Friday, October 17, 2014

Some may have moved on to other stories, but the National Enquirer believes there is more to know about the Throwdown at the Hoedown. And I agree.

Courtesy of the National Enquirer:  

You’re all headed to the drunk tank!” That’s what an enraged Sarah Palin is telling her three eldest kids – Track, 25, Bristol, 24, and Willow, 20 – after a police report reveals they were boozed up at a party that turned into a headline-making brawl. 

Cops in Alaska released the report Oct. 9 after prosecutors said no charges would be filed related to the Sept. 6 incident. The former Alaska governor was at the party with her hubby Todd and their brood when the fight broke out. 

“Sarah is livid that her kids have been called ‘belligerent and intoxicated,’” a friend said. 

“It’s a real embarrassment. In a fury, she told them, ‘You’re all headed to the drunk tank!’ She’s not sending them off to rehab, but it’s a clear warning they better clean up their acts.” 

According to the report, obtained by The National ENQUIRER, at least two dust-ups broke out during the incident – one involving Track and Todd, and another involving Bristol. One officer wrote that Track “was angry, heavily intoxicated and acted belligerent.”

Sadly that is the last of the Enquirer's accuracy in reporting this story, because after that they pass on the false information, as reported in other news sources, that Track jumped in to help his dad who was under attack, and that Bristol was dragged around by her feet.

I was actually contacted by the Enquirer last week for more information, and an attempt to get me to reveal my source. However I gave them nothing new, and my sources have no interest in talking to the Enquirer at this time.

So I do not know who this "friend" might be. Though to be honest this certainly sounds like something Palin might say.

And besides anything that keeps the brawl in the spotlight makes me happy.

Which is why I was tickled that it came up while Meghan McCain was making an appearance on the Howard Stern Show: 

“When I first met her, I really liked her because I thought she was a politician like I’d never seen,” said McCain. “She was beautiful, she had children, she had a newborn baby. And, you know, most politicians aren’t like that. They’re much older, and I didn’t have a lot to relate to them about.” 

Since then, McCain’s opinion has changed. 

“And now, it’s very awkward because everybody asks me and, you know, she’s getting arrested or her children are getting arrested, whatever, for brawling and bar fights,” McCain said, referring to a reportedly booze-tinged family brawl Palin was a part of. 

“When people ask me about it,” McCain said, “it’s like my crazy aunt or something that people all want to tell me about.”

Okay that just makes me smile. 

Speaking of smiling I think you will all enjoy Jezebel's comparison of the accomplishments of Bristol Palin to those of recent Nobel Peace Prize winner Malala Yousafzai:  

Two bright young women dominated headlines late last week. On the same day that Malala Yousafzai, 17, won the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize, Bristol Palin, 23, was cited in an Alaska police report for getting drunk at a party and punching her host "multiple times." 

Bristol Palin's "heavily intoxicated" behavior had already prompted her famous mother to release a statement describing her daughter as "one of the strongest young women you'll ever meet." Sarah Palin went on to praise Bristol's "work ethic and heart for those less fortunate." 

Sounds like the Nobel Committee gave that Peace Prize to the wrong gal.

Seriously you have to read the side by side comparisons that Jezebel lays out. But I caution against having in liquid in your mouth while doing so.  


  1. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Mama Palin is pissed for one reason... her scam is running low on donations

    1. Anonymous6:00 PM


      the crosseyed skank could care less about her spawn ..

    2. Anonymous3:26 AM

      Very telling that she was not "livid" about Bristle being called "whore or slut" They must be used to those words about her, since her brother Track called her those names himself.

    3. Anonymous8:13 AM

      So G...what did you tell the NE that they wouldn't report?
      That's what I hate about these "news" places they run right back to the payme family and ask "is this true" and they say "of course not who said it"? That's what happened to the guy who tried to sell the vid of Todd and him in the UK. The "publication" ran right back to the payme's and asked if it was true.
      of course they denied it.
      But it was from one of his male hoes!

    4. Anonymous10:08 AM

      What video of Todd in the UK?!?

    5. Anonymous10:59 AM

      Anonymous10:08 AM

      What video of Todd in the UK?!?
      There is a video of Todd screwing one of his male hoes. The guy went to the UK to try and sell it and the place he went to ran back and ask the payme family if its "true" they said no so the pub didn't buy it. The guy has been MIA but will all this "attention" maybe it still will show up? Unless the paymes bought it?

    6. Anonymous3:05 PM

      Derek Hough talks about bullies. He forgot to mention Bristol or Todd.

      'It's not because [of] anything other than the people doing it aren't happy with themselves. They don't love who they are. They don't know who they are.'

  2. Anonymous4:41 PM

    It's easier to get grifted by Sarah Palin than catch ebola.

    1. Anonymous1:07 AM

      Doubt that. You're backwards.

    2. Anonymous8:00 AM

      Anonymous1:07 AM

      Doubt that. You're backwards.
      Well I guess if you fuck her and she has it no. Otherwise YES easier for idiots like YOU to get grifted by stupid Hoohaah!

    3. Anonymous8:26 AM

      8:00 uhhh. What? Back to beginners writing for you.

    4. Anonymous9:55 AM

      Anonymous8:26 AM
      Sorry meant Them 1:07...

  3. Anonymous4:41 PM

    "“Sarah is livid that her kids have been called ‘belligerent and intoxicated,’” a friend said."

    See, I would have been living that my actually WERE "belligerent and intoxicated." But Sarah doesn't care how they act; she only cares about the public image they present.

    1. Anonymous5:57 PM

      and Bingo.

    2. + 1,000,000!

      Me also, too. If my kids had acted like that, I wouldn't leave home without a Groucho nose, glasses, fake mustache and eyebrows. I recommend this to Palin "family" members . That way, everyone will know "who they are" and can cross the street hastily to avoid coming into contact with them.

