Sunday, November 09, 2014

So where exactly is Sarah Palin going to be on Monday?

I'm sure that none of you have yet forgotten Palin's deer in the headlights response to Hannity calling her out over what job in politics for which she might be willing to campaign.

In order to make it sound that she was much tool busy "protecting the freedom of Americans" by supporting candidates and making public appearances, Palin rattled this off:

"Saturday I'll be in Louisiana, tonight I am very pleased to hear that at the College Inn in New Orleans we have a unity effort going on there right now with Colonel Rob Maness and his supporters, in that race against Mary Landrieu, joining with the..the winner of the GOP you know that open jungle primary that..uh..Louisiana has, we will see Cassidy and Maness, and their supporters come together to make sure that Mary Landrieu, and her participation in this lawlessness, these felled policies of Obama's, that they don't get back to Washington D.C.. We'll have the GOP there and we'll do that by unity. So I want to participate in things like that to help."

Now Palin made those remarks on Friday, November 7th, however in an article written the next day about the event, they listed the attendees as follows: 

Maness will formally endorse Cassidy during a star-studded Republican rally in Baton Rouge on Monday that will feature presumed presidential candidates Rand Paul, R-Ky., and Gov. Bobby Jindal. 

U.S. Sen. David Vitter, state Sen. Elbert Guillory, state Rep. Paul Hollis, 6th Congressional District candidate Garret Graves, former U.S. Rep. Jeff Landry, and LAGOP chairman Roger Villere will also attend the "Unity Rally."

A "star studded" rally demonstrating unity, yet Palin who not only bragged about attending but almost made it sound like the event was her brainchild, is not among the listed participants.

Now why is that?

Could it be that she lied? (Well of course it could she does that all of the time.) OR could it be that she is simply not considered a "star" in Louisiana Republican circles?

Hmm, well I guess we'll know after Monday.


  1. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Isn't Maness the guy that she kept endorsing that lost his race? And, now it appears she is inviting herself to Louisiana (are we surprised at that - nope!) to join in, but isn't even making the list of attendees.

    She's done and STILL hasn't comprehended the fact. She's a retarded idiot!

    And, that photo of her above is horrible. She's lost her good looks of long ago and is favoring her mother in older age!

    Good bye, Sarah! What do we have to do - tattoo it on her forehead so she'll get the message?

    1. Anonymous5:27 PM

      Just had a funny thought. Remember, back in the day, the Alaska Legislature had pins made for their lapels that showed a photo of Sarah with the words "Where's Sarah?" She wasn't working as gov before she quit! Todd was the one showing up at the Legislature because - - - remember ----he was playing gov due to her being an idiot and not liking to actually work!

      Now we cannot get rid of her even with the country knowing she is an idiot and a fraud! She isn't being invited to anything, anywhere, anymore (!), but keeps trying to include herself even though not invited! The poor thing just has to be noticed and the only way she gets 'some' attention is via her idiot rants on her Facebook page. But, the numbers paying attention are sliding every day!

      Sarah, honey, it's way past time you get the message. Go away and at least try having some respect for yourself!

  2. I defy anyone to diagram any sentence that comes out of her mouth.

    1. Anonymous3:01 PM

      Is she what is called a dangling participle? Put that in your Funk and Wagnal's Sarah and smoke it!

    2. Anonymous7:40 PM

      yep, Sarah is a dangling particle all right.

  3. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Who the fuck wears white lipstick anymore?!? Seriously, she looks like she just sucked off an elephant.

    1. Anonymous7:41 PM

      The white lipstick is not flattering at all.

    2. Anonymous8:24 PM

      That white lipstick looks like some Herpes remedy...

    3. Anonymous2:41 AM

      Didn't even know thy made it anymore!

  4. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Not to mince words, but if hannity was politically correct, he would have asked her what Political Office she would run for, not what job, my favorite picture of palin is when Joe Lieberman blocked her from President Obama, but the picture above is also PRICELESS. As far endorsements for the gop, stick a fork in her......she's done, she just don't know it yet, you betcha!

    1. Anonymous3:19 PM

      "when Joe Lieberman blocked her from President Obama, "

      Where is this picture? I looked, you mean the dinner?

