Sunday, November 30, 2014

Communications Director for Tennessee Congressman trashes the First Daughters. Immediately regrets that decision.

Courtesy of Raw Story:

A staffer for Republican Rep. Stephen Fincher (TN) took to Facebook this week to attack Sasha and Malia Obama, President Barack Obama’s daughters, for failing to show what she deemed to be sufficient respect for their father’s annual pardoning of a Thanksgiving turkey. 

According to Gawker, Elizabeth Lauten, former new media political director for the Republican National Committee, wrote an open letter to the two girls, attacking their facial expressions and clothing choices. 

“Dear Sasha and Malia,” wrote Lauten, “I get that you’re both in those awful teen years, but you’re part of the First Family, try showing a little class. At least respect the part that you play. Then again your mother and father don’t respect their positions very much, or the nation for that matter, so I’m guessing you’re coming up a little short in the ‘good role model’ department.” 

She continued, “Nevertheless, stretch yourself, rise to the occasion. Act like being in the White House matters to you. Dress like you deserve respect, not a spot at a bar. And certainly don’t make faces during televised, public events.” 

For the pardoning ceremony, elder daughter Malia wore a long-sleeved sweater, a plaid schoolgirl skirt and opaque tights. Sasha Obama wore a mini-dress that hit her at mid-thigh with a long-sleeved cardigan sweater. 

Both girls rolled their eyes when their father made a joke, as teen girls typically do when their father says something he thinks is funny.

Seriously?  Lecturing the Obama girls for acting their age?

That seems like a REALLY bad idea.

And guess what, it was:

Nine hours after her initial post, Lauten had a change of heart or, more likely, her boss called and flipped on her, or she was tired of getting cursed out on social media. In any case, she removed the initial post and apologized, also via Facebook: 

"I wanted to take a moment and apologize for a post I made on Facebook earlier today, judging Sasha and Malia Obama at the annual White House turkey pardoning ceremony. 

… I reacted to an article and quickly judged the two young ladies in a way that I would never have wanted to be judged myself as a teenager. After many hours of prayer, talking to my parents and re-reading my words online, I can see more clearly how hurtful my words were. Please know that these judgmental feelings truly have no pace in my heart. Furthermore, I’d like to apologize to all of those who I have hurt and offended with my words, and pledge to learn and grow (and I assure you I have) from this experience."

Gee I had no idea that daughters of Presidents were held to such high standards. 

I wonder what Ms. Lauten would have had to say about this?

Or about the antics of a daughter from a certain famous half term Governor from Alaska?

Kind of makes folded arms and an eye roll seem sort of innocuous, don't you think?


  1. Anonymous6:30 AM

    "After many hours of prayer...."
    What a crock of shit.

    1. Anonymous7:03 AM

      Exactly. Pandering bullshit that only the biggest moron would believe.

      There is something seriously wrong with a grown woman who needs to speak with her parents (and, her god) to know not to be an asshole.

    2. Anonymous8:19 AM

      She clearly didn't immediately regret anything, she just got TRASHED on social media and Twiiter, especially. She needs to apologize DIRECTLY to those lovely girls. What a disgusting woman. Shame on her and her hatred.

      This one is perfect!

    3. Anonymous10:46 AM

      "After many hours of prayer..."

      Well, clearly the previous YEARS of prayer didn't make much of an impact if it didn't give her a tiny, little hint that Jesus (or god of her choice) might be opposed to trashing a pair of harmless girls through a medium that goes world wide in seconds.

      Or maybe she goes to a special mean girls church.

    4. Anonymous9:59 PM

      Elizabeth told the truth harsh as it might have seemed

  2. This person also owes our POTUS and FLOTUS an apology. The comments she made about them were outrageous.

    1. Anonymous7:06 AM

      And Malia & Sasha - she didn't even direct her apology to them!

    2. Anonymous10:00 PM

      respectfully I say Flotus should have a talk with first daughters about attire and attitude i want POTUS to have the respect he deserves

  3. jkarov6:48 AM

    Typical Christian Taliban follower. Spews her true feelings, and then when the hatred spills into the press, she has to "apologize", and is of course begging forgiveness to keep her job.

    Just like Todd Aiken and Richard Mourdock of the 2012 senatorial races.

    Both of these Christian militants said *exactly* what they thought of rape, and mandating that raped women and girls must bear children by force of law. They then realized their true belief and expressing it so publicly might have consequences, so they pretend to backtrack.

    Except that Aiken later retracted even his pathetic attempt at apology.

