscientious about Track Palin that they made sure everyone knows the truth about Track and the family values campaign.

    3. Anonymous9:50 PM

      Not a damn thing was allowed in his book without facts being verified you idiot!

  19. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Gryphen, still peddling his bullshit after 5 years.

    1. Anonymous9:59 PM

      You're so jealous of Gryph and all his traffic...including YOU. Thanks for clicking and being a fan.

    2. Caroll Thompson2:41 AM

      IMM is my favorite blog. I read it every day. And it is real and it is spectacular.

    3. Anonymous4:13 AM

      Oh Sarah, you're just jealous because Gryphen's blog has thousands of hits daily - check his FEEDJIT Live Traffic feed.
      Must really suck to be you.

    4. Anonymous9:43 AM

      I'm also a member of the "TheImmoralminority is my favourite blog" club. The absurdity of Sarah Palin and her trolls posting here is priceless. The facts, information, and entertainment I have I have gleaned here from this site is beyond measure... Keep up the good work Gryph... you Rock!!!

    5. Anita Winecooler5:15 PM

      We're not here to bury Sarah, we're here to laugh at her many mistakes and her idiotsyncrazies. Gryphen just holds the mirror to her face and keeps her tap dancing around the truth because she has no shame nor long term memory.

  20. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Why are you a liar Gryphen? You've proven days on end you don't have a clue what youre talking about and that you don't know any of the people who actually KNOW her.

    1. Anonymous8:29 PM

      Well, I DO know her and she is an evil beast.

    2. Anonymous10:00 PM

      Why are you so afraid of this blog Palin troll? If you truly thought Gryphen's blog holds no sway YOU wouldn't be here. Gotcha!

    3. Anonymous10:46 PM

      I second anon 8:29. She is EVIL INCARNATE.

  21. Anonymous6:15 PM

    Why lie Gryphen?

    But speaking of ptsd, did you see that article with the email of the DC insider who finally quit? He cited alll the shitty things DC insiders do, how politicos treat their staff, how nothing is how it seems. Then you have Babawawa who makes sure people don't work again if they criticize her.

    At least Sarah treats staff well and gives encouragement.

    1. Anonymous6:15 PM

      Good Heavens got those computers...tablets...IPhones working overtime tonight!

      Slow down fool...pace gotta make that caffeine last the night! LOL!!

    2. Anonymous8:28 PM

      OMG..."Sarah treats staff well"?????? Let's give them all a call and check on that....they could not stand her and lived in fear of her because of all her wicked moves.

    3. Anonymous2:45 AM

      They lived in fear is true. Who wants their house burned down? Dar Miller and her two dogs were killed, then the house went up in flames. Menard's plane got water in the fuel lines, The church went up in flames with all the records of births, deaths, divorces, adoptions. People had their pets shot and killed in their yards. Yeou bet the people were afraid. In one sparcely populated state, two low I.Q. morons took charge, and ruled. Even the police department was kept in line, serviced by Taaahd's "girls" then blackmailed The entire TRUTH will eventually be exposed.

  22. Anonymous6:15 PM

    With all the lies Barb has written, (really, barb, todd has dark eyes?) I trust no one

    1. Anonymous 6:15PM

      Barb??? WhoTF is Barb troll? Ya need to tell all those voices in your head to pipe down and speak one at a time when you're trolling IM's! LOL!!!

    2. Anonymous10:48 PM

      That is the second time I read about that mysterious 'Barb' here. Same troll mentioned her about a month ago - and never followed up on questions about said 'Barb'...

    3. Anonymous3:37 AM

      Barb Dwyer perhaps. Her blog 'Terminal Hypocrisy' is out there but hasn't been updated in years. She had the skinny on Sarah and the nefarious characters around her.

    4. Anonymous5:31 AM

      He......Barb Dwyer (barbed wire) ..... A man is writing as Barb Dwyer

    5. Anonymous11:30 AM

      Thanks 5:31 AM

      3:37 AM here ... oops.

  23. Anonymous6:17 PM

    So I guess her neighbors who love her, her kids friends who love her, her family who loves her, her grandkids who are obsessed with her are the liars?


    Gryphen still can't admit he doesn't have a clue.

