Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Nancy French, playing the part of Bristol Palin, claims that Ken Ham's Ark project lost funding because it was "too religious."

Courtesy of Brancy's blog: 

I just get so sick of hearing about the “separation of church and state.” Because it usually means the state is pushing Christians around. Here’s the latest example. 

Answers in Genesis is building a life-sized Noah’s Ark in Kentucky and a theme park to go with it. “Ark Encounter” will bring hundreds of jobs and millions of visitors to boost Kentucky’s economy. The state has a program to encourage tourism that refunds sales tax to big parks like this for the first 10 years they’re open. The plans for “Ark Encounter” were approved by the state in 2011 along with the tax credits. 

But now, out of the blue, Kentucky officials say they’ve changed their mind! Answers in Genesis won’t be approved for the program unless they agree to hire people who aren’t Christians and unless the exhibit doesn’t talk about Christianity. 

Okay well that part about not talking about Christianity in order to get the tax credits is all bullshit, but yes refusing to hire workers based on their religious faith is totally against state law when it comes to granting tax incentives.

Now of course there is NO way that Nancy French or that Wasillabilly drunken brawler is going to ever understand this, but the Friendly Atheist tries to explain it anyway: 

Answers in Genesis was approved for the tax rebates because they were building a for-profit theme park and they agreed to play by the rules. 

Like every other business that wants these government subsidies, they had to follow the law and not discriminate in hiring. Six Flags can’t do it. Kentucky Kingdom can’t do it. And Ark Encounter can’t do it. 

But then they posted a job listing for Ark Encounter that required you to be a Christian. While that’s fine for, say, the non-profit Creation Museum, they can’t do that if they want the tax rebates. 

Kentucky officials finally realized this and denied Answers in Genesis access to that money. It was the right move and it prevented a lawsuit from church/state separation groups in the future.

So as the Friendly Atheist points out this decision is not anti-Christian it is pro-following-the-law.

Of course in French/Palin's view of the world legality is only important when it supports something Christians want to do do, and completely unimportant if it stops them from receiving special privileges over other religious groups.

Hey I have a question. Is this another example of Bristol Palin living a private life?


  1. Wendy2:34 PM

    At some point the number of misstatements of facts and misinterpretation of events will catch up with whoever it is that writes Bristol Palin's Patheos blog. Anyone hoping to turn this blog into a second book ought to think about doing some serious fact-checking on each potential post.

    1. Anonymous2:48 PM

      This writer intends to sabotage Bristol Palin and they are doing a great job. Not everybody could make Bristol look so bad. Can't you just see Bristol dancing in that gorilla suit? The forever chump of a puppet, Bristol Palin.

    2. Anonymous7:28 PM

      betch'a a buck barstool's oblivious to the existence of her so called blog ...

      LMAO !!

    3. Anonymous2:42 AM

      Patheos should read PATHETIC. Maybe French has paid Brstles for the use of her name? We all know this is NOT written by a PayMe, too many big words.

  2. Anonymous2:41 PM

    If Bristol Palin knows anything about this park, or is constantly hearing about the "separation of church and state", I'll eat my shoe. Shouldn't Nancy try to write like she's writing two different blogs, because this reeks of Sarah facebook bs, talking about the Kentucky economy.

  3. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Did Palin, the Christmas book writer and Merry Christmas greeting advocate ever wish her supporters a Merry Christmas?

    1. Anonymous6:51 PM

      Sarah Palin's last twitter post was Dec. 24, 2014

    2. Anonymous7:52 PM

      She is not a Christian and too loaded to pretend this year.

  4. Anonymous2:45 PM

    BWAHAHAHAHA, sticking her non-christian nose into other people's business is not christian. Nancy French is crazy if she believes that Bristol Palin understands anything about Kentucky's tax laws. Nancy needs to find a real job and stop masquerading as a Single Teen Mom who gets drunk and gets pregnant every year. Maybe Nancy is one of the enablers who 'adopt' Bristol's mistakes.

