Thursday, January 22, 2015

Joni Ernst is all about cutting pork. Unless of course that pork puts bacon on her family's table.

So during Senator Ernst's GOP rebuttal to President Obama's SOTU speech, she talked about cutting government spending and her own terribly challenging childhood during which she was forced to wear bread bags on her feet. (I swear I almost teared up.)

However, and I know this will be shocking to some, it seems there may have been a touch of hypocrisy in that rebuttal speech. (I know, right?)

According to a story by The District Sentinel it appears that Ernst family pigs were not the only ones feeding at the trough:  

The truth about her family’s farm roots and living within one’s means, however, is more complex. Relatives of Ernst (née: Culver), based in Red Oak, Iowa (population: 5,568) have received over $460,000 in farm subsidies between 1995 and 2009. Ernst’s father, Richard Culver, was given $14,705 in conservation payments and $23,690 in commodity subsidies by the federal government–with all but twelve dollars allocated for corn support. Richard’s brother, Dallas Culver, benefited from $367,141 in federal agricultural aid, with over $250,000 geared toward corn subsidies. And the brothers’ late grandfather Harold Culver received $57,479 from Washington—again, mostly corn subsidies—between 1995 and 2001. He passed away in January 2003. 

The Sentinel cross-referenced the Environmental Working Group farm subsidy database with open source information to verify the Culvers’ interest in the Department of Agriculture’s crop support program. 

Sen. Ernst’s family’s financial interest notably came up once during her campaign. In October, Salon reported that Richard’s construction company was awarded $215,665 in contracts from the Montgomery County government in 2009 and 2010, while Ernst was the body’s auditor. The bids won by Culver included Federal Emergency Management Agency projects worth $204,794. 

While Ernst didn’t play a deliberative role in awarding the contracts, Salon reported that strict state ethics laws stipulate for “contracts to be voided if any county ‘officer or employee’ has an interest in the contractor.” County auditors are allowed to solicit contract proposals and publish bid notices, however, and in 2007, Ernst was appointed the county’s chief financial officer overseeing federal and state assistance in the wake of flooding. She held the role while serving as auditor simultaneously.

Shocked! That's what I am, shocked!

From Ernst's rebuttal speech:  

"Our parents may not have had much, but they worked for what they did have." 

Yeah, and the subsidies provided by the government sure made what they did have last a hell of a lot longer, didn't they?


  1. Anonymous11:46 AM

    I have family that also receives these subsidies and the "poor me" talk is rife and just a part of farm culture. What isn’t said is families (especially in Iowa) receive some of the best subsidies due to Iowa being a big part of the Corn Belt. Property owners who receive these subsidies know it is a cash cow and owning a pot of gold is hard to part with. There is no way the "I’m cash poor, land rich" chatter gains traction in inner city or urban America and the Tea Party knows this. But they will milk it for all its worth as long as they can. Go to D.C. and check out the size of the Department of Agriculture building and all will be put in perspective. Big Ag is running the show and it is as powerful as the military industrial complex.

  2. Anonymous11:52 AM

    The other crazy thing about the speech I found puzzling is the story about the bread bags on the feet of children in Iowa. Now, given she was born in 1970 I imagine she went to school in 1975-76. No way were mothers putting bread bags on their children’s feet during those years. This is a story one might believe in the 1940s and 1950s, but not the 1970s. Her family certainly was able to buy rubber boots for their kids as my parents did in the 1960s. Especially if one grew up on a farm!. No longer were female students in the U.S. made to wear dresses only after 1970, the only reason she might have been wearing her “good” shoes. Why is nobody who was a young student during this time refuting this crazy story?

    1. Anonymous12:46 PM

      Wearing plastic bags over your shoes isn't a poor people thing. I grew up middle class in the snow belt in Pennsylvania and we used to do this sometimes just to keep our feet dry in the snow (but under and over boots). Heck, I put plastic bags over my daughter's shoes last year when we had a weird snow day in Texas and she wanted to go outside and play in it. It's a mom trick, nothing more. Joni's just a big liar and exaggerator just like her idol Sarah.

    2. Bread bags are indeed regionalized. I'm older than Ernst but grew up in the northern part of Iowa and had never heard of such a thing.

      The criticism of farmers here is unwarrented, btw. The farm program should be radically revised, but it's insanely unfair to blame farmers for participating in programs that they cannot avoid because they are selling grain on a world market that is heavily subsidized.

      Ernst is an ignorant cancer on the body politic, but so much of the criticism of her has been opportunistic bullshit. Criticize the farm program, not the farmers who take it and not the jackasses who are related to the farmers who take it (but not actually involved in farming themselves).