    3. Anonymous1:34 PM

      In all fairness, it appears she has found an ugly mask.

  4. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Well, that Jezebel sure got something wrong: Malala IS a bright, young woman - but NO IDEA where they get the notion from that Bar$tool is a bright young woman!!! $he is most definitely the OPPOSITE of that definition!

    1. Anonymous5:58 PM

      Unless they mean Brisdull was "bright" cause of her...

      I got nothin'.

    2. I think they meant Brisdull is a white young woman.

    3. Anonymous8:27 PM

      The only thing that Malala and Bristol have in common is that they are both young women in who are in the public eye.

    4. Anonymous8:31 PM

      and white men can't jump...or barstool for that matter

    5. Anonymous3:28 AM

      Bristles already had one or two kids by the time she was 17.

  5. Caroll Thompson5:02 PM

    We were all here to see the rise of Sarah Palin on the national stage. We are now witnessing the fall of Sarah Palin.

    But in her desperation, I am quite sure she or someone in her 'camp' planted the story about her in the National Enquirer. She is trying to put the brawl on her children when we all know she was right there in the thick of it egging the family on..

    1. Anonymous5:43 PM

      I agree. But I guess if the Enquirer contacted Gryphen, they were maybe trying to get another side of the story? Then again, they could have just read the police report. Their "source" reported information that only the Palins claim to be true. And we already know Sarah has NO compunction about throwing anyone else, her children included, under the bus. Wonder how those track marks across their backs make them feel.

      If anyone here has knowledge of families this deeply dysfunctional, I'd really like to know: Why do they stick together so fiercely? Their mother threw pregnant Bristol onto the national stage, put preteen Piper on television in a sexy, age-inappropriate dress, carried Trig around half-clothed in freezing weather, uses them all as a they think this is normal behavior? Do they hate outsiders even more than they hate each other? I'm really trying to understand.

    2. Anonymous5:54 PM

      I'm sure they stick together since sarahpac is funding their lifestyle. As long as they stick with their bitchy and mentally deranged mother, she pays the bills. I don't think they have any real friends anymore.

    3. Anonymous6:16 PM


      Sarah herself is worth over 10 million dollars. She and Todd underwrote the mortgage for Bristol's home. None of the grown children can do things such as spend part of the winter in AZ and drive nice vehicles without the largesse of their mother's bank account. They've gotten used to a certain level of living, thus they cling to Sarah and she has them under her thumb.

    4. Anonymous5:43 PM
      If anyone here has knowledge of families this deeply dysfunctional, I'd really like to know: Why do they stick together so fiercely?
      It is called enmeshment. It is commonly seen in dysfunctional family systems. From Wikipedia: "...personal boundaries were diffuse, sub-systems undifferentiated, and over-concern for others led to a loss of autonomous development.[4] Enmeshed in parental needs, trapped in a discrepant role function,[5] a child may lose his or her capacity for self-direction;,[6] his/her own distinctiveness, under the weight of psychic incest;[7] and, if family pressures increase, may end up becoming the identified patient or family scapegoat.[8] For the toxically enmeshed child, the adult's carried feelings may be the only ones they know, outweighing and eclipsing their own.[9]"

      This type of system will not easily allow members to leave or outsiders to enter. The Palin offspring do not have a strong enough sense of themselves as individuals to even realize who they are as they bounce around in life reacting to their angry and forceful mother directing them in what and how to feel, think, and act.

      It will likely only get worse as Sarah loses more and more control over the narrative of her that she wants to be the public representation of who she is.

    5. Anonymous8:33 PM

      probably to deflect the AK National Guard as Alaskans are calling on records when Palin was in office and her LACK of prosecution on rape cases...

    6. Anonymous9:42 PM

      All I can say is holy crap, and WHY haven't they been run out of town on a rail? There is something very VERY wrong with this picture, and my money is on prostitution and sex trafficking. It's at the core of everything she spews.

    7. Anonymous12:12 AM

      I agree. She was an abused child, who abuses her own kids, and she married the ultimate abuser: a guy who thinks so little of women that he is a pimp.

    8. Anonymous3:43 AM

      Since it has been reported that Track was in another fight the same night, maybe $carah is livid because the APD did not do their usual coverup of the first fight? The influence is fading, that is why she is lived. Guess they are so used to the names Bristol was called, it is nothing to get upset about, eh?

    9. Anonymous5:02 AM

      Nefer at 8:14 pm. I had never heard of "enmeshment" before but it makes perfect sense with regard to the Palin tribe as well as the Kardashian one. The mother in both families is the root of the dysfunction. And we know, in the Palin family, that Sarah Palin's issues go back to her father.

    10. Anonymous5:47 AM

      Nobody called Bristol or anyone else names. The name calling was done by Track when he referred to the women at the party as 'bendova's". Any o'em, all o'em.

      Basically, the fight was started by Track and then his sisters jumped in with their fists. The host of the party ordered Bristol to leave and never lifted a finger to remove her. Her brother may possibly have dragged her away after knocking her down.

  6. Anonymous5:07 PM

    Which has done more harm to the US, Ebola or Sarah Palin's ignorance?

    1. Anonymous5:23 PM

      The media has done the most harm...spreading fear and misinformation and over-reporting on Ebola and for giving Sarah Palin a megaphone and treating her as though she had something to contribute to the national dialogue.

    2. "The media" is nothing without its readers/viewers.
      So I would say "ignorance" is doing the most harm. On all fronts and all issues.

    3. reasonably sane8:54 PM

      Willful ignorance on the right-wing media.
      Voluntary ignorance on most others...
      So sad, but so true

    4. reasonably sane9:10 PM

      An ignorant and irrelevant question in and by itself, really.

