Monday, December 29, 2014

In preparation for his 2016 campaign for president, Jeb Bush resigns from board of healthcare company that made huge profits due to Obamacare. Oh did he now?

Courtesy of CBS News:  

Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush is resigning from the board of Tenet Healthcare Corporation, a company that has significantly profited from the enactment of the Affordable Care Act and that has touted the economic benefits of the controversial health law. 

Last month, Tenet reported that its third-quarter revenue was up $4.18 billion over the previous year, as the Washington Post notes -- and the company attributed 40 percent of those gains to Obamacare. Tenet CEO Trevor Fetter has repeatedly credited the ACA for his company's growing business. Last year, he said he expects every state to eventually embrace the expansion of Medicaid, a core component of Obamacare that only about half the states have adopted.

So if the Affordable Care Act proved profitable for a company he was associated with then Jebbie must kind a like it, right?


"ObamaCare, flawed to its core, doesn't work."

Try telling that to the millions of people who now have health insurance for the first time, and the shareholders of a company that made billions of dollars due to its implementation.

Wait until his fellow GOP presidential hopefuls get a load of this.

Boy 2016 is going to be bloodbath.


  1. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Obamacare is a cancer. The average person cannot afford 800 for 2 people

    1. You don't know what you are talking about. You state a blanket figure with no mention of which two people allegedly have to pay this amount, what their incomes are, and what their options are, whether subsidies are applicable to their case, etc.

      You do realize that "Obamacare" is not an insurance policy, right? That the vast majority of people still have employer-based insurance, that those who do not can purchase insurance from any number of plans from a variety of private insurers, right? You do realize that premiums have been skyrocketing for years, right?

      Be specific, or your comment is just deliberately ignorant horseshit, like every other debunked lie out there.

      And I suggest that you not tell people who now have insurance thanks to the ACA/Obamacare, who were prevented from having insurance previously due to a pre-existing condition or a previous diagnosis of cancer, that the ACA/Obamacare is a cancer!

      Apparently you prefer the good old days when people who had paid their premiums for years could have their policy canceled for no reason, or for having a pre-existing condition, or couldn't get insurance at all, or when kids could get kicked off their parents' plans before they had a chance to get their own policy. Yeah, the good old days of insurance company operated death panels.

    2. Anonymous3:37 PM

      Bullshit .2:32pm.

      You've been here spouting those figures before and unless you made, as a couple, a large amount of money, over $87,000 annually, then your insurance cost would not be that high under the Affordable Care Act. But you know that, and you know you are lying. BTW, what were you paying prior to the enactment of the ACA? Hmmm, had to be more than what you are stating, so even if you are over the salary cap then you should make adequate money to cover the $800/month . My partner pays $300 and I pay $120 and we only make $72,000 together annually. It's easily affordable for us to pay $420/month and we don't even make much money. Why lie?

    3. Anonymous8:27 PM

      Nefer 3:01...a great post as always. Thank you.

    4. Anonymous8:36 PM

      2:32 Anonymous poster: If you were educated about the law, you would be singing a different tune. But because you have chosen to listen to partisan pundits and not do your own research, you are highly misinformed .

      Do me a favor and research the law for yourself Research the benefits and cost savings. The FULL cost savings. Then come back to us and give your opinion. Until then you are simply an uninformed troll.

    5. Anita Winecooler5:02 PM

      This original post reminds me of the John Cleese one. It's a free country, believe whatever fox shovels your way and ignore all the superfluous stuff.

      I have three in college, they don't need their own policies because they're covered under ours. I had a bad disease and if it comes back, I know everything's covered and won't lose my house. Did my insurance go up this year? Yep, but not by much, and I get so much value back not to mention peace of mind.

      Is "Stupid" considered a "pre existing condition"?????

  2. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Never bring up the past when a persons trying to improve their future. And especially when they don't associate with what les the astray

    1. Hitting the sauce early?

    2. Anonymous3:38 PM

      I had a friend in college named "les the astray". He was cool :-)

    3. Anonymous5:57 PM

      In order to deal with your present and future, you must deal with your past. I suggest you deal with it offline rather than troll Gryph's board. He's done nothing to you.

    4. Anonymous3:21 AM

      3:38 Big snort!

  3. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Speaking of slimy characters...

    Cosby Team’s Strategy: Hush Accusers, Insult Them, Blame the Media

    --So FIRST he rapes them in PRIVATE and then he rapes them IN PUBLIC. What a detestable man he is. Now when people say, 'why didn't these women come forward sooner?', they'll understand how threatening he is and how frightened they were.--

    Bill Cosby 'is paying private investigators six-figure fees to dig up dirt on rape accusers'

    Cosby’s investigators ‘dig up dirt’ on rape accusers

    1. Anonymous2:47 PM

      Why can't be be respectable like Collins and apologiE and seek help? Loads of ppl har addictions. They eventually beat them or they die.

      I hope that story isn't true

    2. Anonymous7:38 PM

      You can bet it's true.