    3. Anonymous1:50 PM

      I'm 2 years old than her and we wore bread bags in our rubber boots to keep our feet dry in upstate New York. It definitely was a mom trick before most kids could get cheap waterproof boots from Target or a thrift store.

    4. Anonymous3:39 PM

      @1:19 We are criticizing her " we were poor" because she is a hypocrite. Her family receives farm subsidies, however she is against Obamacare because it is a federal subsidy for healthcare.

  3. Anonymous11:53 AM

    Is anybody really surprised by any of this any more?
    OT/Just saw some photos of Sarah at the moose nuggets awards and no one will be surprised when they see those pictures, either, although her leather pants may be a new look?

    1. Anonymous12:38 PM

      And Sarah did not win a "Shiny plastic trophy" either, i bet that made her hit the bottle of Mad Dog booze before she hit the stage. All those follower she supposedly has did not vote for Sarah Queen Of The Wild Frontier? Say it ain't so! Sportsman Channel Facebook lists the winners and Amazing apparrently wasn't very amazing.

    2. Anonymous1:18 PM

      I want to see the Mz Moose Nugget's photos of serving the poor in Las Vegas.

      Joni Ernst is the pig expert and she would know all about any agencies that deal in meat matters. Do you suppose Sarah Palin ran her concerns about the poor homeless people they will be serving wild boar?

      It should be reasonable to expect that any wild game meat offered to you for purchase is adequately inspected for wholesomeness and sanitation. Frequently, however, wild game meat available for purchase is not inspected. This article describes how to determine if the meat you buy is fully inspected, by whom, and why you should be concerned if it is not.

      What about donated meat? Non-inspected donations could end up anyplace. If you eat meat, you could get this n0n-inspected meat in any number of places. Organic baby food jars, Kosher Hot Dogs, your local market, Buffalo Burgers....

      James Beard 5:48 PM
      Who's going to prove the chili has "wild boar" in it?
      What the heck does "wild boar" taste like?

      The bread bag ladies' story about bags is dumb but bread bags are not likely to kill anyone.

  4. Anonymous11:53 AM

    I'll bet Sarah is spitting nails that her family was too stupid to arrange to get hundreds of thousands of government contracts.

    Instead, they have to get by with her parents' government pensions, plus Social Security and Medicare, as well as the money her mother and father earned by hunting for rats at a landfill in New York City after 9/11. Creepy Chuck is such a great outdoorsman, you know.

  5. Anonymous11:59 AM

    1. Anonymous12:37 PM

      Sorry, that page doesn’t exist!

  6. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Just another repub stepford wife and Koch girl.

  7. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Here's a working link...Peggy Bundy lives!

    1. Anonymous12:35 PM

      Bristol's in the background of that pic. Plus Sarah remembered her index finger ring but no wedding ring.

    2. Anonymous12:38 PM

      Haven't we seen wide stance Palin before? She works all those corners.

    3. Anonymous1:01 PM

      Put her to work on the strip!
      What an absolute slut!

    4. Anonymous1:10 PM

      She looks like a hooker! Black leather tight pants and knee high black leather boots??? And a black top and sparkly fugly belt. Who dresses her! She is classless!! A 10.00 hooker, not the ones that charge thousands per evening.

    5. Anonymous1:59 PM

      Why would a 50-year-old grandmother give up the power and gravitas of age and wisdom to behave this way? I hope when I turn 50 I’m much more sensible!

    6. Anonymous2:34 PM

      1:10 PM

      She is what she is. Among her other work as the Crept Keeper, it can't be easy. A ho gots to do what a ho gots to do. It is good to see she is proud to take her kid to work. You know the teenager with the out of wed lock kid. Looking for a rich Lumbersexual. They could hit pay dirt.

    7. Anonymous2:58 PM

      Thanks for the link. Oh my! Where to start. LOL. The flag bracelet is back...darn, I had hoped it was in the waste basket with the rest of the trash. Her big chest has also reappeared.

      Perhaps Bristol, shown in the background, is responsible for that "lovely" (snark) hairdo of mom Sarah. It looks like the pouffy wig is attached to Sarah's scalp right where her bangs begin. Maybe Bristol's role, apart from shield, is as Sarah's paid traveling companion.

      Sarah really does look like a hooker. And no offense to hookers...they earn their money under often unsafe circumstances. Sarah just wants to look the sexy part---she's always the "wanna be"--athlete, pageant queen, U of Idaho graduate, God-fearing Christian wife and mother, knowledgeable GOP V-P candidate, joy-filled birth mother of Trig, her precious gift from God.