    1. And Bristol is no longer a poor widdle innocent Single Teen Mom, having been led astray by a smooth talking lumbersexual with a six pack of wine coolers.

      She is damn near halfway through her twenties. With her family's money and resources, she could have both a bachelor's degree and a master's degree and be leading a competent adult life at this point in her life, if she weren't a drunken, illiterate, half-witted moron.

      If anyone were to ask her a pointed question about one of those posts on "her" blog, she wouldn't be able do anything but goggle at them.

    2. Anonymous4:11 PM

      Bristol: try to think this way -- when the church and state aren't separated, what you get is the Taliban.
      Can you understand the enormous advancement that is the First Amendment? The one your mother keeps harping on and on about?
      "The Founders" may have been mostly, but not all, Christians -- but they were Roman Catholics, Anglicans, Congregationalists, Anabaptists, and various other smaller Protestant sects. As well as being Quaker, atheists and agnostics.
      That's one very big reason why they established a government that didn't favor one religion over another. They separated all those churches from "the state" (the government) that they were establishing for all the people living in the new United States.
      If you give it a little bit of thought, Bristol, I think you can understand why the separation of church and state is so vital to the health and prosperity of this country, and has been for 232 years.

    3. Anonymous5:20 PM

      @4:11 It is very nice of you to try to give Bristol a history lesson, assuming that she can read the nice post that you wrote. Her mother never understood what Paul Revere's ride was all about. That's a family that has no regard for learning, and if they read something, it better have good pictures because they cannot process what they read. They are not capable of rational thought. They are emotionally immature and reactive, still acting teens who have a lot of growing up to do.

    4. Anonymous5:31 PM

      4:11 PM

      Yesssssss! You got that, Brancy?

    5. Anonymous6:40 PM

      Well, thank goodness her mom is a CONSTITUTIONAL conservative, so she can explain how the Constitution works to Brissy, right?

    6. Anonymous3:10 AM

      Mommie doesn't understand how it works herself!

    7. Anonymous5:27 AM

      Anon at 4:11 pm. The Founding Fathers and their families also came to this country after over a century of armed conflict all over Europe about, well, religion and what people of each country should call themselves. So, building a country along strict "separation of state and church" lines made every sense to them and to their countrymen. And I, foe one, am only too glad that the Founding Fathers did what they did. However, all of this history is clearly beyond the capacity of any Palin's grasp.

  5. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Was Nancy French Bristol Palin's adviser when Bristol danced on DWTS while pregnant? Is Nancy French still crying about President Obama's victory in 2008?

  6. Anonymous3:18 PM

    oh my, today's open thread at sea of pee is something to behold. The infighting,"new" members and the EarthQuake announcement. Brought life to those that usually only an electrical shock from the er could do!

    1. Anonymous3:28 PM

      Also, they even covered the Brianus/Mes love saga,

      Exgunman JanuarysRose8 • an hour ago
      I also enjoy their comments relative to the purpose of this site and the interface with others here, however this isn't "Christian Mingles" or "E- Harmony" IMHO............


    2. Anonymous4:21 PM

      I LOVE it when they get to infighting, There are definitely people there that think their ish doesn't stink. Kiss the ring or else, so to speak.

    3. Anonymous5:17 PM

      Someone read the rules that are supposed to govern their website, summing them up as telling people that they should be nice instead of arguing with each other. You can't imagine the rude response that kind of thinking gets. They would eat their own young.

    4. Anonymous6:28 PM

      I was following it too. It speaks volumes about their community. Hope they make Sarah proud!

    5. Anonymous6:34 PM

      That is one f'ed up group. What is the deal with the demented old couole thst are married but communicate through online posts? They post tin foil hat commie rants & holier-than-thou bible crap, while behaving like assholes. And, there is a slew of needy ass kissers who taunt each other while seeking a select fews approval. That is our conserative murika.

    6. Anonymous6:45 PM

      Haha! The c4p are just like their idolized palin's-pretending to be all Christiany & fightin' & brawlin' & such! What a bunch of hoohahs!