    5. Anonymous5:44 AM

      Sadly, the US news media is owned by three or four conservative conglomerates (corporations) that prefer to promote their own shows and offer opinions instead of reporting news. It's the first step to controlling the masses.

    6. Anonymous8:16 AM

      Liz I.6:46 PM

      "The media" is nothing without its readers/viewers.
      So I would say "ignorance" is doing the most harm. On all fronts and all issues.
      Excellent Comment!

  7. Anonymous5:14 PM


    I must say one of your funnier posts. Still laughing!
    Nobel Prize given to the wrong gal...priceless!

    1. Anonymous12:10 AM

      I'm sure Sarah is angry that the "Noble" prize didn't go to her, not because she deserved one, but because there is a lot of cash involved.

  8. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Anonymous5:07 PM, neither. The Koch suckers and brothers turned loose idiots like $arah and Joni Jerk.

    Would love to hear from Charles and David about this family disaster.

    1. Anonymous8:34 PM

      wanna see em wig out? ask em about that chick they banged in the mid 60's...who was that again? smirk...

    2. Anonymous11:29 PM

      Ok, I'll play. Who was it?

    3. Anonymous5:42 AM


  9. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Only a few days after the brawl, Sarah did a post on her "strong" Bristol & defending family. So I doubt she said what NE says---or only said it when the "brawl" story brought so much negative publicity. If she said it, it's just a Sarah cya as usual--after the fact.

    1. Anonymous8:29 PM

      I don't care if Sarah actually said what was reported in the NE or if they made it up. I love that The Brawl lives on and on and on.

  10. Anonymous5:21 PM

    The NE article brings up a key point:

    "booze-tinged family brawl Palin WAS A PART OF"

    Sarah Palin was there!

    Give me a break on her misplaced anger and empty threats. Why didn't she let the police cart her drunken, belligerent adult children off to the 'drunk tank' on party night? Perhaps, because she and Todd would have been thrown in the tank with the kids?

    I forgot Sarah's explanation for not giving a rat's ass or having a mama grizzley's heart and insisting the entire Palin clan leave the party at the first sign her kids were drinking too much and, definitely, get the hell out at the point Track tried to start a fight with Todd.

    1. Anonymous6:06 PM

      Not only was she there for the brawlin' & maulin', she must alsotoo have been there for the drinkin' & drunkin' durin' the drivin' to the party....way to go mom, how cool is that?!!

    2. Anonymous5:34 AM

      Of course she was there. She was part of the fight. It was probably her that broke Todd's nose.

  11. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Until Meghan lays off the butter drenched biscuits and hair bleach,she needs to STFU,or give America the dirt.
    Just sayin'.....

    1. Anonymous5:58 PM

      Wait, just because she's a fat blond that's supposed to matter somehow?

    2. Anonymous6:28 PM

      5:28 PM


    3. Anonymous6:40 PM

      de·liv·er (d-lvr)
      v. de·liv·ered, de·liv·er·ing, de·liv·ers
      1. To bring or transport to the proper place or recipient; distribute: deliver groceries; deliver the mail.
      2. To surrender (someone or something) to another; hand over: delivered the criminal to the police.
      3. To secure (something promised or desired), as for a candidate or political party: campaign workers who delivered the ward for the mayor.
      4. To throw or hurl: The pitcher delivered the ball.
      5. To strike (a blow).
      6. To express in words; declare or utter: deliver a lecture.
      a. To give birth to: She delivered a baby boy this morning.
      b. To assist (a woman) in giving birth: The doctor delivered her of twins.
      c. To assist or aid in the birth of: The midwife delivered the baby.
      8. To give forth or produce: The oil well delivered only 50 barrels a day.
      9. To set free, as from misery, peril, or evil: deliver a captive from slavery.

    4. Fat, blonde, I don't care.
      She's smart.

    5. Anonymous7:23 PM

      "Fat, blonde, I don't care."
      Nor do I.
      "She's smart."

    6. Anonymous8:00 PM

      What do you look like? Miss America?

    7. "Anonymous5:28 PM
      Until Meghan lays off the butter drenched biscuits and hair bleach,she needs to STFU"
      Well, Palin isn't overweight or blonde, and nothing she says is worth shit, so your suggestion doesn't make any sense.

      Unless you just enjoy tossing gratuitous insults. Personally, I think Meghan is pretty, and while probably overweight (I think our sense of an appropriate weight for women has been distorted by fashion and entertainment), she can certainly be viewed as pleasingly curvy. It is not as though she is a morbidly obese person being lifted out of their home by a crane.

    8. 7:23, Megan McCain has a BA from Columbia, among other accomplishments. I may not like her politics, but she's smart, which is one of the reasons her criticism of Palin will piss Palin off.

    9. Anonymous8:32 PM

      The only reason that Meagan has some kind of voice in the media is because her father is John McCain. Otherwise, she sounds like a Valley Girl, (no insult to real Valley Girls). She had a front row seat for the 2008 campaign, and she probably knows the truth about Trig and the rest of the Palin family. Loyalty to her father for his terrible selection of a VP candidate?

    10. Anonymous8:36 PM

      Megan get the soldiers to train you to box Sarah!

    11. reasonably sane9:06 PM

      Looks and weight should never be a determination of what a woman is about. Ever.
      You can agree or disagree with her ideas/thoughts, however looks should NOT EVER play part of it.

      For crying out loud. Mitch McConnel?????

      Unfortunately, women do get judged on their looks....
      Ugly is in the eye of the beholder. I'm ugly in some, intensely beloved by others.

      Please don't let outer looks determine your vote.

      Vote on conviction!

