Friday, January 16, 2015

Pope Francis backs ban on contraception and calls gay marriage “ideological colonization of the family.” So much for progress within the Catholic Church.

"What did you expect? I'm the Pope."
Courtesy of Crux:  

In points he’s made before in other settings, Pope Francis on Friday criticized what he called the “ideological colonization of the family,” language that many took as a reference to gay marriage, and also defended a previous pope who upheld the Church’s ban on contraception. 

“The family is threatened by growing efforts on the part of some to redefine the very institution of marriage, by relativism, by the culture of the ephemeral, by a lack of openness to life,” Francis said. 

A Vatican spokesman confirmed Friday evening that, at least in part, the pope had gay marriage in mind. 

The remarks came in a session Francis held with more than 1,000 families in a downtown Manila arena, amid the pontiff’s Jan. 12-19 trip to Sri Lanka and the Philippines.

Gee and just when everybody was starting to like this guy. 

It might be time to remind people that the only reason that the Catholic church is so adamantly against birth control is simply because the church is terrified to reveal to the world that Popes are not infallible: 

“If it should be declared that contraception is not evil in itself, then we should have to concede frankly that the Holy Spirit had been on the side of the Protestant churches in 1930 (when the encyclical Casti connubii was promulgated), in 1951 (Pius XII’s address to the midwives), and in 1958 (the address delivered before the Society of Hematologists in the year the pope died). It should likewise have to be admitted that for a half a century the Spirit failed to protect Pius XI, Pius XII, and a large part of the Catholic hierarchy from a very serious error. This would mean that the leaders of the Church, acting with extreme imprudence, had condemned thousands of innocent human acts, forbidding, under pain of eternal damnation, a practice which would now be sanctioned. The fact can neither be denied nor ignored that these same acts would now be declared licit on the grounds of principles cited by the Protestants, which popes and bishops have either condemned or at least not approved.”

Without religion there would be no reason to hate the gays, and without the Catholic church there would be virtually no resistance to birth control, or abortion for that matter.


  1. Anonymous12:01 PM

    This is not surprising. There is no such thing as a "cool pope." He's better than any of his predecessors, but that's not saying much.

    1. Anonymous1:58 PM

      He's as bad as his recent predecessors.

      Time Sept. 2013

      Father Greg Reynolds of Melbourne, Australia found out last week that Pope Francis had excommunicated him, and he was shocked. Granted, Reynolds holds less than traditional views in the Catholic Church—he supports women’s ordination and gay marriage—but Pope Francis has more than hinted lately that the Church needs to adopt a new tone towards those social issues. “I am very surprised that this order has come under his watch; it seems so inconsistent with everything else he has said and done,”

      The full article is at:

  2. ...told ya so....when he was elected and started talking about reform, I wrote that it was only to distract the world from the pedophilia rampant in his church. Disgraceful man using progressive talk. That's all it was. Smoke and mirrors. Sad.

    1. Anonymous9:19 PM

      Barbara Carlson, as usual, your comments are an ABSOLUTE BINGO!!

  3. Anonymous12:23 PM

    As a relapsed Catholic for 44 years due to the utter insistence for this ban by the church I say good riddance. I frankly find no religion worth my time and the arrogance innate in all religions utterly self defeating. If most religious people could step outside their ideology and see the world as a beautiful and not fearful place all of humanity would be better off.

    1. Anonymous1:27 PM

      As someone raised thru the Catholic school system (well up until HS anyways), I find it hilarious that Gryph or anyone, actually think Catholics abide by the Vatican's stance on birth control. Give it a break Gryph, Catholicism, in the US anyways is basically a multi generational social club. 99%+ of US Catholics definitely do not care what the Pope says about birth control. BTW I mentally checked out of religion probably by the 3rd grade or so, even though I had to participate till I got out of 8th grade.

      Gryph your statement that without religion there would be no hatred towards gays, or resistance to birth control if it wasn't for the Catholic church is totally absurd.