    7. Anonymous6:50 PM

      They're still in a cat fight. "Remember we're her ambassadors," one of 'em said earlier. If there's anything that screams Palin, it's a brawl!

    8. Anonymous6:56 PM

      Whew, thanks for sending me over there, that was freakin' hilarious. OMG some of the commenters are absolutely the most passive/aggressive taunters I've ever seen, and they don't talk about anything of consequence, they just throw barbs at each other and form alliances! Whew, that was a hell of a laugh; I hadn't been over there for quite some time and it's certainly has devolved into and infighting mess!

      I guess one can't really blame them for being so angry, having put all their eggs into one crazy basket that keeps letting them'd think they would have learned by now that she's never going to run, but faith is a strange thing and they seem to have an overabundance of it for their Quitter Queen.

    9. Anonymous8:41 PM

      Well, thanks for making me go for a look see! I have been reading for the past hour! Fanf#*&%@?tastic! I love the mean bitch who attacks almost everyone & then gets all coy about it. She is exactly who I want promoting Palin 4 President! Hoohah!

  7. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Someone needs to tell Nancy French she can stop stirring her empty pot of Christianity.

  8. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Earth to Nancy: The separation of church and state is NOT about pushing Christians around. Would you please educate yourself. Quite frankly, your persecution complex is wearing thin.

  9. A J Billings3:32 PM

    You just have to wonder if Bristol, $arah, or any of the other Palin trolls and bots ever listen to the Koch party line on what being a true conservative really is

    Stand on your own two feet.
    Work hard.
    Rely only on church or family.
    No handouts from anyone, no welfare, no donations!
    No begging like Chuckie Jr Adulterer with his pathetic kickstart for camera money!
    No welfare,
    No food stamps
    Can't pay for medical care? Then go ask your church for 200,000 for your open heart surgery, and if you don't get it, then be proud to die in the gutter as a rill 'Murican

    Don't they understand that rill 'Murican conservatives make their own money, never take welfare, food stamps, or government loans?

    Same exact thing for tax credits! Government entities of any kind are the big evil, as fools like Mark Levin and Rush Limbaugh preach every day!

    Taking tax credits from a Government is corporate WELFARE for fucks sake, so how can they preach independence, livin' vibrantly, and being 100% self sufficient, yet they still apply to the government for tax breaks?

    The hypocrisy here screams out for someone to yell this at $arah, Bristol, Nancy French using a Marshall full stack.

    What the fuck is wrong with these idiots?

    1. Anonymous4:02 PM

      "What the fuck is wrong with these idiots?"
      The operative word here is "idiot"

    2. Anonymous5:15 PM

      About Chuckie asking for money for a new camera. His latest facebook post says that he bought a new camera and lenses, so I guess that he doesn't need the $30,000. after all-- unless all of those coffee table books are getting 14K gold binding. Ooooh, maybe Chuckie could "gold mine" the stuff for his books. (His words).

    3. Anonymous7:16 PM

      actually he had 3 sites he was funding from...about 30000 -33000 for his new hobby.....grifters.....I would be too embarrassed to ask them from people when I could be working....go back to work chuck. He is listed with kickstarter...kicktraq...and seems he is grifting/hustling folks for almost 100,000 dollars at $30000 to $33000 per have no common sense...just greedy little lazy shits wanting the money of middle income /poor people. I have no respect for any of those lower class people...lower class because they hustle and gift for a living.....hey chuck...get off your ass and continue working...teach some more...whatever to make an honest living...who wouldn't like to have people buy them all kinds of wonderful equipment to go play with when they turn 50....but the majority of good honest hardworking people would cringe with loss of self respect asking people to do it.

    4. Anonymous5:21 AM

      Anon at 5:15 pm and 7:16 pm. Doesn't Chuckie have a job? I thought, God help us, he was a teacher. Begging from people via the internet - has he no shame?