    12. reasonably sane9:23 PM

      Liz at 8:21, yes Meghan McCain has a decent education and yes,
      Anon 8:32 the only reason she has any kind of platform is because she's the daughter of John McCain.
      That's it. She's not any smarter than anyone, she doesn't have any deeper insight into anything.
      She's a larger sized woman which shouldn't matter one tiny bit. (Those who bring that up have their own shit going on!!)
      Meghan is a very privileged young woman who cannot relate to regular people. She'd like to think she can though, but that would only work in privileged republican circles.
      I'd invite her to come to East-Oakland, live here for a few weeks, then see how her 'young republican voice' evolves.
      Just saying....

    13. Anonymous9:48 PM

      Meghan isn't going to spill anything. Wake UP.

    14. Anonymous9:56 PM

      8:36 PM

      Sarah can box the way she can shoot. No training is required to deck that tiny bag of bones.

    15. Anonymous12:27 AM

      Liz.... lets be honest, she 's not a rocket scientist.

    16. Anonymous3:51 AM

      Meghan was given two tickets to the Washington Correspondent's Club Dinner. She showed up with two friends. When told she could only bring in ONE, sweet, Meghan exploded "Don't you know who the FUCK I am?" So ladylike. Another time on TV she said about something being discussed "That was before my time" giggle giggle. Paul Begala said "The French Revolution was before MY time, but I READ about it"!! If not for her family connections, Meghan would not be on TV. Why isn't she on Faux with the other bleached blondes? Oh, right, her legs are too big.

    17. Anonymous8:56 AM

      MAYBE Meghan will spill secrets after her dad passes, but Stern couldn't even get her to admit that choosing Sarah as running mate was a mistake. I think she's too loyal to her dad to ever reveal anything we don't already know.

  12. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Sarah doesn't have the control of the media that she once did. This Anchorage Brawl is not going to go away and I personally love it!

    The Palin klan is a huge disaster as Alaskans have always known!

    Suck it up Palin - you are in big trouble!!!

    1. Yeah she thought she could control the narrative, meaning if she didn't talk about the drunken palin family brawl then it didn't happened.

      sarahy, your bullshit isn't working as effectively as what? Last month? Each month it gets harder and harder for her to pass-off her crap as fact.

      No money in sarahypac,
      no respect for sarahy,
      no more sarahy's lies.

      Instead we have:
      sarahy scary knuckled fingers all over the ANG,
      sarahy scary knuckled fingers all over APD,
      sarahy scary knuckled fingers all over crimes and misdemeanors in the state of ak.

      sarahy, what is that dropping? Oh the other shoe.

    2. Anonymous1:04 AM

      Yeah.. Actually if you get out in the world at all beyond the Palin related blogosphere, it pretty much has disappeared. The NE story will be it's last big hurrah. Fading away. Sorry bro.

    3. Anonymous3:53 AM

      Fading away, just in time for the time bomb of the National Guard story to be revealed!!

    4. Anonymous5:29 AM

      fading away...just like the little bit of beauty that Sarah and her daughter exhibited.... They are both fading fast, but, the deterioration of Sarah is unprecedented in speed.

    5. Anonymous5:31 AM

      Fading away??? Only in Sarah's dreams. The brawl is all the world remembers about the Palins... well...except for maybe, the prostitution, drugs, gambling and baby selling.

    6. Anonymous8:35 AM

      Yeah, but no, not in Sarah's dreams. In reality. The story has already been pushed aside for real news worthy events involving people or happennings of actual importance.

  13. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Jezabel side by side is hilarious....

    1. Anonymous6:26 PM

      If you haven't read it you should.
      Jezabel rocks on this one !

  14. Anonymous5:37 PM

    ugh, that pic of Sarah's monster jawbone always makes me ill. It's no wonder that nobody punched Sarah in that brontosaurus jaw during the Palin family brawl that her gang of unemployed, lazy, idle offspring started.

  15. Anonymous5:47 PM

    She has a prognathic chin like a Neanderthal, that's the only thing she has in common with Neaderthals because they were much more intelligent.

    1. Anonymous6:23 PM

      As someone who can claim descent from a Neanderthal, I thank you for that! :)
      M from MD

    2. Anonymous7:25 PM

      @anon at 6:23 pm

      What percentage? I am assuming you had a 23andMe dna test done. I am actually 4 % neanderthal which is their highest recorded.

    3. Anonymous8:37 PM

      it's called plastic surgery

  16. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Sarah is toxic mostly to herself, her family, and a few stupid people who don't know any better than to send her money. The stupid people include the half-ass Bagger candidates who are so desperate to get a few votes that they let her campaign with them. Kochsuckers, any of em, all of em.

  17. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Well, the National Enquirer story pretty much calls them belligerent and intoxicated, Sarah, so I guess you can be livid at it. "The media," doncha know.

    "Drunk tanks" -- an expression that's fallen out of favor, having been replaced by rehab and AA and spas and such. I love that she used the phrase. It makes their nasty behavior sound just as bad as it was -- and that they were fit to go sleep it off in the "drunk tanks."
    Drunks -- lurching, smelly, incoherent, angry, rummy, besotted, befuddled. Those are your children, Sarah! And the whole world knows that you've got not one, not two, but three adult children who are lazy, uncontrollable souses. Not many families can boast of your kind of record. Sarah Palin's Alaska!

    1. Anonymous8:40 PM

      Alaskans needs to make videos poking fun of that..
      May be send a copy to NBC Saturday Night Live...
      Sarah Palin's already got the script...

    2. Anonymous3:57 AM

      I was glad no guns were involved, then I remembered how bad of a shot $carah is!! Whoever they aim at is in no danger. The people in the area, however, well they had better take cover. I want to know why Tripp was not removed from that group of beligerant, foul mouthed drunks. Levi should have been notified, to come pick up his son.

  18. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Sarah Palin is a corpse picking itself clean.

    1. reasonably sane9:24 PM

      That doesn't even make sense.

