Saturday, December 13, 2014

As Michele Bachmann leaves Congress she claims to have no plans to run for President but still plans to be a major pain in the ass.

Courtesy of CNN:  

Rep. Michele Bachmann says now that she's leaving Congress, she can "take the handcuffs off." 

In an interview with CNN's Wolf Blitzer on Friday, the eight-year Minnesota congresswoman said she wants to play a major role in the 2016 presidential campaign -- even though she has no plans to seek the Republican nomination. 

"I intend to go around the country and speak nationally on a variety of issues. I'll be writing. I'll be affiliating with groups," she said.

Well I don't know who had Bachmann handcuffed, but that just seems wrong.

If they really wanted to control her they would have gagged her instead.

As for her plans to "go around the country and speak nationally on a variety of issues,"  I think she might be trespassing on somebody else's turf.

Besides who can really take her seriously until she gets her own channel?



  1. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Just think of the brawl 26 kids could get into, Gryphen.. It's so reminiscent of the Palins.. Todd driving the hookers out of Anchorage one at a time. Marcus praying the gay away one man at a time!

    1. Anonymous12:30 PM

      And another thing, when Marcus Bachmann carries a purse, you never know if it's Michele's or his.

    2. Anonymous1:42 PM

      So many washcloths.....
      RUN $arah RUN

  2. Crazy cannot be gagged--especially Bachmann.
    Speaking for dollars while batshit crazy is just another
    republican grift.

  3. Anonymous12:35 PM

    She can't do much from prison. Madam is forgetting why she was forced to quit Congress.

    1. Anonymous2:49 PM

      The likes of Madam aren't predisposed--genetically or otherwise--to any memory pertaining to facts (see Palin, Hannity, O'Reilly, et al.)

  4. Anonymous12:35 PM

    i see a hair flyin' cat fight ensuing between one bat shit crazy seditionist cross-eyed hunchbacked skank vs a straight up crazy wild eyed skank - both frauds of epic proportion - stay tuned ...

    1. Caroll Thompson12:45 PM

      I agree. There are only so many speaking engagements to go around. With Michele on the speaking circuit essentially pedaling the same manure as Palin, there is bound to be trouble.

  5. Anonymous12:52 PM

    BIG MICHELLE/little palin 2016

    1. Anonymous1:23 PM

      Answer this, Michelle. You were a member of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Church until you entered politics. Why did you quit? Money over God? YEP.

      My Dad was a lifelong member and despised the likes of you, and the wannabe little palin.

    2. Anonymous1:28 PM

      History will chronicle the epic battle at Little Big Hair....

    3. Anonymous2:12 PM

      Palin wrote "23 foster kids!" on her hand & the shot was snagged…
      bachmann palin



      Real Thugs Wear Flag Pins


  6. Anonymous1:32 PM

    I know how she can achieve reality tv greatness over Palin.. A show called My Flaming Gay Husband! Boom, 25 million viewers!

    1. Anonymous2:58 PM

      Palin would have to come up with something better like My Three Virgin Daughters

  7. If it was anybody else the idea of a milf in handcuffs would get me excited.

  8. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Hey Michele..One Question. How are all the multiple ethics charges going?

  9. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Bat shit crazy - both of them! The Republican party has a way of drawing the crazies - men and women!

  10. Anonymous2:18 PM

    What is it about the GOP that draws in all the crazy, googly-eyed women?

    1. Anonymous5:32 AM

      Well, because democratic voters expect their candidates to have BRAINS.

    2. Anonymous5:40 AM

      Maybe they chip her brain?

  11. Empty, so empty. Absolute vacuum behind the eyes of both these vacuous vamps. It is just so chilling looking at their faces with those blank stares.

  12. Anonymous3:01 PM

    I take it you still do not understand how the rightwing/talk radio welfare system works. She is just following the SOP.

  13. Ah yes, another 'public servant' on the grift switching to 'private' servant on the grift, "The Palin Scheme"

  14. PalinsHoax3:17 PM

    Bachmann better stock up on multiple sized falsies, varies scraggly wigs, at least two black tops with large holes in the sleeves, crusty jeans and a potty mouth, if she wants to compete with the Ol' DooDah of Wasilly Land.

    Oh, and she also better have a faux pregnancy belly on hand, just in case!

  15. Anonymous4:02 PM

    If she were to get more education,she still would not make it to ignorant! F#!-ing idiot !

  16. Aw, shit, not another one. But we can all be happy knowing that the Peter Principle is in effect and she will soon find her level of inanity (insanity) down there with Ted Nugent and others batshit crazies. Sheesh. Sorry for my profanity. But sometimes I. Can't. Even. Love, from a sweet Georgia gentlewoman

  17. Anita Winecooler5:41 PM

    Handcuffs? Why Marcus, you devil you! Keeping things fresh in the boo doir are you? What's her dose of lunesta at, cause those eyes are wide awake.

  18. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Political views aside...Michelle Bachman is 8 years older than Palin and looks 20 years younger.
    Her skin is beautiful . She looks healthy .
    Unlike Palin, she has not undergone poorly performed
    plastic surgery procedures.
    Bachmann does not dress like a hooker.
    She does not sport low cut blouses, low class
    street walker do me heels or inflatable boobs.
    Bachmann's hair is her own and always looks clean and washed.
    In fact, Bachmann always looks like she bathes.
    Palin is clearly unfamiliar with personal hygiene.
    Bachmann has a law degree .
    I cannot name a single Bachmann child .
    They are obviously not publicity seekers like Palin's spawn.
    Unlike Palin, none of Bachmann's
    kids have behaved like trash in public.. time and time again.
    Bachmann's kids have never been involved in a drunken brawl.
    The Bachmann's have never done multiple reality shows.
    Bachmann's husband has a Masters degree and a Ph.D ,
    Todd Palin has a high school diploma.
    Bachmann actually ran for president ,
    she didn't constantly tease.
    Michelle Bachmann served out her terms, she never quit.
    Bachmann regularly and publicly attends a known church.
    One may not agree with Bachmann, but, she speaks in complete and grammatically correct sentences.
    Considering the two women, why would any far right , tea party
    group waste their money on faux Palin,
    when Bachmann is the real deal ?
    Palin is going to have to go after Bachmann,
    because she knows she is a serious
    threat and just made her irrelevant.

  19. Anonymous6:27 PM

    isabel matos Marion • 27 minutes ago
    We knew what was going on, but chose to stay above the fray. Scott Conroy, however, wrote a pretty solid account of the viciousness of Bachmann. No tears shed at her demise.

    “Palin-Bachmann Rancor Heats Up Below the Surface”
    By Scott Conroy – August 13, 2011

    DES MOINES, Iowa —

    [snip] "Some of the volunteers who have been organizing here in the nation’s first voting state for a potential Palin campaign have been particularly miffed by what they describe as a concerted effort from the Bachmann camp to spread rumors that Palin has already decided not to run and will eventually endorse the Minnesotan."

    So they hate her because she outed Palin's quitting on the presidential run!!

    1. Anonymous6:47 PM

      Matos, etal on c4p, hate anyone that disses the queen. Of COURSE she's not running but they're too stupid to realize it.

  20. Anonymous1:37 AM

    Oh my! I hope their brooms don't collide. Innocent people could be hurt by falling debris.

  21. Anonymous5:38 AM

    Despite the crazy in her pretty colored eyes, Michele 's make-up and hair look nice.
    That's all I've got.

  22. Anonymous8:18 AM

    This is against the law. Period. Amen.


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