Wednesday, December 31, 2014

John Oliver gives the New Years Eve sendoff that we all deserve.

God I love this show.

And have no fear kids it will return in February.

Now if you will excuse me I am currently in the middle of "Die Hard With a Vengeance" and if I don't stay on schedule I will never be in bed by 11:45.


  1. hedgewytch4:43 PM

    I'm with you there Gryph. I'll be in bed early tonight, only to be woken up by the drunk bastards in the village who just have to step out and shoot their guns into the air at midnight. That and the sporadic firecrackers and roman candles all night.

    But tomorrow a.m., when everyone else is sleeping in and nursing hangovers, I'll be eating pancakes and sausage and watching the horses on the Rose Bowl Parade.

    1. Anonymous5:26 PM

      Here in the Valley fireworks are legal so all hell breaks loose on New Years Eve (and continues throughout the weekend. We shut the blinds, medicate our panicked pups and try to ride out the storm but the mayhem usually continues until 2 or 3am. Uggghhh dreading.

      That being said, Happy New Year to all (except you fireworks people...)


    2. Anonymous6:44 PM

      I never got the idea of New Year, especially since I spent nearly 60 years on an academic calendar. My personal new year is in June, when the wild roses bloom and I turn a year older.

      My folks used to host a big New Year's Eve party and we were sent up to bed early- maybe that's why I never cared for what seemed like a phony excuse for a holiday. All we kids got was dried up leftover dip the next day.

  2. Anonymous4:47 PM

    I am a big John Oliver fan and Colbert. Thank you John
    I hate those New Years Eve shows with all the so called entertainment.
    I've seen the ball drop for 65 yrs. I usually fall asleep before
    midnight...but this year I am really enjoying the top picks of
    many publications and blogs that have highlighted the downfall of Sarah Palin and her side kick Bristol.
    Thank you Grypen for bringing it to us and can't wait
    for Monday.
    Happy 2015!

  3. Anonymous4:57 PM

    happy new year Gryphen and thanks for being a fabulous blogger and super person.

  4. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Another year, another set of wishes:

    May everyone be able to live without smallminded assholes judging

    May everyone be able to live as if tomorrow is a new day, having put their mistakes in the past

    May everyone live as if everyone forgives and is forgiven of all their past sins

    May everyone choose love over hate

    May people stop trashing, online bullying and slandering

    May everyone stop throwing the past in a person's face, as it's never fair and most hurtful, especially when the past is long forgotten

    1. Anonymous5:54 PM

      Bristol, honey, it's time for you to put on your thong and shake your booty for cash, since your mama is running low and it's time you step up and make your daddy proud.

    2. Anonymous6:04 PM

      And may everyone tell Sarah to STFU about
      our President Obama! That is President...
      not Mr. or any other name she chooses.

    3. Anonymous6:45 PM

      Ah… slandering gives it all away. This troll never learns- it's LIBEL.

  5. Completely OT-but do check out Crooks and Liars for their end of year awards! Palin came in third for Media liar of the year!!
    Happy New year to all my friends here-Love, GA USA

    1. A J Billings7:49 PM

      A great new year for all IM folks, and Gryphen, thank you for the superb blog that has mightily contributed to the downfall and shame that is the Palin family

      And o/t, the flame wars over at C4pee tonite are really out of hand.

      People are name calling, being nasty, and some are leaving for good.

      I guess that's what happens when the Palin worshipers collide with just plain old Palin bots, and then a few new folks come along, and the old guard instantly questions their "purity"

      Sounds like the 5,000 sects of Christianity, always fighting about who REALLY is the right church, the right cult, or the one_true_way.

      This perfectly exemplifies the Palin followers!

  6. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Sydney brings in new year with epic fireworks display – video

  7. Anonymous5:54 PM

    I an thankful to live in a world where I can worship without judgment, be forgiven for my sins no matter what they are, and find inspiration and not hate in everything. It's rare, given how the internet is.

    God bless good parents, all well meaning, good teachers all sacrifice high wages to change lives, and servicemen, all who risk lives.

    Love over hate. Finding something bigger than self.

    2015, Ready.

  8. Anonymous5:54 PM

    God bless Bristol Palin. You done good with your Jesus loving son

  9. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Happy New Year, G.

  10. Anonymous6:25 PM

    Oh my God

    The Christian Train has pulled into the station.

    All you have to do is read how Christian you are on
    Sarah's blog. Never have I seen such ignorance and
    hate for our President.
    Next stop...heaven! Good Luck with that!

  11. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Gryphen, HNY! Looking forward to 2015 IM. Thank You for your tireless pursuit of truth and reality in political and idealogical areas. You give me hope that discussion is not gone.
    mermaid michele

  12. Anonymous6:50 PM

    o/t y'all but open secrets have sarahpac scammorama up and she is under a million!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she is going down..............she has fallen to the bottom and she ain't going to be allowed to get up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    ding dong the witch is dead! figuratively speaking of course:)

  13. Anonymous7:27 PM

    Open Secrets info is very telling
    Going negative real soon!
    Excellent post.

  14. A J Billings7:58 PM

    o/t: Don't know why I didn't hear about this before, but back on Dec 2, Pope Francis really stepped in it!

    Maybe the fire breathing bigoted evangelical Taliban and the fringe right politicians haven't been paying attention, but check it out.


    Pope Francis said on Sunday that equating Islam with violence was wrong and called on Muslim leaders to issue a global condemnation of terrorism to help dispel the stereotype.

    Francis, the leader of 1.2 billion Roman Catholics, told reporters aboard his plane returning from a visit to Turkey that he understood why Muslims were offended by many in the West who automatically equated their religion with terrorism.

    "You just can't say that, just as you can't say that all Christians are fundamentalists. We have our share of them (fundamentalists). All religions have these little groups," Pope Francis said."
    end quote

    Did POPE FRANCIS just say by implication that there are Christian fundamentalists incite violence and cause problems for others?

    Come on Brancy, you just have to comment on the Pope's assertion!

  15. Anonymous8:38 PM

    I'm starting the New Year fighting a cold or I'd be at a friend's house. I like parties, just not the feigned extra festivity at 12 am. Instead, I'm celebrating in my flannel pjs, wrapped in a blanket, enjoying some Vodka and The Walking Dead Marathon. Probably will doze off before 11:45.

    Happy 2015!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.