Friday, January 16, 2015

Florida police caught using actual pictures of black suspects for target practice.

Courtesy of TPM:  

Police Chief J. Scott Dennis told WTVJ that the practice of using images of actual people is standard. He also denied any evidence of racial profiling, saying that police also have white and Hispanic faces in its inventory. 

“Our policies were not violated,” Dennis told the station. “There is no discipline forthcoming from the individuals who were involved with this.” 

WTVJ spoke to federal, state and local law enforcement agencies, all of whom said that departments only use commercially produced targets rather than photos of human beings, let alone former suspects. 

Dennis told the station that using real people is vital to facial recognition drills.

"Facial recognition drills?"

Okay look let's put aside the racial component here, and take this police chief at his word that they DON'T use just black folks for target practice (Though admittedly I would like to see evidence to support that.), they are still training officers to shoot them in the head.

I mean a police officer's job is to keep the peace, and arrest those who break the law. NOT to shoot on site a suspect whose face they memorized by filling it full of holes at the firing range.

I swear Florida is working overtime to be the craziest, most racist state in the country.


  1. "I swear Florida is working overtime to be the craziest, most racist state in the country. "

    1. they aren't trying to hide their racism.

    2. Anonymous7:52 AM

      No, they don't try to conceal their racism anymore. It is blatant and out in the open and they get away with murder.

    3. Anonymous7:53 AM

      I look at all these cop murders of Blacks as modern day lynching.

  2. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Totally off topic, but so awesome!

  3. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Makes me physically sick the racism and brutality that is being directed at dark skinned people and women and gays these days.

  4. electicsandra9:39 AM

    I thought the shots were supposed to go to the torso, not the head. Facial recognition when you have already decided to shoot doesn't make sense. Florida seems to have a different prejudice. It seems more militant than other southern states.

    1. Anonymous11:24 AM

      Don't you recall when cops didn't shoot to kill throughout our country? They shot to maim only! What changed their attitude? Why have they shown themselves to be so openly racist?

      They act now as militarily styled - being 'at war' with their fellow Americans!

      There is no way in hell I'd call one of them for help and I'm white!

    2. Anonymous11:59 AM

      Police officers never shot to maim. They've always shot to kill. The problem isn't what happens when they shoot, the problem is how willing they are to whip out their guns. Shooting should be a last resort so that when it does happen, shooting to kill is always justified.

    3. Anonymous1:07 PM

      11:59 AM You are wrong! Go back ten through twenty years ago - cops did NOT kill people when they shot at them, they maimed them.

      Today, they automatically shoot to kill no matter if someone else has a gun or not! It's proven and on video in so many cases/examples!

    4. Anonymous2:06 PM

      Well, technically, officers are taught to shoot to stop rather than to kill. They are taught to aim for the largest target, center mass. Because shooting someone in the center of their torso can often be fatal, it's sometimes said they are shooting to kill.

      And, yes, they have been taught that for years and years. It's not a new thing. That's what firearm instructors teach recruits.

      This isn't the movies where cops can shoot a gun out of the bad guy's hand or disable him by shooting him in the foot or the leg.

      As I said, for this very reason, a cop firing his or her gun should only be a last resort. The police should do everything in their power to diffuse the situation (not to mention, making good choices) before it comes down to pulling their guns. That's the problem we are seeing now, not whether cops are shooting to kill vs shooting to wound.

    5. Anonymous2:45 PM

      Wrong again - check history and records - they are out there in mass. Cops use to shoot to maim and not to kill. The confrontations rarely ended in death to either party in a confrontation!

      We are in an ugly world today and cops could care less about the lives of blacks, brown folks and other minorities. That too has been proven time and time again.

      It's embarrassing to see the ugliness of folks in our communities, states and country. And, they call themselves Americans and Christians to boot!

    6. Anonymous7:46 AM

      Anonymous11:59 AM

      They didn't always shoot to kill. That was the last thing they would resort to.

      Shooting to kill was their LAST resort, that was only fostered if their life or another life was in imminent danger.

    7. Anonymous1:15 PM

      No, shooting at all was the last resort because they were taught that when they did shoot to aim for the largest target. This isn't a question of shooting to kill or shooting to wound, it's a question of when to use deadly force.

      Ask any firearms instructor at a police academy or any police office working now or who worked 20 years ago. Drawing your weapon means you are willing to use deadly force and when you shoot, always aim for center mass in order to stop the assailant as efficiently as possible.

      What we may be seeing now is the greater willingness of officers to fire their weapons, which is not good BECAUSE shooting has always been an act of deadly force. If we are seeing more police officers killing citizens than ever before (which is difficult to say because there aren't really good statistics) it's because there is a greater tendency for officers to shoot first and ask questions later.