    1. Anonymous7:18 PM

      Omfg!! You are demented. Post once not many times in rapid succession. You are off your rocker! Do you think you are helping Sarah. I know she doesn't think so.


      You really got a thang for Gryphen huh!! What's up with that? Your obsession with Gryphen is as bad as Baldy's for the President!

      WTF Krusty! You sound like you need some dick! Call the Turd...he'll set something up for ya!


    3. Anonymous10:01 PM

      Troll stalks Gryphen like Sarah stalks Obama. I think the troll has a secret crush also, too.

    4. Anonymous2:47 AM

      Earlier, someone mentioned all the guys from the hockey team who "love" $carah. It is simply a list of the guys Bristles had sex with BEFORE she turned 16!!

  24. Anonymous6:20 PM


    1. Anonymous7:19 PM

      Sheesh! She looks bad. Stick her finger in a socket?

      When/where was this taken?

      Ugly motel room, also, too.

    2. Anonymous7:30 PM

      foxy oxy ?

    3. Anonymous8:45 PM

      Bwhahahahaha,,,,,, does she think that is sexy hair....?? Hysterical.

    4. Anonymous8:58 PM

      Wow! How much longer will she last?

    5. Anonymous9:04 PM

      That was some hair stylist. Might be the one that terrorized Willow so bad she has not been able to do her hair school learnin" since.

    6. Anonymous3:20 AM

      Does this picture 'prove' that the informed controllie trolling here really does in fact 'know' Sarah intimately?

      Is that IM on her digital device?


    7. Anonymous8:19 AM



      Holy shit, woman!

    8. Anonymous8:22 AM

      Zat Willow with her?

    9. Anonymous1:48 PM

      LOL, that's a vibrant hairdo, alright.

    10. Anonymous5:23 PM

      You should warn people, that's one explicit bedroom scene! Ewww. Does that woman ever put down her phone?

  25. Anonymous6:20 PM

    Idiots pay this idiot to screech lies. Idiots pay to hear this idiot screech lies. These extremely dumb folks will vote based on the lies they believe. It's unsettling.

  26. Anonymous6:20 PM

    Would this be the person who blatantly lied to Joe about Sarah's mother and her family's early life in Alaska? Or the one who lied about Todds family, talking about things they know nothing about?

    Or another lie from his book?

    If so, of course they were nervous. They are liars who don't know the people they're pretending to know to a bad reporter/novelist.

    It's sad that, in the process of consciously hurting Sarah, these liars hurt hundreds of her friends and people she's know all her life.

    1. Anonymous7:18 PM

      They are NOT lies.

    2. Anonymous6:20 PM

      DAMN troll! Give it a rest already! Fuck Baldy and her gargoyle family! Bitch is lucky that Joe didn't reveal the TRUTH about Baldy that he got from Roger the Hut about her whole lazy ass family!

      You really should get some fresh air and stop sniffing Baldy's virtual dirty...doo doo stained draws!

      It's making you CRAZIER!!! LOL!!!

    3. Anonymous7:49 PM

      Explain why you feel people 'hurt' $arah while the woman scrapes in the loot hurting others with her vast store of lies, distortions and accusations. If she is so tender and thin-skinned it's past time for her to find another job. A rill job this time. Ankle-biting the political opposition for her wealthy benefactors isn't a job, it's a pathology turned well-paid hobby.

      You ever listen to the shit she says about the President and frequently his family? Ever read the crap she inspires among her audience on your kind of blogs? She started the fire so if her tootsies get burned, tough.

      She ought to wave a white flag, go home raise her family and try to be a decent, normal caring human being for a change. Hell, she might end up liking it if she gave it a whirl.

    4. Anonymous2:52 AM

      Yoo late to raise her family, they raised themselves (badly) Joe was a seasoned journalist. Every fact was verified, checked, and legally questioned before publication. Unlike the ghost written slop the PayMe's put out, with the "rape" and the "water breaking" etc. The $$$ is so obviously drying up, $carah is scrambling to make a few bucks to pay off the people she is keeping quiet.

  27. Anonymous6:22 PM

    It is simply amazing that ANYONE would pay to see or hear this scrawny skank. I mean really? Who? She says the same thing over and over. FEC and IRS should just follow her around because any where sary is going or faking is potential scamming leechin' going down by her and her little gangs. Smells like dung.