    2. Anonymous4:11 PM

      Yep, the Alfalfa Dinner

    3. Anonymous4:33 PM

      Anonymous4:11 PM

      Yep, the Alfalfa Dinner
      Yep! He cockblocked her! He should get a medal for that also,too! Go JOE!

    4. Anonymous5:37 PM

      One of my favorite photos ever!

      The hopeful, doofy, look on her face; the fact that Joe is carefully steering her away; the fact that Obama has no idea whatsoever she is behind him.

      It's a classic. And she's been trying to get the President's attention ever since. But he just won't give it to her because she's absolutely not worth it or worthy of it.

  5. Anonymous2:50 PM

    She tiptoes around the fact that she'll be there on Saturday, and that she's so pleased to hear that a unity effort is being made.
    She doesn't exactly say that she'll be taking part in the unity effort, which will take place on Monday, and, clearly, when they were putting up the big tent, there wasn't room for Sarah.

    BTW -- "open jungle primary" in Louisiana? WTF?
    Senator Landrieu supporting "lawlessness"?
    Sarah, you don't even try to dog-whistle anymore; your nasty, hateful racism is right out there for all to see and hear.
    You have shown that you love a good fight, and love more than anything to sit on the sidelines and incite violence.
    But the GOP and, evidently, the Louisiana tea baggers, don't want any part of you and your crude barbarism.

  6. I think she is going to show up, elbow her way to wherever the cameras are, and just in general make it appear that Saint Sarah took time out of her busy schedule to bestow her presence upon the peasants, and aren't they lucky and so, so grateful?

    She may even convince herself that the point of the event is to see Sarah wink and prance.

    After all, if there is one thing she knows how to do, it's crash parties to which she is not invited.

    It's for damn sure that no one is paying her $100,000 to speak and fire up the masses in advance of the run-off, are they?

    1. Anonymous8:27 PM

      You mean to say that she will actually foot the bill for the flight by herself?
      Oh... Just realized that she has her own private ATM (aka PAC)...

  7. Anonymous3:11 PM

    She went to Gulfport–Biloxi–Pascagoula area to meet with the police about the Shailey Tripp matter.You know she has been there alot since July. This would be the 5th time.

    1. Anonymous3:30 PM

      @ Anonymous 3:11 PM

      Is this wishful thinking on your part or is this statement true?

    2. Anonymous3:38 PM

      What matter? Are you implying the police suspect Sarah and Todd? Has Todd been there?

    3. Anonymous3:44 PM

      Anonymous3:11 PM

      She went to Gulfport–Biloxi–Pascagoula area to meet with the police about the Shailey Tripp matter.You know she has been there alot since July. This would be the 5th time.
      How do you know this? Is Todd with her? If she is innocent why are they meeting with her so many times?

    4. Anonymous3:48 PM

      Anonymous3:30 PM

      @ Anonymous 3:11 PM

      Is this wishful thinking on your part or is this statement true?
      Why would it be "Wishful thinking"? We know THEY were there during that time....
      She doesn't have a very good explanation of why she is there?

    5. Anonymous4:16 PM

      OT: Did they piss off the palin thugs?
      House fire leaves Palmer couple dead; family, friends mourn loss

    6. Anonymous4:38 PM

      Anonymous3:38 PM

      What matter? Are you implying the police suspect Sarah and Todd? Has Todd been there?
      Concerned much? Implying? Implying WHAT? EXACTLY?
      You tell US?
      I'm sure its just another "Coinkydink" that palin is not listed to be anywhere in Louisiana and yet there she is? If she isn't there for a rally...or some bs, then
      To stalk Shailey?
      Checking up on the BWB movie progress?
      Or to meet with some Homicide detectives?
      You tell us..... oh "concerned one"?

    7. Please, tell us more! 5 times since July? Of this year? What is going on?

    8. Anonymous9:33 AM

      Sarah and Todd Palin were not only in Biloxi the day after Shailey Tripp was found but they were on the local news at a building where Tripp was discovered. They were there July 8-10th. This can all be verified with the local Biloxi-Gulf coast news. They were there under the pretense of helping a political figure. Then they went back 4 more times as developments came up in the Tripp case. To date the Mississippi police are not sharing their information with the Louisiana police or the feds. In fact most of Tripp's rape kit results and DNA findings have been "lost". This weekend Palins were suppose to be in Louisiana and they were but they also went again to the Gulf coast. One has to ask why? It can't just be mere coincidence. Someone needs to closely investigate this. Yes I am implying the Palins had direct knowledge and were responsible for Tripp's abduction and brutal beating. I think their intent was to kill her.