    2. Anonymous10:03 PM

      makes perfect sense to me ..

    3. Anonymous7:54 AM

      Makes sense to me as well. Nice metaphor.

    4. Anonymous8:57 AM

      A one-woman ecosystem. But when the decay goes too far, can the scavengers be far behind? You'd think there would be people out there p*ssed enough to cash in on what they know, before it's too late.

  19. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Don't know what to make of this. Can National Enquirer really be an influential provider of news? They seem to hit and miss with stories; all are sensational and it gets the "eyeroll" approval at the check-out lines.

    If someone with journalistic integrity and clout could interview G., the story would go places.

    At least the NE keeps the story alive. What friend would give out information to a tabloid? Sarah has no friends. And her being livid? That's a stretch, considering she was in the limo while her kids were going to this alcohol-fueled party while highly inticated. "Drunk Tank" is a joke. She enables those kids and flaunts herself with them, giving them the OK to proceed to someone's party, uninvited, and in a drunken rage.

    1. Anonymous9:51 PM

      She wasn't in the limo. Read the police reports.

    2. Anonymous10:05 PM

      the crosseyed skank was traveling back from tejas, eh numbnutz ?

    3. Anonymous5:26 AM

      if she stayed in the limo...why are there pictures of her skanky skinny butt hanging out of her too tight jeans while she's on top of the pile punching? very valuable pictures....ROFLMAO please, do it again!!!

    4. Anonymous9:05 AM

      She was at the scene, she is briefly interviewed in the police report.

  20. Anonymous6:14 PM

    Skeleton Sarah strikes a ghoulish pose.

  21. Anonymous6:14 PM

    Sarah reminds me of that mother of the bad dude in Kindergarten Cop. They were determined to find their little boy and steal him from his mother. A mom's love for her son and grandson, the Palin way.

    1. reasonably sane9:27 PM

      You watched Kindergarten Cop??!!???

  22. Anonymous6:36 PM

    At least the Enquirer tells their stories,

  23. Anonymous6:38 PM

    Wow! That Jezebel piece has to burn!

    1. Anonymous7:12 PM

      If it burns Willow, Bristol and Sarah. see your gynecologist.

    2. Anonymous4:00 AM

      Maybe the "burning" is what drives the trial husbands away? Does Dr. CJB provide treatments for all the family, plus their victims?

  24. Anonymous6:43 PM

    Sarah wins the worst Mother of the year award. Throws her kids to the wolves to protect her image Does anyone buy this crap? Does anyone believe she said they were headed for the drunk tank? How dumb do you have to be to be sitting right there with your kids in a limo and not know they were drunk? I'll tell you how dumb ,Sarah Palin dumb.Idiot! leave them at home! Hell she is so high on meds that she probably didn't notice. Run Sarah Run! that's the kind of leadership we need a leader who can't handle her own family! run on the family values platform Sarah that should work.

    1. Anonymous8:16 PM

      This can't be the first time.

    2. Anonymous8:41 PM

      cover thy ass is what it really is about with Sarah...

    3. Anonymous4:01 AM

      8:16 I doubt this will be the last time, either.

  25. Anonymous6:44 PM

    “Sarah is livid that her kids have been called ‘belligerent and intoxicated,’” a friend said.

    Sarah isn't that better than being called the children of a pimp?

    1. Anonymous7:03 PM

      So Sarah Bristol was called a promiscuous borderline retard, Track was called Caint Get Right and Willow was called a delinquent breaking and entering artist that quit high school.

      Let us know which names doesn't make you livid and we will see if we can get the town of Wasilla to knock it off.

    2. Anonymous7:09 PM

      Don't get mad at us Sarah, you should be livid at the Anchorage Police Dept.

    3. Anonymous8:42 PM

      703 lol...still giggling...humanity is good therapy...
      and their observations of it all...with humor indeed...

  26. Anonymous7:06 PM

    “Sarah is livid that her kids have been called ‘belligerent and intoxicated,’” a friend said.

    But Sarah is not livid that Todd is called a pimp and a pervert that peeped at women/s nipples through holes in walls.

  27. Anonymous7:17 PM

    “Sarah is livid that her kids have been called ‘belligerent and intoxicated,’” a friend said.

    I would have thought Sarah would be more upset that Curt Menard Jr was accused of being Track's biological father?

    1. Anonymous9:26 PM

      Accused? Track is a twin to Curt Menard Jr.

    2. Anonymous11:06 PM

      the body never lies...does it sarah...DNA...

  28. Anonymous7:27 PM

    I can't stop laughing! You left out the first sentence of the Enquirer story which describes the Palin family perfectly:

    "Livid Alaskan trout-mouth bombs brood in a sea of rage!"

    Too bad little Tripp has to grow up watching and hearing the "adults" in his life acting this way before he grows up to be a brat just like them. I hope the judge is paying attention!

  29. Anonymous7:40 PM

    That must rilly chap her ass that little Meghan McCain is speaking about her this way!

    I haven't been a fan of Meghan, but I am loving this! Go Meghan! That is rich.

  30. Anonymous7:57 PM

    I'm guessing that somewhere along the line someone told Ms. Palin that her kids could become a part of a Palin dynasty, a la the Kennedys, Bushes, and (now) Clintons. Expose Bristol on DWTS, Candies, reality teevee, whathaveyou to demonstrate her intelligence and political chops....but alas, the monkey didn't fall far from the tree, or whatever the metaphor is.

    1. the palins are delusional to believe they are on par with a dynasty like "Kennedys, bushes and Clintons. All ex presidents.

      palin is a failed vp running mate of mccain's failed presidential bid.

      she doesn't come close to even have a 'dynasty." Instead the palins have a legacy of: bad behavior, racism, inciting murder and mayhem, violence, lack of education, lack of intelligence, hillbillyism, redneckism, crackerass-ish, grifters.

