Saturday, November 08, 2014

David Brooks discusses the "Palin spasm" and the return of the Republicans as a "governing party."

Courtesy of The New York Times:  

Every party in opposition goes a little crazy. For Republicans in the early Obama era, insanity took the form of the Sarah Palin spasm. Veteran politicos took the former Alaska governor seriously as a national figure. Republican primary voters nominated the likes of Todd Akin, Christine O’Donnell and Sharron Angle. Glenn Beck seemed important enough to hold a big rally at the Lincoln Memorial. 

Fortunately, serious parties eventually pull back from the fever swamps. That’s what’s happening to the Republican Party. It has re-established itself as the nation’s dominant governing party. Republicans now control 69 of 99 state legislative bodies. Republicans hold 31 governorships to Democrats’ 18.

When the next Congress convenes in January, Republicans will have their largest majority in the House of Representatives since 1931; they will have a majority in the Senate, dominate gubernatorial power in the Midwest, and have more legislative power nationwide than anytime over the past century. 

Republicans didn’t establish this dominant position because they are unrepresentative outsiders. They did it because they have deep roots in four of the dominant institutions of American society: the business community, the military, the church and civic organizations. 

Brooks goes on to make the case that the Republicans elected in this cycle are more representative of the types of Republicans that came before the"Palin spasm."

In the end it sums it up thusly: 

During the Palin spasm, Republicans seemed to detest the craft of governing. Hothouse flowers like Senator Ted Cruz preferred telegenic confrontation to compromise and legislation. 

But current party leaders are talking about incremental progress, finding areas where they can get bipartisan support: on trade, corporate taxes, the XL oil pipeline, the medical devices tax, patent reform, maybe even tax reform generally.

I have to admit that I am not nearly as convinced that the Republicans are really prepared to put partisan differences aside to get some things accomplished for the good of the country, but I certainly do agree that the "Palin spasm" does appear to be over.

Of course the viral infection that caused the spasms is not yet convinced that her poison is no longer coursing through the veins of the body politic, and it may take another cycle or two for her to realize that her time is done and for her to fade completely from public awareness.

But that time is certainly coming. That much is for sure.


  1. Anonymous2:37 PM

    I would argue that the current vial of elected Republicans are very much indicative of the "Palin Spasm": They are just as fucked up as she is and will prove themselves as every bit as inept and childish as she.

    1. Anonymous3:22 PM

      Agree! They may not give her much, if any, attention or credit, but they are from the same cracked mold.

    2. Anonymous5:29 PM

      Republicans make her their leader even when they are silent. SARAH PALIN GOP LEADER!! THE FACE OF ALL THINGS REPUBLICAN. gop sarah!

  2. Anonymous2:47 PM

    $arah's invitations are drying up nearly as fast as she is. Can't wait for her learn the meaning of dry and go poof in the wind. The Caribou Crone and her craven clan of grifters are done.

  3. Then explain Joni Ernst. Look at Brooks' laundry list there. It's bullshit, and little Davey Brooks has always been a wishful thinker. Don't you be too.

    1. Pat in MA3:10 PM

      Exactly! Jodi Ernst, the exorcist congressman in Colorado, the idiot bigot Lepage in Maine re-elected, Ted Cruz is still there, the 'spasm' continues. The truth is Democratic candidates ran away from the President and his policies and a high percentage of Fox News shut-ins went out and voted.

    2. Anonymous6:24 AM

      Definitely wishful thinking: the Peerublicans took back the Senate on the strength of the nutcase fringe vote. In a low-turn-out election, they were a key demographic. The one silver lining of the election is the prospect of watching how the GOP deals with the continuing Palin spasm before it sinks them in '16 like it did in '08. And, yeah, good luck with that.

  4. “Palin spasm"?! The only one having a palinspasm is Brooks! Maybe he's thinking she's damaged enough now, he has a shot, hence this play for her notice from the sick masochistic fug.
    Vicious, dangerous, fanatic, yes, but Sarah Palin never got to be more than a footnote in a bigger more insidious movement. She got on the wave, rode it a ways, and to whatever utility she can for it? It will ride her still; still, but a minor tool.

