Sunday, November 30, 2014

President Obama takes those "disrespectful" daughters of his shopping.

Courtesy of Steven Garcia: 

President Obama, went shopping Saturday at Politics and Prose, an independent bookstore in the capital, joined with his daughters. Going out the Saturday after Thanksgiving has become a Thanksgiving weekend tradition for the first family. 

The president and his daughters, Sasha and Malia, chatted with customers before buying 2 bags full of books from the local store. This is the same store that they shopped at this time last year.

In the video you can hear the President talking about Chuck Todd's new book. In response Malia, the eldest, calls Todd  "sad" and the President jokingly agrees.

This was reported on by the New York Post:  

“Oh, Chuck Todd!” Obama exclaimed. “Let’s see what Chuck has to say here!” 

“How is he writing a book already? asked his 16-year-old daughter, Malia. “Sad.” 

“He’s just sad,” the president joked in response.

However the Post also goes on to say that the President has every right to be frustrated with Todd's book which paints the President as "detached" and characterizes him as a "flip flopper" as well as blaming him for his inability to work with Republicans.

Of course that last part seems incredibly unfair as the Republicans gathered on the night of Obama's inauguration to plan how they would undermine his presidency and ensure his defeat in 2012.

Really not much the President could do in an environment like that, as I think most rational people would agree.

Gee I wonder if the ways the two girls are dressed, and conducted themselves, finally meets with Elizabeth Lauten's approval?


  1. Anonymous4:34 PM

    "... undermine his pregnancy?" What do you have on your mind, G? Would love to know about this freudian slip :)
    Chuck Todd is a douchebag. Felt this way along time ago.

    1. Anonymous5:04 PM

      Chuck Todd is an arrogant blowhard.
      How are those MTP ratings again?
      What a beautiful family they are.
      Marxist dictator commies and all. :-)

    2. Anonymous8:40 AM

      I stopped watching Chuck Todd when he was reporting from the White House! He is an ass!!

  2. Anonymous4:39 PM

    typo---- his pregnancy

    1. Anonymous4:59 PM

      Yeah ... caught that too. Well, if you compare his presidency to a pregnancy, the Republicans have done an excellent job trying to abort it.

    2. Okay I have to admit that may be my funniest typo yet.

  3. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Mr. and Mrs. Obama have done a wonderful job of giving their children a reasonably private childhood combined with an opportunities to learn about life in the media spotlight.

    1. Anonymous6:37 PM

      How they've managed to achieve that balance, I'll never know. The girls have gone through some of the most difficult and challenging years of their development while under a microscope and being targeted with some of the ugliest criticism we've ever seen.

      What an amazing job the President and First Lady have done!

    2. Anonymous8:38 AM

      The Obamas and Clintons are proven wonderful parents. Remember how Rush Limbaugh went after Chelsea Clinton (as to her looks) in such a horrible way? His comments were deplorable too!

    3. Anonymous12:39 PM

      Anonymous @8:38 am

      John McCain did the same thing.

    4. Anonymous12:58 PM

      Anonymous @8:38 am

      John McCain did the same thing.

  4. Anonymous4:43 PM

    elizabeth lauten's tweeter & fb page had a serious blow back,

    1. Anonymous5:48 PM

      Either Lauten isn't anywhere remotely close to as smart as she claims she is, or she swilled too much hooch before she pecked out her ludicrous "open letter".

      Maybe both.

      It's the kind of thing drunk stupid people confuse with a brilliant idea.

  5. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Movie Pitch

    Genre: Feel-Good Comedy/Fantasy

    Outline: When the first black American President's daughters are lost on a desert island with the low-life, trailer-trash daughters of a dreadful excuse for a Vide Presidential candidate, it takes quite a battle but the President's daughters iltimately succeed in civilizing their fellow castaways -- teaching them how to stop brawling and drinking, and even how to read -- so that all work together to signal a rescue ship and return home, the President's daughters to the White House and the sorry Veep candidate's daughters back to the state of "Shmalaska" (name changed to avoid legal action) where the youngest petitions to become an emancipated minor to join her sisters and found a non-profit dedicated to children's health issues.

    Working titles:
    "Ladies of the Fly"
    "Class vs. Trash"
    "Gal-igans' Island"

  6. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Chuck Todd, host of a show whose demographic is age 70+, you know, people who still use the boob tube for network content? What an idiot he is, and really anyone who watches him. FFS does no one have nothing better to do than watch this idiot on his MTP program? I remember when my grandma watched TV and there was a guy named Roger Mudd and then Chris Wallace on this show and that's the last I knew of it but so many are talking about it now because there is an idiot at the helm. It should have stayed dead back in the 80's but really, I guess it's still "a thing"?

  7. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Love that reading list! The girls have wonderful taste in books!

  8. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Elizabet Lauten should be fired. BIG FAIL for a “communications”

    1. Anonymous6:31 PM

      She's just a stupid christian who knows no better. Her boss is too so what do you do? These people are all blindsided by their ignorance and don't recognize real world consequences because their cult behavior won't allow them to. Hopefully people like her will be gone in the next 100 years, I hope so because religious people are scourge that needs to be scrubbed off the face of the earth.

    2. Anonymous8:34 AM

      She resigned (is the term the media is using!) although I would guess she was asked to leave a/ka/ 'fired'!

      The idiot screwed up her career for the rest of her life, that is for sure! Kind of like someone (the idiot!) we all know in the small town of Wasilla in Alaska!

  9. Anonymous5:37 PM

    What good role models these girls and the POTUS exemplify for the country by shopping at a book store. Reading and learning is a virtue these days.

    The Palin kids could learn a lot from these smart First daughters.

    1. Anonymous6:29 PM

      The Palin girls could never compare & that's why they hate, because they will never measure up. They're dropouts who party and live for free.

