Thursday, September 04, 2014

Meet the Press to include Joe Scarborough and Luke Russert as regular panelists.

Courtesy of Media bistro:

Luke Russert, who’s father Tim Russert served as moderator of NBC’s “Meet the Press” for 17 years, will join the Sunday morning show as a regular panelist, “Page Six” reports. 

The New York Post also reports that “Morning Joe” host Joe Scarborough “is taking on a larger role within NBC News as a senior political analyst and would be one of the regular Sunday panelists.” 

As many of you know I actually hoped that Luke would get the MTP gig that went to Chuck Todd, so I am fine with his reoccurring appearance on the show.

However I am much less impressed by the inclusion of Scarborough whose style I associate with drunk frat boy behavior.

Sometimes I wake up early enough to catch the last bit of Morning Joe, and it never fails to irritate the crap out of me and make me want to punch Scarborough in his bulbous nose.

Overall I have to say that I am not terribly confident that MTP is going to be able to get itself back on track and once again become the mainstay of Sunday mornings that it was under the leadership of the elder Russert.


  1. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Luke is not well-loved in the DC area. Nepotism and snotty rich kid attitude.

    1. Anonymous12:16 PM

      They make this mistake frequently on C4P, regarding Nepotism. Nepotism WOULD have occurred if the father gave the job to Luke. But he was in his coffin before Luke was hired by MSNBC.

    2. Anonymous12:20 PM

      C4P? We all know there is no nepotism in the Palin clan.

    3. Anonymous12:22 PM

      I knowBoener hates him for sure. I can't think of two worse people to try to improve ratings. Haven't watched for years, won't start now. Check that, I might tune in until my heart rate starts jumping. I mean come on, morning Joe sucks, russert is still wet behind the ears and chuck Todd is in love with himself. Don't see it working.

    4. Ailsa1:00 PM

      In this case, C4P is in good company - The Oxford English Dictionary:


      The practice among those with power or influence of favoring relatives or friends, especially by giving them jobs.

      Granted they don't specifically mention the sons of friends.......

  2. Great! Luke will get some inside info and training and, who knows, in another 10 years there could be another Russert moderating MTP! Working with Todd and Scarborough will teach him just how hard it will be to keep his cool for an hour.

  3. Anonymous12:09 PM

    You know Miz Palin is in shock that she again was passed over.

    1. Anonymous12:17 PM

      Ironically, most of those shows would let her on, for links, clicks, etc. But only FOX lets her go with her monologue routine, without any participation in panels and so forth.

    2. Anonymous12:50 PM

      Yes, it is such a shock, especially after Sarah posted Facebook prayers for Joan. Instead of posting something thoughtful, Sarah posted her interview with the homophobic, racist Duck Robertson.

    3. Anonymous4:28 PM

      Sarah's thoughts are with racist pervs. Uncle Ted wasn't available so she is thinking of the next best Palin pal.

  4. Anonymous12:14 PM

    I feel the same way about JS. When he went off on Bergdahl's father for a lot of things the father never even said, that was despicable, then a few days later the show presents him as a wonderful father, there, so thoughtful with his kids. I don't watch the show now, but I scan the videos later in the day just in case someone I like is on, like Ari Melber. Mika drives me crazy with her "I'm Sorry But......" apologistic dialogue. I can't figure out how they are going to let Joe spout off all week for a couple of hours a day and still think he'll have something new to add on sundays.

    1. Anonymous12:23 PM

      They make a horrible show and it ruins the morning. I rarely check it out. If JS is away and something very interesting. It can still be disappointing.

    2. MTP will fail again. Joe, motor mouth Scarborough, is the reason I quit watching Morning Joe. Total buffoon.
      Now I have an even better reason not to watch MTP.

    3. Anonymous3:00 PM

      There is an easy way to shut Scarborough up. Ask about the young female intern who was found dead in his office when he was a politician. It was quickly covered up, with Jeb Bush's help.

