Sunday, November 09, 2014

The intro to Ben Carson's 40 minute "Breath of Fresh Air" documentary will make you wonder if he is getting enough "fresh air" to his brain.

What in the hell did I just watch?

C'mon this is a parody of the actual documentary, right? Right?

Apparently not according to Mediaite:

 The ad starts out exactly as you might expect: Lots of medical imagery, including a flat-lining heart monitor (meant to signify America’s demise?); dramatic music set to video of Dr. Carson in scrubs at his hospital; footage of Fox News and CNN anchors discussing his possible 2016 run; and the neurosurgeon looking directly into the camera while reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. 

The pledge gives way to an unending two-minute female narration, full of disjointed sentences and awkward emphasis on arbitrary words.

"Disjointed sentences and awkward emphasis on arbitrary words?" Well hell perhaps Carson really is born to run for political office as a Republican. 

I have not felt so lost watching a video since the last time I transcribed a Sarah Palin interview.

And the time before that was, well that was another Sarah Palin interview as well.

Which I guess helps us to realize whose demographic Carson is shooting for.

I wonder if the Republicans realize that it takes more than pigment to become the conservative answer to Barack Obama?


  1. Maple8:04 AM

    Surely the dumbest thing I've seen yet! Note that the narrator mentions that there were 3 FFs who were physicians, and that none were experienced politicians. Hmmmm. Anyhow, the narrator is horribly annoying and Carson always looks like he's about to take a nap!

    1. Anonymous8:50 AM

      narrator'svoice is really annoying

  2. F U McCain8:09 AM

    I wonder if the Republicans realize that it takes more than pigment to become the conservative answer to Barack Obama?


    Just ask Michael Steele.

    Isn't it *interesting* how Steele was selected for the job to show that the GOP was "color-blind" --

    but he only held office for what, two years?

    It's *almost* as if they didn't hire him based on MERIT?

    (and they replaced him with the whitest little weasel around - whose name sounds like a venereal disease!)

  3. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Would you trust Dr. Ben Carson to cut open your brain?

    Would you trust Dr. Rand Paul to perform delicate surgery on your eyes?

    So why would you trust your country with either of them?

    1. Anonymous11:11 AM

      I really, really dislike Carson the politician, but 20 years ago, I brought my child to Carson the physician for a suspected case of craniosynostosis (where the growth plates fuse together early) and Carson was highly competent AS A DOCTOR. Know what? I absolutely adore the lady who cuts my hair--she does a GREAT JOB and she's very personable, but I wouldn't vote for her for president any more than I'd vote for Carson. Just because someone is good in one area doesn't mean they're any good in another.

  4. Anonymous8:19 AM

    I have never commented before but feel compelled to say that the female narrator sure sounds a lot like 'Betty Bowers". LOL!!!

  5. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Is that a digitally generated female voice? This is embarrassing.

    1. Anita Winecooler4:01 PM

      Guess his binderfull of women is empty?

  6. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Did you notice the happy slaves of Washington/Jefferson in the gentleman farmer drawing...right at the elbow of their masters? Did you really want to include that Ben? Do you think they were equal? Not one of those physicians were black. Heck, you weren't even 5/8's of a person then. And Pledge of Allegiance didn't even say were we one nation under God at that time...that was added over a hundred years later. I don't remember seeing a gun in those pictures. It's taken many lives and many changes to make our Constitution what it is today. Every man but a Negro had the right to be armed in that well controlled militia back then....there was no military controlled complex, they wrote in there will be separation of Church and national religion. There was no Freedom of the Press or right of free speech. Do you remember when the South and North were at war? Kind of like it is becoming today. Do you really think the Republicans are going to win if they put you on the ticket after the opposition they have put up for our first Black President? Dream on Doctor Ben. It's just like them picking Sarah Palin for the women's vote after Hillary lost to BHO. You will be a token candidate. Keep your day job! You will be a black GWB....a puppet for the Koch's. Good luck!