      Actually it's all rather sad, that Sarah has nothing "real" going for her, it's all pretend...always has been and always will be. Pretend love for her family, I don't think Sarah loves anyone but herself, and definitely no genuine love shown to her by her family.

      My sympathy for Sarah is extremely short lived however, when I remember all the hatred, lies and evil she has spread and encouraged. May 2015 be the year of her (and Todd's) undoing!

    8. Anonymous3:42 PM

      Haven't we seen wide stance Palin before?
      Isn't that usually when she is too drunk/high to walk in her hooker shoes?

  8. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Hog wild gals must stick together. How about some Boar Chili for Joni's next fundraiser? Sarah Palin will give up her Nasty Monkey's or LV shoes and sport those Bread Bags.

    Heart of gold the LV way

  9. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Well we knew she has one screw loose when Palin endorsed her, however the hypocrite has the audacity to tell us Americans we don't deserve a federal subsidy for healthcare, but her family is raking in the dough for their farms.

    I sure hope this "winner" won because the folks in Iowa were too lazy to get out and vote. Thanks, 6 years of this teabagger.

  10. Anonymous12:25 PM

    O/T Bristol is Sarah's travel buddy in Vegas

    .@SarahPalinUSA tells @theblaze at #SHOTShow re: GOP: "The New England Patriots aren't the only team dealing with deflated balls."

    Warning this is a closeup shot of Sarah: --(Look no wedding ring!)

    1. Anonymous12:47 PM

      Where are the pictures of Sarah feeding the homeless?

      I am glad she is staying with that look and she has mini me along for the ride. She will score much better than when with the guy with the little dick.

      We know how much Bristol is in need. She may be able to catch a big fish this go around. A young Lumbersexual, of course.

    2. Anonymous1:11 PM

      Palin will attend a “Hunt.Fish.Feed” event from 4 to 6 p.m. at the Las Vegas Salvation Army.

      The Golden Moose Awards start at 9 MT tonight.

    3. Anonymous1:22 PM

      Huh, so Barstool was able to leave her "job" and her single-mothering long enough to run to Vegas and grift along with Screechy?

    4. Anonymous1:25 PM

      more vacations paid by the taxpayers and their panty sniffers....

    5. Anonymous1:30 PM

      @theblaze she is using someone's material. She does not have an original thought and her staff is just as lousy.

      We have seen her elitist crowds. SOS boring.

      Where's the meat?

      Where are the photo ops when she is doing her 'servant heart' work? Both she and her revirginized daughter being servant hearts in Las Vegas among the hungry.

      That would be a worthwhile story. Her elitist crap is too ordinary, she is just trying to one up the Academy. LOL!

      Seriously, WHERE IS THE MEAT?

    6. Anonymous1:47 PM

      What a koinydink Grady Powell would know the language to put out about 2 bit players like Palin Paling tricksters. He is desperate to promote another scam.

      Former Green Beret Grady Powell is pushing the limits again.

      National Geographic, Iron Dog, Ski-Doo


    7. Anonymous1:52 PM

      Donors! Send more money to SarahPac. Sarah needs you to fund Bristol's trip to Las Vegas.

    8. Anonymous2:29 PM

      Is Grady Powell married?

      What happened to National Geography? They are Iron Dog, snowmobile supporters now?

      Last I heard, Alaska needs snow. When glaciers melt it effects everybody. Why isn't National Geo exposing the climate deniers?

      Why are they promoting the death to the planet fools?

    9. hauksdottir5:11 PM

      @Anonymous2:29 PM

      "What happened to National Geography? They are Iron Dog, snowmobile supporters now?"

      NatGeo has always been conservative: they NEED those fatcat donors. However, Murdoch bought them a few years back and they swung harder to the right than ever.

      It was a smart move on Rupy's part. The National Geographic Society has enough documentary evidence in its archives to dramatically illustrate climate change. However, he can frame it so that change has always happened... no need to blame modern man and the consumer society, and no need to change our ways to prevent disaster.

      The publisher controls the message.

  11. Anonymous12:50 PM

    She is really workin' it. I want to see how she did for the poor that she will feed.

  12. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Joni Ernst ♥ USDA

    The USDA Climate Hubs: Almost One Year Old and Making Progress

  13. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Squeal.....but not if its gonna hurt a republican. Next.

  14. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Sarah stole Chuck's deflated balls zinger! A good sister would give her bro credit for the line.

