Friday, January 16, 2015

In response to belligerent and aggressive open carry advocates Texas House of Representatives installing panic buttons.

Courtesy of Raw Story:  

In the wake of increasingly large and frequent protests by the open carry movement, the Texas House of Representatives approved rules that would allow for the installation of panic buttons and give representatives the power to have “hostile” citizens summarily ejected from their offices, The Houston Chronicle reports. 

The day before these rules were passed, members of Open Carry Tarrant County spent time visiting the offices of lawmakers who opposed House Bill 195, which would overturn the state’s 125-year-long ban on openly carrying handguns. 

Two Democratic representatives — Poncho Nevarez and Celia Israel — claimed that members of Open Carry Tarrant County harassed them. A Facebook post by group member Kory Watkins bears out Nevarez’s claim:

Did you hear all of that? 

I swear the guy behind the camera phone, this Kory Watkins character, sounds like he is just looking for a reason to shoot somebody.

These idiots are proving everyday why it is important to have stricter gun control laws in this country.


  1. Anonymous6:31 AM

    "I'll show you 'mean'."

    --- Gun Goon

  2. Anonymous6:31 AM

    Is that the devil's symbol on that flag?

    And a penis?

  3. Anonymous6:34 AM

    Yeah guys, that thing on the flag doesn't look anything like a penis.

    It reminds me of the penis/bicep invitation from It's Always Sunny.

    1. Anonymous9:07 AM

      I love that show! Did you catch to first episode of the new season? It was so funny!

  4. Anonymous6:54 AM

    "I want you to leave my state". Geez. Poncho Nevarez couldn't have been nicer. It's a smart move to install Panic Buttons.

  5. Anonymous6:58 AM

    So, This is how it works? The open carry idiots can drag their asses when asked to leave, but no one can touch them? I agree that, "I'll show you mean" guy is looking for a reason. Yeah, these are the calm, level headed people I want walking the streets of Murika, protecting all of us.

    1. Anonymous1:49 PM

      And the "don't touch me" guy stuck his foot in the door so they couldn't close it.

      He's creepy!

  6. Anonymous6:59 AM

    And who are the terrorists, again????

    1. AKinPA9:40 AM

      This IS terrifying. How will Wayne LaPutrid justify this good guy with a gun?

  7. Anonymous7:03 AM

    Can you imagine if Tennessee mom from earlier post married "I'll show you mean" guy" ? We could have a whole new brood of Palin supporters! Hey! I tied all 3 posts together today! Do I get a prize or something?.... Gryphen?

  8. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Anonymous 6:59: You hit the nail right on the head. This group famously promoted the killer Veronica Dunnachie who shot her husband and his daughter. Then tried to scrub away the evidence she was even connected with the group. The comments section of this story are pretty predictable over on the gun site:

    These people still have not realized that once you post on the internet, it is pretty much searchable in one form or another, no matter what you do.

  9. Anonymous7:25 AM

    Oh, it gets even better here in Texas. The state legislature is set to pass a bill that you can open carry WITHOUT a permit. The state senator in support of the bill when describing why he supported it, said "you don't need a permit to go to church." I cannot wait until my daughter graduates high school, I can retire, and get the hell out of this state.

    1. Anonymous7:46 AM

      Ah, logic. Convoluted, but logic. You might want to head over the border to NM, but stay away from the border towns.

    2. Anonymous7:55 AM

      I live in a state where total open carry has always been allowed, and concealed carry is now allowed without a permit, and has been for some time now. Everything is fine. The sky never fell. It is not as big of a deal as you think.

    3. Anonymous8:02 AM

      I only hope you never encounter one of these jackholes who think that their right to carry arms trumps your right to have an opinion, feel safe, ask them to leave your property, etc., because I feel certain their 2nd Amendment is going to cause you some harm. May you survive the encounter

    4. Anonymous8:10 AM

      I'm not the OP, but it's not the sky falling that people are worried about. I'd love to see some objective research findings published in a peer reviewed journal that shows the impact of open/concealed carry without a permit on gun crimes and accidental shootings.

