Tuesday, November 04, 2014

Dark money in politics and the honesty of Senator Mark Begich.

Courtesy of TPM:

Republican dark money groups are outspending their Democratic counterparts by an incredible margin, according to data from the nonpartisan Sunlight Foundation. 

During this cycle, conservative groups that do not disclose their donors have spent more than $94 million, while liberal dark money groups have spent more than $28 million.

The data this cycle confirms Republican dominance of dark money spending. In the 2012 election cycle, about 80 percent of dark money spending backed Republican candidates.

Of course as we know there has been untold millions spent up here in Alaska in support of Dan Sullivan, hell anybody trying to watch a You Tube video, listen to the radio, or watch television can tell you that. 

And when asked about that Dan Sullivan ran away like somebody was trying to take his lunch money.

Now undoubtedly Mark Begich has received some money from outside groups, and some of those are certainly from shady PACs that don't want to disclose their donor list.

However Begich is not one to shy away from scrutiny as evidenced by the fact that he has voluntarily provided documentation as to how his campaign money is spent.

This from ABC News:  

Senate campaigns aren't required to tell us by Election Day--they submit spending reports to the Federal Election Commission on paper, a seemingly antiquated system that prevents reporters and the public from being able to dig effectively through their latest receipts and expenses. For most campaigns, sortable expense data is only available through June. Weeks or months later, we'll get a fuller picture. 

But Sen. Mark Begich, D-Alaska, apparently out of the goodness of his heart, has been filing his disclosures electronically since October 2013, giving us a window into how Senate campaigns are spending their millions of dollars these days. 

Since Oct. 1, 2013, Begich has spent $7.3 million, a middling total for campaigns. Alaska isn't the most expensive state in which a candidate can run, and it's outside the top 10 this election cycle for candidate spending, although, including outside money, it's the sixth most expensive of all 2014 Senate races, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.

Can anybody imagine Dan Sullivan being this transparent? Nope me either.

As if we needed another reason to support the only REAL Alaskan running for the Senate in 2014.


  1. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Here's my problem with this report by ABC. The line "apparently out of the goodness of his heart", comes across as extremely cynical and not pertinent to this story. Now when I clicked on the link, voila, that line is no longer there. It has been replaced by "fulfilling a campaign promise he made in 2008". And at the bottom of the story is a note that says "The story has been updated to explain why Begich files his campaign disclosures electronically". So why was the first line even necessary. Everyone knows that "out of the goodness of his heart" is along the same lines as "With all due respect". Liberal media my behind.

  2. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Any sightings of Bristol and Track beating up voters?

  3. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Already voted for Senator Mark Begich and am happy to have done so!

    Why Sullivan would bring in the skanks - Cruz and Mittens - is so 'unAlakan'. All three have zero connection to the State of Alaska!!! Sullivan has no clue about Alaskans!

    Hey buddy - we don't like outsiders - to include you!

  4. Anonymous12:13 PM

    O/T. So, apparently Ted Cruz did meet with the Palins, per her Facebook. She is not looking very well; scrawny and hunched over...


    1. Anonymous2:58 PM

      She looks like one of those dried apple old ladies.

  5. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Our local newspaper, in northwest Lower Michigan, printed an article about big money in politics but failed to notice that the incumbent in our House race (a millionaire orthopedic surgeon from the not very populated or prosperous UP) is funded by the Koch brothers and their front, AMF. They endorsed him because they didn't care that he's been part of the do-nothing House for the past four years, that he voted against health care reform, jobs, veterans, and food stamps because they didn't see any difference between them. His opponent, a former county sheriff of 18 years who resigned when called back to duty by the National Guard when GWB decided to invade Iraq and who retired as a major general. The newspaper was too lazy to question how a medical doctor could vote against health care reform, food stamps, and jobs when the majority of voters in his district are poor and unemployed or badly underemployed?

    Enough of my rant on local politics. Good luck to Sen. Begich. We have to prove that it's not the amount of money poured into campaigns by the Kochs and other billionaires that matters, it's the character and actions of the candidates.

    PS I hope you Alaskans retire Don Young this time too.



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