    There will be no end to the Jihad of the religious Christian right, and their attempt to force theocracy by small measures on everyone else in the USA.

    1. Anonymous10:03 PM

      should not have to apologize for telling the truth; verbalizing her opinion; it was constructive criticism
      not child bashing as some suggest 1st daughters did not measure up to Potus event on this occasion

    2. Anonymous8:58 PM

      Her opinion is not necessarily the truth. It also reflects negatively on her role as a communicator. Also I think she resigned because she did "bash" these girls who are considered children. Neither did I see her comments as constructive criticism either. Usually that is not classified as "hurtful" as Ms. Lauten stated in her almost-non-apology.

  4. angela6:49 AM

    I'd like to say this Lauten woman's behavior is shocking, but I'd be lying my ass off. Attacking teenagers for rolling their eyes at a turkey pardoning and then basically calling them bar flies?

    Aside from the fact that this fake ass christian woman is a hateful piece of crap--those girls dressed like they were going to a book club.

    When Bush was in office I did not comment on his daughter's. They didn't ask to be in the WH. Even when they were in college I thought they were off limit. Hell, I never even commented on Bristol Palin until she became a nasty mouth piece for her putrid parent.

    1. Maple7:03 AM

      I think she used this as an excuse to criticize the President and First Lady -- in a really ugly way. But then, shouldn't we expect this sort of oozing, putrid hatred from the GOP? And as for many "hours of prayer" -- oh puhleeze! Bringing your god into the apology ("yes, I'm such a Christian I actually prayed about this") is simply using your god in a most disrespectful and unholy way. This woman is truly disgusting.

    2. Anonymous10:11 PM

      gosh ... i don't believe what i am reading... girls needed an attire and attitude change, comparison with Bush girls not the answer; using God not right either.. either ... please to that too... no apology

    3. Anonymous12:39 AM

      Anonymous10:11 PM :

      You are a low-down piece of SHIT. Justifying attacks on children because you hate their father proves what a fucking turd-sack you are. You and your kind disgust all decent people. Go fuck yourself.

  5. Anonymous6:49 AM

    Maybe she can post a comment on Sarah's drunk, cussing, fighting and slutty daughters.

    Maybe a comment on the Bush daughter in the limo flipping the bird.

    1. Or the Bush daughter who took off her panties on the beach in South America. Yes, I watched the video. No, I don't have a link.

  6. Anonymous6:57 AM

    How long before Brancy posts a blog about 'why wasn't everyone up in arms when I was the one being 'attacked' by the lamestream media?'

  7. It is not only her disgraceful, racist, and perverted (sexualizing a pair of well-behaved, conventionally-dressed teenage girls as a pair of wannabe barflies hoping for a good time) that she needs to apologize for.

    It is also her disrespectful, disgraceful, insulting, and racist crap about how the President and First Lady of the United States "don't respect their positions very much, or the nation either" that she should apologize for.

    If you need to "pray for hours" to figure out that your public utterances regarding a pair of innocent teenage girls were out of line, then you are a fucking moron.

    And if you have to "pray for hours" and still can't figure out that your callous insults toward the President and First Lady were completely without merit, then you are a fucking hypocrite who never once in her "hours of prayer" considered that maybe her own actions required repentance.

    Not all those who cry "Lord, Lord" will enter the Kingdom, Lauten, you low-life piece of trash. Ponder that bit of the Bible during your "hours of bullshit, I mean prayer." (Matthew 7:21)

    1. Anonymous7:21 AM

      Once again, Nefer, spot on.

    2. Anonymous8:38 AM

      She's another of the faux 'christians' who can do all sorts of despicable, immoral, illegal things and then claim that "I prayed and the Li'l Baby Jeebus forgave me!"

      Her posting was particularly egregious considering that her very job involves media and PR. I'm sure she spends substantial time carefully crafting speeches, media releases and public responses. There is absolutely no excuse for what she wrote, and it is simply not possible that she, of all people, simply made a mistake.

      It was an ugly, nasty, deliberate attack on the President and First Lady using their lovely and age-appropriate teenage daughters. The ONLY reason she issued an apology is because of the social media backlash and fear for her livelihood.

      The least that should happen to her is that she lose her job. Unfortunately, like all the good rightwingers who 'innocently' say racist comments that certainly weren't intended to be racist (wink, wink), she will be quietly applauded by the GOP base.

  8. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Typical christian.. I had to pray on it and found the error of my ways. A supposed good christian would have found the need not pass judgement in the first place.

  9. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Her Linkedin page is good.

    She has a communications consulting company ... which does "crisis communication"

    She needs to hire herself ...pronto.