      There's no apologizing and moving on. He should be in jail if the statute of limitations hasn't run out on any of the cases. He should and will be sued and for good reason.

    3. Anita Winecooler5:10 PM

      Probably is it is true! Or factually correct. Idk ppl nev lrn. shrug

  4. Anonymous2:46 PM

    It's really fucking sad when's country can't elect an elected official from their goals and experience. It is because of special interests and our nasty media that prevents people from even running. Erery candidate has been put up by mysterious groups with ulterior motives. And good people are run off by nasty mouthed judgmental hypocritical media.

    News flash. It is never news to find a human experimented with drugs. Not when most people do shit in their youth. Fucking hypocrites. It has zero to do with governance. Ugh. I really think these critics are jealous of people who actualy have exciting lives.

    1. Anonymous3:31 PM

      What are you talking about? Our current President openly admitted to smoking pot and doing coke, didn't seem to affect his electability.

    2. Anonymous4:19 PM

      I do believe that the troll just admitted the silence in Alaska is, in fact, drug related. Is that why you're on every thread, regardless of topic, toots?

    3. angela4:39 PM

      Exciting lives? hahahahaha. Are you talking about
      Snowdrift Snooki? She hasn't been run off by the media. She ran off because a full day of work scared the crap out of her.

      Anyway---We've seen what Jeb does with his experience. He made sure his brother won an election and got involved in the personal matters of a man with a brain-dead wife.

    4. Anonymous7:35 PM

      Speaking of drugs and alcohol, you're slurring your comments.

    5. Anonymous8:16 PM

      barstool the piss leaking retard's gone off the deep end - won't be long now 'til her "light's" permanently turned off ..

  5. Anonymous2:46 PM

    House Majority Whip Steve Scalise Spoke At White Supremacist Conference In 2002

    1. Anita Winecooler5:14 PM

      Today, he says he didn't know about David Duke being a Grand Wizzard and that the people he was speaking with were in the KKK. Can someone hold his arms out while my nonviolent foot expands his back door?

  6. Caroll Thompson3:00 PM

    In the General Election, I think Jeb Bush is the biggest threat to Hillary. His problem, however, is the primary. Jeb will have a hard time getting the right wingers to vote for him. But the establishment is for Jeb and the R's are changing their primary and debate schedule in an effort to keep the crazy out. We will see.............

    1. Anonymous3:30 PM

      Exactly! It will be fascinating to see how the Establishment GOP and the right wingers maneuver and battle in the next year. They'll end up slinging mud at each other, no matter how they limit the number of debates, etc.

    2. I think you are correct Caroll, but the only way the republicans can keep the crazy out of their primaries is if they don't have primaries.

    3. Anonymous3:40 PM

      The only way we will ever see ago of leader with good goals is if the media stops it's antics. Wevr got to stop destroying lives.

      All these lies about a persons kids paternity (multiple ppl), gay sex and coke hustling in chitown as well as mysterious church murder a of gay men there

      It has to stop. People are people. Were all trying to be better than yesterday

      I know sunny isn't a person to emulate but way back her response to ppl bringing up levi and her cheating and wild child pasts was perfect. "Never drag out the past when someone is inproving on a daily basis"

    4. angela4:44 PM

      Really Anon 3:40.
      You need to up those meds. I mean REALLY up the meds.

    5. Anonymous7:28 PM

      Wow, you are one sick puppy, 3:40.

    6. Anonymous7:32 PM

      Why would Sunny not be a person to emulate? She has a better life and more happiness than both you AND Bristol.

      How strange that you are an asshole about Sunny on Bristol's behalf. You're like the pathetic friend of the middle school mean girl who does her dirty work in the hopes she will let you sit with her at lunch. You know I'm right.

    7. "Anonymous3:40 PM
      I know sunny isn't a person to emulate"
      Hey, you crazy fucking lunatic, you had better get back on your meds pronto. I understand you are not permitted to stalk "Sunny" at all. Aren't you supposed to only refer to "a random blond" to meet the requirements of your restraining order ? I guess it's time for another visit from the police, isn't it?

    8. Anonymous4:01 AM

      Apparently the biggest money people in the GOP do not want multiply primary candidates. I think that they want to anoint Jeb Bush and have done with it. It will be interesting to see if the far right will go along. They probably will; the GOP does not like the world to see how it really operates. In the end, in twenty-first century Republican circles, what Charles and David Koch think will work is what the GOP does.

  7. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Dear Uncle Gryphen,
    When the next installment from the insider is published, can you Please block the troll comments.Just this once? It would drive it further insane and would make us all so so happy. Just once? For a ThanksChrisHanaKwanzFestiSolstice present??

    1. Anonymous4:49 PM

      PS: we promise 1000 comments without the troll.

    2. Anonymous5:13 PM

      like !!

    3. Anonymous6:01 PM

      I ADORE this idea!!

      Please Uncle Gryphen....pretty please????

