Sunday, January 11, 2015

Statistics suggest that this year guns may surpass cars as the leading instrument of death for Americans.

Courtesy of The Economist: 

According to data gathered by the Centres for Disease Control (CDC), deaths caused by cars in America are in long-term decline. Improved technology, tougher laws and less driving by young people have all led to safer streets and highways. Deaths by guns, though—the great majority suicides, accidents or domestic violence—have been trending slightly upwards. This year, if the trend continues, they will overtake deaths on the roads. 

The Centre for American Progress first spotted last February that the lines would intersect. Now, on its reading, new data to the end of 2012 support the view that guns will surpass cars this year as the leading killer of under 25s. Bloomberg Government has gone further. Its compilation of the CDC data in December concluded that guns would be deadlier for all age groups.

It is also important to note that the main purpose of cars in transportation, while the main purpose of guns is to end life.

Cars also MUST be registered with the government, and operators MUST pass both a written exam and be tested on their ability to handle the vehicle before being given a license to do so.

Most states ask for none of that in order to buy and use a firearm.

And yet the right to own only one of these is guaranteed by the Constitution. 

Just thought it was important to point all of that out.


  1. Trying again5:55 AM

    O/T - Lowell "Bud" Paxson passed away
    Related to Babygate in terms on a middle name? Also, he allegedly had the inside track on Senator McCain's affair with Vicki Eiseman

    1. Anonymous5:34 PM

      Bubbeye Lowell, RIP It's not the heat, it's the humidity!. Pax TV and HSN are a pariah and should follow his lead.

  2. Sally in MI5:56 AM

    Yes, these morons will continue to rant and rave about their God-given right to let their toddler play with a handgun in her mouth, and then expect sympathy when she kills herself or her 'daddy.' They see no correlation between having an arsenal and being shot in their own homes. Are they that ignorant, or just that scared of the big bad government that wants to 'take their guns.' We don't want your stupid guns. We just want to have our grandkids be safe if they come to play at your house. We want to walk down our streets without fear of being 'accidentally' killed while you clean one of your loaded guns in your garage. We want our cops to not be so afraid of the citizens that they shoot unarmed innocent people. We want tanks and rocket launches on the battlefield, not our Main Streets. We want your guns registered and locked up. We don't think that is too much to ask, unless you all prefer to live in Somalia...if so, please go there. Oh, and we want your little militias locked up and sent away before you bomb my Planned Parenthood clinic or my police station or my newspaper. And while we're at it, let's deport Murdoch and Ailes, and shut down Fox Propaganda for good.

  3. Anonymous7:40 AM

    • 12,000 deaths per year due to unnecessary surgery

    • 7000 deaths per year due to medication errors in hospitals

    • 20,000 deaths per year due to other errors in hospitals

    • 80,000 deaths per year due to infections in hospitals

    • 106,000 deaths per year due to negative effects of drugs

    Thus, America's healthcare-system-induced deaths are the third leading cause of the death in the U.S., after heart disease and cancer.
    Guns have quite a ways to go to catch-up with the dangerous health-care system.

    orlin sellers

    1. A J Billings7:59 AM

      Hospitals, for all their faults are saving lives, and providing treatment for humans

      Guns exist mainly for killing humans and animals.
      There is no therapeutic value inherent in guns, and
      they are in no way comparable.

      Only and idiot like you would suggest that statistics for hospitals have anything to do with death by firearms

      Orlin, take your bloviation back to whatever blog you usually inhabit

    2. Anonymous8:18 AM

      A J Billings said:
      "There is no therapeutic value inherent in guns"

      But there is in autos?

      orlin sellers

    3. Anonymous8:55 PM

      Orlin, A J Billings said nothing about cars, but was talking specifically about hospitals, as were you in your OP.

      Is that your pathetically obvious way of moving the goalposts?

  4. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Wish the nra would allow us to demand liability insurance to be carried by the, gun nuts. Kinda makes sense to me..but I can't think those evil phucks. Not even going to try....

    Paul in Indiana

  5. That's because we've worked for the last century to make cars safer, while at the same time the weapons manufacturers have worked to make guns deadlier and the NRA has worked to make guns easily available.

  6. Anita Winecooler5:43 PM

    I walked out of a horrific traffic accident. VW Jetta Diesel vs Ford Box Truck w/two double axels going 75 mph. By all estimations, I should have perished. The only reason I'm putting this out there is, the auto industry did their best in designing safer vehicles, and they're getting better at it every day. And it's not adding much to the cost. Cars are still affordable.
    If they can do it with cars, they can find a way to make guns safer. The technologies there, so why not use it to save lives?

    1. Because you can't force a person to wear a seatbelt.

      There is technology there for safer gun ownership already. Too many morons with guns just don't bother.


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