    9. Anonymous7:32 PM

      Shailey was raped? Is this information she herself has released? If it's true she did go through this horrifically unimaginable experience and has not chosen to speak about it...then we have no right to discuss it here.

      However, if it's true that Sarah and Todd have been to the area where Shailey was found- half a dozen times in as many months- and have no plausible reason for both of them being there when they typically travel together very little nowadays...we need to be taking a serious, serious look at this.

      If indeed a violent sexual assault occurred within the scope of this purported kidnapping, and the cops are still not releasing any information...that is unacceptable. Completely unacceptable. Is there a violent sexual predator out in this area, free to victimize again and again?

      Yet AGAIN, when the palins are involved, somehow the cops won't talk and damn the innocents who may be collateral damage.

  8. Anonymous3:16 PM

    It also seems that this year she was NOT invited to her idol Billy Graham's birthday party, but she went on and on and on, on her FB page about how she was invited to last years birthday celeibration:!/video.php?v=10152857456928588&set=vb.24718773587&type=2&theater

    1. Anonymous6:26 PM

      I guess the "old one" heard of the brawl then... sweet!
      Or they don't want no brawling at the old ones partee!

  9. Anonymous3:17 PM

    HAHAHAHAH...look at that photo. It alsmost looks like she's going to cry!

    1. Anonymous4:29 PM

      yep and i don't think she knew that question from hannity was coming either. i think roger ailes LOVES to just feck with her!!! if she answered yes to running for president or any office ooops there goes any future spots on fox and yet if she answers no she can't sucker as many peeps with the running tease for money. i enjoyed that segment immensely because she is not only IMers puppet but she is roger ailes puppet! ha!

  10. Anonymous3:20 PM

    I see barstool is still making fun of Hilary Clinton's look even though we know what her mother REALLY looks like!

    1. Anonymous3:39 PM

      Who cares what that loser thinks about anything.

    2. Anonymous3:49 PM

      Barstool should not talk about anyone with that Karshadian generic look and fake hair and takeout tray for a jaw.
      STFU Pissy-Brissy!!!

    3. Caroll Thompson4:02 PM

      As Judge Judy says "Looks fade, dumb is forever".

      This goes to show you how ignorant Bristol is. We want a smart person Bristol. We really don't care how she looks. As long as she doesn't pee in someone's driveway after she sucker punches the person who owns the driveway, we are good.

    4. Anonymous4:21 PM

      Good one Caroll!
      "As long as she doesn't pee in someone's driveway after she sucker punches the person who owns the driveway, we are good. "
      That pic of her standing in the puddle of piss moaning about her $300 sunglades is priceless! What a flippin' wimp!

    5. Anonymous4:24 PM

      The Kardashian family is far, far better than the Palin Klan.

      First off, they are not racist - secondly, they are far wealthier and third - they are far, far classier and prettier than the Palins ever thought of being!

    6. Anonymous4:59 PM

      For my own information, I guess...did Bristol actually pee herself, or did she happen to be unfortunately situated over a grease puddle on the driveway (of which there appeared to be several), or don't we know for sure?

    7. Anonymous5:21 PM

      Anonymous4:24 PM

      The Kardashian family is far, far better than the Palin Klan.
      I meant she has THAT Kardashian "Generic look" if you read my comment.
      Didn't say anything about THEM being LIKE Pissy Brissy excepting the look that everyone Has to have now in LA. You know the Wasilla Hillbillies are wannabe Hollyweird starz "Don't you know who we are"?
      "Where's my $300 sunglasses"?
      Well I'm sure Joan Rivers (RIP) made sure none of them will ever work there again :) :) :)

    8. Anonymous5:47 PM

      5:21 PM Understand and you are correct!