  28. Anonymous6:23 PM

    "I have talked to people who knew her and who worked for her and they almost all suffer with at least a little post traumatic stress disorder. "
    Wonder what ever happened to that woman that moved out of state and was still terrified to talk about Palin. Are all her former acquaintances in a witness protection program?

  29. Anonymous6:23 PM

    This is as stupid as Patrick ignorantly discussing fictional mental illnesses she "has." Gryph, you are not a psychologist.

    and the fact that her family is happy, healthy, functioning, and well-adjusted proves she's a good parent.

    The fact that YOU are a liar who slanders people you don't know and thinks in double standards (like covers up huge problems in your "friends") tells me youre the one who needs help.



    1. Anonymous7:20 PM

      Well adjusted? Her family? Are you fucking kidding.?? Now I know for a fact you don't really know them.

    2. Anonymous7:27 PM

      Her family is happy, healthy, functioning and well-adjusted-- are you kidding? That's a joke, right? Sarcasm? Humor?
      Todd: He doesn't work. Don't make me say where he gets his money. It ain't nice.
      Track: He forgot that it is National Cheese Pizza Day
      Bristol: How many kids born out of wedlock? What does she do anyway? Assist the dermatologist during sensitive, high risk surgery?
      Willow: Judging from Sarah's messy wigs, Willow is not getting the gas tank of her truck filled
      Piper: She's just a kid, but they are pushing her into adulthood in some of Sarah's pictures
      Sarah and Todd act as Trig's parents so they are responsible for his welfare. We know that the little boy has not gotten therapy, and he rarely wears his glasses so he cannot see what world looks like. He is still fed baby food and has not been given therapy so that he can feed himself. He cannot speak. It's a crime that the people who claimed him as their son do not give him the care that he needs to reach his full potential.
      Jill Hadassah, the newest member of the family. Sarah's video showed us that the dog's not trained, either. Now that Sarah is off giving speeches, Jill can just read the training book for herself (or watch the video with Trig, her buddy).
      That's not a normal family. Any parent who leaves a boy with DS sleeping in the truck is a poor parent. Trig cannot call out for help when he wakes up. Heat builds up in a locked car, even with a window cracked. That's no way to treat a precious gift from God.

      Beldar, where are you? The troll keeps forgetting the difference between libel and slander.

    3. Anonymous6:23 PM


      Yep! That's YOU troll! Ya fucking crazy ass loon! LOL!!!

    4. Anonymous3:01 AM

      There is not ONE woman who would trade places with $carah, not one. Who would want a family of non workers, babies hidden all over the place. Too many secrets to keep track (!!) of?? Happy, well-adjusted people do not lie about everything. Bristles accusing Levi of raping her was disgraceful. EVERYONE knew how many partners she had had before Levi. She was the Wasilla doorknob, everyone took a turn. The lies about Trig's birth are so very sad as to be almost criminal. Poor little guy never stood a chance in life with this lying, grifting, coniving clan. I am among many who wait anxiously for the dam to break, and all the truth to come out about this "family" of miscreants.

  30. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Spot-on image of the skank. It looks like a melange of a meth head and a stupid head. There is no mistaking it ... that's our Sarah.

  31. Anonymous6:56 PM

    She just must go out of her way to buy the ugliest clothes straight from Value Village second hand store.

    1. Anonymous8:30 AM

      "Value Village"
      busted... in my best english accent....for tetley tea..
      only in canada eh...pity
      i've scored some really cool stuff there for next to nothing...
      bought a london fog leather coat for 25 bucks retails for 685 dollars cha-ching

  32. Anonymous7:12 PM

    You hit a nerve Gryphen. The troll is apoplectic.

  33. Anonymous7:21 PM

    Jesus! How many times did the Palin troll post? We need an intervention from her family.

    1. Anonymous8:41 PM

      I think that they let her have some computer time to give THEM a break. They have her 23 1/2 hours a day. They have it timed so that when the meds are wearing off, she can type and type and type and then, the new stuff kicks in and the house becomes quiet again.

  34. Anonymous7:23 PM

    Darn, Beldar does a much better job than the troll.

    Hope it gives up and goes away soon. The troll is such a BORE.


    1. Anonymous3:04 AM

      I seriously think the troll has the PayMe's confused with another family, since the posts could not possibly be about the grifters. Either that, or the pay is fantastic!