  10. Anonymous3:36 PM

    No Bristol, the proper word is "discrimination", not "being too religious". When your religion gets in the way of other peoples rights, you lose. At that point It doesn't matter what your religion teaches.

  11. "Ken Ham's Ark project lost funding because it was "too religious." "

    Oh dear sweet Jeebus, I pray to almighty Zeus this is true!

  12. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Did Barstool get the Lumberjackoff she wanted for Christmas?

    1. Anonymous7:49 PM

      She got Krampus.

  13. Anonymous4:04 PM

    I think some wealthy Muslim should buy up a piece of property right next door to the Ark Encounter and build a museum depicting events from the life of Muhammad. Oh, and they should apply for tax credits too.

    See how fast the 'Christians' go ballistic about their taxes going to support those Mozzlim-types trying to recruit good Christian folks over to their eeevull heathen-like ways.

    1. Leland4:24 PM


    2. Anonymous4:26 PM

      The story of the Ark also appears in the Koran.
      So the Ark Encounter folks should really expand their labor pool to include Muslims as well as Christianists.

    3. Anonymous5:13 PM

      @4:26 You are right! The- story of Noah and the Ark appear in the Jew's Old Testament, so they should also hire Jews. And, the story that they tell to tourists should be the Judeo-Christian-Muslim version. I don't think that Jesus was on board the Ark.

    4. Sallyin MI7:49 PM

      And Noah was not a Christian. These people are nuts.

    5. Anonymous5:19 AM

      Anon at 5:13 pm. The ark is nowhere in the New Testament. That story is part of the Old Testament, part of the old law that Christ put behind him at his crucifixion. So, with that logic, no Christians should be allowed to work at the theme park. The owners would have the same problem, just limiting themselves to hiring Jews or Muslims.

  14. Anonymous4:09 PM

    She's still rockin' the first page here:

  15. Anonymous4:24 PM

    I don't know about this, but Bristol raises Tripp to find strength in God and do good and he talks about Jesus.

    1. Anonymous4:47 PM

      Clearly, you don't know shit about anything

    2. Anonymous5:09 PM

      riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight, suuuuuuuuure…….

    3. Anonymous5:34 PM

      Nothing more amusing than a brainwashed 6 year old.

    4. Anonymous6:22 PM

      Yes, because as conservative hypocrites have taught us, actually doing what Christ commanded is not necessary when you can just talk about him a lot and still be saved. Right, troll?

    5. Anonymous7:30 PM

      I remember the letter that Bristol wrote to Melissa Rivers about how Tripp was spoiled and needed to be bribed with popsicles to mind. I saw him on her reality show. That was no Chrsitian family, teasing Tripp, dropping the F-bomb. More examples? Bristol in her thong dress, minus her shoes and $300. sunglasses, punching a guy, swearing a blue streak, drunk as a skunk, leaving Tripp in the limo with the driver, who is not a baby sitter. Yeah, good Christian values. And she gave Tripp her Bible to read while she was at the party, LOL.

    6. Sallyin MI7:48 PM

      I wonder if he was praying to Jesus while he watched his drunk mother throwing punches after midnight? I know I used to pray when my dad came home drunk that he'd fall asleep right away and not start yelling. My mom prayed he'd get up for work so she did;t have to call him in sick again. None of that prayer worked. He died at 61 of lung cancer.
      But hey, 6 year olds professing Jesus? What is she planning? Making him a child preacher for a new TV show? How very vibrant and private of her.

    7. Anonymous2:52 AM

      Someone should tell Bristles that when her kid yells "Jesus Christ" he is following the family in their language skills!! How can she teach ANYTHING when she is stupid, and never learned anything herself?

  16. Anita Winecooler4:30 PM

    Is this from a script from "The Twilight Zone"? I'm assuming Nancy French, who writes for "The french revolution" on patheos (Get it? French, French Revolution?) under one persona, then writes for Bristol's renamed blog, seems she dropped the single mother meme and is stuck on abortion, kids with down syndrone, and the awful, not nice, horrible, terrible persecution of Christians.