  7. Anonymous8:33 AM

    General Colin Powell needs to explain life among the Republicans to Dr Carson.

  8. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Love the straight-from-the-package fold lines on the flag. Seriously? The doofus couldn't even iron or steam the stinking flag before he put it up as a backdrop?

    1. F U McCain8:57 AM

      Good eye!

    2. Anonymous10:03 AM

      Good eye! And it demonstrates, if we needed another example, that our flag is just a prop for the Republicans.
      Look at all the ways that Sarah puts it into jewelry, wooden knick-knacks, some picture with a bear imposed on it, her shoes, you name it.

      The American flag used to be a semi-sacred symbol. It could not touch the ground, it could not remain on a flag pole overnight. Oh, the Moral Majority were outraged when those dirty hippies burned a flag to protest the Vietnam War.

      Now, the flag is just a decoration, that will mean less and less the more it's abused. It shouldn't be semi-sacred, as it once was. But it should be used, not abused, respected and honored for what it represents.

      It does not exist to decorate Sarah Palin's feet or broadcast backdrop. When she says we should honor our "warriors," she shows them dishonor every time she uses the flag as an ornament.

    3. Anita Winecooler4:03 PM

      Dollar Store Flag, made in China. Good going, Doc!

  9. Whatever their impressive accomplishments, none of the founding fathers were equipped to govern a complex nation of over 300,000,000 million heterogeneous people without any prior experience in governing.

    After all, they had the advantage of deciding what the principles and laws of the new nation would be. They weren't jumping into an already established government with already established processes and procedures with which they would need to be familiar.

    I didn't listen to the whole thing but it sounded as though Miss Digital was pushing the concept that any intelligent, educated person could waltz right into oh, say, the presidency, without ever having served in any elected office, or at least a high level governmental position. Being a farmer? Good enough! Used car salesman? Perfect!

    That is just unmitigated horseshit.

    And the music was just so bizarre.

    1. Anonymous4:11 PM

      Wasn't it the ReTHUGS in '08, who kept criticizing then Senator Obama's lack of executive experience, (meanwhile overlooking McCain's)?

  10. Anonymous9:31 AM

    How Awful!

  11. Nikogriego9:39 AM

    I posted earlier but it didn't make it.

    Founding fathers included/did not abolish slavery in their ultimate wisdom. Founding fathers were all white wealthy landowners and merchants, much like today's Republicans. Founding fathers included slaves as 3/5 person for masters' voting rights. Founding fathers did not allow women to vote.

    And didn't the narrator use the non-word "refudiate" at one point? Wonder where she got that?

  12. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Did a tiny bit of reading up the good doctor. His MD creds seem fine, but he is for a flat tax. A flat tax is the same % tax for everyone, the person earning $25k per year and the Koch-level earners. No need to read further about this guy.

    As we all know, MDs are often woefully uneducated about matters outside their profession, tend to have giant egos (based on their training and status), and they are sure they are right. Even about something as wrong-headed as the flat tax.

  13. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Nicogriego 9:39 is right, but it's worse than that. Thos Jefferson, for example, wrote against slavery but in the end did not think it could be abolished in 1776. He might have been right, politically, about that. But let's look at his personal life: He owned lots of slaves, which he could have freed, but he did not. He fathered numerous children with Slave Sally Hemmings but did not free them in his lifetime. Sally, a slave, was the half-sister of his former all-white wife, who died.

    And just as a comment on fiscal responsibility, Jefferson died broke. Not the most perfect role model, once one learns more about him.

    I don't know why any black person should think well of him, or any white person either, in terms of civil rights and fiscal leadership.

  14. Anita Winecooler4:09 PM

    And who picked the founding father's crops? illegal immigrants, I suppose. Some people were considered more equal than others, care to guess what skin color they had Doc? How many became Physicians? Lawyers? Owned their own homes? (Please note, these are NOT trick questions)


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