Monday, November 03, 2014

Ben Stein calls Obama the "most racist President there has ever been in America."

So former Nixon speechwriter and game show host Ben Stein was being interviewed yesterday on Fox News by one of those blondes that Roger Ailes masturbates to alone in his office, and she made the mistake of thinking he had anything important to say about a poll.

Instead this was what he said as reported by TPM: 

"What the White House is trying to do is racialize all politics and their especially trying to tell the Africa-American voter that the GOP is against letting them have a chance at a good life in this economy, and that’s just a complete lie," he said. "I watch with fascination — with incredible fascination — all the stories about how the Democratic politicians, especially Hillary, are trying to whip up the African-American vote and say, ‘Oh the Republicans have policies against black people in terms of the economy.' But there are no such policies." 

"It’s all a way to racialize voting in this country," Stein continued. "This president is the most racist president there has ever been in America. He is purposely trying to use race to divide Americans."

Yes the President is the racist in this country. 

The half black Hawaiian, raised by white grandparents, who spent a significant amount of time as minority in Indonesia. Yes that is certainly the kind of background that creates a racist.

After all it's not like he has been the target of racism himself these last six years or anything.

Yes, how dare the President bring racism into the political discussion.


  1. Anonymous4:37 PM

    The Republicans are the racists and especially the ones we have in the U.S. Congress. McConnell especially - Boehner too. Both fucking white assholes that just like to obstruct, obstruct, obstruct our wonderful President Obama.

    Get Republicans out of office across the nation voters. They do nothing but harm the middle class, the poor and women! Governors have to lose their seats too that are up for reelection - especially in the State of Alaska!

    1. Anonymous9:01 PM

      Have you failed to notice that in primarily urban areas, the people in charge have been Democrat for years/decades. I don't know of any area that has benefited from Dem policies. Let's look at Detroit and Chicago to start.

  2. Crazy knows no bounds with this asshole . . . .

    1. Anonymous6:32 AM

      He's a total perv too.
      Like, trying to get college freshman to sleep with him.
      As if, old man!

  3. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Tomorrow I plan to get in my Prius with the DEM *** license plate and drive over to VOTE OUT the REPUBLICANS in Michigan.

  4. Anonymous4:58 PM

    The African American population in the USA is about 12-15%. Getting the AA vote is, of course, important but it does NOT swing an election for president.

    Ben Stein can not even pretend to understand logic. Because it's so much more fun to be a rich idiot.

  5. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Wow. Just was at SP's FB page and saw a video made of the places she's campaigned for the midterms....exactly two candidates - Pat Roberts in Kansas and the chap who will absolutely lose in Louisiana; and there was one more stop in DC for the Values Voter Summit.

    That. Is. It.

    Three stops.

    Oh, how the mighty have fallen. The Brawl hurt her Brand way more than she is wanting to admit. The truth is that serious Republican candidates don't want her near them or their campaigns. NPR just talked about the Kansas race and how Roberts brought in the "big guns" - then they ran through the laundry list, people like Dole, I think Bush Sr and some others - but not a mention of Sarah.

    That's right, Sarah. You are not meritorious of inclusion in the "big gun" category any longer.

  6. Anonymous5:09 PM

    Ben Stein gives us Jews a really bad name.

  7. Anonymous5:17 PM

    Ben is a nasty little shit.

    1. Anonymous8:18 PM

      Yeahhhh, im thinking everyone here is the nastiest little shit. Ben doesn't slander people, nor trash people for fun

    2. Anonymous1:59 AM

      8:18 Can't you READ?? He is insulting the President, a duly elected, honestly elected President. This ugly little gargoyle, who stalks young pregnant girls. He should go to Wasilla, I am sure he could hook up with a pregnant, unmarried female there. All he would have to do is go to the PayMe compound. He should be ashamed to show his face after that fiasco with the pregnant girl. I guess SHAME is only for Democratic people also, too. Can't wait to read the police reports about the PayMe celebration for Thanksgiving, and Christmas. I wonder if the company that owns the stretch Humvee will have it cleaned up by then after the last PayMe brawl??

    3. Anonymous4:34 AM

      Hey Lily, There you go pretending you can think again. Why do you slander and trash people for fun?

      Hypocrite! Lily's motto: I can trash and slander and call people that I don't even know nasty names, but you can't. Hang on tight to those last three brain cells.

    4. Anonymous5:22 AM

      Oh, look, we have someone here to praise and support Ben Stein! And she's on autopilot.

      Hey, honey, I know it's late and you're probably hiding under your blanket (so your parents don't know you're on the internet when you're not supposed to be because of that whole police business), but this post is about how Ben Stein called Barack Obama a bigger racist than presidents who owned slaves, were members of the KKK, or rounded up American Indians and sent them to their death.

      But, hey! You keep saying WE'RE the ones trashing people for fun because you have a hard-on for the Palins.

    5. Anonymous5:26 AM

      Oh, no, 8:18, what are you going to do?