    She posted her SAT score at site... she got 1580 .. then went to lowly East Carolina U.... for degree in Latin. She can be a buddy of Brainyless at C4P.

    I had a 1590 SAT .. and was accepted at Harvard, Princeton and MIT ... would have never stooped to ECU.

    1. Anonymous7:43 AM

      Who the hell posts their SAT scores anywhere, let alone Linkedin.

      (On another note, let's not trash state colleges, please. I went to a "lowly" state college because I didn't want to be up to my ears in debt. I went on to work as a research assistant at an ivy league school before getting my PhD from the top school in my field.)

    2. Anonymous10:59 AM

      I've met some real idiots that graduated with great marks from Ivy League schools (it's hard to fail at those places, and A grades are plentiful).

      People that sneer at a state college education might think twice about dissing a person that sneered at some teenage girls.

    3. Anonymous11:53 AM

      Stooped? Really?? You're no better than her.

    4. Anonymous12:19 PM

      State colleges are (relatively) easy to get in to, and challenging to graduate from. Ivy League is hard to get into, but easy to graduate from.

    5. "Whatever"1:25 PM

      10:59 "...Ivy League schools (it's hard to fail at those places, and A grades are plentiful)."

      12:19 "State colleges are (relatively) easy to get in to, and challenging to graduate from. Ivy League is hard to get into, but easy to graduate from.

      Seems we are showing our bias against people who go to and graduate from Ivy League schools.

      Did it ever occur to you (probably not) that the reason so many people do well at Ivy League schools is that a person has to be at a certain high level of grades and personal accomplishment in order to even get into such a school.

      In other words you have to prove you will be able to handle the rigorous course load, so those who enter already excel at schoolwork and study skills. The best of the best as they used to say.

      And, still, many fail for various reasons.

      As for state colleges, don't diss them by saying they are easy to get into. They should be. They should be working to encourage people to get advanced training.

      By offering a lot of options for schooling so that a person could find an area they excel at and are best suited for, they open educational opportunity to the masses.

      Regardless of whether your classes seem easy or hard, it is hard work to put in the time and effort to complete a 4 year degree at any school

      Anyone who does so should be patted on the back. Anyone in school now should be given encouragement to ride it out to the end.

    6. Anonymous1:45 PM

      "the rigorous course load"

      Ha, ha, ha. As if the course load at an Ivy League is more rigorous than a state school. Don't fall for the hype, Ivy League is all about brand recognition. I've seen transcripts from Harvard that are only good for a laugh. The trust fund kiddies party hard and "select" courses for easy grades.

    7. Anonymous1:55 PM

      Ted Cruz and Dumbya graduated from the Ivy League, nuff said.

  10. Anonymous7:04 AM

    And this woman is a COMMUNICATIONS director?

    (waiting to see if she will be fired, but not holding my breath)

    1. Anonymous7:48 AM

      For a communications director, Elizabeth Lauten's career should be in jeopardy. Why would anyone hire her to help them manage a crisis when she is so great at creating her own crisis?

    2. Anonymous8:09 AM

      unless of course she did exactly what her boss wanted to keep his fingerprints off of it.

    3. Anonymous8:24 AM

      Before working for Fincher, Lauten worked for GOP Congressman and dead beat dad Joe Walsh.

      If anyone would know bad parental role models, it would be her.

    4. Crystal Sage9:16 AM

      She was really praying that she didn't get her sorry ass fired. What Facebook sometimes uncovers is a person's raw hatred and racism. Her rant on Facebook did just that and it came back to bite her sorry ass.

  11. It's simple, if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all. Words matter............

  12. Anonymous7:11 AM

    I'm not sure what was worst
    1. Address the girls directly in a post
    2. referring to them as dressed as bar flies
    3. telling the girls it isin't their fault becuase their parents aren't good role models either (I think that would hurt me the most) - but they shoudl rise to the occasion anyway
    4. telling the girls that their parents don't respect the nation or their positions (not roles!) as POTUS and FLOTUS.

    One person speculated whether this was written with her bosses' permission/suggestion/approval so that his hands were clean. I have no idea. I presume she didn't think her boss would be upset by it.

    1. Anonymous9:21 AM

      I hope that Fincher's office got inundated with replied from people who were simply horrified at his aide's behavior. The Obama girls seem to be such lovely girls: intelligent, well read, fun. This Lauten woman is crazy and so is her boss.

