Friday, January 16, 2015

Tennessee mom upset that school bus taillights form a satanic symbol. Wow, nothing deranged about that.

Courtesy of WMC Action News:  

At least one Mid-South parent is concerned about what she says is a satanic symbol on a school bus. 

Robyn Wilkins snapped a photo when she noticed the shape of an upside down, five-pointed star outlined in the brake lights of a school bus that was stopped in Cordova. 

"Anyone who fears a God, if not God and Jesus Christ, should be outraged," Wilkins said. 

She says Christians should be outraged that a symbol that looks like a pentagram would be allowed in the design of a vehicle used to transport children to public schools. 

Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines a Pentagram as a star with five points often used as a magic or religious symbol. 

On social media, parents are arguing both sides of the debate. Some say the brake lights are a subliminal pagan message, while others say it's just an unintentional design. 

"If you can't put a cross on there, you cannot put a pentagram on it," Wilkins said.

Does anybody else just see a star?  That's really all I can see here.

You know I am not all that concerned that one clearly unhinged woman thinks she sees satanic imagery in perfectly innocent brake-lights. What I am upset about is that there are people who are agreeing with her on social media.

WTF is wrong with these people? And why are they allowed to procreate?


  1. Anonymous4:18 AM

    Random. While I LOOVVEE Rosie O'Donnell and have since I was 25 watching her talk show, she seems a little unstable. To preface I will say that we all constantly work through demons and things in our lives we only can understand. But Rosie seems to have more feuds than most people have friends. Every report of The view this season and the other one she's been at the center of fights and meltdowns. I know she's very vocal about her own abuse, depression and longterm therapy. But what is it about the View that attracts hosts with these issues? Rosie Perez is reported to have gone through 2 assistants, 4 makeup people, a few hair people (does her own now). That's extreme to me for a ONE HOUR show.

    I wonder what nicolle feels about them all. Or whoopi. Whoopi no doubt isn't friends with them off set (maybe Rosie, but I doubt they even hang out)

    When someone defined NPD, Rosie replied, "that is every celebrity I know."

    And it's true. To be famous and even somewhat happy in the limelight (actors, politico, any on air position) you HAVE to have qualities of NPD. I'm not one to believe in those types of disorders because honestly, all people have some of the characteristics.

    I don't understand how so many bored people can just sit around and diagnose people they don't know and judge them. Just because a person has a calling to be an actress, tv personality, _____, doesn't make it RIGHT for the immoral gossipers at Wonkette, TMZ and radar to stalk them and blow things up to where their printed lives are not their but a different reality. We've seen this done a ton, with Palin, with presidents, with every celebrity who's made tabloids.

    I don't get it.

    How do you live with yourselves when you create your own reality for other people? You're just embarrassing yourself.

    In the somewhat recent past, every time one of Sunny's creepy little "liberal" stalkers would comment with some weird thing pretending their her friend, people would laugh at them behind the scenes and eventually unfriend Sunny because he page is too much ridiculousness. Also people would inform Bristol every time Sunny immaturely let someone lie about her.

    That should illustrate a lot about YOUR behavior and true weirdness.

    Get a life is much to weak a phrase for you.

    1. Anonymous5:08 AM

      Yeah, 'random' is putting it mildly.
      Please talk to your your doctor or therapist aboout this. Thank you!

    2. Anonymous5:10 AM

      So what are you doing? Palin bring this on herself. She drinks, lets her kids drink, and then goes to a party and starts fighting. What was the media supposed to do? Ignore it? She's an ex-Governor. Now, and she quit her job and faded away doing good works, she would not be in the news all the time. But she craves attention, and loves negative attention the most, because then she can play the victim and holler back at people for hating her. Sarah is playing a game. Yes, she's a narcissist, and yes, we enjoy calling her out for her stupidity.

    3. Anonymous5:14 AM

      Umm.... what exactly is it that you are ranting about? I believe the topic of the post was enraged mom seesSatanic symbol in schoolbus tail lights, and you're whining about Rose O'Donnell, Sunny, immature lying liars, Bristol and NPD.
      Please step away from the keyboard until you can stay on topic, or at least reasonably close to rational, okay?

    4. Anonymous5:18 AM

      You are embarrassing yourself with these weird, narcissistic, silly posts. The only person Who needs to get a life is you.

    5. Anonymous5:21 AM

      I was going to respond to this but it is just perfect the way it stands.

      A view into the mind of a deranged stalker....