    1. Anonymous12:59 AM

      It is disgraceful that a maniac such as $carah PayMe went THIS far, made lots of $$$ while the repubs. cheered her on in her vile racist rants. Already McConnell and Boehner are fighting to have the ACA repealed, even the Not-So-Supreme Court is giving this a hearing. The fact that the gop accepted an uneducated, racist, dumb as a rock skank as VP speaks VOLUMES about their party. I STILL think the polls were fixed, and the democratic party should immediately start plans for a safer voting method next time. No way could the American public be so stupid as to elect people who want to destroy Social Security, Medicare, ACA, public schools, unions. Religious fanatics who are about as "Godly" as the ISIS fighters who behead people. I am disgusted with the crooks in office, glating about their "win". McConnell had to PAY people to attend his meetings, how could he win? I know the people of Kentucky are easily led since he has won for years, but has he REALLY? The fix has been in in many races. When will SANE people finally get fed up with these asses?

  5. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Did they actually run that photo of her w/the article? Gadfree, but it is horrible!! She's as evil outwardly as she is internally. Glad we are hearing less and less of her and can hardly wait until she is fully silenced!

  6. Anonymous3:34 PM

    I suspect they are in a mood to pee down our backs and tell us it is raining. The republicans still won't for give Americans for putting the current president in the White House TWICE! Media will say what it wants and right now they think they can smooth this over with the craziesl I do not think the conservative party wants to play nice.

  7. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Palin is over. The spasm she represents is ongoing. Brooks is engaging in wishful thinking or starting off the next wave of propaganda that the GOP wants to govern. I expect them to muck up appropriation legislation with unrelated extremist garbage, begging for a veto so they can blame Pres. Obama of shutting down the government.

  8. Anonymous3:59 PM

    The GOP will never put aside partisanship. These guys are dedicated nay-sayers. Boehner made fairly broad hints at impeachment and we know they want to undue the ACA any way they can. David Brooks is trying, as usual, to paint the GOP in as rosy colors as possible. But they're skunks. They've been actively seditious on their side of the aisles of both houses of Congress since January 2009. They'll never stop.

    On The Obama Diary site, there's a tweet about a CBS/NYT poll that shows that Americans prefer democratic positions on every important issue out there. Why the hell did they vote for the GOP then?

    1. They voted the GOP for one reason. Because of the black man in the White House. There are other reasons, I'm sure, low-info voters, not very intelligent, etc... But at the end of the day it's all about the black man in the White House. Pfffffft!
      I really loathe that party of racists.

    2. Anonymous6:13 PM

      What they are is dedicated RACISTS, likely to be surpassed if Hillary is elected only by their morphing into dedicated misogynists.

  9. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn4:10 PM

    ''But current party leaders are talking about incremental progress, finding areas where they can get bipartisan support: on trade, corporate taxes, the XL oil pipeline, the medical devices tax, patent reform, maybe even tax reform generally."

    ...and I've got a nice bridge ovah here to sell you!

  10. Anonymous4:27 PM

    Voter suppression disenfranchised the Dem vote.

    Here's a thought: The GOP will get some great bills passed, take the credit, so they can win the 2016 presidency.

    Certainly they have a long game plan for what they do.

    1. Anonymous4:53 PM

      They won't get anything passed, try to blame it on the President and the Democrats and then go down in flames in 2016.

    2. Anonymous5:22 PM

      President Obama is going to have to use his veto power because they are going to throw things in the Bills (w/amendments) that will make him have to do so for the American people (as the Republicans love to say - 'for the American people').

      Be ready - this is going to get very nasty and President Obama will come out the winner as well as the Democratic party for 2016.