    What's in it for Bristol and/or Nancy? Do they get a free turkey or ham or something useful, like money.

    1. Anonymous7:47 PM

      It is all about Sarah. She gives Nancy some rope but it is there for Sarah.

  17. Anonymous4:41 PM

    4:24 PM Tripp learned about Jesus when Bristol took him on a date to Disneyland with Joey Junker. Bristol was moaning, "Oh Jesus!" all night. Some things stay with kids for a long time. Hopefully Tripp did not see what his Mom was doing.

    1. Anonymous7:46 PM

      That is a trauma up there with being abandoned and then witness to violence, that night when Uncle Track thought he was in Eagle River. It happened in Anchorage.

  18. Anonymous4:43 PM

    There is one thing Sarah Palin never fails to do: finding people to represent her and ghost write for her and/or one of her Klan, who is as illogical and stupid as she is. Congratulations Sarah, I thought there was nothing you could do. Hoohah.

  19. Anonymous4:54 PM


    French, you are such a fucking ignorant douche!!!!!

  20. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Oh yeah, Bristol is all in when it comes to Jesus! Somehow the drunk Wasillabilly thinks she is important enough to muse in her little private life about all things and make damn sure it is a public forum. Where is the logic in this?

  21. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Gryphen, I was watching the end of year show that Charlie Booker does in the UK and during the show he brought attention to a documentary that covered subject matter that was mind boggling and deeply concerning.

    I clipped out that part of his show and posted a link below.

    I then tracked down the documentary he is mentioning and it's listed below in 3 parts.

    The Power of Nightmares

    I would encourage you to do a post bringing attention to the documentary since it truly needs to be exposed to everyone. I had considered myself pretty up to speed on the 'powers that be', but after watching the documentary, I realize that it is very, very deep and pervasive and it opened my eyes in a new way. It may do the same for you and your readers.

    And finally, Charlie's whole show is linked below if you want to watch it, he's pretty funny and even thought it's UK based, it resonates for me as an American.

    And something about the author of the documentary, talking about yet another documentary that is about to hit in January:

    Charlie Brooker's 2014 Wipe

  22. Anonymous5:35 PM

    We know that Bristol does not follow the news around the world or around the country. She lives in her own little world of thong dresses and $300. sunglasses. She wants to be considered a public figure because that is how she describes herself on facebook.

    Bristol does not keep up with the latest woman to decide not to have an abortion, who decides to adopt a child with special needs, the Christian minister who was arrested for preaching from the Bible in a Muslim country. Nancy, as a Christian writer probably has news feeds with the latest Christian news so she can be outraged about a Ark Park that isn't going to get tax refunds if they discriminate against non-Christians.

    I think that Nancy is writing at the level of her ability, sounding like a not-too-bright teen aged girl. It's too much to assume that she is a good writer and that she writes this way to sound like Bristol. It makes Bristol look stupid. I don't think that Nancy is a good enough writer to humiliate Bristol. In order to have been writing in the voice of Bristol all these years, Nancy hasn't grown or learned anything. She remains as clueless about the world and it shows in her writing. Surely after years of reading and writing about the plight of the poor persecuted Christians, a real person would have learned something, improved their writing skills, find a way to sound like an adult instead of a kid. It's all a fake, and Nancy isn't very good at faking it.

    The whole thing is a made up argument, a straw dog. There's no there there. If the Ark People want to preach Christianity and only hire Christians, let them. They should not expect to get any government money for their religious project. They can call it a Theme Park or The Living Bible or God's Shipyard, but if it is a religious institution, teaching Christianity, it does not get any tax breaks. This is not anti-Christian. The same thing would apply if the Muslims wanted to build Mecca-West and only hire Muslims. Build it but don't ask tax breaks or refunds or any government money, not from the Federal government, not from the State of Kentucky and not from any municipality.