    9. Anonymous8:12 PM

      Yeah, Kardashians are so classy. Mommy made her prize heifer into a "star" by marketing her sex tape, the one where she gets peed on. Mommy's oldest doesn't even know who her real daddy is and now they 16 year old has received so much plastic surgery she doesn't even look like the same person. Classy? Not where I come from.

    10. Anonymous11:24 PM

      8:12 PM Hummm.....both Mommies selling their kids. Hummmm! I too think Sarah Palin to be the worst mother in the USA!

    11. Anonymous12:23 AM

      All that is true, but they are STILL classier than the Palins, 8:12. The Kardashians may have low class, but the Palins have NO class.

    12. Anonymous7:33 AM

      Bristle brings "greasy puddles" wherever she goes. No coincidences, remember? Yeah, she has anger AND bladder issues.

  11. Anita Winecooler3:21 PM

    College Inn doesn't pick just any stewing chicken for it's canned broth. Ain't much meat on those bones 'n silicone Granny Sarah, bless her white cotton thong dress!

  12. Anonymous3:37 PM

    #1, $arah was not invited
    #2 no one is paying her air freight or fees

    Look out Trig! Be prepared for some faux mommy concern using you as an excuse why your Grifter Granny never leaves Alaska.

  13. Anonymous3:45 PM

    3:11 PM I've thought of the same thing!

    I could see the Palins putting a contract out on Shailey Tripp in Louisiana!

    From past information that has been posted, the Palins have been suspected of doing away w/one lady (a nurse) in the Wasilla/Palmer area because they were afraid she'd disclose information about the Palins and the birth of the DS child that Sarah brought home to live in their Wasilla home as a baby.

    Time to really watch the Palins like hawks! They used a cover up method as to Shailey Tripp by publically supporting Maness (more than once!) in Louisiana even though they and we knew he was going to lose by a LOT. (Numerous polls had been published showing that to be the case.)

    I hope Shailey Tripp has protection and/or is in a good hiding place! She knows full well the evil capabilities of the Palins. In fact, she knows them better than the woman already deceased!

    1. Anonymous4:57 PM

      Okay, playing devil's advocate for a minute here...

      What would be the point of the Palins attacking Shailey now? Why not three years ago (?) when the book came out? I don't buy that the movie project has them running scared; the website screams amateur and low-budget. Sheryl Tritt? Sandra Bonin? White font on black background? No one is going to take this film seriously.

      Sorry to sound like a troll, but I've worked in media for years and now teach communications at a university. If Shailey wants her story to reach a national audience, she HAS to start working with professionals, people who look and sound credible and make her look and sound credible, too. The book was obviously self-published, poorly designed, and so painfully written that I couldn't get through more than two chapters. Very few, if any, credible news outlets will look beyond the shoddy packaging to find out whether it conceals a story worth pursuing. Same with the movie.

      It's easy to say her story hasn't gotten traction because of the Palins and their media supporters. But from a PR standpoint, she's done just about everything wrong, including failing to make people SEE her as a woman with whom Todd Palin--a man married to a woman known for her looks and appeal to other men--would cheat. I've been very frustrated watching this over the past few years, because I think her story is important and deserves to grow legs. (And yes, I did reach out to her quite early on through one of the blogs--forget which--and offer free assistance with marketing, branding, and PR. I was politely told she had already chosen her team, which was and is fine, but I wish her team had included someone with a bit of media savvy. Or maybe it did, and she disregarded their advice. Either way, as I said, it's been aggravating to watch obvious, easily preventable missteps that may well keep the story from gaining the attention it deserves.)

      I just don't think the movie poses any threat to the Palins, and Gryphen also stated that he had no reason to believe the Palins were linked to the attack on Shailey last summer.

    2. Anonymous5:31 PM

      Anonymous4:57 PM
      Well, since you are such a professional I'm sure Shailey would welcome a helping hand! She is on facebook you could offer to help her. (If you are for real)
      Did Gryphen Say this? "Gryphen also stated that he had no reason to believe the Palins were linked to the attack on Shailey last summer."? Please I'd love to see a link or the EXACT quote. Thanks.
      I DO think they were involved.
      And they were also stalking and made threats to Malia at that time.
      Hopefully what 3:11 says is true. Would love to see both of those pigs do the perp walk!

    3. Anonymous5:49 PM

      Who? lol Why would Sarah think about random people who've nothing to do with her or her life?