  35. Anonymous7:23 PM

    BOY OH BOY!!! Gryphen now ya have gone dunit! This blog is totally INFESTED by the trolls today, never saw so many posts from just them!
    Must have hit SOME kind of nerve there. Wonder, if it was the crazed-look picture, or the fact that PayMe is supposed to screech at some grifting function that 'supposedly' benefit some PTSD-aflicted soldiers (well, maybe it benefits ONE soldier, and hopefully it is not just her own son with Menard...)

    1. Anonymous9:11 PM





  36. FJ Dandy7:28 PM that pic!!!!
    Let the laughter roll!!!
    Damn, it feels good!

  37. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Take one good LONG look at that.
    She will NEVER be anything but an ankle-biting mutt.
    Coward. Liar. Hater. Hypocrite. Projectionist. Fool.
    Those were some thirty pieces of silver you took, $arah.
    Look where it got you.

    1. Anonymous8:16 AM

      Hey, watch what you say about projectionists!

  38. Anonymous7:33 PM

    She looks like an animatronic bobblehead in that image. It is very fitting. I almost expect to see it spin around 360° and spew chunky green bile.

    1. Anonymous 7:33PM

      Your comment about Baldy being an "animatronic bobblehead" reminds me of a comment I posted about Baldy after one of her Fake News's a re-post....

      *wavy film sequence begins*


      Baldy is sitting and behind her Fox crews are removing the fake back drop...slowly revealing all the walls are padded! As Baldy sits there and stares unblinking....a male attendant comes over and hands Baldy a tiny white cup...Baldy perks up when she see's he's a man and tries to stick out her concave chest. The attendant shakes the cup and Baldy takes the pill and swallows it...just then two technician come in....

      Tech 1 says: "Which model is this one again?"

      Tech 2 says: "Umm...I think this is the Baldy 2.008"

      Tech 1 says: "Hey....didn't we do an upgrade to this one in 2012?"

      Tech 2 says: "Roger wanted to...but Michele Bachmann's folks broke into the warehouse and stole all the parts! Homeland Security has it all on tape which is why she's been told to "retire" from Congress".

      Tech 1 says: "Oh...too wife really thought she was going to run and kept sneaking behind my back and sending my lunch money to BaldyPAC until I got a hold of a bank statement and saw why I kept getting pimento sandwiches with vinegar and salt chips...she knows I hate vinegar! War on Women my ass...let's hope after this war is over I can get a decent damn sandwich!"

      Tech 2 chuckles and starts unscrewing the top of Baldy's head (ala Man with Two Brains) he reaches in with a screw driver and makes some adjustments!

      Baldy jerks and starts spewing her talking points rapidly...

      Baldy: "Youbetcha...what's the difference between a hockey mom and a pitbull....drill baby what respect Charlie...Alaska is a microcosm Katie...TAWWWWWDDDD!"

      Tech 2 jumps back when he gets an electric shock...he grabs the wig top and starts screwing it back on. Baldy's left eye slowly closes but the right wonky eye remains open! Tech 1 smacks Baldy upside the head and the wonky eye closes.

      Tech 1 says: "Come on...throw away that sandwich...I'll take you to Chick-fil-a™...maybe we can find some action on the side...hehe!"

      The lights go dark and Baldy sits there until the wonky eye opens by itself...then a claw like skeleton hand comes up and Baldy slaps her head and the eye closes again. Baldy lets out a sigh and clutches her IPhone™ waiting for Roger to call her again.


      Hehehehehehehehehahahahahahaha! Y'all know this is a strong possiblity! LOL!!

    2. Anonymous3:30 AM



  39. johnie2xs8:01 PM

    Q) Gryph! Is that picture of Palin from her new Halloween collection? Because it is a particularly terrifying shot.

  40. Anonymous8:46 PM

    I know people who worked for her. They resented doing all of the hard work and watching Palin get credit for their ideas, research and writing. They had worked for other state officials in Alaska, and they said that most people learn and grow on the job. Palin never did. She let others do the work and she took the credit. The proof of it is simple. When Palin is on her own, she can not deliver a speech. She is reduced to the same old bumper sticker slogans, cheap tacky clothes and poor speaking habits. That's the "rill dill." Sarah may have fooled the people in Alaska for a while. She fooled John McCain at first. But, she couldn't fool people on the national stage. She is reduced to half-filled churches and gyms in a Christian school.