      I haven't seen this much uncouthness since msnbc lockup.

    2. Anonymous4:05 AM

      The Palins should take lessons in behaviour from the Honey Boo Boo family. They have not made this type of headline. Their mother is a REAL Mom to her kids.

  31. Anonymous8:12 PM

    For Sarah's kids to end up in the drunk tank they would have to have been arrested the night of the brawl, brought to the Anchorage jail and left there to sober up. You can't just send your kids to the Drunk Tank. But Sarah should think about rehab, seriously.

    1. Anonymous10:04 PM

      I could definitely see Sarah threatening her kids, letting them know the ONLY reason they weren't heading to the drunk tank was because of their mother. One word from Sarah and the cops would have taken the three of them away.

  32. Anonymous8:17 PM

    So the NE is a regular reader of this blog as well as many other news outlets. Good to know.

    1. Anonymous8:28 PM

      You must be a subscriber to the Sarah Palin Channel-blog

      Good to know.

  33. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Is Sarah livid about her family being drunk or getting into fights? If they were just drunk, they would have laughed at jokes that weren't funny and they would have talked too loudly. It was the getting into fights that was what made this story hit the headlines. Drunk and disorderly. Drunk and fighting. There was more than just one fight. They were all involved (except for Tripp who was either asleep in the limo with a strange man as his baby sitter or Tripp was wandering around the air strip and the party looking for his drunken, fighting relatives.

    I guess the fighting was OK with Sarah. They had planned on drinking too much because they hire the limo and the designated driver. They have vehicles which could have held the party goers: Todd, Sarah, Track, Willow, Bristol, Tripp. Six people. An RV, the truck, that wrapped bus that Sarah is trying to sell, one of the many playthings parked on the Palin property. Todd didn't plan on driving because he planned on drinking. Ditto for Track, Bristol, Willow and Sarah. And don't tell me that Sarah (two Baileys for breakfast) doesn't drink.

    Which is worse, Sarah, the drinking or the fighting? No, it was the fact that even though Sarah tried to keep the story quiet (we don't need to go to court over this, do we?), the police released the police report which stated that the Palin family was both drunk and fighting.

  34. Anonymous8:35 PM

    Back in the summer of 2007, Bristol posted a comment that her mother thought that Bristol was pregnant so as punishment, she took away Bristol's cell phone for a couple of days. Some punishment! That's the time for a mother to have one of mother-daughter talks about-- oh, hell, Sarah was pregnant when she got married, and so was her mother. Taking away Bristol's phone does not address the issue of an unwanted or unexpected pregnancy. It is an example of what the poor parenting in that family.

    1. Anonymous5:30 AM

      Taking away the Skank's cell phone only delayed her Trial Daddy 'interviews'. Dylan Kolvig, Ben, Levi, and all of Juneau High School.

  35. Anonymous8:37 PM

    Bristol Palin's "heavily intoxicated" behavior had already prompted her famous mother to release a statement describing her daughter as "one of the strongest young women you'll ever meet."

    Sarah Palin is proud of heavily intoxicated Bristol? Then Sarah must think Bristol is a freaking genius the night Bristol lied and went camping and downed wine coolers in her little canvas tent and had sex while her friends were outside listening.

    1. Anonymous8:53 PM

      I thought Bristle said there was another couple in the tent.

    2. Anonymous10:00 PM

      Anon 8:53 that's nasty and makes it even worse.

      Who raised that trashy girl.

    3. she also stated that she was so drunk off of wine coolers (HAHAHAHAHAHAHA) that she didn't know who she was boinking in the tent.

      Basically she's a first rate skanky ho when she slightly intoxicated. Unprotected dick is unprotected dick is dick to her.

    4. Anonymous5:22 AM

      for all Bristol thinks (she can't) ...and what all of Wasilla that Bristol was a train wreck in a tent. Pay the fee, shake the tree.

    5. Balzafiar8:04 AM

      "I thought Bristle said there was another couple in the tent."

      To Brisdull's credit, there wasn't a line of boys/men outside.

    6. Anonymous8:40 AM

      It's not like she would know if there was or not. Let's check the film footage.

    7. Anita Winecooler4:04 PM

      I always thought the "winecooler" was a lie from the get go. She tried to portray herself as if this was her first time at the rodeo, and she could write that winecoolers were sweeter than beer or liquor, which caused her to get drunk, go all heels to Jesus, and boink her bf to keep him around. She even wrote about already losing her "moral compass", so what's the big deal if she keeps doing it?
      Then she went on all the shows and walked it back with "when I wrote...... I meant to write......" Guess she realized she could get sued for accusing Levi of rape and thought it would be a great idea to do interviews to "clear that up".
      Someday Tripp will type his name into a search engine, think back, and realize he was the rope in Mama's Tug of War. Then he'll read her book. I'd hate to be in her shoes.

  36. Anonymous8:44 PM

    I read the article on Malala and Bristol and all I felt was sadness. Sadness, because with everything that was given to Bristol and the Palin's, they didn't use any of it to help others, only themselves.

    1. Sally in MI12:00 AM

      The family motto is "What's in it for us" after all. That and "We'll do it until the law tells us we can't, and then we'll keep doin' it anyway, cuz don't you know who we are???" Proud Valley Trash.

    2. Anonymous6:06 AM

      Oh bristool, that Jezebel Article is going to leave a mark, is it so wrong I'm smiling :)?

  37. reasonably sane8:50 PM

    You know, women can be portrayed to be used, abused and generically made to be look awful.
    I give the Palin clan the ..... nope. I tried. Can't do it.
    They are awful, woman-hating, money-grabbing, power-abusing, people-abusing people.
    There. I tried to make them strong women, but I cannot.
    They are a horrible example for women overall, and I kinda feel for the kids. Yes, all of them.
    It's a damn shame.
    They all could have been strong women and set examples as such.
    In stead, they're users and frauds.

