Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Well here's a magazine I will never subscribe to.

Abortion, Euthanasia, ISIS, and Hollywood are all comparable to one another?


I actually had never heard of this magazine until I found this image on Reddit.

After a little digging I found that it is a magazine put out by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. And that many of the articles are written by Sarah Palin's look but don't touch boyfriend Franklin Graham.

From what I can determine it is a magazine filled with dire predictions for the end of the world as we know it and the only cure for all of that is.....wait for it.....God.

Oh yeah and on the magazine's webpage they also beg for donations, because though God is all powerful he does not work for free dammit!


  1. Anonymous2:05 AM

    It amazes me the people who read this magazine don’t see how insane the contents appear to people who don’t believe in this stuff.

  2. Anonymous2:13 AM

    When I realized what this was in my doctor's waiting room, I took all the copies I found (discretely) and threw them out.

    1. Anonymous7:28 AM


      Discretely? As in only one of them per visit? :-)

  3. Anonymous3:09 AM

    As a believer, I would never EVER read this magazine.

  4. Anonymous4:23 AM

    Can someone tell me why Republicans don't think war is death> that our wars killed more babies in Iraq and Afghanistan than abortion ?anyone?

    1. Anonymous8:01 AM

      Because Repugs don't care that abortion removes fetuses from uteruses any more than they care that war kills the living. Repugs' objection to abortion is founded on its allowing women to escape the potential consequences of having unprotected sex -- i.e., it gives women control over their reproductive systems. Women having autonomy -- THAT is the problem for Repugs.

  5. And Hollywood's most impactful product ever? Why, it's the sainted Ronald Wilson Reagan of course!

  6. Anonymous5:35 AM

    The cynically exploitative, money-grubbing via fear-mongering Graham family certainly knows its ever ignorant and superstitious audience, no?

  7. Anonymous5:38 AM

    Wow, I'm jealous of a anyone who hasn't seen that magazine. It was on the coffee table in my family's home for as long as I can remember. It takes a lifetime of healing to get over being raised with such ridiculous and hateful idea that are the core of fundamentalist Christianity. As soon as I get a sense that someone believes in a religion, I have to remove myself before I get physically ill. It's a good day if I can go to a yoga class without feeling edgy and alarmed.

    1. Anonymous6:27 AM

      Good for you for getting out and welcome to the world of the living! I hope you find peace very soon.

    2. Anonymous6:44 AM

      Thank you so much.

  8. Anonymous6:30 AM

    I thought these people wanted the world to self-destruct. Isn't that part of their cult? If only they would look heaven-ward with rapture in their eyes, keep their mouths shut, and leave the rest of us the hell alone.

  9. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Another fun tidbit about Franklin Graham: His mother apparently wanted to be buried up in the mountains on the family farm. This was extremely important to her, so she had SIX PEOPLE witness a notarized statement to that effect. And yet Franklin convinced his dad to override her wishes and bury her in a garish tomb in the Billy Graham Museum, which is apparently Franklin's very profitable baby. That's the kind of guy Franklin is.

    Not to mention, all those poor schmucks who donate to Samaritan's Purse are actually donating to Franklin's $500K-year salary, which is on top of what he gets from all his Billy Graham-related ventures. He could afford to lead Samaritan's Purse for free, and if he really believed anything he espouses, he would. He's just a con who trades on the fact that people trust his father's name.

  10. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Carlin said it best: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gPOfurmrjxo


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