Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Megyn Kelly offers perhaps the best, and most accurate, Fox News gaffe ever.

Courtesy of Addicting Info:  

Fox News host Megyn Kelly welcomed former Governor of Arkansas and current right wing propaganda artist, Mike Huckabee, to her November 10 show in a hilarious way. 

Huckabee currently hosts his own show on Fox News, which is named after himself. 

When Kelly attempted to introduce him as ‘the host of Huckabee on Fox’, well, things didn’t come out quite right . . . 

She welcomed Mike Huckabee, host of “F*uckabee,” which is actually pretty hilarious.

I like how Huckabee's face pruned up after the gaffe. 

Well I don't know about everybody else, but I know what I am going to be calling his show from now on.


  1. Anonymous6:17 AM

    Thanks! Sometimes silly things are just so funny! Like the time Meghan tried to get a word edgewise into one of Palin's non-stop screeds. The look on her face.

    1. Anonymous7:03 AM

      That was also classic!

    2. Anonymous9:01 AM

      I'll bet that wasn't the first time he's heard that, probably as a perjorative in many cases, not a slip-up. He's such a dickhead. A small one.

      I hope he gets into the GOP clown car fleet for 2016. Trump, also, too.

  2. Anonymous6:29 AM

    That might be a better name for his show!

    1. I would consider watching a show called "Huckabee F*ckabee."

    2. fromthediagonal11:06 AM

      Absofuckinlutely fandamtabulous!

      Ms. Megyn revealed the true feelings about the message.

      PS:I wonder about what her parents were thinking when naming her Me-gyn (i. e. me female). Were they wishing her well or were they cursing her? Either way,the clip is enlightening.

  3. Olivia6:29 AM

    I love it! You know it's not the first time he has been called that. In fact, I think that slip of the tongue results from saying Fuckabee in private, joking around and then it gets stuck in the brain and comes out at the most inopportune time(or the perfect time!).

    1. Anonymous7:25 AM

      We're on the same wavelength apparently!!! My exact first thought. She's said and thought that many, many times.

      Would love to hear her rill thoughts about her fellow spokes-bot Palin as if the little bottle blonde animatron has a working brain or ever cranked up a real thought.

      Megs is Roger's little bitch girl now, Palin, you've been aged out and replaced with a MUCH newer model. too bad, so sad.

    2. Anonymous7:43 AM

      I agree. She probably has called it Fuckabee on many occasion and oops...came out under pressure of being live on air.

  4. I actually had this scheduled yesterday, but moved in response to Palin's Sportsman Channel/Veteran's Day shout out.

    Jon Stewart played this clip last night as his "Moment of Zen."

  5. “F*uckabee on Hox...” instead of "Huckabee on Fox".

    I'm surprised that hasn't happened before -- in public/on the air, that is -- as Olivia suggests, it's probably been hilariously troublesome off air.

  6. Randall7:06 AM


    Hey Gryph, have you seen this?

    1. Anonymous7:36 AM

      Perhaps a bit of studying is in order before she becomes the chairman. She was absolutely giddy with excitement on election night. It was sickening to watch.

      Also the Anchorage newspaper has called Dan ( Koch brothers boot licker) Sullivan as the winner of the Senate race. Let's see how soon he falls in line with their "Agenda"

    2. Anonymous8:08 AM

      I can hardly wait for Murkowski to come up for reelection in Alaska. She had a difficult time in her last election and will again! I can't stand the woman - she makes you nervous when you watch her speak! Has a weird delivery of her voice! Plus, she's on the take and supported the carpetbagger -Dan Sullivan - whose election was bought by the Koch Bros!

  7. Anonymous7:26 AM

    We've always referred to him as "Schmuckabee" in our household.


  8. Anonymous7:47 AM

    I bet they have nicknames for all their "guests" They know as well as the rest of us do, that their station is a farce. They called $carah and Taahhd "The Bitch and the Eskimo" remember?

  9. Anonymous8:03 AM

    I cannot abide Huckabee and will always refer to him differently now! Betcha his new nickname is a gonna stick!!! He was never POTUS material anyway and assuredly won't be now! Thank you FOX!!!

