Saturday, November 08, 2014

Leave to the brilliant John Oliver to remind us that we are not the only country with embarrassing politicians in power.

Actually I think Tony Abbott would fit quite nicely within the Republican party.

And he would not even have to change a single one of his views.


  1. Anonymous5:59 PM

    Tony Abbott is a US-trained teabagger. Way back as far as 2009 he sent his henchmen to the US for training in teabagger filth tactics. The majority of Australians hate him, even the morons who voted for him.

    He's the most amoral person in the country and it shows how stupid Australians are that most of them didn't see him coming.

    That video only shows his good side.

  2. Anonymous3:12 AM

    Just what the world needs, another person who wants a Christian theocracy, and to subjugate everyone to a life like the Duggars

  3. He is the biggest lying politician Australia has ever known.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.