    2. Anonymous5:28 PM

      We don't know the same Catholics Tha is FOR SURE

  4. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Why would his statement surprise people? That is the Catholic Church of which he is the leader. There is something about the guy that I do like!

    And, yes, I was raised Catholic, got out of the house at 17 and stopped practicing the religion and am a 70+ year-old senior today practicing NO religion!

    1. Anonymous2:12 PM

      I took the birth control pill during my child bearing years and they worked! Actually, started on it when it first came out.

      Damn, am I getting older! Haha!

  5. Anonymous12:50 PM

    "Religion is an idea, and, as an idea, it should be eligible for criticism, discussion, and yes, mockery. The only reason so many believers demand special exceptions be made for religious ideas is because they know full well that their ideas don’t hold up well under scrutiny." -Amanda Marcotte

  6. Suzy Q1:05 PM

    Gryphen, I'm disappointed in you. Wasting time and blog space with the Pope when you could be talking about the boy who went to heaven and back after a tragic car accident that left him paralyzed. He went on to write a book with his devout Christian father about his experience. He, now 16 years old, recants the whole story. He just said that he went to heaven and came back to get attention. Well, all those Christian bookstores have taken his books off the shelves and are no longer selling them. What's the difference between his book and the Holy Bible? They're both fiction, right?

  7. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Supreme Court Will Decide If Same-Sex Marriage Is A Constitutional Right

    The Supreme Court on Friday agreed to hear a case that could bring about the end of same-sex marriage bans across the country.

    The justices announced in an order that they will consider if state bans on gay marriage violate the Constitution's guarantee of equal protection under the Fourteenth Amendment.

    Oral arguments are likely to be heard in April — the justices allotted two and a half hours to the issue. And a decision is expected by the end of June.

    1. Anonymous9:23 PM

      Wonder if the Vatican will be coming out with many more similar statements, in an effort to dissuade the Catholic majority Opus Dei section of our US Supreme Court from ruling otherwise? As in, Vatican to US Supremes: "hint, hint!!"

  8. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Religions sit on a lot of prime real estate and wealth. With the degree to which they have invaded politics, thus disrespecting the separation of church and state, the time to tax them is overdue. Give unto Caesar, you looney hypocrites.

    The KKKristofascists want to talk sacred? Perhaps we can have an intelligent discussion with them, when their range of concepts includes respect for the doctor/patient relationship and acknowledging the rights of all people.

    1. Suzy Q1:58 PM

      Do you, 1:14, support giving tax dollars to fund Catholic and Christian schools as is now being done in Indiana? Governor Pence is proposing increasing the amount of money going into vouchers to be used in Private schools and shortchanging the Public Schools. The Superintendent of Public Instruction (btw she is a Democrat) was duly elected in 2012 and now the Republican governor and the super, super Republican majority of the state legislature wants to change the rules making the position an appointed one by the governor. Tony Bennett was corrupt and voted out. He moved to Florida so he could corrupt their education system, if that's even possible. He was fired there after his corruption in Indiana was revealed. He returned to the state 2years ago and was found not guilty of any wrongdoing. Shocking, I know. Now he's trying, with much success, to worm his way back into Indiana government. He runs a for-profit charter school outfit that he is pushing on the state.

    2. Anonymous2:10 PM

      Suzy I have no problem with it. If you are paying taxes toward education, and you want your kid to go to a private school, I see no reason why you should not be able to recoup that tax for your kids education.

    3. Bill F2:50 PM

      Private schools are called private for a reason. The public pays for public schools.

    4. Anonymous3:29 PM

      Yeah thanks for the brainstorm Bill. Don't care. I think people should be able to recoup their taxes for education at private schools if they wish and not participate in the public system at all if they choose.

    5. Anonymous3:42 PM

      Well, clearly people without kids in school should get to recoup their taxes.

      Hint: All of us pay to educate all kids. Taking your kids elsewhere doesn't somehow evaporate all the other kids.