    6. Anonymous5:24 AM

      What a long post to have it end with the usual rant. A real waste of typing energy. Try reading a book instead.

    7. Jkarov5:39 AM

      Your post is nothing more than a rambling, incoherent, irrelevant word salad, reminiscent of the worst of $arah Paylin's idiotic, nasty, racist, and hateful spewage.

      For fuck's sake, go take an English 101 class, find a job, or head back over to C4pee and join your fellow mouth breathers!

    8. Get your own damn blog, you stupid, crazy, stalking lunatic. You are insane.

    9. Anonymous5:54 AM

      Oy, that was quite a screed.

      Why did you feel it necessary to tell us how old you were when you watched the Rosie show? Is it to throw everyone off about your actual age? Are you that 30 year old out of work theater girl living with her parents in Florida?

      Are you the one who had the cops called on her after saying truly nasty things about Sunny and Breeze on FB? Are you the one who created that creepy Trip Palin FB page a little while ago?

      Get your own life and stop judging people you don't know (us, Sunny, and the Palins). And, really, stop discussing other people's emotional issues when you obviously aren't taking care of your own.

    10. Anonymous5:55 AM

      Bristol and Willow taught Trig to say "bullshit" and laugh at or with (does it really matter which?) him when he says it. If you think that's ok, there's something seriously wrong with you.

    11. Anonymous5:58 AM

      Holy mother of God, WTF did I just waste time reading. Incoherent babbler!

    12. The above may seem like the incoherent ravings of a lunatic, and it is.

      But it is also the work of somebody who realizes that Blogger only shows previews of posts up to a certain number of words.

      If the troll wants to place an insult against somebody on a post, and is worried it will be rejected, they type a long diatribe and place the unrelated attack at the end.

      So crazy, yes. Stupid, yes, But they did manage to learn this much.

    13. Anonymous6:26 AM

      G why do you post the trolls Bullshit then? All of us are sick of her wacko ramblings!
      About this POST ""Anyone who fears a God, if not God and Jesus Christ, should be outraged," Wilkins said."
      How sad these idiots lives must be that the go around looking for symbols to support their goddamn "faith".
      The star or "Pentagram" is a natural symbol as the spiral is .....This is the person who would see Jesus in the piece of toast.
      The first poster is the one who would see Stoopid.

    14. Anonymous6:43 AM

      If this is the same person who was harassing Sunny and Breeze (and it sure sounds like it), Sunny should be informed.

    15. Anonymous6:46 AM

      Actually, the top commenter is a perfect example for this post. Deranged people have their individual axes to grind.

    16. Wow! You really need the free education President Obama wants for all Americans. Your grasp of the English language is slipping quickly. Actually it is already in deep doo doo. Get help quickly and maybe then we'll let you back. Or maybe not.
      Your ideas and opinions could use a little education as well. But-one thing at a time.

    17. Anonymous9:36 AM

      WOW! $arahPAC got a new 'writer'! O e who is capable of limited learning, and maybe even has her own blog somewhere that she knows the things about posting the unhinged stuff at the end of a long diatribe...
      You done well, newbie-troll! Earned your first few $!

    18. Anonymous10:05 AM

      so you hang out on gossip sites and Facebook all day, you know boring useless info about third rate celebs (like palin lol) yet you scold people to get a life.

    19. Anita Winecooler5:10 PM

      This is random. Did you know you can get Wang in Kohls?Not some cheap imitation, but a real bona fide Wang at Kohls!!! You sound like you could use a wang or three.

  2. Anonymous4:26 AM

    Well, just wait until she gets a look at her own country's flag!

  3. Anonymous4:30 AM

    I see slightly sideways stars. I would never in the world think there was anything evil in them. Thank goodness the bus has brakes and brake lights. Why can't we just sink the South?

    1. Anonymous9:18 AM

      She should call Track Palin, he'll take care of them satanic brake lights for her :-)

    2. Anonymous10:08 PM

      Beaglemom ~ Please don't sink me!

      As a liberal-minded Tennessean, it helps to choose to be amused :)

  4. These are the same kind of people who see Jesus in toast.

    1. Anonymous9:38 AM

      ... And the same who see a pentagon in several corporations flags, too (I believe for a while it was Procter and Gamble (sp?).

  5. Anonymous4:40 AM

    I understand your frustration, but asking "why are they allowed to procreate?" sounds like they need somebody's permission. You might want to change that.

    1. Anonymous7:05 AM

      They should require permission to procreate.

