Thursday, January 22, 2015

The women of "Funny or Die" apologize for that craptastic "Apology" anti-abortion ad featuring overbearing Christian men.

You all may recognize Baldy McControl Women's Vajajays there from my post last weekend.

I had a lot of fun pointing out how absurd it was for these men to be apologize for not forcing women to give birth to their demonic offspring.

And now the brilliant folks over at Funny or Die have also weighed in on the advertisement as well.

This from Jezebel:  

"I watched a terrible video," the first woman, Amanda One, says. 

 "I watched a very insulting video," offers Jennifer. 

"It's a bad video," says Amanda Two. 

The FOD ladies point out that the guys aren't the ones who actually had abortions and it's kind of ... odd?... that they insist that they did. 

"I didn't have an abortion," Amanda Two says. "And I wouldn't say that I had an abortion if I didn't personally have an abortion." 

"I'm sorry that video exists," Amanda One says. 

"I'm sorry it's so easy to make videos," Jennifer agrees. 

"Any fool can just grab a camera, say some stuff and make some women feel bad," Amanda Two says pensively.

The women go on to point out that the men were specific enough about their past female partners for some to possibly identify who they were talking about,  and that they might suffer embarrassment or harassment because of that.

Not that these men care. After all for them it is all about the fetus.

Here is the Funny or Die video. Enjoy.


  1. "Not that these men care. After all for them it is all about the fetus."
    It isn't even really about the fetus. It is about controlling the woman who is carrying the fetus. They claim to care about the fetus but they don't.

    If they did care about this "precious, irreplaceable, unique" human life before birth, they would also care after birth. But they don't.

    If women didn't get pregnant, they would be "apologizing" for "allowing" a woman to dye her hair or any other activity that might lead people to the foolish conclusion that a woman is an autonomous human being capable of and entitled to carry out independent thought and decision-making.

    1. Anonymous8:48 AM

      I think they care something for the fetus as it contains part of THEIR sacred DNA. They treasure it as a marginal reflection of their own marvelous selves. These guys come across as totally self-centered and controlling.

      The spoof was excellent.

    2. Anonymous8:49 AM

      And if they don't want some woman controlling their DNA, they shouldn't give it away. Once it leaves your body, it doesn't belong to you any more. So put a glove on it.

  2. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Since we're speaking of predatory men:

    Larry Wilmore Goes After Cosby For A Whole Episode Of 'The Nightly Show' (VIDEO)

    Larry Wilmore decided to get straight to the heavy material on the second night of Comedy Central's post-Stephen Colbert era "The Nightly Show."

  3. Anonymous7:13 AM

    I helped start the religious right. This is how we sought to undermine secular America -- and build a theocracy

    ...Palin was first inflicted on the American public by Sen. John McCain, who chose her as his running mate in the 2008 presidential election for at least one big reason: He needed to shore up flagging support from the Evangelical Republican antiabortion base. McCain wanted to prove that he was fully in line with the “social issues” agenda that Dad, Koop and I had foisted on our country more than 30 years before. Palin lost the election for McCain but “won” her war for fame and fortune.

    She presented herself as called by God and thus cast in the Old Testament mold of Queen Esther, one chosen by God to save her people. Palin perfected the Jesus Victim “art” of Evangelical self-banishment and then took victimhood to new levels of “success” by cashing in on white lower-middle-class resentment of America’s elites.

    Palin made a fortune by simultaneously proclaiming her Evangelical faith, denouncing liberals and claiming that she would help the good God-fearing folks out there “take back” their country. This “Esther” lacked seriousness. But born-again insiders knew that the “wisdom of men” wasn’t the point. Why should the new Queen Esther bother to actually finish her work governing Alaska? God had chosen her to confound the wise!

    So she became a media star and quit as governor of Alaska. Then she battled “Them”—the “lamestream media” (as she labeled any media outlets outside of the Far Right subculture)—in the name of standing up for “Real Americans.” Palin used the alternative communication network that had its roots deeply embedded in those pioneering 1970s and 1980s Evangelical TV shows and radio shows that I used to be on just about every other day. She did this to avoid being questioned by people who didn’t agree with her. By not actually governing or doing the job she’d been elected by Alaskans to do, and by using the alternative media networks as an “outsider”—all the while reacting to and demanding attention from the actual (theoretically hated) media—Palin also made buckets of money.

  4. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Inside the catastrophic collapse of the Catholic right

    Once a major political force with the power to derail presidential campaigns, right-wing Catholicism is in decline

  5. Boscoe8:00 AM

    Meh, haven't those dudes been outed as members of the church drama club yet? I'm betting their stories were about as real as all those people whose photos appeared in the "Republicans are people too" ads.

    Remember, conservatives are gutsy-feely "ends justify the means" people. They have no problem lying to your face as long as they "believe in their heart" that what they're saying *might* turn out to be true maybe someday possibly, who can say, anything's possible, right?

    I have to admit I'm impressed that they went to the actual trouble of filming these guys rather than just putting up a bunch of stock photos with a dramatic voice-over.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.