  8. Anonymous4:57 PM

    The Bushies have one talent and that's self-aggrandizement, oh, and mucking up this country.
    M from MD

  9. Anonymous5:07 PM

    This is just sick. How can anyone running for president not acknowledge the disingenuous behavior this shows?

    1. Anonymous8:01 PM

      Yes, Jebbie is insincere, but that's nothing new...aren't most Repubs hypocrites? I am confident he has enjoyed many benefits from serving on the Tenet Healthcare Corporation board and would have continued to do so, except he's contemplating another political future for himself.

      I applaud Tenet CEO Trevor Fretter who has "repeatedly credited the ACA for his company's growing business". He and his shareholders are raking in the dough, but folks are being covered. I do appreciate his honesty.

      From the beginning, I have felt that the ACA would be a win-win for all concerned.

  10. Regarding the stalker.

    I have been hard lately on the stalker because I am stressed and she is just a nasty individual (no, she doesn't get a free pass just because she is mentally ill). That being said, I have worked professionally in mental health dealing with crisis situations and am not proud of my comments.

    However, she is really going overboard, possibly because of the stress of wondering what is coming down the pike regarding the Palins.

    Caring for people with mental illness does not include a blanket indulgence of all their delusions. It is not helpful to them in learning to cope with reality.

    The troll's increasing inability to even pretend to be on topic (yapping away even on posts having nothing to do with Bristol/Levi/Sunny), and increasing multiple postings with deteriorating spelling, grammar, and punctuation, indicates an increasing stress level. She now is mentioning Sunny by name which apparently she is not supposed to do, indicating a decreasing ability to cope with and adhere to social conventions and legal obligations (cyber stalking Sunny).

    I understand she is in Florida and presents no real physical danger to the Johnstons.

    However, I wonder if it is time she is slapped back to reality for her own sake with another visit from professionals/law enforcement stressing to her what are and are not acceptable behaviors.

    However unpleasant she is to deal with, cluttering up posts with repetitive, idiotic, nasty, and delusional comments, is just letting her post with no restrictions actually harmful to someone who is dissociating from reality at an apparently increasing pace?

    1. Anonymous3:20 AM

      One trolll verses hundreds of loyal readers frustrated by her nonsense??
      I'd choose us readers every time. She deserves no special favors, we do.

    2. Well, 3:20, if she got help, voluntarily or otherwise, we loyal readers wouldn't have to be frustrated by her nonsense, because she wouldn't be cluttering up the comments with dozens and dozens of off-topic, repetitive, nasty, and and stupid posts.

    3. Anonymous10:48 AM

      Do we REALLY know she is unstable? Could just be someone who feels as vehemently positive as we feel negative about SArah. Or she could be on the payroll.

  11. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Gryphen, I agree it would be wonderful to block the troll when installments from the insider are published. As a long-time follower, I read all the comments from most of your posts.

    Please understand, I'm not the "grammar police" and I try to respect what a poster has to say, even if I disagree with them. However, it is mentally exhausting to try to make sense of the troll's rambling (any of it, all of it). The troll lends nothing positive to the conversation.

  12. Anonymous11:33 PM

    Think about this a minute. Their profit is up billions because of the ACA. That means instead of lowering health care costs, they are skimming huge profits off of everyone. One of the supposed purposes of the ACA was to lower health care costs. This is another failure.

    A friend who had health care before the ACA was Paying about $325/month and had a $3,000 deductible. Now he was forced into a higher priced plan where he pays almost $650 per month and his deductible is $6,500 per year. This is not a health care plan, this is catastrophic event insurance.

    1. Bullshit. See above.

      Also, the ACA/Obamacare is NOT a health plan.

    2. hedgewytch11:24 AM

      Hey idiot, one of the biggest things about the ACA was that 80% of all premiums have to be now spent on the policy holder's needs -not on administrative profits. That along with substandard policies have made sub-standard insurancers have to create a better product. If you don't like it, there are other plans out there to choose from. I am on a family plan through my husband's employer. We are actually paying much less now, for the same, or better coverage, depending on the area.

      The ACA is working. It can be better, and would be if Congress would actually work on making it better instead of trying to trash it. And no, the ACA is not going to be repealed. No matter who is POTUS.

  13. Anonymous4:01 AM

    Gryph: my opinion is to keep letting the troll post. Not only do I think it's a slippery slope to start judging whose comments are worthy and whose aren't, but I think helps remind us that there are still crazies out there supporting you-know-who.

    Don't blast me, folks, I certainly see why you don't want to hear from her, either.


    1. Anonymous7:46 AM

      No blasting, Dave. I have mixed feelings about it, myself.

    2. Anonymous10:50 AM

      If she has same IP address and is just stinking up the place ahe needs a time out. Let the adults have one post without a screaming infant. Hopefully the post will have such good info that she cant dispute and shuts up. She never comments on CBJ or MatSU or Tripp and pimp Toad.

    3. hedgewytch11:26 AM

      Trolls don't have to be fed. It's easy to just scroll on by, sidestepping, to avoid stepping in anything messy.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.