    3. Anonymous1:07 AM

      This President brought down the deficit, the unemployment rate and raised the stock market. WHY didn't the dems. tout those accomplishments, instead of running from him? They are as much to blame as the gop for this debacle. They should have done what the gop did with sock puppet W, get in formation behind him, and supported him. No matter what they thought of W they never said anything bad about him. When little lumpy McCain was running against W he said "He is as dumb as a stump", but once in office, his tone changed. Despicable, racist,overlords is how they come across. Nice photo of $carah, ugly on the outside as she is on the inside.

  11. Anonymous4:29 PM

    What was that asshole Boehner talking about as to fire, matches, etc.? Sounds like the KKK and burning blacks at the stake! I absolutely detest the racists Republicans when it comes to their nastiness to our President Obama.

    They detest the fact he was elected twice to the position and has the love and respect of millions of Americans. President Obama's success has truly driven them bug f-cking nuts!

    1. Anonymous1:14 AM

      Very true. How DARE a black man be more intelligent than the entire crew of THEM put together? McCain came in 895th in his class of 899, yet still managed to become a pilot. Having his Daddy and Grandpa high ranking commanders helped him. Without that help, he would NEVER have made it this far. He must have been a big disappointment to them both. Then along comes handsome, highly intelligent President Obama who made it to the WH without help from wealthy family members. That must have really chapped little lumpy Johnny's arse. The fact that he chose $carah as his VP shows how "intelligent" little Johnny is. He must be in the early throes of dementia, the gop would cover that up just like they covered for St. Ronnie.

    2. F.O.A.D., SARAH PALIN!8:47 AM

      Then along comes handsome, highly intelligent President Obama who made it to the WH without help from wealthy family members. That must have really chapped little lumpy Johnny's arse.

      Quite frankly, I think that chapped a LOT of white ass.

      The assumption is, of course, that Barack Obama "took" and "needed" "Special Assistance" in order to get the education he deserved.

      So, you know, instead of taking it from his wealthy parents like you're *supposed* to do (right, Mittens? Just sell off a bit of your portfolio and set dinner on the ironing board.)

      And then, of course, there was his being bbbbblack. So *obviously* if it hadn't been for Affirmative Action(!) he never would have gotten such an outstanding education, so again, he - like - OWES us. Amirite?

      And, since he OWES us, he needs to PROVE to us...everything!

      Show us your birth certificate! Again! And again!

      Show us your college transcripts! (So what that we didn't care about GWB? or Clinton? ...or ANY other President before this "darker" President.)

      And you were an Editor? We NEED to see EVERYTHING that you APPROVED and Wrote! NOW!

      And what about your WIFE? We also are allowed to get "all up in her grill" about when she decided to stop being a lawyer? And why?

      (Oh. Because you decided to run for President and she knew she was no longer going to practice? Hmph! A "likely" story! Sounds much better for us if she was disbarred so we'll stick with that talking point.)

      It's kind of like...he's ours. Kind of like...we OWN him. And, we can do and say anything to our "property", right, folkkks?

  12. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Regardless of how reasonable some of the new Republicans may appear, there are still enough Tea Party right wing nutjobs in office to cause problems:

    Joni Ernst
    Glenn Grothman
    Michael Peroutka
    Gordon “Dr. Chaps” Klingenschmitt
    James Lankford
    ‘Meltdown Mike’ Bost
    Ted Cruz
    Steve King
    Marl Sanford
    Blake Farenthold
    Louie Gohmert

    1. Anonymous6:16 PM

      Klingingshit is in the Colorado Statehouse, thankfully not the US HOR.

    2. Anonymous6:21 AM

      He can be replaced on the list with cory gardner, the new senator from CO. He supports "personhood", but lies about it & doesn't believe in climate change. Just a dumb fuck on the order of ken buck & tom tancredo, two other "home-grown" wingnuts from CO.

  13. Anonymous5:27 PM

    If Roger Ailes had any idea Palin was going to toss her wig into the 2016 race for POTUS, he'd dump her ass immediately. If she milks her Fox appearances for a year and then commits, he'll destroy her for being dishonest to him. Hey Pee's Palin isn't running, she's a felled politician.