    4. Anonymous6:10 PM

      Anonymous5:49 PM

      Who? lol Why would Sarah think about random people who've nothing to do with her or her life?
      Who: Shailey Tripp "You light up my life" ~Todd Palin
      And right before Shailey went missing:
      A "random" person?
      I hope this "refreshes" your memory Willow...

    5. Anonymous6:40 PM

      Oh the crazy "it's Willow" troll is here!! We know who you are!!!!

    6. Anonymous7:49 PM

      Anonymous6:40 PM
      Peezoo the other way....TROLL

    7. Anonymous8:05 PM

      5:31 p.m., from July 19, "For those asking for updates on Shailey Tripp":

      P.S. Just a final point, from what I have heard this latest situation is NOT connected to the Palins so let's not go crazy and dream up a bunch of conspiracy theories for no reason.

      As I said, I did reach out to Shailey at the time the book was in the works. I have neither the time nor the inclination to do so now.

      Although I've worked in marketing and branding, I've spent far more time being the magazine and newspaper editor to whom projects and stories are pitched, and my critiques come from that perspective. There are legitimate reasons I (and every other editor I've worked with) would toss "Boys Will Be Boys," the book or film, onto the "no" pile rather than greenlighting an investigation--reasons that have nothing to do with the Palins per se and everything to do with credibility and professionalism. For a media outlet to spend a dime on a story so incredible--the husband of a major political figure running a blackmail and prostitution ring? and getting away with it?!--Shailey has to create a very powerful first impression as someone who is reliable, trustworthy, and solid. And frankly, I don't think either the book or the way she presents herself succeeds at that. (Note that I am not criticizing the way she presents herself. But I do think she has not presented herself in ways that a) make it easy for people to visualize her as someone with whom Todd Palin would cheat on Sarah Palin, and it needs to be easy or people won't believe it, and b) make her seem 100% consistent--not about the Todd story, but in other claims.)

      I don't mean to be tactless. I've thought for three years that Shailey has bungled her messaging, and I've just watched the Democratic party do the same thing on a much larger scale, with many more resources and far greater recourse to professionals, and with much more disastrous results. So I'm cranky.

    8. Anonymous8:15 PM

      Thanks for posting the link 8:05
      There was also this comment is kind of how I heard it: "Anonymous9:25 AM

      Thank you for maintaining discretion with comments unlike some. That's the best you can do to help law enforcement."
      So its prob just sarah playing with OPM jetting all over for no good usual.

    9. Anonymous2:53 AM

      I agree with the PR pro. Shailey has not represented herself well. The book is important, but it is amateur. I think she has some mental illlness, in that she once represented herself as a rocket scientist. Not in a joke way, either. I also think that she will be marginalized because of who she is. That is wrong. NO is the new film production area in the US, so we might be wrong. I hope it doesn't go straight to video. I beleive Todd is a pimp and Shailey did give sex to the SS during the campaign.

  14. Anonymous3:50 PM

    The IT girl that is no more.
    Run, $arah, constant fodder!

  15. Caroll Thompson3:58 PM

    A google news search for Sarah coming down to terrorize the lower 48 reveals no sightings of Sarah.

    The only news about Sarah is this link to Raw Story, which is a very funny piece about her facebook page slamming Obama for negotiating with Iran.

    Or there is the weekly Wonkette article where they are thinking that Sarah quit her Tevee Channel halfway through.

    Did the powers that be banish her from the Unity rally just like she was banished from the 2012 Republican Convention? After all, it looks like Cassidy will win and perhaps they don't want that not so pretty anymore poison coming down to tell the Republicans they better keep going down Tea Party Avenue or else....

    My money is on Sarah not being at the Unity rally. I think these guys are finally waking up to Sarah being out for Sarah. I think they now see her as a grifter out for easy money. And I think the throwdown at the hoedown confirmed for some of them that Sarah is bad news and probably shouldn't be at their political rally.

  16. Chenagrrl4:30 PM

    I can't pretend to understand Louisiana election law, but I am pretty sure the only race left, right now, is a runoff between Cassidy and Landrieu. No jungle primary involved. So I am not sure she is going to the right rally. Maybe a little time travel involved.