      As Our Lad points out down thread, Ben Stein has been saying Sarah Palin was a ridiculous, terrible choice for VPOTUS since 2008.

      Don't let your brain explode.

    6. A. J. Billings5:29 AM

      Hey Paylin worshiping troll.

      Check this out about your right wing fanatic Ben Stein, the creepy stalker who's hitting on women young enough to be his great-grand daughter

      So who's the little shit now? Maybe you're the Paylin troll, or you are creepy Chuck, Chuck (girl's panties) Sr, or maybe it's RAM!

      Remember ThongGhazi!


    7. Anonymous8:20 AM

      Sorry, AJ, I said it was Our Lad, but it was you.

  8. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Ben Stein's father was Nixon's economic advisor.
    Listen to the Nixon tapes: he sure was a racist.
    The most racist? Who's to say. Washington, Jefferson, Jackson -- Obama's racial "crimes" don't even come close.
    Ben Stein is a paid shill. His father would be ashamed of him.

  9. Beldar J Conehead5:32 PM

    Obama is the WORST America president since Caligula!

    "Buehler... Buehler... Buehler..."

    Man, I never get tired of that scene....

  10. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Andrew Jackson would have a few things to say about that. So would Woodrow Wilson. They were genuine, unrepentant racists. Whatever Stein believes Obama has done, it doesn't compare with forcing Native Americans from their land or supporting segregation approvingly.

  11. Anonymous5:34 PM

    I demand an apology, Ben Stein! What if somebody said Ben Stein is just the worst jew in the United States? Which is the biggest jew douchnozzle, Ben Stein or Bill Kristolnacht?
    Why did Tom Harkin have to apologize to Joni Ernst but that Maine former head of the Republican Party promoting violence against Democratic voters by saying Republican voters should hold the heads of Democrats under water until they are no longer breathing doesn't apologize? I'm sick of Democrats running away from Obama and not standing behind their words. DO NOT APOLOGIZE FOR ANYTHING, DEMOCRATS!!!!

    1. Anonymous7:04 PM

      Ben Stein is the biggest Jew-hater EVER because he keeps talking about the holocaust. He's more of a Jew-hater than anyone in the KKK, or Nixon, or even Hitler! Nobody is a bigger Jew-hater than Ben Stein. Ben Stein is the biggest Jew-hater EVER because he is trying to use antisemitism to divide the country between Jew-haters and those who don't hate Jews.

      Everyone knows the biggest bigots are the ones who talk the most about how terrible bigotry is. And the very biggest bigot is the one doing the most to do away with bigotry.

    2. Anonymous8:46 PM

      You make a good point that we all need to get away from our previous heritage markers and just be Americans. I wouldn't call myself an Irish/Welsh/English/German/Jewish American. I'm an American.

    3. Anonymous2:04 AM

      This homely little turd is angry about something. Could he be upset that he is only 5" tall, ugly as a toad, not appealing to women (even young pregnant ones that he PAYS) while President Obama is handsome, intelligent and women fall for him?? Woooow, Benjie. Poor, poor little ugly Benjie.

    4. Anonymous6:34 AM

      He's mad his former side kick, Jimmy Kimmel is a national host and stein is. .. on Fox.
      How sad.


  12. Anita Winecooler5:39 PM

    What a brilliant strategy! More people on medicaid, more people on government health care, more people getting food stamps than ever before.

    That record broke years ago, idiot. Newsflash! They don't even sell record players anymore. They're so full of hate, they wouldn't know the truth if it hit them in the cajones (to borrow Sarah's favorite target AND snack). I'm a white woman who lived in a mixed neighborhood, and saw for myself that the voters in line, basically reflected the neighborhood racially and socio economically. The GOP just changes the maps in their favor, then churn out the rich whites. Well, the last two elections are proof enough that a lot of "Whites" voted for President Obama.

    That sound you hear is Ben Stein's head exploding.

    1. Anonymous2:08 AM

      My family is all white, and we all LOVE President Obama. Smartest most intelligent President we have had since Bill Clinton. The gop loves them some STUPID. My relatives in the UK get upset when they see Faux, and hear the insults hurled at President Obama. They love him, too, and could not stand stupid W. Bobby Jindal was correct, he said "We will never attract the smart people"

  13. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Maybe it just should, but it never ceases to amaze me how supposedly intelligent people like Ben Stein can come out with such demonstrably fucking STUPID, not to mention false, statements. Because there is no way he doesn't know he's spouting bullshit.

    1. Anonymous2:10 AM

      These people who go on Faux have seen how PayMe attracts the low intelligent rubes, so they take a leaf from her book. Play to the STUPID, racist. It amazes me that he did not bring a gun of some kind to show how MANLY he is.

    2. Anonymous5:58 AM

      No one who appears on Fox News willingly is intelligent, supposedly or not. It certainly wasn't a coincidence that Stein's diatribe was aired on the eve of a mid-term election. Vote, everybody, vote.