  13. Anonymous7:13 AM

    The POTUS children are chastised for rolling their eyes and looking bored at the silliest tradition in America, and Bristol is applauded for having her unwed child, and seen as a role model.
    I'll leave out the Bush girls as they never did anything at an official event that I can remember.

    1. Anonymous7:35 AM

      I find it amusing how they masked Bristol;s rampant teen sexual encounters with the right to life campaign. Funny how many believe the Barstool got knocked up the first time having sex when she had been around the block too many times to count.

    2. Anonymous8:16 AM

      7:35 a.m., I grew up in abstinence culture. EVERY teen/unmarried pregnancy was the result of "the first time we had sex." No one ever admitted to having multiple sexual encounters.

  14. Anonymous7:17 AM

    The President and First :Lady are not the ones disrespecting the office, it is the gop and TP'ers who have done that since day one of President Obama's term. She must hang around in bars herself, to speculate that the girls are ready to belly up to the bar. Remember when W was in office, his daughters were requested to leave Argentina because of the fear they would create an international incident,. Seems the blonde cross-eyed one was naked, drunk and high running up and down corridors at a hotel. Rather than arresting her, the Argentine government contacted US authorities to remove them from the country. Such behaviour as that is A-OK as long as you are gop. Send this twit photos of Bristle's in her thong dress, with puddles of urine between her feet. Her mother STILL thinks SHE should have been VP!!! Or the photo of Piper about 6 years old, giving the finger to a little boy on stage with her and her family. Great family values these people have. Snotty woman should lose her job, but since she displays all the "class" of the rest of the repubs. she will not be dismissed.

    1. Anonymous7:55 AM

      The picture of Piper giving the finger was most likely photo shopped. And, the "pee spots" on the driveway were oil drips. There were several spots on the driveway that were all similar like what happens when a vehicle has an oil leak. I don't think that Bristol could pee in that many spots with that much skill. I do remember about the Bush twins having an "adventure" in South America and false ID's and Margaritas when in college.

      You should know that I am not defending the Palins, except, we need to make sure when we write something that it is fact. Bristol may have been pissed but those spots look more like the substance of "drill, baby, drill" than urine.

      RJ in BBistan

    2. Anonymous8:32 AM

      RJ - You are forgetting one thing. Who cares if Bristol left pee markings on the driveway?

      The Palin kids (and parents) were involved in an Anchorage Brawl that has been documented by the Anchorage Police Department for all to hear and read about!

      Todd, Sarah, Track, Bristol, Tripp and Willow were in attendance (uninvited) - at the Anchorage residence.

      Yes, Tripp, who actually saw his mother drunk and disorderly as well as his other family members!

      The kid should never have been in the residence in the first place! And, Bristol should have the kid taken away from her by Levi....she's a horrible mother which she has already admitted to on video!

  15. Anonymous7:23 AM

    I would imagine the entire Obama family thinks that turkey pardoning event is a bunch of crock. I'm surprised President Obama has continued doing it.

    The girls both look cute and well dressed - just like other teenagers in our world of today. Short skirts are back in - I remember wearing the same length when I was a teenager for crying out loud!

    This Republican woman's comments were horrible and a continuation of making her party look bad! She could have gone after the Bush girls (drunk - noted above in a photo) and/or the Palin teenagers/young adults and their confirmed and documented Anchorage Brawl! She didn't admonish them because they were of her same party affiliation - Republicans!

    The Obama daughters have never been caught doing anything that compares to those of the Bush girls and/or the Palin clan!

    The woman needs to be fired! She would not have a job were she in the private sector!

  16. You know I am sick and tired about these supposed "Christians" claiming that there is this nationwide persecution of Christianity.
    What I think is that we should give them what they fear, a nationwide marginalization to the Christian faith. I say let us show them exactly how separation of Church and State actually works.

    1. Agree completely. No tax exemptions to start.

  17. Yeah, I know what she prayed about for hours ("Jesus! Don't let me lose my job!) she certainly didn't pray for wisdom.

    She is creating the very Hell she claims to want to avoid.

    Are we in the last days of Christianity?

  18. Anonymous7:29 AM

    It's just this simple, Malia and Sasha didn't want to do the turkey pardon and speech. Pet the turkey, don't even ask! Listen to your Dad's, even if he is the President, lame jokes, Nah!!! Someone that was clueless should get a clue from this photo op and realize those girls would be embarrassed. About seven would be the cut off age for this kind of activity
    And, for this pardon of the turkey, it is a dumb tradition. Feed the hungry and not just at the holidays.

    The girls looked like they were enjoying shopping at the bookstore on Small Store Saturday. Age appropriate activity.