    As for Nancy-and/or-Bristol writing about these topics, they are written to get the religious right outraged about a make believe injustice. They do that all the time. It's too bad, because selling a religious message should be positive, inspiring, uplifting and spiritual if you really mean it.

  23. Anonymous5:49 PM

    O/T but follow up to an earlier post by Gryphen:

    Idaho woman shot dead by two-year-old son was successful nuclear scientist

    The woman who was accidentally shot dead by her two-year-old son in an Idaho Walmart is described by those who knew her as a gun lover, a motivated academic and a successful nuclear research scientist.

    1. Anonymous7:42 PM

      Nancy under Palin instructions to play Bristol must have a post on the gun lover from IdaHO.

      If not Sarah is really letting down NRA, Unk Nuge and a pile of crap.

    2. Anonymous5:13 AM

      That only means that the woman was really stupid or she didn't care if she or anyone one else was going to be killed. I think that she should be charged with "reckless endangerment" posthumously.

  24. Boscoe5:52 PM

    Christians are so boring. We all know what their reaction would be if anyone tried to build an Islam-based theme park AT ALL, much less tried to get tax money to fund it. Bristol can go eat a salted rat dick.

    1. Sallyin MI7:43 PM

      Hell, they got into a froth when there was a mosque in NYC.

    2. Anonymous5:11 AM

      It's not "Christians"; it's the fundamentalists out there who arrant really Christian at all because they base most of their teachings on the Old Testament.

  25. Anonymous5:57 PM

    I found it hard to believe that on Bristles blog, under her top posts of 2014, she said the one on Sadie Robertson got "600,000" page views. Does anyone believe that? I can't imagine that is true but suppose it could be. Just seems strange her blog would bring 600,000 views.

  26. Anonymous6:09 PM

    The POPE just called out the Fundies.

  27. Anonymous6:12 PM

    The POPE just called out the Fundies. " You're no better than ISIS."

  28. Anonymous6:20 PM

    My first job out of college was for a Christian for-profit. My supervisor explained while I was signing the contract, "We can't legally say you have to be a Christian, but we can legally require that you agree to support our corporate mission, which is to do X, Y, and Z to promote Christianity. So far, we haven't had anyone who isn't a Christian agree to that contract." Pretty simple.

    Besides, how many non-Christians really want to work at Noah's Ark?

    1. Sallyin MI7:42 PM

      Noah was not a Christian, in case your Bible chronology studies are unclear. Jesus was a Jew. He never wanted people to idolize him, wear crosses, or put his fake picture up in public places. No idols, said God.
      As to who might want a job in KY? Gee, anyone trying to stay out of the coal mines, for starters.
      A 'business' wanting my tax dollars has to abide by federal law, and until the fundies set up their theocracy, the law still opposes discrimination. You ought to agree: what if Muslims took over this nation? Or Jews? Or Hindus? Where would your 'simple' contract be then? The laws are to protect us from anyone turning this nation into a religious hateful place. It's right there in the Constitution.

  29. Anonymous6:38 PM

    What is Bristol's motivation for this blog? She can't really be interested in 'Answers in Genesis' being excluded from government subsidies because they refuse to hire non-christians. BP never gives off the vibe she's interested in anything except making money on Reality TV shows, ads, writing, and speechifying, blogging and being her mom's spokeswoman.

    She provides no service to anything. It's not that she has no talents or potential, but doesn't realize them. If she had loved dancing, why didn't she seek a professional dancing career, or pursue an education in some specialty, anything?

    What makes Bristol believe she has a voice. Doesn't she realize she has to put forth a little sacrifice and endurance before she preaches about anything? Who cares if Ken Ham's profit-driven theme park doesn't get subsidies? The man is rich. What Bristol needs to do (via Nancy French) is pick her battles thoughtfully. She barks up the trees of rich men and grand business, yet never blogs about the needy, and the individual who can't even afford to pay admittance to enter Ken Ham's place. She needs to live a little outside her prima donna world and find out that more than half the population don't share her crocodile tears about this, they are about their own business.