    1. Anonymous1:49 PM

      You think that was original Chudkturd Jr? He isn't telling where he got it either.

  15. Anonymous1:06 PM

    You need to look closely at the pin Joni us wearing. Note it is NOT a flag pin!! It is an Americans for Prosperity (Koch brothers) organization pin. Can you believe that?? Why isn't our "lamestream" media jumping on that!! She is blatantly advertising WHO she works for and it is not us.

    1. Anonymous1:28 PM

      Wow! Great catch! At least she is being honest-why wear a USA flag pin, when your allegiance is to thevUS of Koch? I guess once you have bought it, you should be able to advertise on it! Or perhaps one of the Koch boys is her beau and pinned her? It is very Stepford wife-ish. We won't know who has been corrupted and who hasn't! I hope Gryphen picks up on this!

  16. Joni is just as much of a phony and hypocrite as Sarah.....not surprising.

  17. Anonymous1:23 PM

    All those republicans like bristol, sarah, bachman & them all, believe that they are the only ones allowed to lie, get free money, cheat. kill, etc...They think it's their given right because they are the "chosen ones."

  18. Anonymous1:31 PM

    She totally looks like the lady from "Angie's List." that's really weird.

    1. Anonymous2:02 PM

      Haha! C4p is comparing her to Emma Peele from the Avengers. I saw what I imagine Peggy Bundy would look like in her 60's and if she developed an eating disorder/substance abuse!

  19. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Scary... bones, skin tone, glasses. YIKES!!!

    1. Anonymous1:44 PM

      lol...which one is Sarah...OOPS! the one with the glassess lol..look at the neck and the collegen upper lip & her wig is slipping back...
      Barstool! why aren't you keeping your mother looking presentable.

    2. Anonymous1:45 PM

      That's Sally Sandusky filling in for Sarah since she has a very busy schedule.
      Who's the ugly guy. I know who the ugly woman is but who's the guy with her.

    3. Anonymous1:56 PM

      See Me Hunt looks creepier than Scarah. What happened? Are they comparing surgeries? Can he shut his eyes? Are you sure he is not one of the hungry she will feed?

  20. Anonymous1:38 PM

    I can't wait until people start to really vett Joni the castrator.

    I can't wait for the Ernst vs Palin cat fight.

    1. Joni should have been vetted before she was elected, not after. But I guess it is difficult to counter Koch $$$.

  21. Anonymous1:39 PM

    "The GOP establishment, they’ve got to their stuff together. I love what they believe in, I believe in it too. But they’ve got to get tough, man. You know what? It’s not just the New England Patriots who are dealing with deflated balls right now."

    The GOP, of course, denied knowledge about the deflated balls, noting that they had touched them before the game and that to them, those balls seemed perfect.

    1. Anonymous1:56 PM

      "It’s not just the New England Patriots who are dealing with deflated balls right now."

      I'm going to give our Sarah the benefit of the doubt and not assume that she's talking about Dems having deflated balls because she could be taking a jab at certain members of the Iron Dog team who didn't have courage enough to file charges against the Palins for Thonghazi.

      Either way, leave it to Sarah to bring up balls..."she, who" wears her inflated "balls" out front on her chest a la the Belmonts.


  22. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Joni is an effing tool. My god Iowa, look what you've thrust on the US. And we knew she was a tool b/c she was endorsed by stain and Cruz.

  23. Caroll Thompson1:42 PM

    Another day, another Republican hypocrite. Pork for Joni, but none for the poor. Bitch looks well fed as she should. She has spent her life getting fat off the government.

    One pair of shoes my ass.

  24. Anonymous1:55 PM

    breadbags were worn over socks if our boots leaked. also too it made 'em a little warmer. if we wore the rubber overboots we put bags over our shoes. .it helped them to slide into our boots and kept our shoes dry. being she was born in 1970 I doubt she wore the boots we did(1953). *we Carried our good shoes in our school bags. I suppose school was uphill both ways.too..also.

  25. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Sarah's limp wrist is not an expected look for a Grizzly Mama, Wild Boar Huntress.

    1. Anonymous2:23 PM

      Sorry, that page doesn’t exist!

  26. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Hunting what?

    Sarah & Ted. God bless America

  27. Anonymous3:45 AM

    That pin she is wearing is from Americans For Prosperity, a Koch Brothers outfit. She is boldly showing exactly who she works for, not Iowa not the US not her constituency... she works solely for the Koch Brothers.

  28. How come Joni Ernst's online bio has no employment history from the time she graduated college to the time she was elected to a government position?


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