    RJ in BBistan

    1. Anonymous9:16 AM

      The Obama family, including daughters, have always participated in programs that prepare meals for the less fortunate. And I'm sure they were all joking about the poor turkeys (just imagine what those birds were thinking). And book shopping with their dad has become a tradition for the Obama family during the Thanksgiving weekend. It's a great one too!

    2. Anonymous11:43 AM

      Hmmm...where does the Obama family go on a family outing? To feed the homeless or to a bookstore.

      Were does the Palin family go? They show up, uninvited, in a stretch Hummer to a local birthday party and start a drunken brawl.

      And WHICH is the party of family values?????

  19. And It appears to be beyond the capabilities of this communications director to type out "I apologize to President Obama, the First Lady and Sasha and Malia Obama for my remarks" instead of "I apologize to all those who I have hurt and offended."

    And I wouldn't be posting my SAT score online if I didn't know that it should be "to all those whom I have hurt and offended."

    1. Anonymous11:17 AM

      For a professional PR person she sure uses lousy grammar...faulty pronoun references, split infinitives - basic stuff for writers. Most people might not care, but it shows that Lauten is not aware of how she comes across - which is lazy, uninformed and hypocritical.

  20. Anonymous7:58 AM

    We need a Christian First Family. Next cycle, with Governor Palin's beautiful family in the WH (Trig, Piper) America will never be embarrased with the likes of Obamas and Bushes.

    1. Anonymous8:19 AM

      Please tell me this is snark. Or did you somehow sleep through the Throwdown at the Hoedown?

    2. Anonymous8:23 AM

      7:58 AM You are an idiot or a troll! Obviously, you don't know the 'facts' of the Palin klan. Be assured, Sarah and Toad would never make it to the White House! They are far from being a 'christian' family!

    3. Anonymous8:25 AM

      The fuck we do....Palin is a compulsive liar and a drug adict. Her kids are just like her.

    4. Anonymous8:29 AM

      America has already been embarrassed by the Palins' lack of Christian behavior and just plain ol' common sense. WTF. LOL. SMH. Is it too early for a drink?

      RJ in BBistan

    5. Anonymous8:44 AM

      That tribe is no more Christian
      than I'm 36-24-36.

      They will NEVER be first family, no matter
      how many bible verses and rosaries the
      pees recite. EVER.

    6. Anonymous8:54 AM

      7:58 AM Creepy Chuck Heath Sr. is still looking for your panties. Todd is in Anchorage trolling for new whores. Track Menard is showing off his shirtless warrior non-combat body at a drunken brawal. Bristol is drunk and punching Joey Junker in the face. Willow is fucking whomever will have a drink with her drunk ass. Sarah is daydreaming of a Dorm Room encounter with President Obama. The Palins are XTIAN and Presidential Family material? BWAHAHAHAHAHA.

    7. Anonymous11:02 AM

      That had to be snark.

    8. Your comment was either snark, or you are completely delusional and/or stupid.

      Real Christians and real Americans have never been embarrassed by the Obamas. Even the Bush girls, after the stresses of living a fishbowl existence as teens, settled down, completed their college educations, and have since stayed out of the limelight to pursue careers and family life.

      The Palins are nothing but ignorant, boorish, loutish, uncivilized gutter trash. They are certainly not Christians as they spit on the teachings of Jesus on a daily basis.

      And by the way, serve your term honorably and you can use the title as an honorific the rest of your life. Palin broke the oath she took to the Alaskan people to chase money. She threw her position and title aside and said herself she didn't need a title. She is NOT entitled to style herself "governor" and anyone who calls her "governor" must lack any kind of work ethic and be as lazy and greedy as Palin herself.

    9. Anonymous4:21 AM

      @Anonymous7:58 AM : your little world, Obama is an embarrassment, the Palin family is "Christian", and Sarah is popular enough to be President. BWAHAHAHAHA! Tell me, is being stupid like being high all the time?
      This goddamn family of fucking idiot trash will never be in the White House, EVER. This bitch can't even control her kids, so you know she sure as fuck can't run a massive national campaign. Especially since 80% of the country hates the stupid bitch. How will she win if no one votes for her? But this toxic piece of shit Sarah is too much of a fucking COWARD to even try. But as long as she keeps pretending she might, you trogs send her money. How fucking stupid are you assholes? Wake the fuck up! the Palins don't give a fuck about this country, and they have been playing you inbred fucktards like a fiddle for 6 years. But hey, if your little fantasy keeps you from committing suicide, please carry on. Just know that everyone thinks you're a fucking moron. Go fuck yourself.

