Monday, November 03, 2014

While Mark Begich works his ground game Dan Sullivan brings in the old and the crazy.

Courtesy of the Fairbanks NewsMiner
From the Alaska Dispatch: 

Begich and the Democratic Party have a roughly tenfold advantage in paid staff on the ground in Alaska, and their schedule for the next few days doesn’t include any particularly flashy events or guests -- Begich is campaigning in the Mat-Su, Anchorage, and Fairbanks, while his wife and mother make stops in rural Alaska. 

Sullivan’s campaign, meanwhile, is relying on Cruz and 2012 GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney, who’s holding a rally Monday in Anchorage with Sullivan and Republican Gov. Sean Parnell. 

The visit from Cruz, who’s stumped around the country for Republican Senate candidates, helps Sullivan’s campaign to stoke its conservative base and even generate enthusiasm among Libertarians, whom Cruz mentioned in a video he posted shortly after his arrival in Alaska. 

Saturday’s event in Fairbanks was a showcase for that strategy. 

“In three days, we’re going to retake the U.S. Senate and retire Harry Reid as majority leader,” Cruz said to sustained applause from the Chrysler showroom, telling the crowd that Begich’s support for Reid amounts to “a vote that says, ‘I hate oil.’” 

“Let me tell you, in the fight for this country, for the direction of this country, Alaska is ground zero,” Cruz said.

Yeah Raphael Cruz is full of shit here.

While I agree that Alaska is grown zero in a lot of ways, there is NO politician elected in this state that hates oil.  

After all that is the lifeblood of Alaska right now, and without it we would suffer greatly. Mark knows that quite well.

However I am sure that Begich realizes that it will not last forever, nor should it, and that it is time to start seriously finding alternative fuel sources.

Having said that I can certainly attest to the powerful ground game being used by the Democrats in support of Mark right now. I have personally been visited a whopping seven times by door knockers making sure that I am voting, and voting for our current Senator. (I actually voted earlier today, so maybe I'll put a sign in my yard attesting to that fact.)

I have seen NOBODY from the Sullivan campaign in my neighborhood, and if he is relying on those out of state funded ads and the likes of Mitt Romney and Ted Cruz to give him a boost I think he might be in for a very unpleasant surprise tomorrow evening. (Assuming of course we know anything by tomorrow evening.)

By the way Begich referred to Cruz as "the king of the government shutdown." which I think is too perfect.

Well I for one am responsible for at least three Begich votes. No I did not vote three times, but my family members did come to me for guidance and I think I set them on the path of righteousness.

So if you have not voted yet, make sure you do tomorrow.

It is not just your responsibility, it is your right. And keep in mind who is working to take that right away from many of you.


  1. Grrrr !2:36 PM

    Campaigning with the chief architect of the government shutdown which cost taxpayers $24 billion is the epitomize of "conservative crazy."

  2. laurensd12:48 PM

    We are patiently waiting for warm fuzzy incredibly glam geriatric sex bomb cultured pics of you Sarah with Ted Cruz and of course you will be joining the Sullivan festivities ...... voice fades...

    Oh. No. Parnell will be there and the Alaskan Federation of Repub Women. They, with good reason (s), don't cotton to you much then. Ya know, for poopin' on 'em
    Okay. Guess you and your spawn from all different fathers are destined to ride around humming to locate a bash to crash.
    Ya' know, an election party of sorts.
    Or stay home and cuddle.

  3. Anonymous2:49 PM

    It cracks me up as to Sullivan. He obviously is not an Alaskan and has no clue how we think! We don't like outsiders - especially the likes of Mittens and creepy, slimy Cruz!

    He is going to lose his race - will not make his loser speech, will head back east and he'll never be seen in Alaska again! Betcha!!

  4. Anonymous2:52 PM

    O.M.G. Crooz is one ugly man, physically, intellectually, and personally. If I had any inclination to vote for Sullivan this shithead showing up would make me hurl and turn away.

  5. Grrrr !2:58 PM

    It took less than 20 minutes to come across another one:

    GOP Assembly Candidate In Hospital With No Insurance

    "[David] Erlich, who is challenging incumbent Assemblyman Rob Bonta in the East Bay, underwent surgery for a perforated ulcer in mid-October. A week and a half after his release, he was back in the hospital with a bad gallbladder that will have to be removed.

    "The experience put the Republican, who is suspicious of the national health care plan, in the position of needing very expensive care -- with no way to pay for it ..."

    "'I don't have insurance,' he said. 'But I have every intention of paying it back.'"

    1. Anonymous4:32 AM

      He'll need to hold a lot of spaghetti dinners; they usually net a couple of hundred dollars apiece. How irresponsible for this man not to have any medical insurance.

  6. Caroll Thompson3:20 PM

    Good Luck Alaska in tomorrow's election. Blue is a wonderful color.

  7. Irishgirl3:22 PM

    Never trust a man with thin lips.

  8. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Ted Cruz, immigrant from Canada, taking away a job from a deserving American.

  9. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Someone at C4P brought up a good question: why was there not a (extremely over-hyped) get-together between Palin and Cruz?

    1. Anonymous4:49 PM

      There was probably a brief passionate encounter at a cheap motel.

    2. Anonymous4:56 PM

      Because Cruz knows Palin is poison and dumb as a brick.

  10. Anonymous4:48 PM

    LMAO the Kochs have stopped caring and are just rounding up any available wingnut and shipping them to Alaska.

    Trig could get more votes for Ohio Dan than Ted Cruz the government shutter down and the Last Losing Republican Nominee.

  11. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Dan "don't forget my wife's ancestors have been in Alaska for 10,000 years" Sullivan. Riding on his wife's coattails, even though she left Alaska for college and didn't come back until he did. Now riding on the coattails of the biggest obstructionist in the US Legislature. Good Job Sullivan, hope all this bites you in the ass.

  12. Anita Winecooler5:27 PM

    What? They're doing a remake of "Hee Haw", and no one told me? Thanks Guys!!

  13. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Wow, Cruz looks unbelievably awkward wearing jeans and that "blue collar" shirt (and don't get me starting and that belt!).

    Is that his "everyman" outfit, purchased fresh for his trip to Alaska? Did his wife iron creases in his pants?

  14. Anonymous12:57 AM

    Gryphen, yup, the Obama dems have an awesome ground game. Do put out a sign saying you have voted, lol, it will be noted by the ground crew.

    I canvased for Obama both elections......

  15. Anonymous4:30 AM

    ALASKANS,VOTE. The New York Times thinks that your carpetbagger is going to win big. This would give you the worst Representative in the country and one of the worst Senators. You already have a senator who says one thing and the votes the other way - Lisa Murkowski.

  16. Anonymous6:04 AM

    creepy dude.slime.makes me need a bath....eww


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