Sunday, January 11, 2015

Arizona's outgoing Department of Education head sends letter saying that school curriculum endorses racism...against whites.

Courtesy of HuffPo:  

Last week, the outgoing head of Arizona's Department of Education issued a letter saying some Tucson public schools were illegally promoting ethnic solidarity and the overthrow of the U.S. government by teaching Mexican history, rock lyrics and a rapper's essay. 

For John Huppenthal, it was the final official act in a long battle against ethnic studies courses that he and other conservatives argue have politicized the classroom and bred resentment against whites. As a state senator in 2010, he helped pass a law against ethnic studies. As Arizona’s superintendent of public instruction for the last four years, he helped dismantle a Mexican-American studies curriculum in Tucson that independent researchers credit with boosting student achievement and graduation rates. 

Boy I bet Arizona is sorry to see this guy go.

I mean who else is going to stand up for the oppressed and downtrodden white people?

You may remember that Huppenthal originally got into to trouble last summer: 

The state's top school official apologized and repudiated anonymous blog posts he has made for at least the last four years equating welfare recipients with "lazy pigs'' and declaring there should be no Spanish-language radio, TV, billboards and newspapers.

And here I was wondering what it is about Arizona that Sarah Palin finds to attractive.


  1. Anonymous3:59 AM

    Is he trying to get that log out of his eye? He definitely has a stick up his ass.

    Just another hate machine. They're getting really old, aren't they? It's going to be a long two years.

  2. Anonymous4:04 AM

    When I lived in Hawaii in the 1970s and 1980s, the schools had a section every year on Hawaiian history. Pretty much everyone considered it a GOOD thing--after all, you can learn about white history anytime, anyplace. No wonder the Screechy Wretch fled the state in the 1980s.

  3. Anonymous4:07 AM

    Another racist TeaKlanner bites the dust. And no, we won't miss him. The law he and his fellow Klansmen passed was written to target Tucson's Ethnic Studies program, and once he became Supt of Public Instruction he held funding ransom to force Tucson to dismantle the program (and stave off a court battle). It had been a national model for similar programs. He and his sheet wearing cronies tried to pass several things, including a ban on political candidates speaking Spanish while campaigning for public office. We need the goods on a dozen or so more of them.

  4. Yes, Sarah fits right in to that type of racism and the people who support it. I have to wonder now if she is not seriously thinking about running for an office in Arizona. It would seem she would have more support there that in any other state I know of.

    1. Anonymous6:04 AM

      Nah, they think Sarah is a joke and a political has been pretty much everywhere in the US. She won't ever be taken seriously again when she's got her history of blood libel, family hoedowns and dog abuse. People were left cringing on each one of those episodes.

    2. AKinPA7:24 AM

      I was thinking that if Palin keeps her Alaskan citizenship, she can pick this idiot for her VP running mate when the Earthquake Movement gets Palin nominated at the GOP 2016 convention by acclamation. These 2 are true soulmates!

    3. Anonymous9:59 AM

      I'm in AZ m baker.

      Nobody takes her serious, even the conservatives around several hardcore conservative phoenix area towns know she is a joke. Brewer avoids her like the Plague.

      She won't run for anything here.

  5. Anonymous5:40 AM

    Cry away, @sshat, what did you expect?

  6. Anonymous6:49 AM

    It's SO much easier to teach children to hate and fear other cultures when they know nothing about them.

    Keep them ignorant and they will be easier to control.

  7. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Their cannot be credible white history without including ethnic studies. Regardless of the circumstances we must preserve the facts.We just have to be intelligent and honest.
    Mr. Hump is a sick, selfish, racist ,moron,inbred.

  8. An European Viewpoint7:36 AM

    He's not white he's pink. Alcoholic much, then ? I've never seen that widespread pinkness of the face and neck but in a boozer.

  9. Anonymous8:51 AM

    He'd make a perfect Neo-Nazi, that is, if he already isn't one.

  10. Anonymous9:45 AM

    What a joke! Is he crying?! Clearly he has not read all history. A history of one subject, young Indian children taken from homes to BIA schools at one time to be sexually abused. That is one subject. Poor man he cried of no physical abuse but history. Sad individual.

  11. Anita Winecooler5:53 PM

    Aww, poor guy's having a sad. Why not stay and change things for the better (well, what you think is better)? Nah, you're a coward racist and proud of it. The world is just one obstacle after another when you're discriminated because you're white. but why is is SOME whites have carte blanche to drive anywhere they want? hail a taxi? Run to the store in the rain wearing a hoodie to buy skittles and an iced tea? While other whites are shot on the spot, no questions asked?

    Doubleflush this douchebag, I'd kick you in the ass but don't want to give you the satisfaction.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.