    1. Anonymous8:21 PM,_2014

      This explains what they mean by "jungle primary". It really refers the the actual general election.

  17. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Sarah soooo belongs in the company of weirdos like Diaper Dave.... but unity has never been her thing.

    I think the Koch Brothers have no further use for her. It's only a matter of time until Hannity can't stand hearing Sarah's same old incoherent word sausage any more. I hope he is stuck with her until the day he dies.

  18. Anonymous4:56 PM

    Well well, Sarah Palin caught in another lie..

    1. Anonymous5:47 PM

      You know nothing, but you're no stranger to telling lies are you? People here have some gall pretending like they don't lie when liberal bloggers are the biggest manipulators.

    2. Anonymous6:13 PM

      Anonymous5:47 PM
      What LIES?
      Be Specific. I see lies alright but they are from the Palin family!

    3. Anonymous6:59 PM


      Sarah Palin lied when she said she boarded a transcontinental flight after an amniotic fluid leak without a medical check for a premature Down Syndrome baby when she was high-risk (over 40 7th pregnancy, history of miscarriage) then avoided neonatal intensive care equipped hospitals to drive a long way to small hospital not even rated to handle twins and be induced to give birth by a doctor that rarely attends even low-risk deliveries.

      Sarah Palin lied about that and tells the tale as if it is something to boast about.

    4. Anonymous2:56 AM

      MatSu wasn't credentialed for high risk births. Neither was CBJ. If Sarah needed to be "induced" as she writes and states,she and her vagina would have been transported to Providence who is credentialed for high risk births, had high risk obstetricians and a NICU.
      Sarah's tale DID NOT HAPPEN.

  19. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Hilariously, but not surprisingly, the sheeple at C4P think that SP's name was purposely omitted from the attendees' list because - wait for it - she is going to be a surprise guest and the organizers don't want her supporters to know ahead of time because she would outshine the LA candidate!!! Yes, the delusions continue. (Are her followers REALLY that stupid, or are we all being punked?!)

    1. Anonymous6:54 PM

      Anonymous4:57 PM
      Amazing! They have a excuse for everything ! Perfect cult/enablers.

  20. aj weishar5:06 PM

    OK, apparently Sarah is showing signs of dementia. Here's the link to the Unity Rally: No mention of her in the "Special Guest" column.

    1. Anonymous5:36 PM

      For SURE from all of us......Hey! $arah?
      Run or shut up
      It really is that simple.
      All those answers how to fix America.
      We await..........

  21. Anonymous5:42 PM

    The above photo of Palin reminds me of Ruth Buzzi of the popular "Laugh In" TV show! The only thing Palin is missing is the hairnet! But, the chins match!

    And, I'm sure Buzzi would not enjoy being compared to Sarah Palin! Buzzi was so funny in that role! She was just a hoot! (Reminds us too, that Sarah Palin has a huge 'zero' when it comes to having a sense of humor!)

    1. Anonymous6:32 PM

      5:42 you're right! Ruth Buzzi!
      Poor Ruth she was a sweet soul unlike bitch from hell...

  22. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Gryphen knows all about lying since he does it a lot. #liberalpropaganda #personalslander

    1. Anonymous6:13 PM

      a hashtag for "slander." I love it.

    2. Anonymous6:18 PM

      Anonymous5:46 PM
      #Thonghazi #PalinBrawl #Palin #PalinLIES

    3. Anonymous6:19 PM
      For you Anonymous5:46 PM
      #Thoonghazi #PalinLIES #WasillaHILLBILLIES

    4. Anonymous6:38 PM

      Anonymous6:13 PM

      a hashtag for "slander." I love it.
      Oh not JUST "slander" but...omg/smh {Drumroll}
      But....our intrepid idiot troll can't name ONE FLIPPIN' lie or "Personalslander"!?
      Hey troll, You are Personally Slandering Gryphen!!!

    5. Anonymous6:53 PM


    6. Anonymous7:15 PM

      5:46 #2tonedDildo #youdon'tknowanyPalins #trollingisyourlife

    7. Anonymous8:23 PM


    8. Anonymous12:21 AM


    9. Anonymous3:16 AM

      Sue us. Please sue us so we can counter sue.