    2. Anonymous9:19 AM


      I don't know, I think Eugenics can be a useful tool, especially in the South.

    3. Anita Winecooler5:14 PM

      Actually, he makes a valid point. The woman swears she sees pentagrams on a schoolbus, can't be good for the kid's mental health.

  6. Anonymous4:43 AM

    Well, I guess if you can see Jesus in the water runoff of an overpass or on a toasted cheese sandwich or on the floor tile in an airport, (all actual "sightings", by the way), you can see Satanic symbols in a tail light. Just yesterday, I saw a caterpillar that looked just like Einstein! No, really.

    1. Anonymous9:39 AM

      Also, remember Jeebus in the butt colorings of some mutt?

    2. Anonymous3:26 PM

      The jeebus dog asshole really cracked me up.

      I see Bush's face almost daily in cow pies.

  7. Balzafiar4:50 AM

    If that silly woman would just crawl under the bus she would discover more -- much more. Why, look at that tailpipe! It's a phallic symbol. Obviously it's designed that way to make the kids think about having sex.

    Surely there must be other subliminal things going on under there to make her outraged for no good reason.

    That ignorant zealot needs to get a life.

    1. Anonymous9:20 AM

      The clitoritic converter is a real gem :-)

    2. Anonymous3:27 PM

      The dickshifts are fun.

  8. Looks like an old time sheriffs badge to me!

  9. A. J. Billings5:12 AM

    I wonder if Robyn Wilkins has ever looked at the stars on the rill 'Murican FLAG!

    Golly gee, dontcha know that the white stars on the blue field have FIVE points, so I'm bettin' she's going to blame that on Muslim Obama, even though that design was decided before President Obama was born.

    All you Christian churches have to take that satanic flag down RIGHT NOW and, better start burnin' the flag, cuz Jesus aint gonna save you !

    Also too, There are also at least ***49 ***other nations in the world that are using five pointed stars on their flags!

    So I guess each one should send representatives to this brainless boob in Tennesee to see what she'd like to do about it, since she's obviously got SO much wisdom for the entire planet

    1. Anonymous9:21 AM

      Ya ever noticed them red stripes on the flag? Red is the color of Satan ya know.

    2. Anonymous3:29 PM

      And harlots and the gop.

  10. Anonymous5:19 AM

    When you see the dead babies on the altar inside the bus ... then you will see this lady is right.

  11. Anonymous5:44 AM

    The horror. The horror.

  12. That's funny! Has she ever noticed that the Republican Party uses upside down five-pointed stars in it's logo?

  13. Anonymous5:56 AM

    Probably her parents were among those who spent the sixties listening to rock albums backwards at half speed (yes, they really did that - and admitted it) and shrieking about the satanic messages that were revealed. Obviously, they still haven't moved on. I'm pleased, actually. With this kind of advertising, is it any wonder religion isn't selling?

    1. Anonymous6:05 AM

      Ah yes, the sixties!
      Good times. Good times.
      Make Love Not War. LOL

    2. Anonymous6:37 AM

      That happened in the 80s, too.

    3. Anonymous9:24 AM

      I have it on good authority that if you play Ted Nugent's "Wang Dang Sweet Poontang" backwards it's just as bad.

    4. Anonymous12:15 PM

      I love a man of god and a good ole hymn. Brother Ted & Sister Sarah, the poster children for Atheism.

  14. Anonymous6:02 AM

    Why isn't there a smiley face on the lights instead? Or maybe the "Bat Man light" signal?

    Thanks for highlighting once again the issue of public mental health in our community, WMC.

  15. Anonymous6:08 AM

    The devil is in the details.

    1. No, no, it's in the delightbulbs. ;)

    2. Anonymous10:01 AM

      Nefer, your response is perfect!

    3. Anonymous3:32 PM

      Delovely Nef!

  16. Anonymous6:13 AM

    WMC Investigates: Shelby Co. Schools bus crashes
    Andy Wise
    Sep 24, 2014 04:04 PM
    (WMC) - Six school bus crashes -- and it's not even October.

    Shelby County Schools' private school bus contractor, Chicago-based Durham School Services, has had six school bus drivers involved in accidents -- some with either driver or student injuries -- since Aug. 19.

  17. Anonymous6:30 AM

    Sounds like this woman has been brainwashed by a cult.

  18. Spin the GD light 15 or 20 degrees and tell her to STFU.

    1. Anita Winecooler5:18 PM

      Twist her neck 360 degrees and write "We don't give a hoot" on her forehead.