    1. Anonymous7:26 PM

      1. Bristol is the echo chamber for Sarah Palin, meant to attract the Religious Right
      2. Sarah and Bristol are often the facebook tag team, linking to each other's posts, or saying what the other one can't say.
      3. They do the same with photos.
      4. Bristol probably receives "consultants" pay from the PAC as a form of continuing payment for "gifts" given (or taken by Sarah. You know who).
      5. There might have been a package deal made with Nancy French. She didn't make as much money as she had hoped from writing Bristol's book, but she IS being paid for writing the blog.
      6. From everything that we have seen about Bristol, she is still stuck somewhere around 15, emotionally immature and richly rewarded beyond what her "talents" would warrant.

    2. Anonymous6:18 AM

      Nancy French's reason for writing thus us clear. Like so much of what she ( and her husband) write, it's to get the religious right fired up about being unfairly treated. Even when it's all hogwash.

  30. Sgt. Preston of the Yukon7:19 PM

    It looks like Ken Ham's hamsters are using modern high-tech construction equipment to build his theme park ark, rather than using the correct procedures.
    How inauthentic.
    How sacreligious.

  31. Anonymous8:03 PM

    Bristol probably couldn't even understand the post and she'd be even less interested. She's too busy being a pampered princess with all the Barbie accessories. She has the preoccupations of a 15-year-old obsessed with her looks, her possessions, and boys. That kid of hers is so lucky to have his own stable family who would never take him out on a midnight drinking spree and leave him in a car with a strange man.

  32. Anonymous8:49 PM

    Ok let me get this straight, I am supposed to listen to a drunken 20 something year old who does not go to church, who has so little value in herself that she gets a chin and nose job, gets drunk and punches people. A person who has lived in a bubble all her life.

    A person who could not make it through college and never even tried. Show us your pearls of wisdom Bristol, let us imagine the poor hamsters turning that wheel in your brain to try to make some semblance of intellect spew forth.

    Why Mensa has not asked you to be a member is beyond me, such depth, such research on the subject should not be ignored! I can see you now in your bedroom pondering on life's meaning or lack of meaning,

    I too see Christians getting "pushed around" everyday! I drive by all those churches seeing atheists protesting on Sunday, trying to keep people from entering, What you say? that has never happened? then where is the war? the only war i see is people like you who are intolerant of how others think.

    Stay home little girl, spend more time on your own life and quit letting others run yours.God knows you have things to fix.

  33. Anonymous8:59 PM

    There is a simple solution. If the Ark people want to preach Christianity, go right ahead, but don't ask for tax refunds or government money. Hire all the Christians who can fit in the boat. I'm not paying for them to preach Christianity.

  34. Anonymous9:14 PM

    Is this the same Bristol Palin who was heard on the Police audio of the Drunken Brawl? She can forget trying to come off as a Christian. Sarah Palin was heard saying to the Police," why are you letting the bad guys go?" Well, Sarah, the bad guys were you and your drunken family. Todd found out that beating up a young middle school black kid was much easier than fighting 20 year olds. Todd had his ass handed to him, Bwaaahaaahaaa. Willow is a vulgar Bitch, calling the Cops 'Pigs' for not taking her side of the brawl. "Bawwwwaaa my sister tried to confront an old lady and got her ass kicked". Don't crash parties while drunk and disorderly, and you might
    survive. You Palins are lucky that you all were not arrested.
    You Palins are an embarrassment to all of Wasilla.

  35. Anonymous12:14 AM

    Rumor is Hobby Lobby will be closing their stores.

  36. Anonymous12:18 AM

    I guess Nancy and Bristol make an income on the blogging. I read about the Ark in KY but did not feel the need to post about it. To each his own.

  37. L. Ron7:15 AM

    Everybody knows that Moses would have never gotten the first Ark built without George Washington pushing through those much needed tax incentives and thank goodness that Teddy Roosevelt helped round up all those animals and got the Fire Marshall to exempt the maximum capacity allowance.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.