  14. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Projection is ubiquitous in the community of racist uneducated people of low intelligence. Look no further than Sarah. Ben speaks to that demographic because he is a depraved.

  15. Anonymous5:58 PM

    Don't even get me started on how they have portrayed the First Lady. It's racism of the worst kind. Assholes, just like Stein.


    1. Anonymous6:54 PM

      And THERE you have it. He has been berated every which way because a BLACK man is in the WHITE House, elected over money by the populous twice.

      I could write a screed and and half over how they were out to get President Obama in '08 from the get go to see that it never happened again. What I have WTH moments over is the repressed sexually bitch that constantly has to make innuendos concerning him and gets away with it.

      RUN, $arah, you've now decided you're going to be a pimple on people's butt because you were caught in your real life brawling for all the world to see? You're no leader, you have no solutions whatsoever, you're just a whore and I await the contrived reason when you explain to the (cough) faithful why.

      By the way, bitch, Gabby is still on your watch. Hope you're happy.

  16. Anonymous7:16 PM

    This so burns me up. Today I was sitting at a stop light in my car with my "Turn Off Fox. Bad News For America" sticker in my window behind a pick up truck with a sticker "If you take away my guns I'll have to shoot you" and a window decal that said "Fuck Obama" with the letters f u c k spelled out in machine gun font. All I could do is shake my head. Yes I've seen avatars in comment sections of the little white boy pissing on black Obama's head. It's disgusting that my fellow citizens in this country are so racist. Not much has changed with those type of people since the 1950's. Sad.

    1. Anonymous2:15 AM

      The gop likes to keep their followers as uninformed, racist and dumb as possible. Easier to manipulate them. God and guns is all they care about, while the leaders enrich themselves at everyone's expense. The gop hates the President because he is smarter than all of them COMBINED.

  17. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Concerning immigrants, I employ 9 illegals, helping them become legal. They work very hard to do it the right way. They take nothing from anyone but weekly wages.

  18. Anonymous8:32 PM

    Yeah, he's more racist than the Presidents who OWNED other people.

  19. Anonymous9:42 PM

    Ben Stein's claim to fame is "Bueller? Bueller? Bueller?"
    And that should be enough for anyone to take him seriously.
    Yeah, just a role, I know, but.........

    1. Anonymous2:17 AM

      Little Benjie also made TV ads for eye drops, where he says "Wo o o o W" That has to be worth something. What a claim to fame, eh?

    2. Anonymous6:11 AM

      He also played Kevin's junior high science teacher on "The Wonder Years." I suppose that makes him an expert on global warming or lack thereof? $arah's an energy expert since she can turn a light switch on and off.

  20. Anonymous10:32 PM

    I'm so tired of hearing the total bullshit of people saying they don't hate their President due to his skin color...when you challenge them, they lie and say its his "failed policies" that cause them to foam at the mouth with hatred for him.

    WHAT failed policies? The sagging stock market? The skyrocketing unemployment rate and the deficit?

    The real way they reveal themselves as nothing but chickenshit racists, is that they also hate MICHELLE! How can anyone hate that lovely woman? Does she also have "failed policies?"

    Sorry, folks, but we're onto you. Fess up and admit your least you won't be a cowardly, lying racist, if you come clean with it.

  21. Caroll Thompson1:38 AM

    What a maroon this man is. He grew up in an upper middle class household. He has never himself known poverty; never experienced a day of hunger, never had to work a minimum wage job. He never had to worry if he got sick because he was more than able to afford a doctor. He attended the finest schools and had all the privileges associated with wealth.

    But I won't let his ignorance bring me down on this election day. Out with the old and in with the new. We all have an election to vote in and I am hoping that we Mainers will show Governor Paul LePage the door and elect Mike Michaud as our Governor. Oh yeah, Mike is openly gay; Stein doesn't like gays either. Mike is going to raise the minimum wage and expand Medicaid so 70,000 Mainers can get the medical care they deserve.

    Get out and vote everyone.

  22. Anonymous1:54 AM

    Cowards use Skin Color to divide the people.that's what keeps them in office.pretty chicken shit.

  23. Our Lad4:39 AM

    Oh fuck Ben Stein in his heart with Sarah Palin's dick.

  24. A. J. Billings5:02 AM

    Ben Stein's comments are based on ignorance, and are despicable, but I will give him points for recognizing that Old Granny $arah was a TERRIBLE choice for VP

    Ben came right out immediately in 2008 with condemnation for McCain for picking such a feckless dummy for VP.

  25. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Another GOPrick I whose obituary I can't wait to read.

  26. Wasn't Ben Stein a cool guy in the 90's?.when did he turn into such a douche?

    1. Anonymous3:00 PM

      He was never a cool guy.

      He was a speechwriter for Nixon.

    2. I guess I just remember his stand-up and MTV Game show. I really was never a big fan of his.


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