    6. Anonymous3:52 PM

      I don't use a bunch of the roads around town. I should be able to recoup my taxes because I make the CHOICE to NOT use those roads.

    7. Anonymous4:05 PM

      Tax money should not be used for private schools.

      Where can I recoup my taxes for education? I have never had a kid in school and yet I pay.

    8. Anonymous4:19 PM

      And, of course, when you take your re-couped tax money and spend it on a private school, you are willing to accept that the government is entitled to oversee how that tax money is spent. Right?

    9. Anonymous4:55 PM

      Suzy Q, our income taxes and property taxes are for the common good. Whether we choose to partake in the benefits or not is a private choice.

      Private and parochial schools are supported by tuition, so no I do not think there should be tax exemptions for opting out. What next, a tax rebate to some home schoolers for raising a generation of stupid? As you mentioned, the charter schools are another revenue stream siphoning money away from education.

      As more revenue is siphoned away from our public education system, we as a nation fall behind in education standards. There is strength in community and shared resources; we need to support what works and restore what is broken, not demolish it.

    10. Anonymous5:12 PM

      Say there is a class of 23 in one of the 4th grade's in your school district. Although we usually think of school funding as capital cost (pro rated) + per pupil cost, a single pupil removed from a class doesn't impact the cost much. We still pay the administrators, nurse, special needs, aides, monitors, security, teacher, supplies, special events, etc. Going from 23 to 22 pupils in that 4th grade will be reflected in a few pennies less in your tax bill (and mine).

      So, if you want to re-coup those pennies to pay for private school, do the math and petition the government for the coins. You'll feel better, but you won't be much richer.

    11. Anonymous5:32 PM

      Privately funded schools in Britain (some are called "public schools") are being to asked to justify their tax-exempt status. Evidently lavishly educating rich kids at Eton et. al. is no longer hacking it as a charitable endeavor. It would be interesting if we saw this happen in the US. Some parents would see their private school fees skyrocket if these schools were made to shoulder their fair share of the tax burden.

    12. Anonymous6:32 PM

      3:42. Hint, I don't have kids, and no I don't think I should have to pay any education dollars. People want to have kids, well they should be able to afford them. I want a new truck, how about all the parents out there contribute?

      But definitely all for parents being able to send their kids to private schools if they want and not pay taxes into the crappy ass government school system. 4:19, why should the government have any say in how private education dollars are spent? Hell no. That is exactly why people get their kids away from public schools, they are run by government slackasses and they are failing.

    13. Anonymous7:10 PM

      Wow, 6:32, sounds like you had a bad high school experience. What crappy ass government school system did you attend if you don't mind me asking? Did you feel like you didn't get the kind of education that you paid for? Did you attend college after HS? Did you feel prepared for the rigors of college courses? Just curious.

    14. Anonymous7:11 PM

      @6:32 I bet you have a swell plan for road and gas taxes.

    15. Anonymous9:29 PM

      Two things:

      1. If private Catholic and Protestant schools can be subsidized by tax dollars, then so can Madrassas.

      2. Everyone in society pays for ignorance. Therefore, even childless people are receiving a benefit when society is better educated, via a good public school system. Without good education and an intelligent and well-trained work force, American companies will merely import more and more and more people from India. So, childless people, you'll really be paying for ignorance then. If you despise paying local taxes, then rent an apartment. And remember, your local school system is only a small part of your tax bill: most of it is taken up by roads, waste disposal, police and firemen, your local court system, the salaries for every public official, and other essential municipal functions. If you really despise taxes, then move to Somalia, where you can carry automatic weapons anywhere you wish, in addition to not paying taxes, and where the 'church' is subsidized by the state.

  9. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Obama Administration Will Ask SCOTUS To Rule For Marriage Equality

    The Obama administration will formally ask the Supreme Court to "make marriage equality a reality for all Americans" in a landmark case.

    In a statement issued on Friday, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder said the Justice Department will file a friend-of-the-court brief calling for gay and lesbian Americans across the country to be able to marry.