    10. PalinsHoax4:31 AM


  23. Anonymous5:50 PM

    "she would be an iconic President who would make a very large mark on our Nation's history." Sarah would set the bar for President too high, unintentionally.

    Laughing too hard here to comment

  24. Anonymous5:58 PM

    So, Sarah Palin went to LA on Saturday. What a coincidence with the Unity Rally a mere 2 days later. If she's not invited and given a speaking slot, will she crash the party anyway? How can they turn her down when she's practically begging, "So I want to participate in things like that to help."

    Perhaps Fox News will let her pretend she's a reporter to cover the event.

    And Maness' facebook page had not a mention of her this weekend.

  25. Anonymous6:11 PM

    That answer she gave Hannity is pure word salad going through a clothes dryer. She speaks like "Yoda".

  26. Anonymous6:20 PM

    When Sarah says Unity Rally, she is trying to her guy, Maness, some credibility since he lost and may have been the spoiler in the election. Sarah is also trying to get some unity for herself. She has not been a Republican Party favorite since 2011 when she teased people that she might run. She wasn't invited to the 2012 convention. She is on the fringe, marginalized, insignificant and unimportant. She has been trying every trick and lame post just to be noticed again. And , she has to keep justifying that slush fund of her which is supposed to be a PAC. Instead, it pays for everything related to Sarah raising for the PAC. It exists to maintain Sarah, not any political candidate or cause. Unity? Sarah really does want to be noticed by the media she hates and the good old boys who she called cronies. Sarah wants back in, anywhere.

  27. If she lied about where she will be on Monday I wonder if there is a drunken brawl scheduled this weekend.

  28. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Maybe the organizers of the Unity Rally TOLD Sarah that it was on Saturday. That way she'd miss it. Sounds like they don't want her there.

    1. Anonymous6:49 PM

      lol...maybe she's the organizer of the entire event

  29. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Where is Columbo when we need him? He could figure out why it was so important for Sarah to disclose her schedule to Fox News viewers, saying she'd in in Louisiana on Saturday.

    Notice she didn't say she was going to the rally, just that she'd be in Louisiana on Saturday. Why would she want people to know she's in LA? She's talking like she's expecting some bad press and presenting her alibi in advance. Hmmmmmm............very mysterious.

    1. Anonymous6:53 PM

      Sarah is cooling something up with the Duck Dynasty. Sarah brings the moose chili and they will provide the ducks for the.....maybe they will have it on SPC LOL.

    2. Anonymous7:37 PM

      She's talking like she's expecting some bad press and presenting her alibi in advance. Hmmmmmm............very mysterious.
      Yep. She could be trying to get in front of something so she can control it unlike the brawl...or
      do the duckfuckers live in LA?

  30. Anonymous6:41 PM

    Wow, she's the spitting image of Sally& the thing is that it's happened so fast. No wonder she's freaking out since her emphasis was on being young & better than Hilary. Now she sees no one wants her anymore & she's freaking out.
    But aging fast wouldn't matter if you really had brains $carah & actually worked for a living--you & your Klan.
    poor poor sarah and family...they will all have to work soon and that's something they've never done.

  31. Anonymous6:48 PM

    LA Politics site has the rally held at Huey's Bar, in Baton Rouge, LA, at 12:30 pm. Monday.

  32. Anonymous6:48 PM

    DANG! check out her latest "look" WTH!
    What look is she going for here:
    Is that what she's paying her beauty school "consultant" daughters for? FIRE THEM!

    1. Anonymous7:45 PM

      Anonymous6:48 PM
      She is totally fucked up! And where is she? Not in AZ or AK?
      Holy shit, is this from her crappy ass channel? She is a sicko! I wouldn't believe it if I didn't see it with my own eyes...

    2. Anonymous8:31 PM

      wow is that a blinged out num chuck on her hand...hahaha

    3. Anonymous8:31 PM

      That's too funny. It is her balcony in the hanger/studio house in Wasilla but it was shot months and months ago, look at the leaves on the birch trees! So why was she shooting a Happy Birthday Billy Graham video a full 3-5 months prior to his birthday? She's so weird.

    4. Anonymous9:17 PM

      Thanks for the link Anonymous 6:48. I watched the entire video with the sound off because I can't stand Sarah's voice.