    1. Anonymous1:17 AM

      $carah is also a "felled" mother, wife, Christian. I wonder if her family ever gets embarrassed by her family and their disgusting "vibrantly living" antics? How many of Bristle's illigitimate kids can they take on, I wonder?

  14. Anonymous5:52 PM

    This is a comment about the new posting Sarah has up on her FB page - a birthday tribute to Billy Graham. Whoa. Not a good video. She rambles on and on without really saying much at all. She is clearly flaying about. And, since I live in the valley, I can tell you positively this was recorded a while ago - when there were still green leaves on the trees. And the voice at the end that says "good job" is not Todd. My guess is that they haul out a semi-professional videographer to video her making clips they'll know they need in coming weeks/months (ie. recognizing Billy G's birthday).

    She is so lost. The reality of the corner she's put herself into is finally starting to sink in and it's not a pretty sight. She's trying to have one foot in the cultural side of things (hence a video like this), but also stay relevant on the political side (her Hannity appearances). When he asks if she wants to run for office again, you can just see the longing in her eyes and voice. But she can't. She can't run because she took the easy prize (book $, speaking gigs) and bailed on the job the voters had given her - and that door is now closed to her. And she knows it. Somewhere deep down she knows it. But she still longs for it. And you have to wonder if she's started regretting bailing on quitting her governor post...

    The only two options for her are to mount a third party bid nationally - and that will get her absolutely nowhere except further into the morass of scorn - by both D's and R's. Or try to become a sage voice that straddles the political/cultural/faith trifecta in this country. Except that she's not really a committed woman of faith nor has she bothered to raise a family of faith (everyone and everyone's kids makes mistakes - we all know that. It's just that not everyone has raised three kids who show up completely wasted at a private party, begin assaulting others at said party, and when the police come to take the report, unleash a string of profanities that would make any sailor blush. Not everyone's kids do that. But Sarah's did). So, yeah. Trying to convince the rest of country that she's some sort of representation of faith and family is going to be a very hard sell.

    That leaves her with just the cultural/political fence post to straddle and act as if her vantage point is meritorious of other's interest. But it's not. It's not because they're not really her views or opinions. What she spouts are Becky Mansour's and Nancy French's ideas and opinions.

    Sarah wouldn't know how to track goings-on in the country - from either a political or cultural viewpoint if she even wanted to. She simply doesn't know how to do it. But she's really quite skilled at repeating the words and phrases these couple of advisors text her right before she goes on camera.

    In that sense, she's not unlike a little puppet who says and does just exactly what the folks behind the curtain tell her to say and do.

    The whole charade is just pathetic at this point. Sarah Palin has had a very upsetting fall of 2014.

    1. Anonymous6:46 PM

      Very articulate comment, 5:52. For some reason, reading what you wrote made me think Palin HAD been forced out as governor, that that wasn't her plan. I know it sounds too conspiracy-theoryish, but I remember her attitude when she quit; it seemed so angry. There's nowhere for her to go, except to drift on as a joke and a good-for-comments meme.

      I just wish she'd be wiped out, brought very low. I think of all the absurdity-- the fake crucifix belt buckle (and African witchdoctor blessing), the brawl, the big empty house in Arizona, an awkward Downs child who may have been a crude attempt to win votes, fake hunting and fishing, nonsensical speech, children whose birth dates and ages are mysteries-- and I just wonder when the Energizer Bunny will sputter and stop dead.

    2. Anonymous7:41 PM

      made me think Palin HAD been forced out as governor, that that wasn't her plan. I know it sounds too conspiracy-theoryish, but I remember her attitude when she quit; it seemed so angry.

      Nothing conspiracy theory about it. It is a fact. We do know what happened.