  21. Randall7:59 AM

    "After many hours of prayer..."
    Fuck you.
    You do something shitty and then run and hide behind your religion for forgiveness...
    Well you know what?
    If your religion were worth anything at all you wouldn't have posted that attack on the First children in the first place.
    So fuck you.
    If you're so religious then next time, pray BEFORE you do something shitty.
    Fuck you very much.

  22. Anonymous8:20 AM

    I believe she took down her apology... So much for that, and for 'many hours of prayer' about it... (Also, too: just WHY did you have to 'pray' about what you said, you b****?!)

  23. Anonymous8:24 AM

    RW jealousy of President Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama as well as Malia and Sasha runs deep. Lauten's attack on the entire First Family was vicious. "Many hours of prayer", my ass!

  24. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Mr. & Mrs. Lauten must be very proud of how vile and nasty little Lizzie is.

  25. Anonymous8:34 AM

  26. After many hours of prayer, I've come to determine that Elizabeth Lauten, spokeswoman for Republican Congressman Stephen Fincher of Tennessee. is a friggin asshole

    1. Anonymous8:56 AM

      I'll bet the Congressman is receiving lots of negative messages suggesting his asshole spokeswoman be fired pronto! As well she should be!

    2. Anonymous2:46 PM

      Would that be long and hard prayer there?

  27. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Well, we can't compare to the Klondike Kardashians because they are not really in politics, they are reality stars who make their living saying mean things about those who actually ARE in political positions for real. It isn't comparable to this situation, although Mama Grizzly will want to pretend it is, which will be all sorts of pathetic.

  28. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Hoo-boy, what a vicious woman.

    That apology was void of conviction. First off, Lauten personally attacked these girls. Did they make offensive statements, or use the F-word every 5 seconds, or wear see-through camo skirt with thong? They were doing their duty, playing the part of First Family performing a traditional Thanksgiving thing.

    What these nasty Repubs really hate is that the First Family is a black family. They hate that they are in the White House.

    Another point is that it's interesting that when a conservative political family do act out in public, offensively, and are photographed being offensive or drunk and disorderly, with police witnessing and being called to an altercation, these same people like Lauten say absolutely NOTHING.

    They hear about the Republican children's antics, bad conduct and ignore it, but they project that all that bad behavior onto Sacha and Malia Obama. Notice that when blogs that call out the Palins, for instance, discuss the classless tastes and offensive behavior, soon after, we read a right-winger's screed against the Obamas, using all the liberal judgments against truly offending characters (like the Palin kids, and their hypocrisy), and turn it on the First Family. For instance, if Bristol Palin is heard using profanity, the next day some right-winger is attacking the President because he is chewing gum at a foreign photo op. The right-wing have this little black book, where they list the faulty characters of their own, hold on to it, and then when the POTUS or his administration make a slight protocol faux pas, they go on a crusade. Clear projection. Meanwhile, the right-wing family is never criticized or condemned about anything, because they clearly are off limits.......and they're white.

  29. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Apparently, the backlash has continued. According to several news sources (including CBS), Lauten has deleted the (non-)apology and made her Facebook profile private.

    Since Sasha and Malia can no longer see the (non-)apology, can we all assume that Lauten will now make a very public and heartfelt apology directly to the entire Obama family???

    (Yeah, I crack myself up sometimes!)

  30. Anonymous9:07 AM

    An Open Letter to Liz Lauten

    ...I hear you prayed long and hard before you issued an apology. Really?! As a trained media professional, did you really have to say LONG and HARD? Child, what exactly where you praying about? Do you even focus? There's nothing long and hard to be thinking about here. We're talking about young girls. Let's keep this family friendly, OK?

    If I was you, I know one thing I would be praying over -- I'd be praying my BOSS, Rep. Stephen Fincher (R-TN) was super busy this holiday weekend and didn't notice you rolled up on his property and peed all over the carpet. If anyone knew you had posted that vile attack on those innocent children in his name, they might think he actually approved what you said. Of course, if he keeps you on his payroll folks might talk. They might say stuff like,

    1. Anonymous9:21 AM

      What a vile, disgusting person. As my dear departed Dad always said, "she's only sorry because she got caught." You can bet that there are many applauding her, including Fincher, and a certain bespectacled viper is licking her lips with her forked tongue and rubbing her hands together in delight.

    2. Anonymous7:16 PM

      Thanks for the link Anonymous 9:07. I read the entire open letter article and it's priceless!