      Wow! Where to start. What's with all the fidgeting with and pulling on the Bible's book mark? What's with all the rubbing and scratching of the upper side of her left wrist and forearm?

      Sarah acts like the black muu muu top she's wearing is too large (maybe she thinks it's not showing off her chest enough) and she keeps pulling it back and down on the left side, trying to keep it behind her--talking all the while.

      No wedding ring (again), but she does play with a gaudy costume jewelry ring on her right hand.

      The shocker is the lip licking and tongue flick at the end of the video along with the cat who ate the canary look. Ewww and yuck.

      The ending was so awful that I decided to listen to the last 17 seconds of the video. It is very poorly edited because as sex kitten Sarah stares at the camera with her tongue out, someone (male) says something like "that's great". That piqued my interest in the first couple seconds of the video, so I listened to that tiny bit. The producer didn't even edit out the part where Palin is listening to someone giving her a queue off camera and her reply of "OK".

      Based on this performance, Sarah definitely does NOT have a college degree in journalism or communications from the University of Idaho. I still believe her next role as grifter will be in televangelism.

    5. Anonymous1:06 AM

      Okay, more proof that she's not a real Christian...that is the most pristine book of scripture that I've ever seen! The gold leaf on the page edges is not scratched, the pages look like they are still in the block that they were set in when bound. The book mark is not frayed, bent, marred in any way. I'm a librarian, so I have some idea of what books look like once they've been used. For a book that should be used multiple times daily, it doesn't seem used at all!

    6. Anonymous8:47 AM

      Was he very ill a few months ago? Because she keeps referring to him in past tense and then correcting herself--"He was...I mean IS!" This doesn't seem like a birthday video; it sounds like a eulogy that she didn't get to use because he didn't die, so she's trotting it out now.

    7. Anonymous9:22 AM

      WHF? Why is she scratching throughout the video? At one point she reaches down with her left arm to scratch something at butt level, then rearranges the bat wings and continues. Once she talks about all the "diversity" at the birthday event, and lists herself, Donald Trump, and Murdoch.

    8. Anonymous9:31 AM

      You're right, Anon 8:47--he was very ill sometime back. In fact, I was surprised to learn he was still alive. The video was obviously shot in the summer--months ago--and the eulogy aspect would explain the bizarre choir-robe she is wearing.

  33. Anonymous7:00 PM

    "Now Palin made those remarks on Friday, November 7th, however in an article written the next day about the event, they listed the attendees as follows"

    Oh my is Sarah Palin crashing this party? Sarah didn't learn from the last party she crashed. Her family got their asses kicked.

  34. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Sarah got mixed up. Supposedly there were two events going on. One was Friday, November 7th, at Ye Olde College Inn in New Orleans. Per the PJ site, the endorsement follows a Friday dinner at Ye Olde College Inn in New Orleans with Cassidy, his wife Laura, Maness with his wife Cathy.

    Tomorrow's event is in Baton Rouge.

  35. Anonymous7:21 PM

    Sarah Palin is a dingleberry that won't go away.

    A delinquent partial turd which grasps anal shrubery causing brownish crust to accumulate in ones boxers.

  36. Anonymous7:38 PM

    So, Sarah had to know this event was held on Friday, the one which she addresses, in her interview with Hannity on Friday night. Was this interview taped? She tried to imply she was going to be involved in the Unity Rally, and that she was going to be in Louisiana, and then mentions the Old College Inn. In fact, the restaurant is called the "Ye olde College Inn".

    The Monday event will have Rand Paul and Jindal and Cassidy and the whole crew, although Sarah's name is not mentioned. What was she trying to imply? Pretend that she was invited? Will be interesting to see what she's up to.

  37. Anonymous7:42 PM

    Excuse me mam, this unity event is an invitation only party.

    Sarah Palin: Hollers out "DON'T YOU KNOW WHO I AM?"

    1. PalinsHoax4:15 AM

      Sarah Palin: Hollers out "DON'T YOU KNOW WHO I AM?"
      - - -
      And sends Bridull in to punch to organizer (host) in the throat and Trackie to strip off his shirt while giving every one the finger.

  38. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Is it just me, or does hanitty has that, "I gotcha just where I wantcha, kind of look?


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