    3. Anonymous8:00 PM

      The only thing we really know was that she was too stupid to be Governor so she quit. I'd love to know who forced her hand, but alas, that will probably never be revealed. It was enough for us that she walked away but then again she was replaced with someone much worse than her, policy-wise, and we've hopefully remedied that in this latest election. I hope the absentee and questioned ballots are in Walker/Mallott favor because it will definitely be the end of an "error" with Palin/Parnell.

    4. Anonymous10:00 PM

      "Sarah Palin has had a very upsetting fall of 2014."
      Cry me a river, with all the divisiveness she has caused in this country for the past 6 years, she deserves more than an "upsetting fall of 2014".

    5. Anonymous1:28 AM

      Someone is going to rip the curtains aside, expose this vile, racist skank for who she TRULY is. Hopefully that will be SOON, for all our sakes. For this uneducated low life to have been on the national stage, insulting the President is beyond the pale. She is a disgrace to the humanrace, vile racist money grubbing lunatic.

    6. F.O.A.D., SARAH PALIN!8:52 AM

      I think she balked at Hannity's question b/c she's stuck between a rock and a hard place.

      She can't have Tim Crawford of SarahPAC asking her morons for more cash - "To help convince Sarah to run" if she goes on tv and says she has NO Plans to run.

      But there are those on C4P who want to believe with all of their shriveled hearts that "their Sarah" has been planning (ha!) her return to politics this entire time and has simply been establishing her "ground game". Is she supposed to tell them she's not running - flat out?

      But if she says she IS running, she's off Fox.

      So, the bitch straddled the line and said, "I'd love to" which doesn't mean shit.

  15. Anonymous8:52 PM

    "Palin spasm" does appear to be over.

    I beg to differ. Palin is not a person who is willing to work 9 to 5 or fulfill her commitments but Sarah a smart narcissistic con artist and will do or say anything to get people to send her money and con them into thinking she will run for office.

  16. Anonymous9:45 PM

    Check out Sarah Palin's facebook birthday greeting to Billy Graham. At the very end, it appears that someone forgot to turn off the video and the recording shows her making a face and sticking out her tongue--What a BLEEPY amateur and idiot.

  17. Anonymous9:51 PM

    How dare people ignore Sarah Palin! She has tried everything, appearing on Fox, writing God-like words from a doctor who did some much needed eye surgery on Trig. When the smaltzy stuff didn't work, Sarah went back to the old tried and true, hate President Obama. Her Facebook post is an ugly, angry piece of immature baggage that she hasn't been able to get rid of for years. It must really hurt to be Sarah Palin.

  18. Anonymous9:55 PM

    The Republican idea of bipartisanship is President Obama must do and agree to everything they tell him. If he disagrees, they whine to the press that he won't work with them.

    I hope Pres. Obama sticks to his principles and gives them a run for their money, what does he have to lose at this point. What are the Rethugs going to do when they don't have Pres. Obama to blame for their inaction?

  19. Caroll Thompson1:53 AM

    Hey G, I know Sarah said she was going to the Unity Rally in Louisiana, but the article on the Unity rally in the New Orleans paper does not make mention of Sarah. It says Rand Paul is going and a bunch of Louisiana Pols, but no Sarah? Could it be that even they see that Sarah is divisive and there is nothing unifying about her?

    1. She may well be planning to go and elbow her way to wherever the cameras are pointing to take credit for the necessity of a run-off election (which was going to happen anyway, but that's Palin), but that doesn't mean anyone actually invited her.

    2. Caroll Thompson6:24 AM

      Well Nefer, I am thinking she is not going. I read an article in the New York Times this weekend that specifically said that Mitch McConnell has blacklisted any Republicans helping the 'insurgents', referring to those tea party types trying to primary the incumbent. Maness does not fall in that group because Cassidy is not the incumbent, but Sarah sure does. Link below:

      Methinks there might be a concerted effort on the part of the Establishment Republicans to push Sarah off the stage. I guess we will see by Monday if Sarah shows up.

    3. F.O.A.D., SARAH PALIN!8:54 AM

      Hey Carroll -

      Why would Sarah miss another opportunity to go Fuck Up Shailey Tripp?


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