  5. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Joan Rivers Dead At Age 81 Following Week-Long Hospitalization

    And the Palin curse lives on.

    1. Anonymous12:59 PM

      Did Bristol have her ghost writer do all the warm and caring tweets for her? She must feel a lot of love for Joan after staying/filming with her and her grandson. It was so positive for her to be with a woman who did so terrific with raising her daughter. She was a living legend and a living good example.

    2. Nell Scovill has a nice tribute up at It has the greatest lead paragraph--go read it.

      Betcha $arah or Bri$tol either say nothing, or something nasty! I mean, the NERVE of Melissa Rivers trying to teach Tripp discipline via sticker chart!

      May Joan's memory endure as a sweet-and-sour memory. Hats off, also too, for blazing the trail for female comics. Even if she used to have to write scripts for Topo Gigio ("Goo' night, Eddie").

    3. Anonymous1:21 PM

      Shut up Sarah, it's not about you.

    4. Anonymous4:25 PM

      Bristol and Willow are sweet girls. They will be at the service and there to show Melissa and Cooper their support.

  6. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Jury: McDonnell 'Guilty' Of 11 Counts Of Corruption

    1. Anonymous2:00 PM

      And McDonnell's wife was found guilty on 9 counts.
      Todd "What's in it for us?" Palin should be quaking in his boots.

      Orange is the new GOP

    2. Anonymous3:02 PM

      But McConnell was one of the rising stars, the gop had chosen for the WH. Well, along with Christie and Walker from Wis. (snicker) The gop just loves them some crooks!!

  7. The ONLY reason Luke is where he is is because of Dad. He never had to pay his dues. He graduates from college and it's straight to NBC stepping on a lot of people who had a lot more experience than he did.

    1. Anonymous3:05 PM

      Amen. I still miss John Siegenthaler, the "news hunk" He would have been a good host, but his father was a Democratic member. John got mail addressed to "The News Hunk" and everyone knew right away who it was for! Russert seems like a little smart arse coasting on his father's reputation. Just like W and McCain.

  8. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Tim Russert was known as a bully who drank way too much, and loved his spot inside the beltway. Scarborough and L. Russert won't add anything to this already lumbering and outdated show.

    1. fromthediagonal1:13 PM


    2. Anonymous3:07 PM

      The W/Cheney administration used to go to visit Russert when Cheney needed to "spread the propoganda" so there is that little factoid.

  9. Anonymous12:49 PM

    There goes "Meet the Press.' Now it's "Meet the Mess." Luke was hired because his father died too soon. And, Tim did not ask hard questions of his guests, or they wouldn't return. He let Dick Cheney get away with "There can be no doubt that Sadaam Hussein.....

    1. Anonymous4:08 AM

      Gryphon, I normally agree with you on most things but inside the beltway, we know our politics and those that feed on it. Tim never asked the hard questions. But, he always had good tables at restaurants. He was a smug, asshole who did not care about anyone but himself. And, he was a great friend of the Bush/Cheney administration. Luke was given opportunities even while he was in college. Check out Wonkette. No one likes him.

  10. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Is someone forcing you to turn on the TV so early in the morning?
    Can your TV only pick up MSNBC ?

    Your life must really suck if you can only get MSNBC and you have a slow internet.

    You want to punch him in the nose ? You're not a tolerant liberal?

    What a sad little man.

    1. Anonymous1:19 PM

      I'm a liberal but completely intolerant of liars, yahoos, know-nothinhg science deniers, LBGT haters, racists, Domionists, and rabid ammosexuals.How does that fit your canard?

    2. Anonymous1:21 PM

      Many of us eschew the Sunday shows, as a matter of principle and a general lack of free time to spend watching TV, and I can chime in as a progressive who has never tuned into a single cable news network, none of them, ever. I tend to find that ALL of the cable news, and even local news channels, tend to be partisan and are best avoided. I like to form my own opinions, and don't need someone to tell me what to think.