      I don't want to belabor the point because I share your outrage about rampant police misconduct. But this is an important issue because police need to have the option of deadly force to protect themselves or other citizens from real threats where a hesitation or missed shot can mean the death of innocent people. The problem is that officers need to be better taught when deadly force (the use of their gun) is appropriate and necessary. Shooting a gun is, by definition, the use of deadly force.

    8. Anonymous2:29 PM

      Anonymous1:15 PM

      Shooting to kill was their last resort, but yes, as you said, but yes, not using their gun at all was the main focus.

  5. How can it be a good thing to purposefully try to desensitize officers to human life? because it won't just be "bad guys" who are regarded as being okay to shoot.

  6. fl is another full-of-shit state, like ak.

    How far are rogue cops standing from a suspect? Two feet? How big are their racist facial targets? 20 feet high? Basically they are saying shoot at anything black.

  7. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Obama Wins As Republicans Refuse To Shut Down Homeland Security Over Executive Orders

    ...Of course, Republicans couldn’t have known that acts and threats of terrorism would coincide with their threats to defund Homeland Security, but they might have anticipated that leaving DHS operating on a CR with no funding after February 27th would be bad optics for their party.

    Not only has President Obama shown up Republicans on national security, but now House Republicans are determined to stain the party with the stench of crazy extremists using national security as a “bargaining chip” even as the Capitol was threatened and the President of the United States goes without “crucial” security protections due to the Republicans’ actions.

    The Republican leadership’s refusal to shut down Homeland Security over the president’s immigration executive orders means that Obama wins. Republicans aren’t able to stop the president’s executive actions. Boehner and McConnell will both count on Democrats to help them pass a clean Homeland Security funding bill. Once again, the president has succeeded in putting the Republicans on defense and forcing them to react to his agenda.

    1. Anonymous11:07 AM

      LOVE IT! The blah man is forcing the white baggers to 'eat crow'!!! What's not to like about this???!!! Because they have exalted stupid among their constituents (and elected their own representatives accordingly), this act will not be hard for Obama to repeat in the two years yet remaining. Lots of free Kabuki Theater awaits us, so get out the popcorn!

    2. Anonymous11:15 AM

      A day later, Republicans still have no idea how to end the immigration fight they picked with President Barack Obama.

  8. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Liberals on the internet get sicker and sicker and more ignorant as days go by.

    I can't fathom how it must be like to live such a nasty life where all you do day in and day out is sit by a computer and think of new ways to grossly slander and attack people you do not know.

    I. can't. fathom. this.

    No decent person could.

    1. angela11:05 AM

      This post is about cops in Florida using African American men's mugshots as target practice you poor thing.

      Please take your meds. And here is hoping that you have loved ones who will help you on your journey to wellness again.

    2. Anonymous11:13 AM

      Damn .. what do you want us to do? Go to parties and beat up strangers? Become a slut like Bristol?

    3. Anonymous11:14 AM

      Where the fuck did you come from, asswipe?

      Seems you are 'sitting by the computer' yourself and then posting ignorant rants as if they matter.

      Decency is something that you wouldn't know if it hit you upside your pointy little troll head.

      We don't much care what you fathom. You're worthless. You're a joke. And yes, Sarah, we see exactly who you are, a foul, putrid, corrupt, mentally ill, crude, lewd, rude excuse for human excrement.

      Yep, that's our Simple Sarah. You give 'nasty' a whole new level of slime and your succubus personality just keeps sinking deeper and deeper in to the pit of losers, quitters and international jokes.

      What is decent about abusing children and dogs? What is decent about whoring yourself out to the media every chance you get. And worse, whoring your children out to the media. And when you get nailed for your ignorance and stupidity, all you do it double down and turn into a toddler throwing a tantrum, never taking responsibility for your fucked up actions.

      You spend you life hiding behind your shouty page on FB and your joke of a 'channel' attacking anyone who is decent and normal who calls you out on your bullshit.

      So, go crawl back under that fetid log you live under with the maggots, with your pimp husband, your violent and crude children and your stolen 'son'. You are vile beyond belief.

    4. Anonymous11:34 AM

      I can't fathom, saying No income earned, yet I bought a 4k vehicle for my son and got a new truck as well as my father and sister and on so called, what $9 hour jobs. Palin you are the one ignorant and slander.

    5. Anonymous11:35 AM

      I love Obama as our wonderful President. That is positive!

    6. Anonymous11:35 AM

      oops that wonderful President was suppose to be reply to the slander person.

    7. Anonymous11:44 AM

      What....did Amaaaaazing America do poorly in the ratings last night? Someone is really upset today, poor baby.