  19. Anonymous6:48 AM

    Uh oh! They are on to us.

  20. Seriously? With all of the things going on in the world right now, this woman has to complain about tail lights on a bus???? She really needs to sort out her priorities!!!!

    1. Anonymous2:39 PM

      Unfortunately, she did sort out her priorities. It is Satan sneering at her from those tail lights. Unfortunately she also missed her medications.

  21. Anonymous8:02 AM

    By His New Standard, Phil Robertson Sounds More Muslim than Christian

    Duck Dynasty patriarch Phil Robertson, who infamously compared homosexuality to bestiality among other anti-gay statements, returned to Fox News’ Hannity last night and diagnosed the biggest problem in the world today: “No Jesus.”

    Sean Hannity asked Robertson why everyone is “walking on eggshells” around the term “radical Islam,” but instead of answering that question, the reality TV star went off on an elaborate “historical” rant about “five ideologies” of the 20th century, two of which he said are still vibrant: Islam and political correctness/atheism. The other three are Nazism, Shintoism and Communism.

    The big thing they are have in common, according to Robertson is “No Jesus.” And “murder.” As for the “murder” in “political correctism,” he said they’ve “killed about 55 million of their own children over the last 30 years.” Hannity did not ask Robertson to expand on that last point at all, immediately going back to his original line of questioning, but we can assume he was alluding to abortion.

    “America is now experiencing ‘No Jesus,’” Robertson continued, undeterred. “That’s why, when you have ‘No Jesus’ your morality disappears and the third thing that goes is your freedom.”

    Robertson described Christianity as “love God and love your neighbor,” as opposed to Islam, which says, “Submit to Muhammed, or we will kill you.”

    “Convert or die,” Hannity suggested.

    “Convert or die,” Robertson repeated.

    That assessment of Christianity vs. Islam is particularly striking given what Robertson said about ISIS when he appeared on Hannity’s show last September....

    1. Anonymous9:28 AM

      This duck-humping moron shouldn't be allowed to speak on any topic other than manufacturing duck calls. The right wing has some strange bedfellows, that's for sure.

    2. Anonymous9:38 AM

      Is he pbp on c4p? if I could figure Nugent's screen name-there are so many on there that come across as kill em all crazy.

    3. Anita Winecooler5:19 PM

      I'll get them a room at Motel 6.

  22. Anonymous9:14 AM

    The scariest party is not only do they procreate, but they procreate A LOT. (god tells 'em to ya know, whether they can feed 'em or not)

  23. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Please Note: The Reublican Party has the same upside down star symbol. Check Google Images. The Democratic Party still has the stars with the point at the top. The Republican Party turned the star on their logo upside down a few years ago. The "star" on their logo is 2 pointed at the top. Just key in "Republican Party." Hmmm? (Canadian Country Girl)

  24. Anonymous11:40 AM

    All i have to say to these types of people.

  25. Anonymous11:48 AM

    If you turn the Alaska Flag upside down, it's totally satanic. Benny Benson and the rest of the orphans were obviously tools of the devil. I don't even want to think about the message that The Alaska Flag Song has if you play it backwards.

    1. Balzafiar2:23 PM

      Speaking of all things Alaska, have you noticed what Todd, Sarah, Bristol and Willing look like turned upside down? It really is shocking what they've been keeping from us.

  26. God must roll His eyes a lot.

    1. Anonymous12:12 PM

      I see his eyes on the rear bumper of a 1974 Corvette. Not rolling, tho.

  27. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Isn't that the same symbol the teachers used to put on our spelling tests and math papers? Seems satanism has been with us for decades, at least.

  28. Anonymous1:52 PM

    As a non-Chrisian, I am no longer going o use "T" because i looks oo much like a Cross.

    Seriously, is a "Pentagram" even mentioned ONCE in the Bible?

  29. Randall2:51 PM

    psssst - hey lady - there are fifty "satanic" pentagrams on the American flag.
    And I saw one really BIG one over a manger at a nativity scene last Christmas too!

    1. Anita Winecooler5:21 PM

      You win the gold star!

  30. Anita Winecooler5:25 PM

    She's cuckoo for cocoapuffs. Look hard enough, long enough, and you'll find something that corrodes your brain. You're right, lady, Two pentagrams they are. But the brilliant thing is they send out GPS light rays that burn that sign into your retina.
    Care to borrow my grapefruit spoon?


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.