  31. Anonymous9:10 AM

    So, Ms. Lauten prayed hard and finally pulled the Facebook post. Lady, the damage was done. First of all, the Congressman you work for has no right to judge the Obama daughters. Secondly, how stupid you and he both were to think that no one would notice. And finally, what right do you have to criticize Malia and Sasha Obama when the daughters of a former GOP vice-presidential candidate really behaved abhorrently?

    Malia and Sasha Obama seem to be lovely teenagers. They do well in school, they participate in school athletic programs, they give time back to the community they live in, they are, and rightly so, sources of pride for both of their parents.

  32. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Yeah, Sasha and Malia, Why can't you act more like the Klassy Palin Kids. You are supposed to drink to excess, wear a thong dress, threaten to slug anyone who you think insulted your family, buy $300. sunglasses and swear a bleeping lot.

  33. Anonymous9:17 AM

    I can't help but wonder how many in-office high fives were slapped before the internet exploded. Disgusting.
    And I'm sure at least one of the Palins will turn this into a personal victimization cry.

    1. Boscoe12:14 PM

      I have no doubt that once this gets a bit more traction, Our $arah will predictably take to the FaceSpace and submit some vitriol about how "the standards are different when it's conservative kids".

      And obviously she'll be consciously ignoring the fact that Sasha and Malia have never been the subjects of a concerted marketing campaign to promote them as hypocritical "role models" so they could make bank on the lecture circuit, they've never been the subject of multiple reality tv shows promoting them as "celebrities" and building fake narratives around them. In order to even make the comparison, she'll be suggesting that rolling eyes when Dad tells a bad joke is exactly equivalent to drug use, teen pregnancy and public brawling.

      And, as usual, Hannity, Greta and the Faux Friends will largely back her up, and everyone else on the planet will rip her to shreds for her false equivalence and arrogance, which I guess is what she wants?

      More negative attention for $arah, underlining yet again what a divisive nitwit she is, and all for... ??? I honestly don't know what real benefit she gains by being the internet's troll queen. I doubt that position comes with a benefits package, and it pretty much ensures she'd be rejected by any honorable outlet forever.

      I wonder what kind of money there is in NASCAR appearances and Gun Store openings?

    2. Anonymous1:37 PM

      President Obama was the one who said "kids are off limits" from the get-go. SHE was the one that trotted 'em out, and still does to this day. "Look at US!" Well, toots, it's been quite the eye opener these last six years. Care to run 2016, or are you just going to hide behind Facebook and your laughable SPC network?

      Never mind, we already know the answer.

  34. Anonymous9:20 AM

    If you would like an example of kids who don't want to be there, look at Sarah's facebook post where she sits on the red couch in Todd's Man Cave while Trig and Tripp squirm, fight and clearly don't want to be there. There is a wonderful scene where Tripp kids one of the dogs. Sarah grabs his leg. Tripp grabs Sarah's hand and pushes it away. He also points his finger at her. So, being the mature adult, Sarah responds by making some strange thumbs-up sign. They go back and forth before sliding off the sofa. Why can't Obama's kids have nice manners like that?

    1. Anonymous3:35 PM

      Where are Sasha and Malia's thong dresses and $300.sunglasses? And, I don't think that they are drunk? What is the matter with those kids?

    2. Anita Winecooler4:13 PM

      Yeah, where was this Elizabitch lady during the holiday brawl?

  35. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Were their long-sleeve sweaters showing too much wrist?

  36. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Dear Malia and Sasha
    Please remember to wear your white gloves and an appropriate- to -the-season flowered straw hat. I'm sure Queen Elizabeth could help you find what you need. Before leaving the house- no, your rooms- check to see that your skirts reach at least 6 inches below the knee. You can kneel on a hard floor and they should swirl around your lower leg. Ask Sister Agnes of the Loose Habits if you don't know this maneuver. And finally, smile-smile-smile - I'm sure Marie Osmond can show you how.
    -meh, over and out

  37. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Due to her hateful, disrespectful, deliberate remarks Lauten has now brought herself, her current boss Rep. Fincher, her entire previous career and perhaps her personal life under intense scrutiny by folks who have a justifiable agenda to take her down and out. Let's see how she continues to take what's directed at HER and those around her. Lauten is just another typical faux Christian GOP piece of trash.

  38. Anonymous11:39 AM

  39. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Who exactly is being disrespectful to the office of POTUS? Who exactly is the bad role model?
    The people in the White House working hard
    The staffer who feels it is her place to advise the President and his children on proper upbringing of children..

    1. Anonymous3:03 PM

      She wasn't a "white house staffer" she is a minion of a republican member of the house of representatives from Tennessee. That woman has never seen the inside of the white house.