    8. Anonymous11:56 AM

      Interesting. I called you "sick" this morning on Malia's blog because you were turning yourself upsidown trying to defend Bristol and Willow encouraging Trig to say "Bullshit!" And now you're here calling us sick?

      Weird and random.

    9. Anonymous2:40 PM

      10:46 Repubes on the internet get sicker and sicker blah, blah, blahdy blah. It's the Tallahassee stalker.
      You know all about sicko stalking, ignorant, nasty, gross, lying, indecent, delusional, demented, derpy, hypocritical assholes, eh Pointy? It's a fair description.

      Somebody yesterday mentioned that they thought this stalker is Brooklyn. I think I'd have to agree.

      Brooklyn (which I always called Brooky) was the obnoxious, sick, repetitious, pointy headed retarded troll that used to hang out at Palingates and a few other blogs a few years ago.It has since been banned on most blogs. Which is why it hangs out here and at Malia's. I think it has a shit fit everyday because it can not comment on PG and scold and lecture and lie.

      Believe it or not, it spewed the same shit way back then. The blogmasters would always let us know when Brooklyn was in the house. We later heard it moved to Floriduh.

      Well it stalked one of our regulars to a site where the blogmaster was more than happy to announce the ip was from, you guessed it, Tallahassee, FL. This was just last week.

      I can only guess. You all know how people on the internet go. Anybody can be anybody. I can only go by the printed words. They are so familiar. And Brooky loved to "lift" words from others.

      In that one comment I see sick, ignorant, fathom,(twice) nasty, grossly, and decent. I've been tossing ignorant, nasty, sicko, and hypocrite at it for years. Especially hypocrite.

      You'd all recognize some of its other favorites, classy, immature, jealous, random, grow up, get a life, sheeple, koolaid, judgmental, slander/libel, and of course the palin cult favorite, hater.

      Just a little bit of background on our house troll, a.k.a Pointy, Kristy(Krusty), Alicia, (not the one from Ok), Brooklyn(Brooky). Y'all have minds, you decide.

    10. Anonymous4:56 PM

      I too believe Brooklyn is the Florida stalker (the out of work actress who had the cops called on her by Sunny), who moved home when she couldn't make it in the big Apple.

    11. And what do you call what your sorryass is doing? This is too rich. HAHAHAHA

      We give you facts and you ignore it. MOF we asked you questions and you lie, twist the subject, and change the subject. Most of the time meatheads regress and debate like a 4th grader.

      Now back under your rock you love so much. Contemplate a 6,000 yo earth, christians who don't follow Jesus, inequality, violence, proverty, etc etc etc.

  9. Anonymous11:14 AM

    I am so glad that President Obama is leading our country. He's doing a terrific job which the Republicans hate to recognize! I voted for him both times and wish it were legal for him to run for a third term, as I'd vote for him again.

    But, Hillary Clinton will get my vote next go around should she run. The Republicans have been trying to put her down for the past two years and will be horrified when they lose to the first woman POTUS!

    Mitt Romney running again? Give me a friggin' break!

    1. Anonymous11:29 AM

      How did you do that? Could be my exact statements. :)

    2. Anonymous11:34 AM

      America Will Miss Obama When He's Gone

      Obama may be a polarizing figure right now, but he'll be immensely popular once he leaves office.

      ...Obama has been a good president. But he could be a great ex-president. With his intelligence, calmness, and good humor, together with his strong and attractive family, he’s a natural fit for the roles of memoirist, humanitarian, professor, and elder statesman.

  10. Anonymous11:26 AM

    O.K., that offensive, but do they use Obama's picture for machine gun practice?

    1. Anonymous1:01 PM

      If cops somewhere in the USA are using President Obama's photo for target practice, their police forces, cities, states, names and individual photos should be provided the media for all Americans to see. And, I'd recommend recognizing their management/bosses in the same manner!

      If they/some are doing this they deserve being put on trial for treason and jail time!

      It amazes me the disrespect President Obama receives as he assuredly does not deserve it! He's shown himself to be outstanding in his service to the American people!

    2. Anonymous2:36 PM

      ''He's shown himself to be outstanding in his service to the American people!'''

      He most certainly has. And I am so proud of him. So proud to call him my president.

  11. Anonymous11:39 AM

    gee, use city and state employees and then you will have $ $ $ $ lawsuits!!!

  12. Anonymous1:57 PM

    "Facial recognition drills."

    What's next, blood and sterilization laws?

  13. Anita Winecooler4:49 PM

    I think what they're teaching Florida Cops is "RACIAL RECOGNITION SKILLS". The police force here uses the old fashioned drawn targets and simulation games where life sized people of all races pop out of hiding places, and the cops are graded on if the perp is maimed or not. They also have communications skill tests and cultural differences in body language as a form of communication. The faces only, of real people is unacceptable.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.