    5. Anonymous8:24 AM

      8:02, again, I've been here a long time, it isn't what you are imagining in your head, not even close- and I'm somewhat ambivalent one way or another on guns/control within reason. But to be perfectly frank, I feel much less safe regarding guns and general safety when I visit Chicago where I grew up, which does have strict gun control.

    6. Anonymous9:31 AM

      Carrying weapons isn't the concern for me, since we all know guns don't kill, it is the intelligence of those parading around with guns. I don't want a hot head with a chip on his shoulder getting into a gun battle at the local convenience store during a $20 robbery. I also don't want to eat my grand slam with my grand kids next to an idiot with an assault weapon.

    7. Anonymous9:59 AM

      Suck it, trolls.

    8. Anonymous1:59 PM

      7:55, are you in a sparsely populated state? Because that makes a difference.

      The ignorant and aggressive open carry thugs here in Texas make me want to rethink my ambivalence about guns. Except for the fact that I feel I need to be protected against THEM!

      They had no business continuing to berate those representatives. You're entitled to your opinion and then you're entitled to shut up. Just because they are elected, doesn't mean that anyone has a right to harass them.

  10. A J Billings7:59 AM

    The gun fanatics just keep making it better and better. I guess they like threatening their state reps, refusing to leave the state house, and want open carry everywhere.

    Just for fun, some guys have now got a device that will fit
    most AR and AK weapons that will essentially turn them into fully automatic machine guns, and the Feds have deemed it legal on a technicality

    So here's the bottom line now. Anyone 18 or older just needs the money for an AR15, buys 50 round clips, installs the bumpfire, and they have a war ready full auto long gun.

    No license needed, no ID check in most states because it's not a handgun.

    The longer I live, the more I think that we should subdivide the USA into two countries. Take all the states from Virginia south to Florida, and West to Missouri and Texas , up through Kentucky and just call it the Christian States of 'Murica.

    They can mandate a theocracy, keep women and girls in the home, promote guns for kids, and have their HandMaid's Tale utopia.

    1. Anonymous9:11 AM

      I bet if Abe Lincoln could have seen into the future he wouldn't have tried to stop them when they seceded in 1860.

  11. Anonymous8:33 AM

    Just read all the new posts since last night. Have one response to all.....Buy'em books and buy'em books and all they do is eat the covers!

  12. Anonymous10:28 AM

    GRYPH !!! It's TEXAS!!! Let them blow each other up until there is no one left. Sure will make the clean up less expensive before we turn it back over to Mexico.

  13. Anonymous1:41 PM

    I just came home from working with a group of unruly, low-functioning seventh graders. These guys behave exactly like those kids. Some people just stall out at the low middle-school level, I guess.

  14. Anonymous1:52 PM

    If any of these guys were a coworker, they would be the guy you'd avoid at all costs. I wouldn't want to be in the elevator, restroom, hallway, hell even in a meeting with them.

    The hair on the back of my neck stood up when I watched this. These are some scary dudes.

    1. Anonymous2:44 PM

      They are only scary when carrying weapons. Otherwise, they're petty bullies carrying a giant chips on their shoulders

    2. Anonymous3:36 PM

      True. They also have to travel in groups. Get them alone and they don't know what to do.

  15. Anita Winecooler5:00 PM

    They certainly are making the case FOR mental illness tests being mandatory for every gun sale. "HAve you read the constitution?" sez the nuts who have no clue what the constitution says. All in all, they were treated fairly nice, one of the guys was stuffing a donut or croissant or a bowel movement into his mouth. Shows good manual dexterity. Manners? Not so much.

  16. An European Viewpoint2:47 AM

    I wonder, how come they haven't thought already of open carrying in an airport ? Because, why not ?


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It just goes directly to their thighs.