    A shame, really. And sad.

  38. Anonymous9:48 PM

    I'm ashamed of my then Mayor Sarah Palin of Wasilla who made rape victims pay for their own rape kits. Talk about adding insult to injury. But anything happens to her daughter, talk about being drama queens.

    1. Anonymous11:08 PM

      oh come on now didn't Barstool cry rape with poor Levi?

    2. Anonymous7:08 AM

      Anon 11:08 it must get old in the Palin household hearing your daughter claim that every boy in Wasilla raped her.

    3. Anonymous9:08 AM

      Don't forget the gang rape threats against both Bristol and Willow by those boys in Juneau. You know, the threats that were never reported to police or Sarah's security...

    4. Anonymous11:29 AM

      The Juneau girls were pissed that Willow and Bristol Palin were giving blowjobs to all comers at Juneau High.

    5. Anonymous1:25 PM

      and some child rape cases collect dust for $$$...
      milking it for all it's worth in the hopes the parent gets pissed and does something stupid...right sarah?
      so is that why you all are so pissy? can't win this?

  39. Anonymous9:58 PM

    You would had thought those Palins would have used their notoriety to help DS kids and families with DS children.

    Nope not those "Don't you know who I am?" Palins.

    Sarah Palin is too much into herself as we can see by Trig's development and her own children's development.

    But hey, Sarah has been eating good at barbeques and pancake breakfasts and is an excellent example for.... I got nothing.

    1. Anonymous9:16 AM

      An excellent example of how to squander a national platform, influence, fame, and money; how to use every opportunity to tear down rather than build up; how to use your children, especially the teen mom and the "retarded" (your word) one, and your so-called faith to exploit people and grift money for yourself; how to let your stubborn pride keep you from admitting or apologizing for mistakes, even as your mistakes become increasingly stupid and egregious; how to flame out and crash, in less than a decade, from serious political contender to national joke.

  40. London Bridges4:43 AM

    Sarah: Here is the perfect way the Palin Klan can grift some more money! Pose for a picture with the whole family with black eyes and knocked out teeth, and torn clothes and muddy knees in front of the white Hummer limo with the caption, "Don't drive when you are drunk out of your ever loving mind! Use a designated driver! Even if you're not too smart, get smart." The Palin, perfect Public Service Advertisement!

  41. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Anybody see a pattern here? Bristol was too drunk to remember who she assaulted and too drunk to keep her panties up in her little canvas tent. Can't take her word anymore when she tells the whole world that her future boyfriends or the newspaper boy raped her.

    1. Anonymous1:27 PM

      sure it's called shuck and jive...recall her whining about it in 2008? monkey see monkey do...

  42. I'm sure countless have commented on this already, but holy fuck...why can't the faithful masses at Jezebel do a LITTLE research? I had to stop reading. I was becoming so incensed that nearly all of them seemed to take it as gospel truth that "Levi raped Bristol". Dozens mentioned this but only one person mentioned that Bristol IMMEDIATELY walked back that statement.

    Not only that, so many mentioned that Bristol was "slut shamed" by the entire country after her pregnancy was announced at the RNC. Not ONE person mentioned how Sarah Palin CHOSE to out Bristol's pregnancy rather than show Trig's birth certificate.

    I was just really sad that so many people felt the article was "attacking" Bristol. In reality, Bristol is a petulant, lying, divisive, grifter who saw how her mother capitalized on being low hanging fruit with no real job and decided she wanted the same easy money. Voila- a dramatic "rape" in a tent. Bristol fails to mention that another couple slept in the tent WITH she and Levi. I really hate her for making up this "raped while unconscious" narrative. This will follow Levi around his whole life.

    1. Anonymous8:59 AM

      Jezebel is permeated by a very strange brand of radical feminism that taints everything they write about, its as if they've made up their own rules of feminism and adhere to them religiously to the detriment of all other reasonable thinking. They are very cult like, both the writers and the responders. It didn't used to be like that and was a fun place to visit full of witty and snarky commenters now it's like a lynch mob just waiting to pounce on any commenter that doesn't adhere to their extremely rigid view of feminism and other political correctnesses gone too far.

    2. Anonymous9:55 AM

      That was the moment I knew beyond shadow of doubt that Sarah Palin was a worthless piece of sh*t, addressing the Trig rumors by throwing her daughter under a bus in the most humiliating way possible. How this has gone unnoticed by so many people is a mystery for the ages. People don't think? Or they don't read?
      It is encouraging to see that Levi seems to be getting his act together. Maybe it won't haunt him forever, that there's a nutcase fringe who will forever hate his guts. (Yeah, still sucks though.)

    3. Anita Winecooler3:51 PM

      I agree with you, Nyah. Bristol hasn't accomplished anything on her own and it seems that, because her book came out first, people generally take her word over anyone else's. When I read that she woke up alone in the tent with something "obviously askew" then had to phone a friend to find out she was raped, uh" I mean I always heard it described as something "Taken" but I felt mine was stolen". She also wrote about hearing Levi bragging about it through the thin canvas material. Give me a break.

  43. Anonymous8:02 AM

    God some of these comments are way over the top over an irrelevant family.

    1. Anonymous9:06 AM

      Your concern is noted. Have a nice day!

    2. Anonymous10:06 AM

      Anon 9:06 good one

  44. Anonymous9:01 AM

    A thing makes more of itself. Ergo: the dysfunction. Feeling for the kids. Hope they reach out for an education and grow away from the drama.