    "The Supreme Court has announced that it will soon hear several cases raising core questions concerning the constitutionality of same-sex marriages. As these cases proceed, the Department of Justice will remain committed to ensuring that the benefits of marriage are available as broadly as possible. And we will keep striving to secure equal treatment for all members of society—regardless of sexual orientation," Holder said.

    Holder cited the Obama administration's decision to stop defending the Defense of Marriage Act in court, which led to a 2013 Supreme Court decision requiring federal recognition of legal same-sex marriages.

    "As such, we expect to file a ‘friend of the court’ brief in these cases that will urge the Supreme Court to make marriage equality a reality for all Americans," he said. "It is time for our nation to take another critical step forward to ensure the fundamental equality of all Americans—no matter who they are, where they come from, or whom they love."

  10. Caroll Thompson1:17 PM

    Just when I was thinking that this Pope was different from the rest........

    I was raised by Atheists/Agnostics who thankfully did not indoctrinate me into any specific religion. I do believe in a higher power, whatever you want to call that. And sometimes I attend what I call the Church in the Woods. And I attend alone and don't bother anyone else about my beliefs (not even my children. If the kids want to believe, that is up to them, not me).

    Religion has always fascinated me ever since I can remember. I even minored in religious studies in college - I liked learning about all religions.

    One thing I have learned in my 50+ years of life is this: The people that yell the loudest about how religious they are usually are the biggest hypocrites on the planet.

  11. Anonymous1:30 PM

    The Roman Catholic Church is a commercial enterprise. It exists to make a profit. Each pope spins the message that seems to yield the highest profit. Birth control can be safely condemned because, frankly, no one cares. Catholics cheerfully take The Pill or use other methods, but they still fork over for the collection plate each week. The ban has no effect on profit.

    I'll believe the Pope is serious about banning birth control when the church refuses contributions from anyone that uses it.

    1. Anonymous9:34 PM

      Speaking of commercial enterprises and the Catholic Church, the Minneapolis-St. Paul diocese just made a decision to declare bankruptcy. Its pedophile bills are already in the range of $100 million, twice its estimated level of assets. It's merely the umpteenth diocese to have this problem and run for cover (rather than fixing the problem). Accepting the word of an organized group of pedophiles as morally controlling on ANY subject is beyond the height of stupidity IMO; it is downright laughable.

  12. Anonymous1:32 PM

  13. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Piers Morgan Accuses Pope Francis of ‘Endorsing Violence’

    Since when did turning the other cheek turn into punching someone in the face, Pope Francis? And does that mean it's OK to shoot them too?

  14. Anonymous4:36 PM

    IOW: "We KNOW we were wrong, because science tells us so by now, but we cannot admit it. Thus we were NOT wrong - at least not in our minds."....
    Doubling down on a fallacy does not change the fallacy into truth.

  15. Anita Winecooler4:37 PM

    Something's fishy at the vatican. What do they need two popes for? That's a lot to invest in frilly frocks and smocks and living quarters. And so many people had hope that Frankie was a "breath of fresh air". The argenitinians weren't so gung ho when he got picked, and now I see why. The devil's in the details, it's time for Frankie to start spilling the beans.

  16. Anonymous4:51 PM

    4:37 "...Something's fishy at the vatican...."

    pedophile heaven

    1. Anonymous5:25 PM

      The vatican guys aren't know for their love of fish, they are more "hershey's kisses" kinda guys.

  17. Anonymous5:24 PM

    I get so sick of this "new pope" bullshit. Seriously, you do not get to be pope unless you are ideologically off the right wing religious scale, plus like to wear stupid looking outfits and make people kiss you dollar store ring. There is no fixing the catholic church aside from destroying it and letting reason take its place.

    1. Anonymous9:36 PM

      Yes, what other profession (other than porn movies) pays you – and then legally immunizes you from all legal damages – for being a transvestite and/or pedophile??

  18. Anonymous3:31 PM

    In your face butt-pluggers!


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