    2. Anonymous3:33 PM

      She works for Stephen Fincher, a congressman from Tennessee who quoted the Bible to cut off food stamps. She previously worked for the Deadbeat Dad Congressman from Illinois, Joe Walsh. She really can pick them.

  40. Anonymous1:37 PM

    These GOP women with "communications degrees" sure can't think on their feet.
    Her only way out would have been to say her account was hacked!
    Sucks to be so stupid.

    1. Anonymous2:31 PM

      I'm a woman, and I Iook at all of 'em and say,"huh?" She wasn't hacked and everyone knows it.

  41. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Was this your prayer, Elizabeth?
    Prayed for hours, what?

  42. Anonymous3:32 PM

    What is offensive is that Elizabeth accused the President and Mrs. Obama of showing disrespect to the nation. I suggest that Elizabeth is the one who is lacking in respect. Or, she has been too busy reading Sarah Palin's facebook posts.

  43. Anonymous4:02 PM

    Go to hell lizzy!

  44. Anita Winecooler4:04 PM

    "I wanted to take a moment and apologize for a post I made on Facebook earlier today, judging Sasha and Malia Obama at the annual White House turkey pardoning ceremony.

    … I reacted to an article and quickly judged the two young ladies in a way that I would never have wanted to be judged myself as a teenager. After many hours of prayer, talking to my parents and re-reading my words online, I can see more clearly how hurtful my words were. Please know that these judgmental feelings truly have no pace in my heart. Furthermore, I’d like to apologize to all of those who I have hurt and offended with my words, and pledge to learn and grow (and I assure you I have) from this experience."


    This grown woman just "sassed" the two first daughters, then turns around and uses all the christian key phrases (aka "The Great Jesus Christ Mr Clean Magic Eraser" issuing what sounds like a "sincere apology" over something she just read, reacted to, then felt the need to run to facebook and set them unruly black girls straight and question the first family's child rearing ability?

    I'm not buying any of it. IF she "read" something and wanted to comment, then the place to do it is where she read it, NOT an open attack on facebook out of nowhere.

    Merry Solstice, Mrs Elisabeth, maam! BTW, one of your lawn jockey's light needs replacing. I'm sure President Obama will find it in his heart to pardon you. What's one more turkey? Right Entitled White Bitch?

  45. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Just another braindead religious adherent saying stupid things and then asking "sky fairy" for forgiveness. She should be ashamed, as should so many others, for being weak and using an invisible person who doesn't exist to help them through their existential crisis. Religious people make me sick to my stomach because they've missed the point, the point of our existence and they are squandering their one chance at consciousness on an adherence to something that is both unproven and something that they feel they can manipulate to both energize their hatred and then forgive it. So sad.

  46. Anonymous5:44 PM

    SIGN the petition to fire her sorry ass!

  47. Anonymous8:48 PM

    It's very hypocritical for liberals to criticize her when liberals trash republicans kids for things every human does. TEENS WILL ALWAYS BE TEENS and be involved in teen like behavior.

    Stop acting above all that, you assholes.

    NO ONE deserves to be trashed. NO ONE.

    You let Levi finally grow up after acting like an huge asshole every day of his teen life. You let Sunny stop her hard partying.

    For real, assholes. Stop being hypocrites.

    1. Anonymous10:35 PM

      Ann Grimes/just no/justtine/jessie/quartz/queenie/no comprends/Bristol's borderline retarded twin Your usage of multiple identities is as childish as Sarah Palin's wardrobe. You write like a High School Dropout/Palin. Get a Life, Palin Juvenile Troll. No one cares about you and it shows.

    2. Anonymous10:41 PM

      BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA, you are JEALOUS that Levi and Sunny are together. Too bad that nobody wants Bristol and her 'litter' of illegitimate babies. She is just like her Mother, the " I just fucked a Black man" Dorm room whore.

  48. Anonymous10:48 PM

    Ann Grimes, or is it Lou Sarah, or Willow the Asperger, or Track the insane druggie/alcoholic, or Todd the Pimp? Is Willow in the NYC Klein Institute again?

  49. Anonymous9:36 AM

    libs trash con kids all the time and way more than what cons do which is take the high road most of the time.

    And when the daughters of our potus look like a pair of spoiled brats at a much televised wh event and get called out for it, libs are up in arms.


  50. One can't help but wonder how she might feel if those daggers were directed at her own daughters, herself or other members of her family. Sheesh what a shallow hate filled neo-con vessel.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.