  45. Anonymous11:22 AM

    :Anon 9:01, don't think they can reach out for an education and grow away from drama. Uneducated is their middle name and drama is their last name. The Palin family are a bunch of worthless uneducated promiscuous lazy bums that are not interested in 9 to 5 jobs. The Palins are interested in looking for the quick easy buck.

    Look at Sarah Palin, for example, when she was governor she just wanted to make sound bites on tv, lick her lips, roll her tongue and make baby talk. Sarah was incompetent as a governor and had to have Todd as co-governor just like she needed Todd to be her co-mayor. As governor, the state legislature wore buttons that said Where's Sarah? Was Sarah dedicated to the state of Alaska and to its taxpayers? As soon as Sarah got a chance to work less and make more money, she quit her job as governor and was gone faster than Bristol can drop her panties.

    Same with Bristol, with just a high school education and Palin as her last name, Bristol made easy money as a motivational speaker. Talk about your oxymoron, Bristol Palin and motivational speaker, Bristol is the one who needs a motivational speaker.

    Then there's Track who Sarah said is a counselor to service veterans. That's another oxymoron, Track is the one who needs counseling with his bad temper he had as a child. Now just because Track went to Iraq, Sarah is trying to turn his childhood bad temper into PTSD she said he received from being in Iraq. Everybody in Alaska who knew Track as a youngster and knows him now laughs in Sarah's face if she is trying to turn Track into a motivational counselor with only a high school education. Same with Bristol, with only a high school education, she too claims to be a motivational speaker.

    1. Anonymous9:01 PM

      Track 'Cain't Get Right' Menard has anger management issues and drug problems.

  46. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Comment from SPHSH,
    I'll bet there is physical and verbal abuse within the Palin family itself. Todd, Sarah, Bristol, Track, Willow and Piper. I suspect nasty name calling to each other as well as slaps and slugs.

    Sarah and Todd are the very worst examples of parenting! The kids did not have a chance and I think they will continue through their lives totally screwed up. Who would want to marry any of the offspring and put themselves in the middle of that mess?

    1. Anonymous4:14 PM

      gotta love that slander

    2. Anonymous7:08 PM

      Yep. 4:14 PM!

    3. Anonymous8:59 PM

      4:14 PM Sue, Bitch, if it is slander. Otherwise STFU.
      Any truth about the Palins is considered slander and libel to you, ignoramus. Teach Tri-g to eat solid foods, instead of trolling the internet 24/7.

  47. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Sarah Palin always says she is not ruling out that she may run for president. Sarah how can you run for president you dipshit when you don't even know where the president lives?

    Palin opened up her speech antagonizing the current administration, saying, "Don't retreat. You reload with truth, which I know is an endangered species at 1400 Pennsylvania Avenue, anyway, truth…the media's favorite president.

    1400 Pennsylvania Ave? That's a beauty pageant comment.

    1. Anonymous12:05 PM

      11:33 give it up. Nobody thinks Sarah is running for anything, especially Sarah (even the C4Pers know it). She pulls the tease out of habit or for giggles, but nobody takes it serious.

    2. Anonymous1:32 PM

      Her beauty pageant days are loonngg gone. She couldn't even qualify for hottest anything today. Can't you keep her in the Upper 1? We don't want her in
      the Lower 48.

    3. Anonymous7:07 PM

      What group would solicit her to run? Republicans or Teabaggers? Republicans would never select her as their candidate and Ted Cruz would be the pick for the Teabaggers.

      She won't run for anything - on the national, state or local levels. Every knows she's an idiot, a lair, racist and fraud. Too many things have come out about her, Todd and her brood over the years.

      She is not a politician, entertainer or comedian and she is going broke w/her PAC with fewer and fewer donations!

      Bye, bye sista Sarah and klan!

  48. Anonymous12:58 PM

    WTF!!!! Ignorant uneducated school drop-out Barstool is now a middle-east expert & claims that a book co--written by David French--Nancy's hubby--is ALL you need to read to understand the ISIS & other crises & what to do about it.
    SMH...maybe the book also instructs her what to do with her abstinence offspring. BTW, what did she do with the DWTS & Junker offspring...creepy as fuck.

    1. Anonymous3:36 PM

      that is because the connection is financial and overseas. see they got 'wind' of a scam back in 89' and they really freaked out when the owner of money came back to alaska...sally had to be there to be sure! then the domestic-terrorism began...since 98' so when that gets to court with that DNA test...all shit will hit the fan...because the person they try to kill and take the money from is not from the USA...
      the person is from Syria...and has ancient bloodline!
      the money got dumped with the kid in 66' in Alaska..
      then the money sat in DBWM and has grown HUGE.
      now when that is extracted and transferred? OUCH!
      so that freaks sarah and company out...shrug...
      I heard that person hasn't owned a gun or done crimes so that 'excuse' wore thin years ago...
      and when that person is in law school...oh that really ramped up the 'activities' and to include 'fly overs' by military planes...I can hear sarah ranting about 'the end' and brainwash those poor with the federal audit it will get exposed the 'location' of those fly overs...won't it sarah and!

    2. Cracklin Charlie8:33 PM

      Any idea how they got 'wind' of the scam?

      And surely Sarah herself didn't sniff out that scam all by her lonesome, did she? She barely seems able to dress herself.

      Somebody lock up the canned goods!

  49. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Hey Sarah, if your PAC and video club receipts trickle to a standstill, maybe you can partner up with acquitted Casey Anthony ( the Orlando woman who partied & did not report her daughter missing for 30 days) and start a national chain of "Mommy Dearest Childcare Centers."

  50. Anita Winecooler4:12 PM

    I'm a bit confused. Didn't Sarah sing the praises of sweet Bristol being independent and strong on her facebook channel thingy? Now she's calling her belligerent for doing what she does everyday. Gets Drunk, crashes parties and toboggans without her toboggan?


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