  10. Anonymous8:28 AM

    I'm not rubbing salt into an open wound, how come all these former governors has their own show on FOX but the Republican Party vice-president nominee, America Energy Expert, Christian, New York Times best-selling author, Executive editor of the Sarah Palin Channel, host of Amazing America, FOX news contributor, Executive Editor of Sarah Palin Facebook, yada yada yada doesn't have her own show on FOX?

    Sarah has all the tv camera equipment at home in Wasilla just sitting there and used about two minutes every two to three months. It just doesn't seem fair.

    I forgot to mention Sarah Palin was Miss Wasilla, local tv sportscaster, mother to the DWTS All star ballroom dancer, high school commencement speaker, hunter, fisherman, sharpshooter, host of Sarah Palin Blood Libel Video, immaculate conception to a Special Needs child (Sarah had a tubular ligation procedure after Piper was born) and there's more stuff Sarah does.

    Sarah did all that and her six year old Best Thing That Ever Happened To Sarah DS child has yet to eat one Cheerio.

    1. Anonymous9:36 AM

      Plus she's an, um, Energy Ex-spurt.

      Oh, and don't forget Saree has always been Real Murica's Best Good Kristian Konstitutional Konservative (KKK) Patriot Lady. She doesn't need a title for that, you know.

    2. Anonymous9:48 AM

      8:28 AM You forgot a few things: she is a less than a half-term gov of Alaska plus 'quit' the position, was fired from Anchorage Channel 2 TV as their sportscaster due to sleeping w/one of the black basket ball players from the 'Great Alaska Shootout' that she was supposedly covering, had extramarital affairs, has a husband who is a pimp ("Boys Will be Boy's by Shailey Tripp), her oldest son, Track, is not the biological son of Todd (he actually belongs to Curt Menard (now deceased), she was proven to be 'unethical' by the Alaska Legislature and she and Todd said they didn't have to operate under the law unless caught and told they were doing so. One of their biggies is that they tried to cover up the Anchorage Brawl that involved them and their kids - which the Anchorage Police Department verified by releasing their report (and audio). Witnesses were interviewed that included members of the Palin family (Todd, Sarah, Bristol and Track)! It's all available to the public from various sources!

      The Palins are losers, white trash, idiots, and do not practice being Christians as they so proudly profess!

    3. Anonymous6:57 PM

      Good point, I agree, she is the whole package!! Unbelievable FOX would pass up such a deal, since they already paid for the studio.

      However you forgot one huge problem, the other governors finished their terms, Sarah QUIT after 19 months and as the saying goes Once a Quitter Always a Quitter.

  11. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Related? Did I just hear Andrea Mitchell, at about 35 minutes into her show, refer to W's interview humor as "self-defecating"? Oh please tell me I heard that correctly!

  12. Anonymous8:48 AM

    They gave her an hourly show on FOX, remember right after they signed her up. It was to be the SArah Palin show. It lasted one episode, because about 1/2 of the people being featured on the show were never interviewed by her, and said they did not want their faces/interviews on her show. LOL oops cancelled.

    1. Anonymous9:33 AM

      YES! Always a fun story to revisit:

      This debacle revealed what everyone already knew, which is that she is so incompetent that she can't even conduct a live, scripted studio interview. They had to use old clips and dub her in to make it look as though she were asking the questions.Journalism major, my ass.

  13. Anonymous8:50 AM

    This wasn't a mistake, it was a little something for all her male fans in the audience. Wink, wink.

  14. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Meghan looks like a wannabee playboy bunny with that white collar, no sleeve business.

    1. Anonymous9:42 AM

      She is a looker though. May as well use it.

    2. Anonymous11:16 AM

      And, then FOX has Greta who does not fit their blond, sexy image at all! But, you sure don't hear much about Greta anymore. She's gone by the wayside much like Palin! She was the kiss of death to Greta! That and her weird cult religion!

    3. Anita Winecooler5:55 PM

      Greta once looked "presentable" with a pinch of "cute" but not a beauty by any definition of the word. She used to wear dresses and make up and accessorized, now she just stopped trying. When you got competition like Sarah in the "looks" department, you can get away with just about anything and look good doing it.
      Beauty fades, dumb is forever and ugly is to the bone.

  15. Anonymous9:32 AM

    She first said it right, started with the H and corrected herself and then used the F. Sounds like she wanted to say F*ckabee.

  16. Anita Winecooler5:49 PM

    He can go fuck a porcupine, for all I care.


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