    1. Anonymous10:00 PM

      She has the nerve to talk about work ethics! What a fraud. One day soon, I do believe, the truth about her will come to light.

  41. Anonymous8:47 PM

    The cray cray trolls are out tonight with routine lies of shit. Someone hit a nerve.

  42. Anonymous9:44 PM

    Crap. Did you have to scare me with that picture when I clicked on your blog!?

  43. Anonymous9:56 PM

    Ot Remember when bristol played goody two shoes with Joan Rivers? She couldn't work because just couldn't be a sport and do a comedy fashion show. Some bull from Bristol about how she couldn't dis people or their fashion.

    That wasn't exactly true....

    Both rivals are politically correct enough to have a truce. The hatred remains thick in the air between them.

  44. Anonymous10:04 PM

    Wow you really hit the Palin family trolls' nerves with this one! Way to got the Palin puppets dancing every day now LOL.

  45. Anonymous10:41 PM

    I've been checking some IRS 990's. Has Sarah ever done a fundraiser for these people before? Because "Speaker Fees and other $65,332" on the 2012 report.

  46. Any organization that considers her viable is another crooked gop shitstain.

  47. How is PTSD related to her? To track (freakin house mouse?) Will she bring up murdock? It's just more shit added to an overly dysfunctional klan called the palins. Just for shits and giggles, will she bring up gun safety? Background checks, including mental health?

    the insufferable witch speaking at a PTSD money grab is like klye helping routh.

    1. Anonymous7:53 AM

      Of course she will bring up Kill Team and Jeremy Morlock. He would be her most connected experience to combat and PTSD. She would know all about Morlock from his mother, sister and family. Everything about his condition and all he went through are valuable learning tools. Least we forget. Jeremy's mother is right near Sarah. April and Bristol are besties forever. You can see what can happen when PTSD is not treated. The Jeremy is a personal experience for all the Palins, he played hockey with Track. You know how much Track means to Sarah and how close and involved with the local hockey players that Sarah is.

  48. Anonymous6:08 AM

    Maybe she was misunderstood, with her word salad. What she REALLY said was "A Texan spent many summers IN ME during HS". Is Glenn Rice from Texas?

  49. Anonymous6:21 AM

    Did she forget about her favorite Marine sitting in a Mexican prison? Or did she and her militiamen go down and break him out? How many millions of her own money has she paid to get him out? What do you mean none? But...but...but...

    It is a disgrace, the way she USES the vets, past and present.

  50. Anonymous6:26 AM

    Also, why would ANY Alaskan spend summer in Texas?? It's total bullshit!

  51. Anonymous6:37 AM

    HUGE turnout...

    The gala, which drew about 400 guests

  52. Anonymous7:43 AM

    This will probably turn into an Obama bashing, as usual. Her patriotism earns her money and that's all she cares about. She fleeces the rubes.

  53. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Interesting that near the end of the article, there is a remark by SP re: how Track "has experience" with the organization. Did he receive treatment in TX? Never heard that he suffered PTSD as a "combat vet" (ahem). Maybe he needed treatment after spending so many years with his dysfunctional parents! Or maybe, once again, SP was pandering to the audience with yet another tall tale!

  54. Anonymous8:20 AM

    IOW, $arah broke the bank again with her screeching fee.
    400x$100=$40000. Take away the fee for renting the venue and cleaning etc, take away the screeching fee, and this organization ended up way down in the RED.
    Poor PTSD soldiers won't get a red penny.

  55. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Track went through the program doesn't matter where it was at. My question to those is. Do you know him do you know of his service record ? Did you serve with him? Where are people getting these facts from? Let me guess the media!! Wow that's a great source! Please again keep commenting on stuff they have no clue about. I guess it makes your self esteem rise a little higher as you sit there and judge and talk about others when you have the social issues. Lastly if any of you did any actual research and not just from something you may have heard or come up in your own mind. Last two points she volunteered her time pro bono. If you haven't done your research about the program and gotten the facts then please feel free to keep speaking about something you have no idea about. If you did you would realize all funds go directly into the program 100% and is run by combat veterans.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.