    2. Anonymous6:46 PM

      I don't think the Palin kids or their parents could learn anything from anyone. I don't think any of the Palins are capable of learning.

      OTOH, the entire Obama family is intelligent, beautiful and classy.

    3. abbafan3:22 AM

      Anon @ 5:37 P.M. - totally agree with you! President Obama and the First Lady have done a remarkable job in raising two wonderful, intelligent daughters whilst being exposed to ugly smears and catcalls from morons such as palin! The only time we ever saw a palin in a bookstore was when they tried to foist their illiterate ghost-written shit upon an unsuspecting public! However, the educated electorate smelled their bullshit a mile away, and called them out on it! Besides, seeing the palin spawn in a bookstore is comparable to seeing glaciers in the Sahara!!

    4. Anonymous3:57 AM

      Amen to that, all of you.
      It is so blatantly evident.

  10. Anonymous6:25 PM

    He and his family always make me smile. How classy and educated and what a great example for his daughters.
    Did you know the daughters were fluent in several languages, including writing & speaking Chinese. I am so proud for our country to have such an educated and classy family at the White House.

    1. Anonymous7:22 AM

      Truly. Sad that they have to keep their lamps under the bushel, so to speak because any time anyone publicly praises the President, a bunch of RW crazies show up and begin hurling spittle-dampened insults at both the President and the praiser.

  11. Anonymous6:40 PM

    So here's the big question -- how long is it going to take for Sarah Palin to hop aboard the Lauten train? If you know of Sarah Palin at all, you just KNOW she's working on a rip-snorting post defending Lauten and echoing her critique of how the Obamas have raised their daughters -- you just know it. Shit, after this, you just know she's going to defend Chuck Todd too!

    1. Anonymous7:09 PM

      I agree...any minute now...But I think it will be barshoof who will rant about this firs while crying the victim and pretending she's a child when she's 25. Just like lauten claiming she "prayed & consulted with her parents" as if she was an innocent young girl. Give me a break ....she's the a grown woman & the COMMUNICATIONS STAFFER!

  12. Anonymous6:40 PM

  13. Anonymous8:41 PM

    He's kind of arrogant

    1. Anonymous8:58 PM

      Sarah does look like a man doesn't she, Ann.

    2. Anonymous9:00 PM

      Translation: "uppity"

    3. Anonymous3:59 AM

      Suuuure he is, Ann.
      Hatred is not a virtue.

    4. You mean like-----The Decider was?

    5. Anonymous5:31 AM

      What about the borderline retarded Alaskan housewife with the fucked up, trashy family, who can't even keep her hair clean and wouldn't be able to tell you thing one about what the President's job actually consists of - yet continues to condescend to her betters and smugly claim that her 2 years of governing (badly) a sparsely populated state makes her more qualified to be President than oh, say...being President for 6 fucking years? This bitch can't even master her native language yet she constantly lectures, scolds, insults, and berates the leader of the free world (as if he's listening to her stupid ass)? Do you think THAT's arrogant? Naahh, Sarah's just "calling it like she sees it", right? Fuck you, you miserable, hypocritical little turd.

    6. Anonymous5:49 AM

      Standing ovation, 5:31 AM!
      Piss off, Ann.

    7. Anonymous7:19 AM

      Being smarter than those around you is not being "arrogant," Ann. Sorry if that hurts your feelings.

    8. No, he isn't. Not dumbing himself down to your level of stupidity and ignorance does not make him arrogant.

  14. Anonymous8:50 PM

    I blasted Lauten on Twitter today. Fun to blast such an arrogant twit. She dropped the Lauten and it was just under Elizabeth today at least. I guess she got tired of getting an earful for her nasty little tweet.

  15. Anonymous9:06 PM

    THe girls are well adjusted thanks to their parents & grandmother.

  16. Anonymous4:20 AM

    I think that the Obama tradition of going to an independent bookstore just after Thanksgiving to do some Christmas shopping is a wonderful one. President and Mrs. Obama have two lovely daughters of whom they must be very proud. Poor sad Sarah Palin in comparison! She will come up with a Facebook screed damning the president for wishing people a Happy Thanksgiving and a Merry Christmas. It's only a matter of days away.

  17. PalinsHoax5:00 AM

    President Barack Obama and his family: beautiful, gracious, self-confident, classy, educated.

    Hhmm, I wonder why Ekizabeth Lauten did not mention the following regarding President Obama and his family:

    "The Obamas spent Wednesday afternoon in Southeast Washington passing out food and Thanksgiving greetings to people at Bread for the City, an organization that serves the needy. They were joined by Mrs. Obama's mother Marion Robinson."

    1. Anonymous6:04 AM

      Yep, that's a sure sign these parents are terrible role models for their daughters.


  18. Anonymous5:57 AM

    Just read that this "little c" Christian will be resigning on Monday. I guess her God told her she was a piece of shit, also, too!

  19. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Love the fact this shows that his daughters are in tune to what is going on with their Dad's presidency. They are cute and have beautiful smiles - just like their Mom and Dad!

  20. Anita Winecooler4:11 PM

    These young ladies are smart, beautiful and role models for young women everywhere. Apparently, Liz was asleep at the wheel for the past eight years. I haven't read nor heard of one instance of anything close to bad behavior nor inappropriate dress/language from either of them.
    Where was Ann when the Bush girls were out partying with a bong way back before Ashton Kutcher married and divorced Demi? Apparently, the Karma steamroller took care of Liz.
    So proud of our first family and Mrs Robinson and the job they've done raising them in a fishbowl. They carry themselves with grace, know how to speak their minds and seem to be well adjusted and happy.

  21. Anonymous6:33 AM

    The first daughters Malia and Sasha are such wonderful sweet girls. I am so very proud of them.


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