      If I ever find that reading The Economist, The Atlantic and The New York Times, oh, and sometimes even the local Anchorage rag, the Dispatch, is not enough to answer any questions I may have about the state of the world or our union then I'd ponder perhaps tuning into TV news. As it is, there really is no need for TV news unless you can't read. That goes for both liberals and conservatives.

  11. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Off topic a little, but the protests for fast food workers is going strong today. Many people work there because they can't find better jobs, jobs they are more qualified to hold. I am so sick of these conservative idiots saying that fast food workers are just teens, or lazy, ignorant adults. No, since the economic downturn, people are taking what they can get. And anyway, who cares, everyone deserves a decent paycheck.

    From our favorite "idiot site"

    susiepuma • 2 hours ago
    Watching the idiots protesting at the fast food joints......question - when did working at a fast food joint become a career job? Used to be that fast food jobs were for teens working their first job - learning how to report to work on time, do a good job, gain respect for the working public, etc. or else for older people who just wanted some extra dough for was not for people who are too dumb/lazy/unqualified/whatever to work anywhere else....sorry if that seems harsh but I just frankly do not care about these people at all - they are the same bunch that were bitching about people who actually work and OMG make too much money.......................
    These people are dumber than a box of rocks - robots can do the job cheaper & faster and no hassle.................I can live with that...where will these minimum wagers go then?

    This is what they think of hard working Americans. They hate welfare people, now they hate people that WORK too?

    1. Anonymous3:11 PM

      If better jobs were available, these workers would jump ship in a heartbeat. Most of them NEED a paycheck, no matter how small. I admire ANYONE who has enough self respect to work for a living. Grifters, like the entire PayMe family, well they are another species altogether. Lazy assed bums.

  12. Anonymous1:14 PM

    I haven't watched any of the political talk shows for years. I don't need any more of their narrow "inside the beltway" perspective. And really, how many times can a sane person watch Grumpy Grandpa McCain beat the war drums without kicking in the screen?.

    1. Anonymous3:13 PM

      So very true. I wonder how much they pay the little creep to appear every week? I already e-mailed Schieffer and asked him why he has little Johnny Mac on so often, since I could tell him ahead of time what he would rant about. Bomb, bomb, bomb.He must have stock in weapons or ammo businesses.

    2. Anonymous8:35 AM

      Don't you mean McCain who ratted out everyone for a cigarette and exchanged the opportunity to find missing Viet Nam Vets for rights to sell beer in Viet Nam? My husband is very right wing but he thinks McCain is a rat.

  13. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Until Dr Rachel Maddow is holding their feet to the fire MTP won't ever again be more than a Republican brunch.

  14. Since I work weekends I've never had the pleasure of watching mtp, so I doubt I'm missing anything much. Although, frankly, working weekends sucks. Ah well...
    M from MD

  15. Anonymous2:22 PM

    The only reason Luke has a job anywhere in Washington is because of his last name. Just another rich kid who got what he's got because of Daddy. We need people who didn't grow up in the beltway culture to start asking the questions in Washington.

    1. Anonymous3:15 PM

      I agree. There are yoing people who worked hard, got excellent grades and then have to watch this little entitled prick act as though he has earned his position.

  16. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Nobody is clamoring for more Joe Scarborough. And Luke Russert continues to fail miserably at being a tenth as good as his father. This, plus Chuckles hosting is just speeding the decline of the Sunday shows, already in rapid descent.

  17. Anita Winecooler5:32 PM

    They're all jockeying for position to report the next election. ABC switched Diane Sawyer for David Muir, NBC's shaking things up with Joe Scarborough? Really? He'll take over the conversation like a parasite whenever he's a guest.
    I just LOVE how female and black voters are being represented equally to the hispanic vote since the merge of univision and NBC,

  18. johnie2xs2:52 AM

    Sorry Gryph, I don't agree with you on one of these picks. Russert is a smarmy wannabe, and as we magree, Scarborough is repulsive. Going back to the original MTP format may save it for the time being, but they need to get reputable firebrands for correspondents. These, ain't it.


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